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File: 1.23 MB, 1203x816, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11691610 No.11691610 [Reply] [Original]

uni thread freshman suffering edition

>> No.11691659
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>> No.11691670
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who /mtl/ here

>> No.11692030

bro also freshman @ this shithole what's ur snap we can chill

>> No.11692357
File: 66 KB, 546x593, CPP-logogreen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cal poly incoming freshman ready to move in.

>> No.11692372

UC Davis here

>> No.11692819
File: 495 KB, 1352x1256, UMBCretrievers_LOGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resident umbc effay poster checking in

>> No.11692824

Northeastern University.

Move in day tomorrow, lads - anyone else in Boston?

>> No.11692835

Penn State kids here don't know how to /prep/ fuck this place

>> No.11692861
File: 121 KB, 1365x1024, uofo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving here from the midwest soon

rec me some good rain jackets

>> No.11692890

>penn state

wew, if you were at UPenn I could understand it, but non-Ivies have no business dressing preppy.

>> No.11692927
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>> No.11692943


>> No.11692949
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Anyone down to go thrifting.

>> No.11692952

moving in Friday. roommate / kids at orientation were very un effay
what major?

>> No.11692954

poli sci minor in IR. Trying to specialize in security studies

>> No.11692974

Yeah, I went to an open day back in april. It was mostly kids who lived nearby that went, but I saw a good number of international students there too, lots of Indians and Chinese. No one looked very effay, but I hear that a lot of the foreign kids tend to dress quite well.

Business Admin major here, you?

>> No.11692979

what's ur building im medeiros just swing by in a Sicc Fit

>> No.11692982
File: 651 KB, 1000x667, SFU_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can still be friends right

>> No.11692983

do you know ethan i?

>> No.11692984

quick should I go to bard or pratt

>> No.11692985

ah nice i know a guy going there for biology

U of Toronto here.

>> No.11692992


You don't need a rainjacket, /fa/ggot.

>> No.11692997

what do I need

>> No.11692998

Who's a commuter here?

>> No.11693001


>> No.11693004

I got accepted to bard, couldn't go because it's fuckjng 70k. If you can afford it go for it, it's pretty fa

>> No.11693008
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gonna kms, I already wanna go home
it's year 2 and i thought it was gonna be better
study and drink wine and read and watch movies for 9 months

I know there's at least one other /fa/g on here from Hop, where u at?

>> No.11693011

I thought summer orientation was mandatory?

>> No.11693026

yeah, it is, i'm just doing the latest orientation which is sept. 1st-2nd because I don't live in-state, so I figured i'd just do orientation after i'd already moved in. I think it's mostly out of state kids & international students who're doing this one. My roommate is foreign and he's also doing this orientation.

>> No.11693048

ayyy my nigga same here what department

>> No.11693114

Ya, got a good friend of mine going to SFU

>> No.11693141

Warm weather clothes, at least until about October

>> No.11693155
File: 176 KB, 852x856, reed_college_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know going to lib arts school isn't the LOLEDGY4CHAN thing to do but honestly liking it so far. Some people look gross but due to the tumblr population the proportion of good fits to bad fits is higher here than most unis I believe.

also decorating shitty frosh dorm in a practical yet aesthetic way has been difficult but fun. thanks ikea.

>> No.11693163

Good thing I dont start till January, I don't want to deal with Americans right now

>> No.11693176
File: 51 KB, 1209x509, 9078_rutgers_scarlet_knights-wordmark-1995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I pack the noose or just walk around New Brunswick at night?

>> No.11693189

Nigger, I went to Rutgers CAMDEN.
Back the fuck down, baby.

>> No.11693251


What faculty? I'm second year compi-sci and loving it. Noticed you were Poli Sci; my sister is doing the same here at SFU :)

>> No.11693301

where is that I'm in fitz

>> No.11693375

Undeclared right now gonna transfer to business CIS though. What about you?

>> No.11693515

maybe I'll see you around campus

>> No.11694132
File: 5 KB, 200x200, qut-logo-og-200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you fucks did i see on GP campus wearing CPs today??

>> No.11694137

not me but also QUT. What do you study?

>> No.11694159
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anyone else going here and living that poor/fa/g life?

>> No.11694169
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where my bois at

>> No.11694179

Crime Alert

Extremely /fa/ male robbed at gunpoint on Mine St. by a young male in a hoodie. Items of value were stolen, including a pair of Geobaskets and a Raf Simons sweater.

