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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 818x451, turrell_skyspace5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11765212 No.11765212 [Reply] [Original]

Old one at 3hunned

>find other /fa/gs at your school
>discuss classes/work/social shit

you know the drill

Wheres the other Rice dude from the other thread?

>> No.11765312


>> No.11765315

Anyone in the University of Washington?

>> No.11766098

Are there any effay schools/cities in the US besides NYU? Was planning on killing myself if I don't get in, do are there any other good options out there

>> No.11766242

Art school is really effay

>> No.11766800

um yeah a lot. Do more research m8

>> No.11766832


>> No.11766837

Who UofT SG here?

>> No.11766866

what's good

>> No.11766871

Isolation and depression, you?

What college you at?

>> No.11767162
File: 9 KB, 367x137, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know theres a few of u on here.

why is the social scene so dead freshman year?? I'm not even that autistic and theres still nothing to do

>> No.11767203
File: 28 KB, 350x178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uni of seasonal depression and getting flexed on by koreans, whats good?

>> No.11767306

where my santa Monica college fuccbois at, used to be at university of Washington but turns out i can't pass my classes on meth and heroin who knew

>> No.11767916
File: 98 KB, 900x900, DrexelU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw someone replied to my post in the last thread, but I never saw it

>> No.11767920
File: 127 KB, 720x720, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11767922

Ayyyyyyyy that's my home town. Waddup

>> No.11767952
File: 613 KB, 2126x1445, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my uni building

>> No.11768255
File: 10 KB, 469x280, UEA_NEW_BRAND_Magenta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /UEAfresher/ here?

>> No.11768381

retaking the sat in 2 weeks. I have a 2050 and need a 1500+ on the new one, any tips my niggas?

>> No.11768393

Reminds me of this girl who went to my school back when I was a sophmore and she was a senior she jumped in traffic and killed herseld because she didn't get into the school she wanted. Idiocy at it's best.

>> No.11768459
File: 371 KB, 1024x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabelli boys

>> No.11768465
File: 262 KB, 1015x1024, Seattle_University_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all you faggots, bros and trans women of color

get me out of here

>> No.11768487
File: 39 KB, 327x366, NU Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11768638


new, wbu?

>> No.11768665
File: 32 KB, 350x178, binghamton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too god damn hot

>> No.11768755
File: 73 KB, 721x173, mit_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they take good care of me

>> No.11768758

i know 3 people who go there, and one of my really good friends. all they do is smoke weed, drink, and play music.

>> No.11768760


>> No.11768762

MIT boys are blessed

>> No.11768765
File: 939 KB, 542x435, Davis and Elkins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schools a shithole. dont come here

>> No.11768766

Everyone is so eager to do the SAT in October, why not November or December?

>> No.11768770
File: 171 KB, 995x663, 0_4200_0_2800_one_welcome-to-pratt-institute-jr021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starving art hoe here.

>> No.11768776
File: 169 KB, 937x1024, Makara_UI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.11768788

yo it's not hard to get a 1500+ I didn't study or give a shit really and I got almost a 1600, I'm not insanely smart either just kinda average. the new SAT is a whole lot easier than the old one.

>> No.11768791


Want to hang sometime?

>> No.11768795

Why did you choose to go to some shitty school in West Virginia?

>> No.11768813

>Going to Pratt for art and not Design

>> No.11768820

lol it is design but it's also art. architecture m8.

>> No.11768831
File: 20 KB, 747x747, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11768839

Want to hang out with a pleb who didn't make it into MIT and went to northeastern instead?

>> No.11768868

do as many practice questions as possible.

>> No.11768876
File: 356 KB, 572x380, 1388222210360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your campus is ugly as sin

>> No.11768880


your school sucks on every level.

>> No.11768882

Just graduated from Tulane, but I'm moving to just north of the U District in less than a week

>> No.11768887



>> No.11769003

nice meme

>> No.11769226
File: 9 KB, 324x194, shoreline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at this CC in Washington? I'm starting in winter

>> No.11769272

So I'm in my second year of Community College and I'm trying to transfer a University by January but I have no clue how to do a college applications and I'm in need of help

>> No.11769303

Getting into NYU is easy, paying for it is not.

