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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 227 KB, 750x750, feel train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11690883 No.11690883 [Reply] [Original]

last one about to hit three hunna

>currently 135 lbs
>want to lose 5 lbs in few months
>8pm already on calorie goal (500cal deficit)
>hungry as fuck

>barely any friends
>cant stand normies
>want to be alone when im with people
>want to be with people when im alone
>consume quite a lot of alcohol to suppress feels
>smoke weed

>drank a lot last week
>went running early morning after
>puked out blood

>decent wardrobe
>unsure what style I like the most
>last year living with parents
>room looks ugh and i hate so many stuff
>want to buy designer stuff that i love
>have to work more at my shitty job
>it pays really good tho

i just want to live on my own, have a proper paying fun job and have some good friends

>> No.11690915

why don't you go live on your own when your job pays good?

>> No.11690932

Kill yourself.
Unironically, you will never something in your life with this attitude and cry on this shit page.

>unsure what style I like the most
>last year living with parents
>room looks ugh and i hate so many stuff
>want to buy designer stuff that i love

What? Are you fucking gay or something?

>> No.11691056

I live in a crazy small town, going to college next year so then I can rent an appartment

im straight senpai
might suffer from some sort of perfectionist obsession

>> No.11691072

i feel the same way, but i leave for college next month and i really hope i will find friends and a girlfriend, things which always missed in my teenage life...
but i found solace in weed too

>> No.11691087

>big guy for you or anyone else
>BMI 34, obese but not mobility scooter obese
>just enough so that shoes and sunglasses never fit me

If I can't get a job in my field by the end of the year, I'm going to meth myself thin.

>> No.11691100

>poorfag student
>have to save up a lot to be able to afford nice stuff
>can't cop any nice stuff because I wouldn't have anything to wear it with and would have to save up for months to cop another nice piece
>have to stick to basics from h&m and the occasional zara
same old, same old

>> No.11691106

>tfw engaged in a sort of relationship with a girl for the first time, after 19 years of sentimental neglection
>she lives 1.500 km far from me

>> No.11691397

>not wanting to be a normie
>not wanting to be avant-garde or goth ninja

>> No.11691445

>date this 10/10 cutie
>leave on vacation to another country for a week
>She can't go
>ignores my text, and all means of communications in that week
>Come back, she acts like i dont exist
>Talk to her and she ends our relationship
>Never tells me why
>later find out that he just got tired of me even doe we were together for like a month

>think i am over her
>get really drunk and realize that i am not
>drunk text her
>She ignores it

>Think i am actually over it
>She starts going out with some numale faggot
>Makes me fucking die on the inside

>> No.11691456

I got more
>have a group of friends who erally get me
>shit in previous post happens
>they all leave the country forever around the same time
>stuck wtih one guy who barely goes out
>have to drink alone or with some fags
fuck me

>> No.11691461


>> No.11691468
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>tfw ugly

Not even surgery can save me

>> No.11691516
File: 48 KB, 400x436, y-live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grower not a shower
>ruins every fucking outfit's silhouette in the nether regions
>runs my confidence in the ground
>automatically turning every fit to shit because I can't wear anything with confidence
>end up dressing normcore

>> No.11691520

I have to spill.
>met a guy 8 months ago
>he perfectly understood me, finally someone that I can actually talk with and feel normal with
>but im a fucking bitch, and I felt like I was too good looking for him, even though he was literally the only person that kept me sane
>i start ignoring him and shit
>later understand that i'm a loser and try to come back
>he acts as if we were strangers
>why am i such a miserable bitch

>find another guy
>we seem to have same interests and hes a 10/10
>not the same emotional connection

I feel like a fucking loser, I want to die. I started waking up crying, my small apetite is almost non existent now. I have no friends. I have no one to talk to. I feel so shit, why am I such an empty person.. I seriously now sit only sit on my phone writing about my feelings every night because I have no one to tell.

>> No.11691565

>bitching about not banging 10/10 guys and complaining because you were an asshole

Kill ya self senpai

>> No.11691583

this is probably b8 but ill give you my skype if you want someone to talk im not looking for no relationships just warning

>> No.11691592

There's always one. Kill yourself.

