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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 59 KB, 720x960, 1441487559227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11750673 No.11750673 [Reply] [Original]

why do all the attractive effay women already have bfs

>> No.11750689

you answered your own question lol

>> No.11750695

but i want one too

>> No.11750703
File: 196 KB, 1252x1252, 1468941885023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not. You just have to be kinda /fit/ (ottermode) and dress well. If you are /fa/ but scrawny, they won't consider you bc they are attractive and want someone who looks as attractive but if you are kinda fit and dress slightly good, you'll get one easily.

>> No.11750726

what if you're metabolism is too fast and you cant ever get fit because your body processes the nutrients too quickly to get big

>> No.11750735

My pupil, the answer you seek is trenbolone.

>> No.11750794


Smells like bullshit and lack of discipline to me.

>> No.11750849

I guarantee your metabolism isn't to fast thats basically the same excuse fat people make, eat more and you will gain

>> No.11750873

>body processes nutrients too quick
This is pseudoscience

Eating 3K calories will definitely make you gain weight

>> No.11750927

Because the second a relationship ends girls are desperate for a new one. Women hate being single more than men do.

>> No.11751113

lmao dumbass

>> No.11751158


you don't understand metabolisms and you also eat way less than you think you do

>> No.11751710

Why are her lips so chapped?
0/10 would not kiss

>> No.11751853

u forget that u cant be ugly or weird which disqualifies everyone who frequents fa

>> No.11751912

girl breakups
girl is attractive so she picks one of the 100 chads a day who comes up to her to talk to her.

you just have to be one of those lucky chads anon.

>> No.11752005

kys retard, the amount metabolism varies from person to person is not at all significant in gaining or losing weight especially considering how small the difference even is

>> No.11752054

this is so wrong

my girlfriend is considerably more attractive than me and has also always had a leg up on me in fashion and style, but i myself am a scrawny tumblr fag art student

>> No.11752063

Then why is she with you

>> No.11752087

nah OP, you dont need that shit.
in my xp OP, effay looking women all have daddy issues and are batshit.

source: last ex was 10/10 effay

> inb4 bullshit.jpg
> inb4 ufullofshitanon

- bitch would cry everynight
- couldnt touch her during sex cuz crazy and trauma
- would spend hours getting ready for validation of others, but then complain when hit on.

trust me OP, get a cute normie/basic with promise, mold her, but dont give her too much.

>> No.11752088

its called going outside
you should try it sometime

>> No.11752105

literally fucking idiot

>> No.11752313

gf told me 1 of her favorite things about me is that im tall and lanky

fuck your ottermode meme


>> No.11752322

this desu

I was a shut in for 3 years. Met a girl back in May and started going out and doing shit with her, got together 2 months later and now im laughing bc I used to cry at night about being alone

>> No.11752476
File: 48 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to add
>not autistic

>> No.11752485

Met a girl WHERE

everyone saying like they just go outside and there's immediately a girl just standing there ready to talk to you s m h

>> No.11752698

t. skinnyfats who don't understand skeleton mode life

>> No.11752721

wow you're retarded, count calories and you'll realize just how little you eat, lanklet.

>> No.11752746

>there's immediately a girl just standing there ready to talk to you s m h
YOU have to be ready to talk to them. Girls are literally everywhere my man. Just strike up a conversation. Some girls won't want to talk, but a few will.

>> No.11752762

what if her only source of liquid nearby was your lips anon?

>> No.11752810
File: 316 KB, 1280x1609, 5377349+_623df91ebf7e4c26052cbf11fd1fcd7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if you eat only one huge meal a day. YA GOTTA EAT BIG TO GET BIG (or lean) CMONNN!!!

>> No.11752911
File: 143 KB, 1286x355, 1year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I surely am not huge or anything, but here is what happened to me, once I made an effort, to eat more and train properly.
I never really met my goals for daily calories, because i found it hard to eat so much fucking food.

Count your calories m8, you're not eating right!

>> No.11753422

How do I eat more without feeling sick

>> No.11753497

I'd sooner pee in her mouth than kiss those scaly lips

>> No.11753516

So what do you do when u work out?

>> No.11753533

pick stuff up and put it down again

>> No.11753537

you are 5'9

>> No.11753547

I literally cover all those bases.

but I never leave the house or socialize

>> No.11753620

thanks now with this secret knowledge i will be big in no time

>> No.11753652

Best workout for arms? Looking for shit that I can do easily at home.

>> No.11753747

They're not, the photo editing technique exaggerates a lot of features. We usually don't apply the filter to skin because it makes people look awful, but it makes textures look really 3D.

>> No.11753790


that's it

>> No.11753791

Read the sticky on /fit/ ffs.

>> No.11753804

it was a joke man, i know enough about fitness to know that the /fit/ sticky isnt all that good

>> No.11753812

Neither mainly works arms, retard. You're gonna get a good chest, lats and maybe tris, but you need to do chin-ups if you want bis

>> No.11753882

can people stop talking about fitness i wanna talk about cute girls instead

>> No.11753904

Indeed I am.
Good guess.
Are you trying to make point here?

>> No.11753925

Wrong. My Vietnamese friend is the size of a 12 years old. Aside from hating his life he's tried gaining weight and taking those super high calorie shakes to help him put on weight and nothing works for him. I actually feel bad for the guy because he's smaller than a girl.

>> No.11753936 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 360x480, 1990-geo-tracker-soft-top-4x4-motor-needs-rebuilt-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North American culture puts so many negative connotations on premaritial sex that people will rush into relationships simply to satisfy their base biological urges without feeling "slutty" or "whorish". Whereas Europeans will simply have sex as they see fit, Americans tend to be in serial relationships to avoid the "slut" stamp. Ironically this results in sky high divorce rates and single parent households.

