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/fa/ - Fashion

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11732934 No.11732934 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking effay?

>> No.11732945

Only on parties

>> No.11732976

If you're already effay then yes.

Otherwise no.

>> No.11732984

Yeah as long as you shower and wash your clothes more frequently to avoid the stink as much as possible. Also no chain smoking, only 1 cig per hour. And no Marlboro.

>> No.11733133

what's wrong with it?

>> No.11733137

those are dad cigarettes

>> No.11733146

which are the cool kids cigarettes then:

>> No.11733157

Only on occasion. Making a habit of it is fucking gross.

t.cigarette addict

>> No.11733172

> Dad cigs
Marlboro is one of the best wtf
Gauloises is the best though

>> No.11733299

It's fucking not. There was this trend that started decades ago, to show models or actors smoking to "give them character". Thankfully, that is almost over nowadays.

Smoking is fucking disgusting, and definitely not effay anymore. Most people nowadays cringe at seeing others smoking. It is one of the most common dealbreakers.

>> No.11733478

Smoking is gross. Don't do it.
t. smoker for 8 years

>> No.11733490

Would blow smoke in your face you little wimp

>> No.11733495


>> No.11733501

it's not /fa/ but it is kinda fun at parties and when ur out
goes p nice with other drugs as well (inc alcohol)
don't make a habit of it though, if u get addicted that isn't cool
but it's alright to be able to have a cig when u want

>> No.11733979

Does anyone have some good recommendations for cigars?
I've smoked a few at random - two were basically tasteless unless you drew them really hot, one was disgusting and I threw it away, and two others were great, but one of those was from my trip to Puerto Rico, so I can't get it again.

>> No.11734024
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It just depends.
If you dress like a normie, you smoke like a normie.
Being thin or skinny is also a big contibutor. Being fat and smoking is just sort of another tick against your overall health.
You definitley have to dress /fa/ and have the personality of some sort of pseudo intellectual, that way its perceived as a deliberate choice as opposed to smoking just to get buzzed like any blue collar joe.

Cigarette brand plays into it as well.
Smoking marbs or any budget brand puts you under that blue collar/working class smoker stigma, whereas parliaments or Turkish royals/golds/silvers give of an elitist vibe that makes it seem like you're not a bum.

That may have not made a lot of sense, but it does to me. I've been smoking for about a year, and it seems neutral to me. It helps if you live in an urban area, and if you are friends with other urbanites who dress well. I live in the midwest so I suffer from the overwhelming consensus that only manual laborers and divorcees smoke.

Don't start smoking to be effay. I started smoking because of a summer job where smoking was the only way to get breaks, plus it made me more assimilated with the guys I worked with because they were all much older and all smoked.

>> No.11734080

What about smoking a pipe?

>> No.11734089

has anyone here smoked for years and notice an increase in wrinkles/overall decline in skin and beauty? i'm genuinely interested

>> No.11734093

Ask your mom, she knows alot about smoking pipe.

>> No.11734103

Turk Royal's don't give an elitist vibe, they're nice cigarettes but if you want elitist look toward American Spirits

>> No.11734107


I honestly think how people perceive smoking has a lot to do with how they grew up. My parents smoke, and so did everyone else in the poor neighborhood we lived in. So I see it as really gross and trashy, no matter who does it. It seems like most people I've known that think of it positvely usually grew up more well-off and weren't around it as much, so it probably has some kind of appeal of mystery to them. Or at least not the association with trashiness.

>> No.11734115

That only applies to cigarettes, by the way. I associate cigars with douches and people trying to look refined or masculine, and pipes are neutral to me.

>> No.11734124

i stopped 1 month ago and noticed already that my skin tone got much better
also my face doesnt look that swollen because its not full of mucus anymore

>> No.11734168
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Yes, and it always will be. Even if you don't have a habit, if you don't smoke when you go out to parties, gigs and opens, you're obviously not part of any relevant scene.

If it's /fa/ for girls to smoke is still up in there. Imo stop after your teens unless you're european.