>> No.11770291

Where are all the UMBC anons?

>> No.11770295

Yeah, weathers real weird. When it's sub zero ill be wishing for the heat tho.

>> No.11770302
File: 48 KB, 300x300, seal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I go to the least effay school in the country, someone please prove me wrong/help me

>> No.11770310
File: 478 KB, 1260x500, eddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most effay campusl in NYC reporting in. Who Fordham here?

>> No.11770314

lol used to go to the bars at fordham a lot last year, blend is the shit/fuck howl

>> No.11770331

>I didn't study or give a shit really and I got almost a 1600
>I'm not insanely smart either just kinda average

If your average is the top 5% of high schoolers then yeah.

>> No.11770342

>University of Minnesota

of course not.

>> No.11770348
File: 22 KB, 150x150, UPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Puget Sound, the prettiest liberal arts college on the west coast.

>> No.11770350


>> No.11770353

you go there or you just in the bronx?

>> No.11770356

I go to Maritime which is like 20 minutes from Fordham. I also have a lot of friends that go there rn

>> No.11770378
File: 18 KB, 350x272, dont know which is worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11770395

Where my commuters that live with their parents and never been to a party and all their freinds moved out of this shitty town at?

>> No.11770400

dope. I think i met some dude from maritime in the white castle one night. But, anything could have happened on that night.

>> No.11770406

right here, my dude

>> No.11770410

haha fuck yeah, Ive done/encountered so much fucked up shit in that white castle. Also you can always tell the maritime freshmen apart because they are the only ones with the shaved heads. Im just glad I'm a sophomore now and dont need to do that

>> No.11770412
File: 5 KB, 213x237, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who 1862 land-grant here?

>> No.11770487

There are tons of schools on par or better than NYU. dedicate like a day to just researching different schools and you will find this out for yourself

>> No.11770549

a 1500+ score is 99+% percentile

>> No.11770629

is this some sort of new sat or something, i got a 1960 and theres no way 1600 is 95th percentile

>> No.11770655

anyone go to loyola university new orleans? very depressed i want to find some friends here
am soph too

>> No.11770664

No way, I have like 5 t shirts I've been rotating for the past 4 weeks

>> No.11770667

yo, i went there for a year and a half. i'm doing generals at normandale while i figure my major out. gonna go back next fall. what's good?

>> No.11770771

yep, new SAT score range is between 400 and 1600. They have a converter for old to new and vice versa.

>> No.11771042

This, although getting into NYU has some good name recognition

>> No.11771050
File: 82 KB, 2400x1417, UMN-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11771069

willing to bed you're a medill cuck

>> No.11771077

What are the best universities in Texas for Academics and Effay-ness?

>> No.11771079

want to kms


>> No.11771085
File: 29 KB, 189x143, kcl-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King's College London

>who /didntgotoicebreaker/ here?

>> No.11771100

Besides the crippling depression, do you recommend the school? Like New Orleans a lot but I don't think I can get into Tulane

>> No.11771114


t. Seattle U student

>> No.11771174
File: 421 KB, 1675x1675, chodesrollege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11771227

its cool, i guess just depends on what kind of people u wanna be around

>> No.11771236

If you can't figure out how to apply to a university, then you really don't belong there...

>> No.11771237

theres gotta be at least one of you in colorado

uccs here

>> No.11771243

UT and Rice are the only answers

>> No.11771249

University of Chicago anyone? 3rd best school in the country (should be #1)

>> No.11771253

who KU here?

>> No.11771260

Haha, Thinking about going there, but my grades are pretty mediocre at best.

>> No.11771296

Texas state boi

>> No.11771299

Then you probably won't get in unless there is something extraordinary about you

>> No.11771306

Lol god no

>> No.11771335

Hopefully, I need to know how to sell myself m then again, my hopes for getting into this college is already so low I could care less.

