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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 471 KB, 618x349, 1447066489522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11749554 No.11749554 [Reply] [Original]

Oversized black frames: /fa/ or basic?

>> No.11749571

Basic but effective

>> No.11749614 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 500x600, hipster fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fa as Portland

>> No.11749653

They're /fa/, but not those ones you pictured. The nose bridge on the ones you pictured is terrible.

>> No.11749685

they only look good on defined faces, if you don't have a good jawline or visible cheekbones yoou'll look like >>11749614

>> No.11749739


they're ok, if you're doing porn

>> No.11749765

Make sure you stick to colors that are good for your skin tone and hair color

>> No.11751107

probably the most basic thing happening right now

>> No.11751111


And not in a good way.

Reminder that oversized frames became popular again because of the whole "tee hee I'm such a nerd XD" trend of the late 2000s. Basically as a joke.
Because they look dumb and awkward and nerdy.
Because they look bad.
They got popular because they look bad enough to let anyone pretend that he/she is actually an awkward nerdXD. But somewhere along the line people forgot that and ended up getting used to them.

It's like when you live amidst shit for months, you don't even notice the stench anymore.

>> No.11751112
File: 146 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are mine?

>> No.11751138

I see you everywhere. You're so desperate for attention, it's embarrassing. I hope someday you receive the attention you so desperately crave outside of 4chan.

>> No.11751144

just fuck off, your in no position to judge me, you know nothing about me

>> No.11751148

cookie cutter sexy librarian/pseudo-nerd look. it was hot until every YouTube YA book reviewer started looking like this.

>> No.11751153


they're too common and too easy. Kids pick them up by mistake when they drop their glasses and needed a new pair. It's better if the frame is simple black instead of that awful marbled brown, but not by much.

Glasses go to facial shapes and features, same as hair. You don't do a center part on a square face, same way you don't do heavy rims on a heavy brow.

>> No.11751157
File: 183 KB, 320x263, 6a00e553cf4fe688340120a7b5856f970b-320wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfagging selfies on a Philippino shadow puppet site

>> No.11751166

my selfies are relevant to the thread, can you say the same about yours though?

>> No.11751190


If that's a real selfie of anon this thread is going to get a lot more interesting. If not, you're an idiot

>> No.11751192

You getting so defensive tells me everything I need to know. I don't look down on you, I just feel sorry. You seem like a nice enough person, but you're obviously not getting enough love or attention in the real world. I hope someday you don't feel the need to turn towards 4chan for validation or affection.

>> No.11751210

cute dimples

>> No.11751215

everything >>11751192 said

On the plus side, camgirls are in and sex with/for strangers is a massive confidence boost.

>> No.11751237

stop trying to pass off your own personal issues onto me, like i said you know nothing about me stop pretending like you do
im not a fucking camgirl, stop calling me that, i used omelge in the past to have fun/troll (not getting naked) and i use skype to group chat with friends and honestly sex doesnt really interest me. i would even describe myself as asexual but people would just think im weird for not wanting sex like every other normie slut

>> No.11751371

You're right, you're so special and different and better than every other girl on the face of the earth.
That's what you want to hear, right?

>> No.11751387

Go back to /r9k/, you stupid narcissistic she-skelly. You're not in the least bit fashionable, and honestly you look like a tranny. I'll stop insulting you though because you probably get off to that kind of stuff.

>> No.11751409

Are you serious? We shouldn't know anything about you but thanks to your faggy trip we know everything we need to know about you.

>> No.11751449

How old is Eliza? She looks pretty young to me, 19 at the most, if that. What you're saying to her is pretty brutal. Don't get me wrong, I was the one who responded to her in the first place, but it seems kind of fucked up for a (presumably) adult man to be this harsh to a girl who really doesn't even look old enough to be posting.

>> No.11751458

Hey Eliza, you forgot to leave your tripcode on for that post

>> No.11751464
File: 116 KB, 400x460, Mpl1pt6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She disabled her trip to defend herself lul

>> No.11751466

Get some self-confidence Eliza. You're a kissless virgin, aren't you?
Fix that, then we'll talk.

>but this place is full of virgins anyway
The posters who actually know what they're doing are generally also the posters with good genetics. If they also have good communications, there is no reason to have a dry cock. Cosplay conventions exist, for starters.

>> No.11751479

you look about 12 you acne ridden mong

>> No.11752121

isnt this the fake account
p sure you guys are all arguing with someone pretending to be someone else

isnt 19 like the average age here

>If they also have good communications, there is no reason to have a dry cock. Cosplay conventions exist, for starters.
and kek i like your logic

>> No.11752131
File: 21 KB, 240x252, rockit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute with those eye brows

>> No.11752149


this was popular between 2012 and 2014, OP

>> No.11752293

The nose bridge is thematic and unobtrusive you fucking dork.

>> No.11752298

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.11752409

This style has been around for 70 fuckign years and it just works just like a t-shirt and jeans. Duh.

As opposed to all these shitty pedo glasses you retards seem to enjoy.

>> No.11752496
File: 480 KB, 980x1578, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be our qt german sperglord pls leave

I haven't seen bateman in a while
Did he leave?

>> No.11754136

I saw Bateman on /biz/ just a few days ago