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/fa/ - Fashion

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11756555 No.11756555 [Reply] [Original]

Do your clothes ever get you mires?
Do girls/guys care more about fashion or fitness?
I'd say if your ottermode most girls would think your ripped on tinder and what not.
But I see actual jacked guys get bitches in cargo shorts and hot topic T shirts so do do girls actually give a shit about what you wear?

>> No.11756662

If you wear something outlandish and people compliment you: they admire the clothes.

if you wear something tasteful and people compliment you: it's actually that they think you're good looking.

>> No.11756750

The same pieces of mine always get compliments; my bomber and my pink sbe sweater. I don't know what to think of that though.

>> No.11756758

Do people actually like bombers
I think they look like complete shit

>> No.11756763

a female techwear fag once called my sick gothninja fit "something a vigilante would wear".

I assume she was referring to The Crow.
So I got compared to Brandon Lee. Does that count? I mean that's gotta count for something, right?

>> No.11756770


I have a pretty good carhartt bomber, the sleeves drape real nice. I overall just sort of works, I isn't a puffy mess that is too tight In the waste like most

>> No.11756777

Every time I see a bomber all I can think of is a puffy mess that's too tight at the waist
God it looks like shit
Especially since people wear it with baggy ass joggers that have cuffs that are too big and tight

>> No.11756782

i just want to say that i absolutely hate jeans with manufactured tear, absolutely disgusting and looks terrible on 99% of the people that use them

>> No.11756798

Black guy complimented me on my fit the other week, was pretty cool

>> No.11756901
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some fag just told me I look exactly like his crush

wat do,
n0h0m0 but idw to be an asshole

>> No.11756923

Accept the compliment you fag

>> No.11756930

But fags are scum

>> No.11756932

You are one

>> No.11756936
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>tfw never been complimented on clothes, only my (half decent) looks.

>> No.11756940

not that guy but if a fag came up to me and told me i looked like his crush i would probably lose my shit and knock him the fuck out for disrespecting me like that
i dont care, you dont say shit like that to strangers, especially if your a fag. this is why so many people hate the gay community

>> No.11756949
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>> No.11756956

When I wear my SFBs I either get compliments or get asked if I'm in the army.

>> No.11756960

also I got mired more in high school because everyone's a pansy bitch and afraid to branch out. Here in college most people look at least decent so it's harder to get noticed.

>> No.11756962


>> No.11756963

yea shes out to kill u

>> No.11757031
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These used to among hypebeasts but now they're falling apart =((((
my numbered #150/1267 prime boosts

>> No.11757047

This, actually jeans with any kind of factory distressing are bad but especially tears.

>> No.11757056

no you wouldn't

>> No.11757060

haha nigga that looks like some shit my grandma would knit for me haha

>> No.11757079

definitely, I wear SLP and SLP-esque clothes and I'm tall and skinny so I notice artsy girls miring on the regular

just yesterday I had a lecture, and a girl who sat next to me left early. another girl got up and walked across the room to sit down next to me. might be my autism but I assume it wasn't because she wanted a better view because I was in the back in a corner. she also complimented a pic I was fucking about with in photoshop, but I sperged out a little bit.

basically girls do mire but I've lived like a recluse for a year so I have no clue what to say

>> No.11757081

They're my running shoes since my first pair of prime boosts is in similar shape
I'm sad they're good shoes =(

>> No.11757099

Says the faggot talking about fashion

>> No.11757129

What does that has to do with anything? Are you implying fashion is an exclusively feminine and gay hobbie? How close minded can you be?

>> No.11757133

It's overwhelmingly dominated by gays and women and typically associated with those groups

>> No.11757161
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got whistled at a few times in uni and on the street,was just wearing jeans and an Adidas jacket

don't know, felt kinda cool tho

>> No.11757166

Watch out guys, this is totally not anecdotal evidence.

>hating on homos in 2016
How insecure with your sexuality are you?

>> No.11757171

I get compliments on my hair, dad hats and band shirts maybe once a week atleast.

>> No.11757174

I'm not hating on gays wtf
The other anon was and I was pointing out that he's talking about a hobby typically associated with gay people

>> No.11757179
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guys chill have a radical cheese wheel

>> No.11757185
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>> No.11757198

I'm having to take a break from college right now, but at my school I was, and I'm honestly not trying to brag, a kind of fashion icon.
I got compliments on my clothes almost every single day.
Multiple guys per week would ask me for advice on how to dress. Girls would tell me they wished they could get their boyfriends to dress like me, even going so far as to ask me in front of their bfs to help dress him.
It got to the point where I was considering starting a men's fashion blog and shilling it at the school and eventually part-timing as a cheap personal stylist for other students.
Honestly, I have better taste now, but nobody around to appreciate my fits. Feels bad, man.

