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File: 207 KB, 700x1683, 1474279738489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11772218 No.11772218 [Reply] [Original]

Is black L /fa/?

>> No.11772251


>> No.11772538


>> No.11772879

>they should have cast MC ride he would have made a good L

>> No.11772908



>> No.11774771

The movie is going to be one big meme anyway

>> No.11774869


>> No.11775008
File: 55 KB, 180x348, 10400525_netflix-death-note-bts-featuring-keith-stanfield_te11fd9d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty aesthetic tbqh. Movie's gonna be shit though

>> No.11775061

Cmom Death Note was fucking great and now they're gonna fuck it up with a IRL adaptation

>> No.11775085

>nigger as L
>jawlet faggot from preteen books turned movie is light
multiculturalism ruins everything. just make them both asian.

>> No.11775158

Why make them asian if its not based in Japan anymore?

>> No.11775180

why completely change the setting of a remake
>hey guys, lets make titanic again but on a submarine in the indian ocean full of gypsy women

>> No.11775220

Because Titanic is based on history you retard

You just want to watch the exact same movie again and again with different actors?

>> No.11775227

Why did they have to have and make him a negro?

>> No.11775240

>put drama on a sinking boat and you have history
>same movie with different actors
>tv series

>> No.11775431
File: 32 KB, 284x462, Lfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ this is so fucking cringy.
I get that the anime is edgy as fuck but L is supposed to be palewave, drapey and barefoot because he doesn't give a fuck and always wear the same clothes. As opposite to slick formal and dark clothes of Light Yagami. They literally got everything wrong. What the fuck this grinds my gears so hard.

>> No.11775915

Yeah I'm sure a full asian cast will go over well. You want producers to put millions of dollars into a movie staring asian no-names for the sake of being PC. Its marketing 101. try living in the real world.

>> No.11775930

>being this autistic
hang yourself my dude

>> No.11775933

Is this image from the manga? How is it full colour.

>> No.11776032

manga artists do colour illustrations all the time

>> No.11776054

There's already been IRL adaptations that were pretty dece

>> No.11776068

well it can't be worse than the anime am i right guys

>> No.11776074
File: 339 KB, 680x680, 1470179278505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11776234

Is L pledging allegiance to isis in that last pic?

>> No.11776776

L should be

>> No.11776857


>> No.11776867

L is going to be black!?

>13 year old me is so confused
>is this to be pc

>> No.11776878

he looks like a character from naruto, not death note

>> No.11778861

no they weren't.

>> No.11778900

It triggers me that they've cast only cast one Asian, and it's as Watari - the fucking guy from Winchester. That's some heavy bullshit there

Why not make Masuda or someone like that Asian, someone who would make fucking sense?

>> No.11778928

clearly the answer to this is the american film not existing.

>> No.11779206

Boo hoo. no asians in my chinese cartoon adaptation. the names are different so its not the same characters anymore. there is nothing wrong here. stop being so autistic.

>> No.11779593
File: 54 KB, 500x500, Rc9hobB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Couldn't replicate L's hair due to his genetics
>Had to substitute it with a hoodie

>> No.11779602

to be fair, not many white people could either

>> No.11779608

setting aside the Taiwanese comic strip thing, this fit is actually very effay

I like how skinny his legs are compared to the drapey, oversized top, it makes him look all skeletal and disproportionate which is exactly the vibe I got from L.

It kinda makes me think of Yohji meets Rick.

>> No.11779903

Did you even read my comment, you fucking dip?

I'm not mad it has no Asians, I'm mad they made one of the only non-Asian characters into one. If you're going to case an Asian dude, why not get him to play a character who's actually supposed to be Asian?

>> No.11779929

That's simply wrong.

>> No.11779943

>Let's make this japanese anime more progressive by making one of the main characters known for being a pale ass dude, black.

>> No.11779945

id on shoes pls

>> No.11779968

isn't that paperboy's sidekick?

>> No.11780014

fuck, is that a movie? no way someone irl looks that cool

>> No.11780022
File: 259 KB, 1284x980, 1446499312835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Willem Dafoe as Ryuk

This is going to be great

>> No.11780060

They're all 'supposed' to be asian. And how is Watari not Japanese. That's the most japanese ass name I've ever heard.

>> No.11780083
File: 101 KB, 394x513, 1371217567404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L appearing in public

>> No.11780543

I mean, if you'd read the manga, you'd know that Watari and L are both from England, and meant to be white. So no, they're not all supposed to be nips

This is legitimately what I've been saying the whole time, you illiterate fuck. That it makes no sense to cast an asian guy as one of the few roles in the main cast that aren't meant to be asian

>> No.11780555

Yeah it really fucks with the dynamics of their relationship.

Can finally ship non gook actors and they go and ruin it all.

>> No.11780860

You're simply a retard