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/fa/ - Fashion

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11743491 No.11743491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

went shopping today and picked up this longsleeve denim shirt and jeans.

does it look good or did i fuck up?

>> No.11743509 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11743518
File: 148 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a closeup of the details

>> No.11743581

ugly ribs

>> No.11743583

who are you impersonating now faggot

>> No.11743609

is this a grill

>> No.11743613

post more feet pics please

>> No.11743618

looks good. That's p much my favourite look on girls

>> No.11743628

Denim on denim. Kys

>> No.11743635

DO NOT bully her

>> No.11743673
File: 127 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with them exactly
boy trapped in girl body
i dont like my feet though
thank you. what else would you recommend me to wear?
is that actually bad? ive seen lots of people wear denim on denim so i thought it was ok... (the guy who plays james bond wears denim on denim and i think he looks good)
this pls

>> No.11743689

everyone's only being nice to you bc they haven't masturbated today. neither of those items fit and looks like some h&m shit and overall boring as fuck, why didn't u post this in the recent cops thread instead of making ur own?

>> No.11743724
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i also bought this sweater
is that the best you can come up with? 3/10

>> No.11743734

>i dont like my feet though
well I do...

>> No.11743735

fuck off honestly nobody makes their own thread when they could just post in the daily cop ones

>> No.11743750
File: 110 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nice

>> No.11743881

they're actually cute now that i see more of them

>> No.11743895

how miserable is your life that you have to seek attention from boys on fa of all places gahahah

>> No.11744116
File: 274 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol thanks
i detect jealousy

>> No.11744121

I don't know if this is a trap or not I'm so confused

>> No.11744124

when u gonna post that b-hole?

>> No.11744126


look at the feet
fucking massive

>> No.11744139

please post some tits or something so i know this isn't a trap and my hardon is justified

>> No.11744153

qhat ghe heck eli you should pack sum pounds its your bf

>> No.11744161

omg its a trap isnt it, whyyy 4chan whyyyyyyy

>> No.11744197
File: 129 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lul, not a trap
im not a slut anon
youre not

>> No.11744201

cute :(

>> No.11744214

Eliza you've lost a lot of weight. Are you ok? Please stop the heroin. We care about you.

>> No.11744221

Eliza I was actually thinking earlier today about how pretty you are, if this is in fact you.

Not a beta orbiter and I only know about you through random pics posted, but yeah. You're super pretty, take care of yourself.

>> No.11744250

have u not seen her teeth?

>> No.11744259

why are you on /fa now? you should see a shrink! and fuck off!

>> No.11744318

thank fuck you're a girl. 10/10 body pls get off 4chan and go model. To the clothes question you could wear anything mate

>> No.11744346

>10/10 body
>No tits
>No ass
Something doesn't add up

>> No.11744850

i agree with this guy, that's a model body. your only flaw is that you might not be tall enough

>> No.11744867

srs post pucci bby

>> No.11744873

this looks very boyish...

>> No.11744905


>> No.11744915
File: 174 KB, 640x1136, 1467311957688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder this girl is a heroin junkie and uses her orbiters to buy her drugs/amazon wish list items

>> No.11744920

thats so cringy

>> No.11744930

me or her?

>> No.11744941

the pic and her in general

>> No.11744956

idk mates heroin is pretty cool and making sad fucks buy shit for you is effay as it comes

>> No.11744964

Are you a boy or a girl? BOY OR A GRILL THIS IS SERIOUS

>> No.11744974

do you cut yourself?

>> No.11744980

t. eliza

>> No.11744987

if you think you fucked up then you probably did. Always try things on at the store and if you don't fall in love with it at the store you sure won't like it when you get home or a week after you first get it.

t. half a closet with clothes I didn't try on or don't like after wearing it once or twice.

>> No.11745017


>> No.11745023

pic saying "i want heroin so bad" is incredibly cringy, doubt she even does heroin

>> No.11745024

t. 14 year old with a tumblr blog

>> No.11745025

how is that cringey at all

>> No.11745047

when im on a heroin withdrawal the first thing on my mind sure as fuck isnt attention whoring on snapchat, probably not even her posting anyway

>> No.11745048

But heroin is really like this when you have done some you want it badly

>> No.11745273

eat a little dammit

>> No.11746265
File: 246 KB, 1280x851, 1445393059877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she definitely does. she even tried to carve ' /b/ ' on the back of her hand. you can barely see it here >>11744197

>> No.11746353

I would definetly pump and dump

>> No.11746366

>its another attention slut makes a thread for attention episode

>> No.11746377

Isn't this the /r9k/ slut? What the fuck are you doing on /fa/?

>> No.11746396

and its another jealous femanon post /yawm

>> No.11746402

if only

>> No.11746411

didnt realize cringe threads were made on /fa/.

relax, uggo. you look like shit and yes you did fuck up buying a denim shirt with denim jeans. Unless you live in Canada in the 80s, theres no fucking way you can pull that off.
>femanon here lulz hurr durr still know that denim on denim is fucking disgusting

>> No.11746492
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>denim on denim is fucking disgusting
It's actually been a big thing this year, just requires good planning and knowledge

>> No.11746506

check and mate

>> No.11746776

I been wearing that same sweater all day too.

>> No.11746789

Yo, you look just like that Swedish vampire that falls in love with that little boy.

>> No.11746920

You should really paint your toes

>> No.11746934

who has the vid of the nosebleed?

>> No.11746940

What what the fug.

>> No.11746943

you guys know that OP isn't actually eliza, right?

how fucking new are all of you?

>> No.11747132


>> No.11747173

I know this is bait, but for future references "cop general" "post your cops" are threads that are constantly on /fa/. THREADS LIKE OP's ARE SHITTING UP THIS BOARD

>> No.11748450

heroin is the lamest drug
lsd is better

>> No.11748476


>> No.11748559

Idk whats funny about impersonating her and posting same shit over and over.
>op is fag

>> No.11748566

Ure pretty

>> No.11748567

Stop feeding the attention whore you fucking faggots

>> No.11748584

what do u mean?

>> No.11748771

Did you ever live in Australia /fa/ggot?

>> No.11748777

Do not reply to Eliza http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2ncVvC2oDo

>> No.11749033
File: 66 KB, 500x686, 1471855944365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, vid dont work dude...