>> No.11771453

Columbia is twice as effay as NYU

>> No.11771457

Is PPE the most effay major? Would have applied to the college at Oxford but it's pretty much impossible for Americans to get in.

>> No.11771467

London met anybody?

>> No.11771472

looking for UMSL

>> No.11771566

I'm com design bitch

>> No.11771882
File: 185 KB, 1200x335, UNAM_Ciudad_Universitaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11771925

No girls on tinder want a loser who lives with his parents

>> No.11772308


>> No.11772679

lol good luck, been here for a year, 2 friends dropped out already. goes to show reputation means shit

>> No.11772687
File: 49 KB, 768x584, QueensLogo_colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the 2 other dudes that are out here at?

>> No.11772707
File: 126 KB, 640x480, teams%2F161%2Fiona-college-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think at this point it's only me. I'm debating on transferring even though they have an internship I want badly.

>> No.11772725
File: 11 KB, 252x208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If u like asians and BAPE this is the place

>> No.11772748

UCSC here
help me please

>> No.11772758
File: 50 KB, 272x338, Western_Sydney_University_emblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who povo ausfags?

>> No.11772774

Sounds like NYU

>> No.11772803


I'm Fordham too mate

The campus might be effay but everything else in the immediate area isn't

I'm really just counting down the days until I can transfer to NYU tbqh

>> No.11772819

UNLV anyone?

>> No.11772842

I go to a private pharmacy college about 15 minutes away. Koreans are also a problem here.

>> No.11772876

why is it hard for americans?

>> No.11773653

I'm at Rh and the culture fucking sucks. It feels like a state school and arthur ave feels like a college town inside NYC. It's a good blend of both worlds but it was not what I expected from a school in the city. Also everyone here dresses like shit apart from the chinese transfer students

>> No.11773735
File: 513 KB, 1974x2852, po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11773737

Anybody here at Creighton?

>> No.11773769
File: 18 KB, 360x359, UL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other architecture bros here?

>> No.11773924

It's a huge inconvenience to get to anywhere relevant in New York, which happens to be everywhere else. I came all the way from California and it's terrible since it seems like I'm the only person who wants to leave campus. Arthur ave is also like a walmart off-brand version of Little Italy.

>> No.11774007

What year are you? I'm a freshman and it's nice that the bars are cheap and no where here ID's, but it's a 30-40m train ride to get into Manhattan which is annoying.

>> No.11774116
File: 141 KB, 1700x1605, iowa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Least fashionable school in the country. Decent music scene though.

>> No.11774147


>> No.11774201


>> No.11774244


>> No.11774280
File: 124 KB, 800x600, menzies-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monash University, Australia
Our Uni was /fa/ once
now it's degenerated into a cluttered up mess, I wish I could study at a place that looks like this

>> No.11774299

how come

>> No.11774311

Temple university, close enough right?

>> No.11775022

what dorm

it's not dead u just gotta get connections friend

>> No.11775058

Im here too

>> No.11775155

Brooklyn & 42nd heah

>> No.11775278

this, one of the most average unremarkable girls i knew somehow got in but transferred to my local shitty state school after sophomore year cause it cost to much, she's in like 80k debt already

dumb bitch

>> No.11775294
File: 416 KB, 800x738, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11775334
File: 58 KB, 600x600, Logo_of_University_of_Houston_Athletics_(alternate)[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coogbro here

>ruck fice

>> No.11775357

Hey, I'm not the guy, but I'm at will rice. What college?

>> No.11775371 [DELETED] 
File: 913 KB, 2448x3264, Herzstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice dude here

I'll make you a deal OP: Rice isn't that big so we should be able to find each other. Every time you see a /fa/ looking guy around campus say to them "What's cooking good looking?" and eventually we will find each other.

>> No.11775385
File: 56 KB, 325x325, Oxy Crest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11775390

What's up boys? Ready to wake up two hours early to fight traffic to get to 8 AMs on time?


>> No.11775404
File: 483 KB, 880x587, df028880-aerial-University-Washington-campus-Seattle-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Washington checking in. Non of the other schools I've seen posted can compete desu. The fashion here is shit though, and there are too many asians.