Most /fa/ brands
God Tier:
>Gitanes (choice of Serge Gainsbourg, Alain Delon, David Bowie)
>Pall Mall Unfiltered King (for particular people only)
>Seven Star (Yohji's choice)

Great tier:
>Camel Red
>Lucky Strike (American originals only)

>Turkish Royals
>Marlboro Reds
>whatever sub $5 cigs you picked up at chinatown

Lurk until you graduate high school

>> No.11734192

luckies with a filter are an abomination. yuropoors will never learn

>> No.11734215

Smoking is pretty effay, just don't overdo it. I can't stand motherfuckers who coughs every 5 seconds and smell like they spray Marlboro flavored cologne every morning eugh.

>> No.11734339
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mein fucking nigger

>> No.11734383

the pretentiousness on this thread is unbelievable
and to answer your question, no, killing yourself slowly is not 'effay; being healthy and living a long, happy life is

>> No.11734389

>being healthy and living a long, happy life is
fucking normies

>> No.11734406

triggered much? what's next? cutting is effay? depression is effay? mental illness is effay? grow up, this is real life, not your tumblr dashboard

>> No.11734420
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>being healthy and living a long, happy life is

>> No.11734445

I've started smoking a month ago and actually saw a huge improvement in regards to acne. I haven't gotten any zits or pimples since I've started.

>> No.11735561


>> No.11736953

Not him, but you seem to suggest that health and a long life - i.e. succumbing to Alzheimers after years of bedwetting, diaper-wearing aimless wandering at a retirement facility - is in any way synonymous with "happiness". Before spreading this view further, please understand that your opinion is a clichè embedded into your head by forces more interested in your status as a live consumerist cog in the machine than in your wellbeing and welfare.

>> No.11736974

you clearly haven't thought much about the actuarial certainty that in 60 years you will be one of these diaper wearing aimless wandering old fucks, actually you will spend at least half of your life as an "old person", it's not actually so brave of you to scorn them as showing the ignorance of your youth, you have not realized the fact that you are mortal, you revel in the strength and vitality of youth, but there are whole worlds and experiences that you will experience as a man that you have no understanding of.

Just keep an open mind. You can't help thinking like you do because you're a teenager, which is part of the appeal of youth, they live in the present, but life is vast and we are small, and maybe there is value in wandering a nursing home in a diaper that you can't envision.

>> No.11736981

poo in the loo

>> No.11736986

>lucky strikes
My man

>> No.11737014

>>Seven Star (Yohji's choice)
lol, that's what my gf's mom smokes. She's a FOB. I have to buy her a carton whenever I'm in Duty Free. I had no idea they were considered premium. $3 a pack in Asia and taste like garbage.

>> No.11737573
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Are cigars the fedora of tobacco?

I like smoking cigars (and won't stop either way) but from what I've seen on cigar Internet forums and the like, it seems like people really into cigars are your typical "Le swag is for boys, class is for men" type people.

>> No.11737595
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Anything in the Ave Maria line are good. But they can be pricey.
If you want cheaper options (and are new to cigars) try Nat Sherman Metropolitan, Romeo y Julietta Gran Reserva, or cheaper options by Punch and Arturo Fuente.
Cigars International has a good selection of sampler packs.

Also, you don't need a humidor right away. Tupperware + cheap humidor gel beads is all you need to store cigars.

>> No.11737620

yes, smoking will always be "effay"

only neo/fa/ would be opposed to smoking

>> No.11737685

They're not premium, they're just effay. Charcoal filters man.

>> No.11737746

I hear stress can cause acne and cigarettes calm you down, might have something to do with that

>> No.11737761

holy fuck, I quit smoking around the time the band inflation was starting to get out of control, I never thought it was going to get as bad as that

>> No.11737764

The negative effects of smoking can be countered really just by drinking enough water and eating fruits and veggies as well as smoking in moderation. If you do this, the negative effects are really minuscule its not even worth mentioning unless you do sports like fucking mma or something.

>> No.11737771

>lol just drinking water and eating fruits will counteract the lung cancer

>> No.11737904
File: 46 KB, 500x650, sinatra pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been meaning to pick up smoking the pipe lately, but I kinda have no idea how to incorporate such an habit into a, uh... non-fedora/trying too hard to be cool and old-timey look. (can't really find the right English words right now)

I mean, if I look too much like a tool I'll just keep to smoking in private, but still.