Remember not to walk alone at night

Chief Kenneth Cop

>> No.11694180
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>> No.11694190
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any unilads in

>> No.11694193


wbu realworld senpai?

>> No.11694198


>> No.11694213

Welcher Studiengang?

>> No.11694357 [DELETED] 

Philosophie! Du?

>> No.11694592

Can I get I to this school with a 2.8 GPA and 25 ACT
I'm a resident and it's a state school so that could help me
Also my GPA had an upward curve I brought it up to 2.8 from 2.2 in my Junior year

>> No.11694601
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>> No.11694621

>tfw when commuter
>tfw when I have to live at home
>tfw when I don't get to make freinds in a dorm building
>Tfw when I don't get to go to the parties or have all the sex that goes on in a college campus
>Tfw I have to wake up early as shit so I can catch the bus
>Tfw my day consists of wake up at 5, go to class, come back right away, then come home and shit post on 4chan/play video games

It wasn't supposed to be like this
I was supposed to come out of my shell
I even lost a bunch of weight and put on muscle
All for what
Now I'm stuck like this and friendless
I'm sorry for my rant guys

>> No.11694681
File: 413 KB, 2048x1363, 10842109_10154911804545650_6019703221189777304_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most uncucked uni reporting in
UChicago boys where the fuck we at

>> No.11694684

it gets better mate
i had to commute for 4 years of undergrad. just try to make some friends and socialize with people in your major department

>> No.11694690

>(that feel when) when

>> No.11694694
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>tfw it's not a real uni

>> No.11694707
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Transferred to UC Davis last year. One of the most un-/fa/ unis. Good for research though.

>> No.11694719

or the like

>> No.11694727

>UNI thread
sorry, but your meme hochschulen dont belong here

>> No.11694742

Probably, they accept like 60% of applicants from in-state

>> No.11694745

I know that feel I used to wake up at 4:50 a.m. so I could be ready to get on the freeway at 5:30 to my community college. It took over an hour everyday to get there and I was only 25 minutes away with clear freeways. It was a living nightmare.

>> No.11694754

U sure? Don't get my hopes up m8
the new Brunswick campus
This school is my only chance to not be a commuter and live on campus since my parents hate Rowan for some reason

>> No.11694822

2nd year

>> No.11694932

Hey I live near there. The campus is actually pretty nice in certain parts.

>> No.11695068

Pretty sure, I remember looking up admission statistics when I applied. Anyway, it can't be too hard, pretty much everyone in New Jersey goes there. Look it up, bruh

>> No.11695092
File: 31 KB, 512x512, New_York_University_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophmore here

You poor freshmen are gonna hate it here lol

>> No.11695109

>tfw my student finance only gives me £22 per week for living
>cant copp shit

>> No.11695265

Incoming first year... any advice?

>> No.11695286

>last year at Princeton
>tfw no heroin prep crew

>> No.11695343

Average GPAs all above 3
What if I apply undeclared

>> No.11695372

only kid who disobeys smoking ban on campus, thats me. met a girl who would smoke with me outside the art building of my northern midwest university. she's really into some cool 80's music, and likes how i dress,but she might be too old for me.

who be dating outside of their class?

also psa, if ya see an emo kid outside and art building, smoke with them, and make their day.

much love, also who else thrifts tho? purdue what kinds of stuff do you typically find?

>> No.11695381

im curious what kinds of items do you usually find?



>> No.11695432

No idea bud. And if you're going into senior year of high school now you don't have too much time to turn things around, so I don't know man

>> No.11695457
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Well I'm going into my senior year
This sucks tbqh

>> No.11695466
File: 236 KB, 2048x1160, 1540504_10153756828485650_1558030305_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, family
I'm a phd student tho but I've heard undergrad student life is great so I don't think you should be worried

>> No.11695540

lmao Hopkins is a hell hole senpai. I think if I actually chose to go there I would have killed myself by now. But thats more of a personal issue than anything. Hang in there senpai.

>> No.11695612
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snap me


>> No.11695626
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i'm in gabelli and have tons of likker

>> No.11695705

about to go into second year at uni in london
moving to u of penn for second semester in january
what's it like

>> No.11695758
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Is taking a gap year effay? I'm thinking of dropping out and applying next fall. I regret my choice.