>> No.11775422


Lol Rice is 15. I don't see UW in the top 30... I know it's a good school and all but damn that's some serious west coast elitism y'all got going on

>> No.11775434

yeah me bro

>> No.11775437

Can you catch fish off the shore there?

>> No.11775449

what year familia?

>> No.11775472
File: 552 KB, 1024x676, berkeleycampus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Berkeley bros at

Getting pretty sick of this place. It's virtually impossible to explore what you want due to the sheer amount of people here. Clubs need applications, student taught classes need applications, everything is overcrowded as fuck. The beginning of every semester feels like a damn job hunt.

>> No.11775556
File: 167 KB, 808x872, ss+(2016-09-15+at+06.16.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I need real friends into fashion. If you've seen me around let me know

>> No.11775599

Thinking of going into UW, is it true that their CS program is very selective?

>> No.11775604

where tf is that, lower?

>> No.11775608

first year

>> No.11775611

UW CS is SUPER selective. Like <25% of applicants easy. If you aren't top of your class you're pretty likely to either transfer or change majors sophomore year so you aren't wasting time on a pipe dream. It's really shitty because they're well aware of how good their program is and they have more than enough room to grow it.

>> No.11775616

Aww man...

>> No.11775634

It's made worse by the fact that the informatics department is less likely to accept you if it's not your first choice major, so they take out a lot of people's backups too.

My honest recommendation would be to go there if you get direct admit for sure, but if you're dead set on CS it'd be best to keep alternatives in mind so you don't have to deal with transferring if that falls through.

>> No.11775656

Oh shit same kek

>> No.11775664
File: 66 KB, 546x593, CPP-logogreen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved in two days ago fresh as fuck

>> No.11775788

Is going to regular admission not a good idea?

>> No.11775962

Why did they drop out? Didn't like it or it was too hard?

>> No.11775964

because american high school education is worthless

>> No.11775966

did she reject you or something? you sound angry

>> No.11775972

regular columbiafag here, this is not me

Sidenote why are you bragging about a school you presumably don't go to

>> No.11775975
File: 13 KB, 280x180, CU quad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I remember a few threads ago there were like four people that go here/were about to be freshman. Wya

>> No.11775979

very accurate in this context. In UK high school the subjects we study are very focused so someone applying for math to UK unis will be much better at math than the typical american doing the same. Of course there are exceptions, but these universities can be accessed only by americans with things that really make them stand out, whereas many americans get into elite schools in the US just by virtue of being generally strong and well rounded

>> No.11775982

hey since i have a britfag here, your a-levels: are they just the results you get in your final exams or do all of the grades you get in those two years count into your final grade?

>> No.11776018

Got no car so gotta wake up extra early for the bus :D :D :D

>> No.11776063

depends on how many credits you have. Classes are restricted by major and I have friends who had to take a full semester of non-CS courses to wait for regular admission and it put them behind in th long run

>> No.11776085

Does anyone live in Charlotte, NC?

>> No.11776086


any edinburgh man in

>> No.11776104



Come here so I can kick your ass

>> No.11776176
File: 58 KB, 520x178, Australian_National_University_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canberra, the nation's capital

>> No.11776205

not >>11775979 but >>11772876

heres the system
1. do gsces
2. pick AS's (normallly 4)
3. do exams, get results
4. pick A2's (normally 3)
5. apply to uni (5 max, 4 for medicine, cant apply to both oxford and cambridge) with a specific course.
6. get offers from unis based on gsce's, AS results, personal statement, interviews (oxbridge, medicine), specialist exams. the offer may be unconditional (they want you that much) or is something like "AAB with an A in Maths" (based on your A2 results)
7. pick 1st choice and 2nd choice uni's, reject the rest
8. do A2 exams, get results
9. get into 1st choice (hopefully) if meet the offer, else the 2nd choice if you get their offer, else get in nowhere (except Clearing)

UCAS is actually a really good system. education is one of the things we do better than america.