>> No.11757205

Been complimented on my style a few times.


>> No.11757224

Curious but how much did you spend on clothes and what did aesthetic/style did you wear

>> No.11757226

it's okay man i appreciate your bragging on an anonymous laotian fingerpainting forum

>> No.11757258

Not bragging because I have nothing to gain. I was talking about stuff relevant to the thread.

Honestly I spent much less on my wardrobe than probably 90-95% of people at my school. Truly broke college student at the time, not one of those "lol guuuyyysss i'm so poor xD" kids whose parents paid for everything and gave them spending money. I wore a lot of flannel and a lot of thrifted clothing because the goodwill in the next town over was great. Also some tasteful basics. I didn't go to a very effay school, so I stood out more because I was one of the few people with even slightly good taste.

>> No.11758063


>> No.11758119

nobody cares about fashion unless you dress like garbage or the other person is really into fashion

>> No.11758142

>Do girls care more about fashion or fitness?
Ah, see, you're falling for the classic blunder of believing that girls think like guys.

So, do girls care more about fashion or fitness?
They want both, because when it comes to partners, they want it all: a man with everything, and believe that they deserve no less, at least until they start getting close to their 30s and realize that they are actually humans who age and not immortal goddesses of beauty and desire. Only then do they start to prioritize which aspects of men they want most, and have to accept that any partner they acquire won't be perfect, because neither are they.

>> No.11758158

kek if not b8 you seem like a closeted fag

>> No.11758294

I like the "baggy mess with cinched waists" silhouette

>> No.11758302

I thought I've seen some serious autism before

>> No.11758515

just my shoes. thats all normies really care about.

>> No.11758681

Which shoees

>> No.11758710

Mostly my hair and less often my glasses if I'm wearing them get compliments. Or if I'm wearing watch and rings. My friends and acquaintances say I have a "nice" or "cool" style in their normie words. Sometimes they'll roast me if I'm wearing something too next level but they've stopped doing that when they've noticed fuccbois jump on it whenever I'm done with it. It all seems pretty effay written down but I'm too busy feigning disinterest and emptiness to appreciate it.

>> No.11758723

>Do your clothes ever get you mires?
>Do girls/guys care more about fashion or fitness?
I hate this meme, you gotta have both
>But I see actual jacked guys get bitches in cargo shorts and hot topic T shirts so do do girls actually give a shit about what you wear?
It counts on who you're going for, certian type of people attract a certain breed.

>> No.11758738

Don't worry, if a gay guy hasn't told you you're cute or something it will probably never happen. Because you aren't. Enjoy being a hateful ugly troll who is also an Internet tough guy anon

>> No.11758811

Outsude of friends not often but I feel like here unless your a girl people don't go up to other people to compliment them. Usually someone tells me nice shoes but that's the extent normally.

>> No.11758834

Kind of want to be slp-esque just to talk to art girls

>> No.11759001

when i wear basic slim shit i get compliments all the time, when i wear goth ninja i get non stop stares and people turning their heads on the street

if u just wanna get pussy just wear fitted basic clothes and coordinate ur colors

>> No.11759081

I was walking down the street downtown with my gf and a super chimpy black lady pulls up in a busted-ass Dodge and said "Yall just walkin round in yo skinny jeans actin like ya shit dont stank huh" and drove off down the street.

Yeah I had no idea why.

>> No.11759100

That was me

>> No.11759106

Thank you La-shadanqueenuisha

>> No.11759119


>> No.11759122

My outfit today got mired by a qt shy azn exchange student who is really /fa/. Making it

>> No.11759132

Black people really make my day, even when it's not happening to me

>> No.11759138

How do u know

>> No.11759146

>sick fit
>gothninja fit

pick one

>> No.11759263

Most compliments on my fits came when wearing oversized sweaters over skinny jeans, essentially nu-male: the uniform. Don't really know what to make of it.

I've noticed people tend to compliment pieces that have an unusual pattern or colour to them, probably because they stand out in the sea of black, white, brown and olive that have been overwhelmingly prominent these last few years.

>> No.11760677

This is so easy to pull of
Bitches love it
Super comfy
As long as you do your colors right it's the best fit

>> No.11762445

Post a fit you fucking liar

>> No.11762675

Kek this sounds like I typed it.

>> No.11762680

>fag compliments
those are the best ones anon

>> No.11763210

if you get compliments youre probably doing too much

>> No.11763224
File: 55 KB, 570x703, il_570xN.748555150_7cgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compliment pieces that have an unusual pattern or colour to them

Yeah honestly i picked up this exact shirt from thrift and its what people seem to compliment the most