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/fa/ - Fashion

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11718181 No.11718181 [Reply] [Original]

Are crop tops effay?

>> No.11718584

they're gay

>> No.11718634

if you're a petite girl

>> No.11718645

only if you are shaved and have flat stomach / decent abs

>> No.11718652
File: 210 KB, 451x676, cudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11718665


>shaving anything but your face and pubes


>> No.11718671

i accidentally shaved my happy trail like years ago shaving my pubes, and its still recovering tfw

>> No.11718680

On men? What are you fuckin gay? Huh faggit?

>> No.11719032

I always shave my happy trail

guys who leave that is disgusting

>> No.11719070
File: 483 KB, 546x582, onlythisway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only acceptable way

>> No.11719084


>> No.11719095


>> No.11719131

Absolutely. As a female, it gets my heart lit to see a guy in a crop top. But it's really risky because it's not *done* yet. You'd be leading the pack but idk when they gon catch up.

>> No.11719138

WHAT. Happy trail is.. What it's all I live for.

>> No.11719267
File: 51 KB, 960x960, Eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our legacy is ahead of the curve with this one

>> No.11719318
File: 206 KB, 468x577, picture-62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Renton from Trainspotting /fa/

>> No.11719539
File: 188 KB, 792x710, a3b82d18-c4f6-43b9-9ac6-2d7b6b250ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks crop tops are for skinny men

Tsk, tsk, Anon.

These aren't crop tops. They're just regular tops sized down.

trainspotting was absolute /fa/ desu

>> No.11719562

Trimmed master race

>> No.11719711

what you're saying is NOW is BEFORE IT WAS COOL? i'm in.

>> No.11719727

desu i would totally be on the HANDSOME MEN WEARING CROPPED TOPS boat if i were musclier and not some fem little tumblr breamboat. I feel like you need CHEST and BACK MUSCLES to pull these things off. Abs are a bonus probably but imo having a thinner waist than chest is the skinny limit. Crop tops are for shaved football players and Brittany Spears core peeps imo.

>> No.11720102

isn't this kid from /fa/


>> No.11720478

Extremely fa

>> No.11720523
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>> No.11720935
File: 68 KB, 540x960, OL 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am

>> No.11720952

that's a pronounced underbite

>> No.11721115

Yeah im aware

>> No.11721429

Yeah they're fa if you're looking to get your holes filled

>> No.11722129

of course

>> No.11722654

anything that isn't the norm is effay, as long as you don't look like a fucking idiot.

So basically, wear what you want but get ready to be judged. If you can't bear it then it's probably not effay.