>> No.11776211

oh i forgot to answer the question:

the offer is A-LEVEL = AS + A2.
so the entire thing counts towards the grade (though the A* grade requires 90% in the A2).

we can also re-take shitty AS exams to get the entire grade up.

>> No.11776244

thank you! a friend of mine actually really messed up their a2 exams and is re-taking them next year, i wouldn't have thought that was possible.

>> No.11776476

mcm junior

What year are you

>> No.11776492
File: 116 KB, 1181x1483, Cambridge-University-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11776514
File: 53 KB, 1024x274, UniOfLeicesterLogo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going here next year (taking a gap year at the moment).

Really wanted to go to Manchester, don't know how I'm feeling about Leicester at the moment. Considering reapplying but I don't know if I'd get in with my 3 B's (Manchester want AAB). It would be risky.

>> No.11776533

yeah our system is really accomodating, and depending on the school you go to they will let you do whatever you want (e.g. a full a level in a single year, or an extra AS in year 13) as long as you show your capable. how flexible is american education? is't kafkaesque dystopia as its portrayed?
good luck to your friend, fäm.

>> No.11776542

WASPs reporting in

>> No.11776546
File: 16 KB, 300x300, Ryerson-University.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where you guys at?

>> No.11776565

Nation's capital and a shithole. My condolences.

>> No.11776578

Got offered the most $$$$$

>> No.11776659

who here /gvsu/

>> No.11776677
File: 77 KB, 1086x349, bme_logo_kicsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11776765

If ur into fashion lets meet up

>> No.11778292

Oh fuck, I'm going there in the spring term. I've heard outing club knows how to turn up, and ski club probably too.

>> No.11778789

wow I actually go here too

>> No.11778827

Hell yeah

>> No.11779133

What dorm you in hitta

>> No.11779394

ayy what year and program senpai

>> No.11779434
File: 44 KB, 1216x362, CSUSB_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

job fair tomorrow, slacks or chinos? glasses or contacts?

>> No.11779493
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, UCSanDiego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UCSD here. Losing hope that SD will ever be fashionable

>> No.11779595

Bell young. what about you?

>> No.11779668

Me, railed 1g of mdma instead though lol

>> No.11779692

Siena here

>> No.11779701

>how flexible is american education? is't kafkaesque dystopia as its portrayed?

Our public schools are generally terrible.
And even if you go to a good school, the college process is absurd. You pretty much have to do at least 10 extracurriculars and be the president/mvp of each to get into a good school. So people spend high school studying subjects they don't care about and doing activities they don't enjoy just to study at uni. British system makes infinitely more sense.

>> No.11779705

>why are you bragging about a school you presumably don't go to
Why would you presume that. You sound like an insufferable faggot desu

>> No.11779727

What's good?
The rain soaked me on the way in today and I had to sit all wet in my lectures.

Best city on Earth mate

>> No.11779831

i'm not american, i'm german and i don't find it very flexible desu.

>> No.11779914

>Getting pretty sick of this place. It's virtually impossible to explore what you want due to the sheer amount of people here. Clubs need applications, student taught classes need applications, everything is overcrowded as fuck. The beginning of every semester feels like a damn job hunt.
from berkeley, fuck this place
literally fuck eecs and how hard it is

>> No.11780009


>> No.11780321


>> No.11780325
File: 1.47 MB, 1696x2128, old_dorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eyy Oxbridge. 2nd year Worcester here, promised myself I won't spend all my money on balls this year but it's looking unlikely

Also I have a set this year, so fucking pleased, all about that panelling


>> No.11780331
File: 13 KB, 375x206, 125yr_logo_375x206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11780687


Hello fellow owls.

Catch that sunset last night?

>> No.11780854

I was at Exeter university yesterday, will be again next week. It's a real nice place, got friends there.

