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File: 185 KB, 1035x1080, kiko-mizuhara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11732764 No.11732764 [Reply] [Original]

Why are asian girls so effay? Are there any asians in your area?

>> No.11732766
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>> No.11732767

My aunt wants to set me up with a 22 yo Vietnamese girl she works with who's never had a boyfriend.

>> No.11732770
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>> No.11732772

i like asian girls, they look like cute fish

>> No.11732777
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is she cute? go for it, maybe you'll like her

>> No.11732783
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>> No.11732785
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>> No.11732787

She might only be after you for the $$$$$

>> No.11732789

lol wtf

>> No.11732800

no they look like hot aliens

>> No.11732809

Idk what she looks like but I should probably give it a shot

>> No.11732828
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gweilo please die

>> No.11732929

I like how flat their faces are from the sides. They're evolved to suck dick, their noses don't even get in the way.

Sure, nigresses have nice lips. But their giant man chins poke your balls and their huge nostrils stream snot onto your pubes- not a good time.

No, asian girls were made to suck white dick, nose to pelvis.

>> No.11732955

Is that the AMWF Spammer on /int/?

>> No.11733023
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this is now a /yellowfever/ general.

>> No.11733031

I'm the Asian in my area

>> No.11733120

Are you good looking? In my experience, Asians who are ugly are like butt ugly, those who are pretty are god tier. There's no in between.

>> No.11733140


>> No.11733163

thats pretty much because youre white and because of your limited exposure your ranges for butt ugly and god tier are too big
not being condescending its just alot of people say this and like eh not really

>> No.11733402

Healthy reminder than only Asian semen creates Asian women. White and Asian combos create visibly less Asian features and school shooters. Goodbye now.

>> No.11734473

yeah thats true. Then the child will ask why they don't look like their non asian parent. the white/asian dating thing is so old.

>> No.11734708

I have a Korean gf and its difficult to find things to talk about other than work. She doesn't really have hobbies other than instagram and she's always on her phone.

>> No.11734791

im an asian girl and i have a white bf with a huge dick lmao ;0

>> No.11734797

hafus are bretty qt

>> No.11734804

meant to add; im only really attracted to the half white ones it seems, all the asian girls i see irl are ugly af

>> No.11734816

Only asian people dress well near me

>> No.11734821

why are you with her?

>> No.11735562

Shes cute and I like doing things with her

>> No.11735652

jesus christ this place gets more and more creepy yellow-fevery every fucking day

>> No.11735689


Ive had white gfs

>> No.11735693

doesn't mean your fetish isn't creepy

>> No.11735701

lmao at this yellow fever, flyover state motherfucker

>> No.11735713

Its not a fetish. I didnt directly search for an asian girl, she initiated

>> No.11735839
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Is she effay?

>> No.11735853

beta cucks

>> No.11735857


>> No.11735906

Yeah, theyre filthy obnoxious pieces of shit, idk why you fags like that inferior race

>> No.11736456

sincerely, spindly white male living in american suburbia

>> No.11736470

I'm greek what would my kids look like if I had them with an Asian girl?

>> No.11736474
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>> No.11736483

Half Asians are general pretty hot aren't they? Sometimes they need that dilution.

>> No.11736488

Yeah I guess, but my kids would Probs be looking like filippinos since I'm tan

>> No.11736494

Risky. Kids are such a fucking gamble, like wow I'm stuck with this one forever

>> No.11736497

Fucking true, I should just get like every race pregnant and pick from the litter

>> No.11736521


Not that guy but I'm an asian in between.

>> No.11736529

>asian girl
>brown hair
>implying half white is still asian

>> No.11736532
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I want an asian gf so badly, bros

>> No.11736552

>actually wanting something mutilated
is this a joke or there are really people who think like this?

>> No.11736583

school shooter and a lot of mental problems

>> No.11736697
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more qts pls

>> No.11736717

I don't wanna spoil anyones dreams, anon. Just something I tossed in there, I like almost every race, even mixed races. I just really question the fluidity of things myself... how will our families bond unless miraculously we all happen to get along? How will our kids interpret it? How will our neighbors take it? Will I even give a fuck and do it anyway? Am I just a hypocrite who loves all people enough to date anyone and still dislike seeing race mixed couples? Or do I just feel that way about certain racial unions do to generalizations about certain races demeanors and how I see them as historically incompatible? I have race mixed couples for neighbors and they don't bother me..good people. I'm guessing it must be like a rare distaste for specific couples? I unno..