Of course, I don't want to knock American culture as it's given us the 1992 Geo Tracker, the official car of /fa/.

>> No.11753941
File: 24 KB, 353x353, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo. I appreciate your work and am an admirer of yours.

>> No.11753947

get friends and do drugs and go places, you'll know more hot girls than you could believe in no time

>> No.11753969

Well executed my friend

>> No.11753973

Well executed my friend.

>> No.11754040

You don't!
You will feel sick for a long time, and only get used to it slowly.
You can of course try to eat more meals with smaller portions, but I found that to be very timeconsuming.
It takes time mang. Can't just change a lifelong habbit within a couple days.

this is what i've been doing for the past year + chest flies every push day.
Since you are doing this for grills I highly advise you, to also stop being a bitch and go to a gym, instead of trying to half-ass it at home, because it's a great excuse for you to leave your house and learn human interaction.

Same goes for you!
Get the fuck out of your den!
If you really want to spend way more time than needed to get in shape, than just buy a pullup bar and dumbells. Get one that allows you to do both pullups and chinups. Do those, curl that shit, and do lateral raises, because the most important thing to an aesthetic arm is a nice fucking set of shoulders.
You really should go to the gym though, because it will yield much better results, much quicker.

>Kind of fell back into eating too little as well lately, but I'm sure we're all gonna make it brahs!

>> No.11754055

>Neither mainly works arms
>You're gonna get - maybe tris

The tricep makes up most of the mass your arm has.

>> No.11754080

If you look good you can get away with autism

>> No.11754105

Manlets have shorter muscles hence, they appear to look bigger than a dude that trained the exactly same amount of time under the same circumstances and is at 6'1 for example

>> No.11754107

not really, but you can get yourself a cute autistic grill

>> No.11754119

Sully is that you?

>> No.11754333

>a cute autistic grill

doesnt exist tb h

>> No.11754344

On campus, saw girl I vaguely recognized from back in HS so hit her up then we started talking, going thrifting together, picnics and parties

>> No.11754510

löl of course
Get tinder
Theres tons of autistic chicks on there

>> No.11754518

i dont trust any dating shit online or on apps or any of that shit... do you have any idea how many autists post fake accounts and just try to catfish dudes on there? fuck that, waste of time. high risk/low reward

>> No.11754644

So is that your best excuse not to lift?
Maybe we're not all going to make it...

>> No.11754672

you should try it, thats the number one access point for introverted / shy / autistic girls, I say that as a possibly all of them

>> No.11754948

Not him but I have tinder but I'm shit at it because I find communicating over written word uncomfortable af

>> No.11754982


Oh I used to be just like your ex anon!
>only into guys who fed me constant attention
>my histrionic behaviour just perpetuated
>at the end of the day I was still insecure and unhappy
>fuck this shit
>met this mediocre 5/10 from work
>really funny dude so I started seeing him
>why isn't he falling for my mind games wtf
>he doesn't give a shit about my whining
>tells me to get over myself and stop being a fucking brat
>try to break up with him really dramatically
>get no reaction
>he never gives me the unhealthy attention I craved
>eventually give up my psychotic tendencies since they never work on him
>over time I can feel myself getting better
>not an attention whoring cunt anymore
>3 years later and ive never been happier in my life ^___^

>> No.11755004

well shit the key to my heart is through writing and I think for many girls too

>> No.11755161

I bet she said that. Think about it, thought.

>> No.11755271 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 577x1024, AJwUXSv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this aryan goddess obviously has a bf
>tfw her bf is a 3/10 spic
wtf the fuck life is unfair

>> No.11755276
File: 101 KB, 577x1024, AJwUXSv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this aryan goddess obviously has a bf
>tfw her bf is a 3/10 spic
wtf the fuck life is so unfair


>> No.11755431
File: 423 KB, 500x426, Minii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really notice anything that out stands from her. I simply have no comments on her whatsoever.

>> No.11755439
File: 3.96 MB, 310x270, holy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11755453

I understand when people say V shapes are attractive, but goddamn you're a Y

>> No.11755459

>aryan goddess

dude hwat

did u post the wrong image and video?

>> No.11755464

This is actually some quality shitposting

>> No.11755472

Shes a qt.
Too bad she did that cam whoring thing.

>> No.11755559

I guarantee you're not counting calories or even eating a lot.

You spouted off a huge pile of broscience bullshit

>> No.11755641
File: 111 KB, 735x960, 27208314-6b31-41c2-8f16-e3581226d1ed..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed anon

>> No.11755908
File: 187 KB, 480x270, NakedGunfullbodycondom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldnt touch her during sex

>> No.11756213

Where to meet these girls? I think we don't want really normie gfs. Where do they tend to hang out?

>> No.11756296

Our only hope is to find a girl with the magical combo of beauty and low self esteem

>> No.11756364


>> No.11756406

Grow up. Because the internet has taught you to overgeneralize, overidealize, and not know about what actually matters in life you immature son'fabitch.

>> No.11756501


>> No.11756532

the most funny thing about you /fit/ faggots is that you think you are attractive.
you can't BECOME attractive, no matter how hard you lift, if you have poor facial aesthetic you'll always be average at best.

>> No.11756537

friendly reminder that this individual has great proportions of waist to shoulder width. you can't get this by training, that's genetics.

basically, most of us will never look this good.

>> No.11756544

Body fat has a lot to do with how good your face looks actually.

>> No.11757113
File: 124 KB, 776x720, whoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i feel like my lats could need some improvement :<

no reason to give up though like this faggot >>11756537
Proportions can be changed! It'll just take longer for some of us

>> No.11757157

wish my girl would take a leaf out of your book

>> No.11757184


tumblr fag art student probably has a big dick

>> No.11757574

Obviously, shes a gains goblin.