Cornish here btw

>> No.11780871
File: 13 KB, 618x212, logo_university_of_amsterdam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long shot but yeah

>> No.11780882

>uni flooded
>had to dress up
>so beyond prepared

>> No.11780895

Hey guys, I'm going to my local state school, I'm commuting therefore, am paying nothing. I will have literally no debt whatsoever, in fact they're giving me money as a surplus. Should I just stick it through here and just bank on a better environment in grad school? The vibe here is basic af, not a bad school at all, but is transferring next year worth the unneeded debt? Any advice or opinions would be valued as I'm like a babe in the woods.

>> No.11780910

Hey there.

>> No.11780925

University of Easy Access

>> No.11780928


Not enough tradesmens for the economy either already. The uni meme has gone too far.

>> No.11780929


>> No.11780936
File: 161 KB, 1818x699, hays_1336837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11780967
File: 7 KB, 250x250, photo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me find where the other /fa/ kids are

>> No.11780997

Ya dude right here bruh
are u the ayyylmao fukin w/the raf hi-tops???

>> No.11781108

I am in Chapel Hill. UNCC is a shitshow but maybe that's not what you're on about

>> No.11782039

I think getting into a club is literally harder than getting a job. You always feel like you're perpetually behind everyone else.

>> No.11782487

which college brah

>> No.11782522

ay freshman at rh here senpai

>> No.11782540
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Who else hates life?

>> No.11782581
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hows mempho

>> No.11782616
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Hopefully soon...

>> No.11782751
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>> No.11782902

seems like im the only one at LC. im freshmen, went up to RH once and can agree with lack of fa up there. can't really say too much about RH, but i guess its nice for campus and traditional college experience.

LC has alot more international students than i expected, lots of typical fob asians but also some really fa ones as well. i think its like 70% female to 30% male at LC b.c we have literally no sports, and the gym sucks ass. upper east side is an okay part of manhattan, hells kitchen is good for eating, but im more used to going to down/midtown to hang out.

>> No.11782957

RH feels like a state school, LC feels more like one would expect an urban school to feel.

>> No.11782962

I'm in sixth

>> No.11782971

I will agree. Lots of normalfag gym shorts and a tshirt fashion, but you gotta admit some of the nonstreetwear asians have some proper fits.

>> No.11782982
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>> No.11783006

U of T sg here too...i stay at chestnut

>> No.11783048

I'm trying to do my essay not the application

>> No.11783121

I go to Columbia

you're either a disgusting faggot for going here and bragging about it, or you're some wannabe that borrows the prestige of schools they weren't accepted to just to make other people feel bad

I'm so tired of meeting people here that think they are hot shit for getting in. Sure the acceptance rate is low but literally 99% of you are still fucking retarded

>> No.11783131

Who /communitycollege/ here?

>> No.11783140

michigan state. half the time i have work or lab so i just throw on work pants and a tshirt. chemistry owns and i graduate in the spring, then fuck yall i'm going out west to study nanomaterials for 5 years

>> No.11783144

shit anon same here

>> No.11783360

I did my undergrad there.

>> No.11783383

If you are looking for "effay" Asian girls. UT Dallas has a ton of them.

>> No.11783390
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who ut austin

>> No.11783394

Not sure where Huck goes, but I am pretty sure he is from Austin.

>> No.11783397


>> No.11783403

CSULA / Cal state LA anyone?

>> No.11783406
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Nyu soph here

Does anyone else fucking hate it here? Everything is expensive, courses are easy as shit, clubs are boring and awkward, greek life doesn't exist, there's no way to be social without already knowing ppl before, and everyone dresses like a tumblr meme.

Any school not Stern feels like its a for-profit college, no one is happy, no one I've met actually likes it here, if you're thinking about going here, go to Columbia instead, its far more respected and worthwhile as a uni

>> No.11783597

That the uni zizek works for?

>> No.11783611

Went there first semester then fucked up and now attend ELAC. You a native?

>> No.11784014

>who povo ausfags?
Sorry love. 99.6 Atar, first year at USYD Law

>> No.11784210
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ayyy senpai what's good
first year PhD here, UofC is fucking incredible
Orientation week for is turning out to be 6 department-sponsored beers a day with free food and socializing
What're you studying mate?