I've been in love with all sorts of people.. meh.. God bless em, whatever.

>> No.11736764

Adding that, if I find someone of my own background that I identify with, I think I would prefer it due to more compatibility and the fluidity of things, just how much easier our families will get along, and ourselves. But who knows..

>> No.11736775

It's pussy

>> No.11737007

Dated a German/Thai girl a few years ago, she grew up in Thailand. Didn't have an accent of any kind whatsoever.

Dating a Bedouin girl now, the cultural differences rocked my fucking socks off. Still, shit's cool. She's my best friend.

>> No.11737129


White-Asian kids are usually uggo and socially awkward/school shooter types because their parents are usually very beta.

They focus on being straight edge and doing well in school instead of being attractive and popular. Asian girls are naturally more submissive than white girls because of their culture which explains why betas guys like them so much. This is why many /fa/ggots like asian women. They don't need to be as dominant/masculine.

Because of PC culture in America, white guys are much less sexually dominant now. They're scared that they might offend/objectify girls. This is also the reason white girls like black guys. girls like to be submissive to men, it's been that way for thousands of years.

TLDR beta white men like asian girls because they are more submissive which is the reason there are so many beta and ugly asian-white children

>> No.11737171
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Wrong. The reason there are so many fugly ass hafus is because white men choose ugly Chinese/Vietnamese women that are not even attractive in their own countries. Korean/Japanese women that people here worship usually date their own kind. For every 100 white male, Asian female couple, a very small percentage of them actually has an attractive female partner. The rest are average to butt fugly.

>> No.11737176

You must live in a hodunk little town if you don't have Asians there

>> No.11737191

Dating a bedouin? that's awesome. how'd you meet?

>> No.11737200

Why do you think white men marry and have children with ugly asian women?

How often do you see attractive white men marrying ugly asian women? It's usually ugly white men marrying ugly asian women, which makes sense with my other comment. Ugly people are 99% of the time betas.

>> No.11737244

>How often do you see attractive white men marrying ugly asian women?

Holy shit, I've seen really attractive white males date the chinkiest of Asians(ie a discount Lucy Liu) Perhaps they find them exotic or something? I don't think they care that their offspring would look butts. However, there are ugly fat white dudes who can pull some really stunning chicks from poorer shitholes like Thailand and the Philippines with $$$. But really it's really rare to see effay Japanese or Korean qts dating white dudes in the west and east, the fact that most of them are in Asia doesn't help either.

>> No.11737256


yeah I've noticed all the qt asians going for either their own folk or black/hispanic guys who aren't blinded by yellow fever.

>> No.11737288
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This girl is in one of my classes. Would you cop this gf?

>> No.11737314

She's pretty hot. But looks like the type that dates the blackest, ugliest black guy with a horse dick.

>> No.11737330
File: 279 KB, 1080x1349, 13285314_914656241978082_359378291_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI2MTg5NDUwODY1MjM4MDE5NQ%3D%3D.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I hope not. I think she's single, maybe I'll make my move soon

>> No.11737338

>maybe I'll make my move soon
Cop that shit.

>> No.11737340
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>Holy shit, I've seen really attractive white males date the chinkiest of Asians
Guilty. And yes, I do have a thing for chinky, even "ugly" Asians. I can't explain it.

I'm attracted to the "hot" Asians too, and I've dated at least one that could be considered an 8 if not a 9 (an Asian bartender told us she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen with a foreigner), but cute, autistic chinkiness just gives me the strangest boner.

>> No.11737373

hyperfeminine women need hypermasculine men, you need to be black son

>> No.11737466

Lmao they need to have iq requirements for posting on the internet, then again, 4chan would lose most of its traffic...

>> No.11737801

Race mixing is selfish and damaging. It's only justified if you believe your individual happiness is meow important than the overall society and your offspring/family.

