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/fa/ - Fashion

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11746742 No.11746742 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to him?

>> No.11746763

gayness gave him aids

>> No.11746794
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he'll be back

>> No.11746806

how come a manlet is the most well dressed person in /fa/'s history?

>> No.11746813

he'll be fine

>> No.11746868

This is so dope

>> No.11746946 [DELETED] 

moved on like you should have

>> No.11746953

w2c pants?

>> No.11748734

zzz i have jeans that are literally almost exactly the same colour and fit down to the hem right at the tip of the shoe and awkward knee crease
also the same thigh width
fuck thats really weird

>> No.11748742

We all knew he'd end his miserable life sooner or later

>> No.11748817

>posing in front of vinyl siding and backyard trash

I don't get it. Is it ironic? Poorcore?

>> No.11748834
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He posts on reddit quite a bit
/u/retro_specs <- something like that

>> No.11748852

>what happened to him
he took off his jacket

>> No.11748866
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>> No.11748873
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>> No.11748876

Hands down greatest of all time

>> No.11748879
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>that leg silhouette

fucking how
also what jeans

>> No.11748881

reddit hates him kek

>> No.11748882

bcuz you dont need to be 6ft to be effay

>> No.11748888

w2c jacket?

>> No.11748896

How tall is he?

>> No.11748905

He's with Elvis now, somewhere out there.

>> No.11748921

>also what jeans
"Wrangler 36 slim that I tapered and hemmed"

>> No.11748924

hOLY SHIT that fit is Tight

>> No.11748932
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Holy kek... the job at AA gave him the rest

>> No.11748952


>> No.11748954


>> No.11749056

I never understood what the deal was with this guy. His fits are not bad per se but they all look like cosplay. He looks like a character from a current show set in the 80s but on a tight budget and with really shitty actors.

>> No.11749070


I think because he totally fits the look. The 80s style clothes really go with his face and hair. I feel if he wore regular clothes he would look shitty but here it's perfect

>> No.11749081

is the prefect fit but just that? isnt the perfect fit something that would inspire others to write stories based on it? isnt that what we strive for?

>> No.11749084

that is called living in postmodernism

>> No.11749109

What I'm trying to say is that his clothing doesn't seem to represent him. He looks very unnatural and out of place. He doesn't pull this aesthetic off well.

>> No.11749120

>He looks very unnatural and out of place. He doesn't pull this aesthetic off well.
for you

>> No.11749121
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See but I think the complete opposite. If you stuck him in say fast times at Ridgemont high he wouldn't look out of place.

Of course he looks out of place now since it's 2016 not 1984

>> No.11749124

this dude is like the knoch of 60s/70s/80s but less autistic-looking

>> No.11749137

Name please

>> No.11749509


>rooftop korean

>> No.11749520

did he die?

>> No.11749534

It was very painful

>> No.11749535

came to write this

>> No.11749547

He's a big guy

>> No.11749564

not really lol

>> No.11749766

He got a girlfriend

>> No.11750107

less autistic looking, more autistic for real

knoch has a social life

>> No.11750216

why do you think huck doesn't? he looks friendly and confident, if a bit eccentric

>> No.11750219

For you

>> No.11750252

Suburbcore, fiftiescore

>> No.11750365

he looks awkward and autistic

>> No.11750373

so does knoch
Huck looks like a friend, I don't see a reason why he wouldn't have any

>> No.11750397

>dresses like an idiot
>house looks like it smells of cat piss
>posts the most retarded things on the internet
>his posts show he's full of himself
>actually tried to whore his schmock body out on reddit
You can JUST tell he's not right in the head (same goes for knoch btw).

>> No.11750566

he looks consistently awful. bad fits every time. he tries really hard and keeps getting it wrong

>> No.11750633

id gargle his cum

>> No.11750641
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>> No.11750643

Trying a bit hard, don't you think?

>> No.11750713

w2c sneakers

>> No.11750781

ITT: Huck complimenting himself as always.

>> No.11750796

Huck is such a looker

>> No.11750804

you mean looser

>> No.11750806

what a stallion!

>> No.11750809

Is he, dare I say it, the prince of /fa/? Fuck yes!

>> No.11750837
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For ya

>> No.11750856

only because half of r/malefashion is literally just /fa/ posters anyway

>> No.11750860
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>> No.11750890

[ ] full rick
[ ] half rick
[ ] any rick
[x] no rick

Fucking dropped.

>> No.11750911

You should see rickfags, newboi

>> No.11750917

He's actually the least autistic of all the fashionable bois in here. He made it look effortless and just like "i just like 80s stuffs" just like mac demarco.

>> No.11750923

Not lukas ? I think people only admire huck's fits, but they do/did try to be lukas.

>> No.11750984

literally no one remembers lukas anymore
he's toni tier except more short-lived
foly huck that bulge

>> No.11751000

Anyone got his nude pics from Reddit?

>> No.11752196
File: 314 KB, 1099x1738, 1449800804766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy johan liebert