>> No.11784241


I'm a third year boyo where are you from and what do you study?

>> No.11784322

I was gonna go to UT Dallas but I'd rather just stay in Austin and go to regular UT instead

>> No.11784418
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Anyone else here from Miami university?

>> No.11784972
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Pretty good

>> No.11784975

UvA student here

>> No.11784995

Went to St. Eds, had fun crashing y'alls parties when I went to west campus .

My company is paying for my grad school soon, any info on your statistics or math masters programs? Undergrad was in Econ, but if I continue with that I'd take the Econometrics route.

>> No.11785009

Found the JEW

>> No.11785044

I visited UCSD once and I saw a white manbun boy in RO runners.

A kid from my high school goes there n he's always wearing slp and common projects boots and shit.

triton eye though not a lot of pretty people there

>> No.11785066 [DELETED] 

I can't believe how many people are falling for the university meme and pissing away their parents trust funds on degrees which are frivolous at best.

Now, it's delusional to think that education is not the foundation of a productive society, but the belief that you need to jump through hoops starting from the age of 12 right to 22 just to prove yourself to society is pretty much the epitome of beta. I mean, if I want to learn how to lay a hardwood floor the fuck should I have to minor in politics (ie kike brainwashing)? That's why there are so few leaders in university, everyone bucks various political, social, and fashion trends in order to be accepted and number graded. And for what? to be further degraded by a boss, then a wife who will cheat on you with tyrone, a system that will fuck you over with taxes, and a pension system that may or may not be there when you retire.

I'm not saying don't seek knowledge, but when you compare the success rate/ happiness of college cucks versus those who hustled and built an empire, those who got into fields like sales and hustled their way with hard work to six figure incomes, those who learned trades, getting paid as they earned, those who created their own niche markets, and those who blazed their own trail, it becomes apparent who the alphas and who the betas are.

It's so sad to see a whole generation of children who are brought up on promises of wealth and prestige only to graduate tens of thousands in debt, have to struggle with unpaid internships while thier peers who learned plumbing or sold cars/houses/furniture, buy cadillacs and mercedes and nice big houses in the burbs. Meanwhile collegecucks keep telling themselves "soon I'll move out of my moms, soon i'll have that income I researched, soon I'll be appreciated for my hard work". It's sad.

Is it prestige you want? Well shit, just spend that $6000 for books, on a 1992 geo tracker, the official car of /fa/ and you'll be looked at as an alpha everywhere you go.

>> No.11785070 [DELETED] 
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forgot pic

>> No.11785076

I think it was pretty good without the pic, almost like a longer walk the dinosaur without greentext.

>> No.11785085

anon the tide is turning. i wish you knew how many people go to my community college not for some bullshit degree like fashion but for civil engineering, surveying, radiography and nursing. universities are nothing more than factories where cultural marxism is propagated in not even a subtle way either. the whole problem is job turn over anyway. why the fuck are people going to hire you because you majored in music appreciation? i dont get it, if anyone could explain it to me

>> No.11785496



Shit, do you walk to campus?

>> No.11785502

Ayy what's good

>> No.11785556

what's your field of study mane?

>> No.11785644

University of Extreme Autists

>> No.11785655

Read the reply to your previous post.

>> No.11785669

Enjoy Variableville

>> No.11785691
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>implying A levels aren't a joke

UK education is shit.

>> No.11785705

4chan is banned in China you know.

>> No.11785708

4chan (and even Krautchan ffs) is banned in Tim Hortons here

>> No.11785734

UC. How's new?

>> No.11786353

That's pretty cucked. Then again universities are cultural Marxism factories

>> No.11786432


Will Rice Alum '12. Long hall, get at me.

Rice is, sadly, not effay. Its hard to be effay when its hot as balls all the fucking time.

>> No.11786550


>> No.11786914

also freshman here, my class schedule got fucked in the beginning, advisors were packed. there's literally too many fucking people.

>> No.11786950

What are the essential textbooks on PPE ? I want to learn more about this but i'm poor as fuck. I just want to be intellectually superior but idk what to read that's all.