>> No.11738007

export a green

>> No.11738206

First day that I have quit. I constantly find myself falling into the line of thinking that wants me to smoke another, last cigarette. I'm holding up. Apparently the next two days will be similar in terms of craving, with the peak on the third. After that the cravings should lessen, although there might be a slight increase of cravings on the seventh if I can believe bullshit I've read on internet.

Wish me luck and I wish luck to all of those who have decided to quit.

>> No.11738315

Still hasn't been proven. Be less pozzed

>> No.11738582

Been smoking marlboro smooths for a while and wanna try something new. Any recommendations for a good menthol cig?

>> No.11738633

Is it possible to buy Japanese cigarettes online? What's a good Japan-only brand?

>> No.11738893

is pic related on the right effay?

>> No.11739122

marboro nxt's are an awesome menthol

feels like your smoking a piece of minty gum, its a clean tasting mint with a cold feeling

10/10 better than newports imo

packaging is ugly but whatever

>> No.11739208

American spirits

>> No.11739217

have fun with cancer, bad breath, and yellow teeth nerds.

>> No.11739245
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forgot pic

>> No.11739956

Sobranies Black Russian or Cocktail

>> No.11740087

>not rolling your own cigs

pic one faglet

>> No.11740090

only for taking pictures

>> No.11740106


>> No.11740108

black lungs are effay

>> No.11740306
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are djarums effay?

>> No.11740311

rolling your own cigs is considered pleb as a fuck, almost homeless tier where I live

>> No.11740314

not blacks

>> No.11740323
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Enjoy your cancer.

>tfw grandpa got cancer recently and looks miserable
>say to him with a smug face "You shoudn't have smoked for 50 years
>He starts seething and boiling with rage and says "its not your business"

Do you want to end like this?

>> No.11740326

Nah I hope I end up with a grandson who isnt a dick

>> No.11740327

>Saying the truth is being a dick

>> No.11740330

>rubbing this shit into a dying mans face
Its not like he didnt know already, there is no need to tell him again

>> No.11740572

Jahahahhahahahah you fucking normie. I am a biology student and we attended an autopsy and the leading doctor said there is no way you can tell if person smoked or not by looking at their lungs. They usually tell by finding other chemicals in other tissues but your pic related is a complete garbage. Majority of people have these black spots on their that are not dangerous and people living in cities are more prone to have them just as smokers are.

>> No.11740581

he might be wrong, but at least he doesn't say "Jahahahhahahahah"

>> No.11740590
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Are these effay for a guy to buy? I wasn't sure so I bought blue luckies instead.

>> No.11740608
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>Being this militant over people putting leaves and paper in their mouths, and then igniting it.

Look, no one questions that it's a detriment to your hygiene, but to get this worked up over it speaks more to the era you probably grew up in. You were taught to be snide towards anyone that would even touch a cigarette.

t. Nonsmoker (Don't be so presumptuous)

>> No.11740613

You're a massive cunt. I genuinely hope you develop cancer and he outlives you.

>> No.11740619

Maybe I should tell your grandpa that you go on a board meant for closet homosexuals to jack off to shota pictures.

>> No.11740622

lol any font that's not latin is indian right?

>> No.11740900

That's a pretty dumb sentiment, since your grandpa picked up the addiction when smoking was the norm. Hell, I don't think that the link between smoking and cancer was made until the 1950s/60s, and it took awhile for people to catch on thereafter.

>> No.11741018
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>doesn't smoke cigarettes

Were you bullied in school, are you mentally retarded or both?

<b-but you will die from it

So? Was life a competition of who lives the longest?

<you get addicted to it!!

No you won't, if you aren't underage and can smoke in moderation.


Who forces you to buy a pack per day, you fucking peat gavel

>> No.11741036

Good luck boi, I quit about 2 months ago and still have to fight down the urge to start again.

>> No.11741042

Second day in atm. Trip was unintentional, btw.
I feel very sleepy most of the times.

It isn't really that hard as it is annoying desu. I can't stand this sleepiness at all and I am drinking coffee a lot.

>> No.11741142
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good luck dudes. i don't really plan on quitting, but i can kinda get why, all the more power to those that do tho. hope it all works out

>> No.11741185

I work with twin waitresses in their lower 30s, and one of them smokes while the other doesnt.
Immense difference between their faces, one looks pretty hot honestly, the smoker looks like a witch.