>> No.11695970

Unless you have big plans like seeing the world I wouldn't go for it. Seeing your friends having their great college experiences wears away at you when you're just working or sitting at home.

>> No.11696040
File: 1.24 MB, 1546x1998, fordham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the colleges I'm going to apply to
>reach reach reach if I make it in I'll jizz myself tier
>still reachin tier
>Realistic tier
Fordham (lincoln center)
>Kill myself if I have to go here tier

I think I'll end up at Fordham but I'm working my ass off to get into Columbia. Wish me luck dudes

>> No.11696061
File: 12 KB, 391x152, the_warwick_uni_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming econ fresher. Any advice? Is Warwick as left wing as they say?

>> No.11696069
File: 9 KB, 367x137, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freshman here. place is pretty dope my man. not very fa but tons of qt's

>> No.11696076

>school started yesterday
>so many grills wearing the white with black stripes Superstars


>> No.11696093

Just a heads up if you don't already know apply for the quest bridge scholarship it's a full ride and automatic acceptance to Columbia, uchicago, northwestern, and a whole bunch of other private schools. I knew a guy in high school who was a great student but not ivy material and that got him to Columbia.

>> No.11696113

I'm shooting for UChicago too. Good luck.

>> No.11696127

What college?

>Class rank
>Top 5% - 10%
Damn it...
Everything else is good...

>> No.11696196
File: 42 KB, 794x1024, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sophomore ayy

>> No.11696247


that's less the problem and more that warwick is the least /fa/ of the good unis in the uk

with the exception of imperial & desu lse also

the career factory unis are never /fa/ m8

>> No.11696292

anyone going to sussex?

>> No.11696305

>income less than 65k a year
fug what if daddy makes >half a mil

>> No.11696339

If you're white or asian then good luck.

>> No.11696380

>being /fa/ at uni

Fuck that. Jogging bottoms and t-shirt every day.

>> No.11696389

Lie. Trust me, lie! My parents make so much more than what I put on my college aid application.

>> No.11696421
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>> No.11696432

Lol can't you go to jail if the IRS pulls one of their cross checks?

>> No.11696480

Maybe... if it is, I never got caught

>> No.11696517

upenn here, whats good
not ug tho

>> No.11696518

what dorm?

>> No.11696544

What age are americans usually when they start first year of college?
Because here, we have shorter HS (less 2 years). People graduate HS at 16. So amerika should be 18, but I keep hearing things about 20 year olds just starting college? Then for some countries, 28s starting majors.

>> No.11696547

17 - 18 is the usual age. Some people start college late, either because they never passed High school or got a full time job between college and high school

>> No.11696550

Most American high school graduates are 18 but college student ages vary quite a bit. Some people prefer to take a gap year instead of going straight into college because it gives them time to travel or figure out what they want to do. It's also not uncommon for people in med school to be in their mid to late twenties by the time they finish.

>> No.11696551

I don't think I'm poor enough for that. You have to be in almost poverty territory to qualify for that? Both of your parents have to make less than $65,000 combined?

>> No.11696574

In addition to what the other anons said it is very common for Americans to attend community college for two years to earn their general education, and then transfer out to a 4 year university.

So someone who graduated HS at 18 and then attended community college for 2 years would be 20 years old when they transfer out and start university.

>> No.11696579

That's not entirely true anymore.
>Be out of state
>Be a minority
Colleges will take you in

>> No.11696649

>great college experiences
Not that guy, but all of my friends constantly threaten to drop out. If you browse this site you're almost guaranteed to hate it.

>> No.11696659
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Anyone else studying at this hive of international students?

>> No.11696779
File: 11 KB, 195x195, templeu_logo.ai-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anywhere /fa/ to shop in philly

Anyone up for a shopping trip to NYC

>> No.11696909

No, but I went to UTS and I'm fairly sure there were more international students than domestic.

Communication was difficult, fuck group assignments etc.

>> No.11696919
File: 33 KB, 332x195, binghamton-university-a55cc6d030b33b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freshman here

>> No.11696974

Anyone from devry?????

>> No.11696987


>> No.11696993

Hey. Moving to Philly in a couple of weeks for a job. Thinking about living in Manayunk, but want to look around before finally choosing. Rec any nice places that i should look around. Something with a nice nightlife is what im looking for.