>> No.11786958


>> No.11786960

You mean UCLA. NYU is white and intellectually/aesthetically superior, like they wear docs at least, not even nikes.

>> No.11786967

GTech anyone?

>> No.11786973

hey i go here
whats up man

>> No.11787143

I love that sky space but ruck fice.

>> No.11787153

Curtin uni bently campus, west aus

>> No.11787520

t. general studies, media, film, and sport science

>> No.11787706
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George R.Brown

>> No.11787909

B friends with me

>> No.11787934

dont go man, it sucks and is anything but effay

>> No.11787947
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city is cool and effay but i am lonely as shit

>> No.11788100

English Lit, going into last year of undergrad here. When I'm done I'm going to teach English in Japan.

>> No.11788331

haha, works.
he's just here cuz his fame throws a good light. he just picks up the paycheck and never works, no wonder he is a marxist.

>> No.11788340

poznas kajo? svetla, srednje visoka?

>> No.11788348


i just graduated from concordia

why be lonely, join a club

>> No.11788404


nyu is a meme school for people that couldn't make it to columbia

>> No.11788453

Does it? Don't care if it's effay or not, just want to go there for a bio bachelor. UBC and SFU are way too expensive, and UBC Okanagan seems to be too far in the boonies.

>> No.11788631

I have a hard time understanding why one would go here by choice.

>> No.11788645 [DELETED] 

Anyone know what it's like here? Thinking of reapplying for a spot here as I'm not happy with where I'm currently set to go next year after my gap year.

The uni looks really nice but I'm nervous it's gonna be full of posh twats/stereotypical white Northerners who listen to rock music and eat shepherds pie and go t' pub

>> No.11788649


>> No.11788658
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Anyone know what it's like here? Thinking of reapplying for a spot here as I'm not happy with where I'm currently set to go next year after my gap year.

The uni looks really nice but I'm nervous it's gonna be full of posh twats/stereotypical white Northerners who listen to rock music and eat shepherds pie and go t' pub. Also nervous that everyone who goes to Russell Group unis are gonna be boring dickheads.

Will there be plentiful black people for me to mesh with.

>> No.11788664

any lehigh /fa/gs

>> No.11788713

how /topuniintheworld/ here?

>> No.11788725

UC Davis

>> No.11788735


I'm applying here as my first choice. I'm worried it'll be full of southerners trying to get away and be 'gritty' in some yorkshire town lmao which I'm really not there for. But the uni looks fucking great especially for my course. decent nightlife, it's a nice city

>> No.11788761


my mate goes to leicester. she likes it, but she's from london and says the nightlife is a bit shit, she doesn't have many friends there. she's studying abroad tho with them atm and is really enjoying it. i'm applying to manchester as my 5th choice i think

>> No.11789109


>> No.11789117

4th year, Film Studies here.

>> No.11789539
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>> No.11789653

I am also from UAlbany and completely agree with your sentiments about getting flexed on by koreans

>> No.11789981

No one in Belfast?
Belfast is a degenerate city desu

>> No.11791444

How does it feel?

>> No.11791547

Lucky you. I read in round bit outside the library from 1930 to 2000 mon/wed.

>> No.11791574
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>> No.11791598

I'm a half black southern male who listens to hip-hop and r&b and grime and shit, feel like I wouldn't fit in at all lel, but I haven't actually visited and I don't know what it's like up there. Just the impression I get of the place may be a bit stereotypical.

>> No.11791653

t. UAlbany student

I'm here because they gave me full scholarship

>> No.11791666

Yeeeaaaa niggguh
Im at Lincoln Center though. All the hoes and bros from my campus took the ram van to your shitty homecoming game today. I didnt come to this city to give a shit about my school's football team.

>> No.11791669
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tfw third world

>> No.11791678

Come to lincoln center. We have all the /fa/ people, at least 65% female and the obiously superior location.

>> No.11791694 [DELETED] 

Whats good friend i too am an LC freshman, natural science major. I live in mcmahon though, having a kitchen is so worth having a much worse view than in mckeon