>> No.11741545

I am gonna take your silence as a "yes", /fa/

>> No.11742040

nice meemi

>> No.11742182

just smoke what you find pleasurable do you need the opinion of an anonymous image board to decide whether or not to breathe?

>> No.11742188

may be

>> No.11742197

kinda pathetic if you ask me. But on another note those cigarettes look interesting so even if they suck they can start conversation

>> No.11742253

Is the US the only country that has FSC regulations?

>> No.11742288

Been smoking for almost 10 years, I tried several times to quit but never made it past one day.
Anyone has any tips or advice to succeed? I need help.

>> No.11742293

Not effay, dude.
Plus the smell of the tupperware will ruin your fucking cigars.
Please don't do this.
A nice cedar wood humidor is effay in any interior plus gives a good taste to your cigars.

>> No.11742334

Kek those are pig lung's dyed black retard. Not how shit works. Stay pozzed

>> No.11742347

what to do if you live in russia and there is about fucking nothing from your list

>> No.11742838
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>> No.11742845
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>> No.11742910

well if he's at least in his late 60s/ early 70s he's lived a decent while, not too bad for a smoker

>> No.11742922


Uh, how long do you think smokers live?

>> No.11742952

>tfw my grandpa smoked and drank whiskey for over 80 years
>he died at 103 from a fall getting his mail
Lmao smoking kills right

>> No.11742956

just smoke cigarillos then
pipe smoking is the real fedora

>> No.11742974
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Not getting bootleg Cigarettes from Belarus??

This is important, the smell of old cigs is rough. Also remember that as a smoker, you often can not smell it. So just because you do not smell anything, does not mean that things (you) do not smell like a used car.

>> No.11743098


It's funny how common these kinds of stories are. It's also interesting to note that pretty much every "longest living person" has been a smoker.

>> No.11743131
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My grandmother smoked for thirty years, she didn't quit until my eldest sister was born and was diagnosed with asthma. She lived 30 more years, the last 10 of which she got dementia and alzheimer's and no one (out of her 3 kids and 12 grandchildren) other than my arthritic mother could be bothered enough to take care of her while she shit herself, wandered out of the house at night, and forgot everyone's names.
One day in her last several years that same grandchild hugged her and told her she was the most important person in the world to her in one of her brief moments of lucidity she replied 'I can't tell'. Then when she died her bipolar ass accused my mom of killing her in the middle of an argument.

There's not a graceful way to die, if smoking makes you feel good then do what you do. Those people telling you otherwise don't really give a shit about you. There's nothing left for you past 65 other than watching your grandchildren turn into little shits like you. You grandpa was right. Deaths is the same.

>> No.11743161

Not even Marlboros?

>> No.11743215
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how has no one posted about marlboro 27s?

these give off the most elitist vibe

>> No.11743304

You can smoke if you are effay. Don't smoke to be effay.

>> No.11743317
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>> No.11743441

We dissected cadavers in med school. As soon as you cut open the chest you could see the smokers' lungs were all gray af

the city ones were sort of grey at parts but nowhere near as bad

>> No.11743443


>> No.11743462

god tear
pal mal
ahahahahahahahahah *wheeeze* ahaahahhahaha

>> No.11743463

highschool tier elitism

they're cheap, light, and flavored. they're not that good.

>> No.11743471

>long happy life
well buddy nobody here is happy so jokes on you

>> No.11743482

you are probably autistic if you dont get why you were being a dick
im not even using that as an insult i just think that could be a possibility if you arent saying that just to win an argument on the internet

>> No.11743487

m8 you just got toasted

>> No.11743488


Cool kids roll their own.

>> No.11743502


Lung cancer will do that to your lungs, so a non-smoker with lung cancer's lungs would look the same.

>> No.11743530
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Nah. It's the tar that makes lungs black, not the cancer.

But lung cancer looks so disgusting, even if you've never smoked

>> No.11744382

they are shit tbqh

>> No.11744623

>Poor kids roll their own.

>> No.11744854

Only weed desu.

>> No.11745834
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>> No.11746111

Began smoking at 13 in 2003
Look at wardrobe of expensive designer clothing
Look down at cigarette billowing between my fingers
The fuck am I doing
Been smoke free for years now
Its also nice to be able to sprint or jog when I want and not black out after 50 meters

>> No.11746474
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you'll figure it out some day pleb