You're right to feel upset about it seeing it indirectly but you're also right to not have a 'problem' with any people you know personally committing miscegenation, there's nothing to gain cutting off people for their lower moral standards.

That said, I don't believe interracial casual sex is a problem, anymore than casual sex is, at least.

>> No.11737886

You. Containment board. Now.

>> No.11737990

Now that we're on topic, a Asian waitress is in love with me.

I'm 18, she is too. To this day I've only dated other whites and that always involves flirting and hinting, but she pretty much just acted really shy around me and all of a sudden came to me with her mom by her side and explained that she wants my number and such. Her mom said she wants to be my girlfriend because she was too shy.

She's pretty cute looking, but I don't know man. First of all, I personally find racemixing to be distasteful. Then again, she's really cute and genuine, and genuine feelings are something that are very rare these days, so I'd feel really bad if I rejected.

What do?

>> No.11738012

Stop thinking of it as a moral question, and start reading about eugenics.

I personally don't think groups of people with high crime rates and low IQ's should have the right to reproduce or be allowed to be near their betters.

Then again, there are talented and genius people in all groups, even if in some groups they are very rare and in other groups rather common (just think of it as putting an iron curtain in the middle of the Bell Curve)

That would solve the problem of Idiocracy becoming reality. As far as aesthetics go, I'd personally prefer no mixing because that would result in more variety, but it wouldn't really matter objectively if the eugenics at least came true.

>> No.11738017

go back to pol

>> No.11738026

i doubt it fuggo

>> No.11738029


go for it you'll get over it

>> No.11738033
File: 196 KB, 1600x1600, owekdmklemlkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao letting stormfags tell you who to love. Date whoever you like unless its black, don't be a fucking faggot. Some halfus are only ugly because both or one of their parents is ugly. Kiko Mizuhara the girl in OP's post is a halfu and she's an effay Asian dream girl.

>> No.11738049

Nothing more annoying than stormfag pseudo scientists. Go back to pol pussy, if you don't like Asian girls stay away from these kind of threads.

>> No.11738052

Well, I'm not vain. I only look in the mirror to shave. I'm just repeating what the people who do look at me tell me.

>> No.11738065

i too enjoy having imaginary friends fawning over my beauty and not calling myself vain

>> No.11738066

Did you even read what I posted faggot?

It literally said mixing is fine as long as it's with someone of equal intelligence.

And with Asians that's most likely exactly what's going to happen according to the statistics, so it's OK.

God I hate illiterate people.

>> No.11738069
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>Date whoever you like unless its black

>> No.11738072

>tfw ywn have qt kiko gf

>> No.11738091

Its for the best. When you have a half black daughter/son she'll date other blacker Africans and will probably get involved in gangbanging shit and her offsprings will be the same. No racism, just facts.

Doesn't change the fact that what you posted is some stupid stormfag pseudo science which makes no sense.

>> No.11738138
File: 133 KB, 736x490, honda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to pick up cute azns you'll need a 92 Honda Odyssey, the official car of /fa/

>> No.11738272
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>tfw creampied a woman who looked exactly like this nose ring and all two months ago but she was mixed thai/brazilian

>> No.11738304
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>> No.11738360
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Most effay movies? Besides Wes Anderson movies.

>> No.11739501

How many black people do you know personally?

>> No.11740346

I like thin petite girls and most white/black girls i know are fatties.

>> No.11740736

Go to Uni up in buffalo and like half the schools population is Asians. Imo they are the most /fa/ compared to the other ethnicities of girls.

>> No.11740754

Movies by Noah Baumbach, Ingmar Bergman, Kar-Wai Wong, Bernando Bertolucci

>> No.11740840

I found it absolutely bizarre how people think they have authority to make sweeping generalizations about asians and only asians. Literally everyone has there own totally bullshit 2 cents on how asian girls are x and y but never z durr durr. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.11740854

Since I study at a German university there are plenty asian girls. They are not more or less effay than everyone else they simply are never fat and that creates the impression.

>> No.11740888

Its the fucking point, not being fat makes you more effay.

>> No.11741062
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>> No.11741106
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>unless its black