>> No.11691600

Yeah you're a fucking bitch

>> No.11691633

i had severe depression and didnt have anyone, if i can help someone just with company, i will

>> No.11691642

>tfw no job
>no cops

fuck why am I even here

>> No.11691684

Kek me too
I usually just explore the sticky and lurk tho

>> No.11691724

>I feel like my arms aren't big enough
>Feel fat, but am a safe 12%BF
>Shit-tier abs because beer habit

>broke as fuck
>shut-in, online college student
>have literally $1 left 'til I hit my credit limit because I bought a Gosha Rubchinskiy repro shirt off Aliexpress

>> No.11691726

>get friends that want to go out all the time
>gain 10lbs
>wake up and start cutting back on food & alcohol to normal levels
>lose 5lbs
>friends not as interested in hanging out now that I don't pig out with them
>rather be alone than fat

On the bright side
>reconnect with old fwb
>shares his drugs with me
>sexercise marathons
>weightloss here I cum

>> No.11691746

>Great life
>Parties every Weekend
>/fit/ and good fashion sense (not this shit you call fashion)
>Bitches love me and literally want to fuck with me, even got some requests from guys
>Nice friends, perfect and big family, nobody can fuck with me
>white and quite wealthy
>I love my University, studies, mates etc

Lifes good Boys

>> No.11691761

i like showing of my bulge desu

>> No.11691762
File: 230 KB, 1100x778, Scan 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk about it with your friends, delve into work/friends/hobbies, go to the gym and make some sick cops, get some new qts mirin'

You'll be over her after some time, if she lost interest after such a short period of time then you might have saved yourself from more suffering if the relationship had went on.

Good luck my man

>> No.11691828
File: 427 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG1106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Broke up with gf and having been having sex with a new girl every three days
>Always feel shitty and hollow afterwards
>Felt like I've shorted out my pleasure button
>Friends comment on it and give me praise etc.
>Have to change subject because if I talked about how I really felt it would sound like a douchey humble brag.

>> No.11691948 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 492x538, 1465532822813.webm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to believe in yourself! You can over come the impossible, believe in the unbelievable!

>> No.11691967
File: 151 KB, 492x538, 1465532822813.webm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, you can over come any obstacle! Do the impossible, believe in unthinkable!

>> No.11691998

Okay sound brah when you finna wake up?

>> No.11692009

Good to see someone with a normal life here

I hate the whiney faggots on here who think fashion is all about being gay and depressed

>> No.11692148

No it wouldn't, take the chance and talk to them about how you really feel. Chances are they're complimenting you on your insane pussy-getting skills because they feel that that's just what guys do. Everyone plays the role how they think it should be played, not how they want to play it. If you opened up to them about feeling empty after fucking random girls, they'd likely appreciate your honesty and the fact that you are close enough to be able to share that kind of stuff. That, or they're too repressed and will make fun of you, as you said, for humble-bragging. But that wouldn't be how they really feel, though there's not much you can do to change that.

>> No.11692201


but it is.

>> No.11692208

Thanks bruh

Don't be jealous m8

>> No.11692239

>be fat neckbeard
>decide i want to dress better
>see a Burberry store at mall and walk in
>have no idea what im doing and start spaghetting and getting an anxiety attack
>clothes arent kept like a regular store and im the only customer with like 20 wage cucks staring at me
>get snarkly ask what i need from some old man in a suit, two (what i assume ) security guys move closer to me
>n-n-nothing just looking around sir
>he says "what" , but not like a question but more like he is annoying
>says "alright guy, you gotta leave" and points to the door
>was literraly in tears and red like a tomatoe from embarresment

Never again. Fuck /fa/

>> No.11692248
File: 44 KB, 432x650, uglyfuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started the summer hanging out with everyone
>slowly losing one friend after another
>going back to uni soon and nobody to say goodbye to
>once im at uni all my friends from last year want to hang out
>back of my mind all i can think about is how they will stop talking to me one at a time like all my hometown buds did
seriously considering putting a daily word cap on myself, like 50 words or something. otherwise ill go crazy from loneliness

>> No.11692334

wow what horrible fucking service, never shopping there

>> No.11692379

> was 4/10
> med school happened
> 2/10 now
> don't know what to wear when i'm off duty
> only feel comfortable in scrubs

>> No.11692931
File: 118 KB, 940x529, 5-Benjamin-Jarvis-black-bomber-940x529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be me
>not autist
>dress like pic related
>similar hair and look to pic, not as pretty tho
>not shite with girls
>see effay cute grill at school
>wander around campus to see if i can find her
>realize that I might be falling for her already
>fantasize about her and what she is like
>never even have spoken to her
>after exams one day i see her sitting alone
>sit down next to her
>go into straight turbo autist mode
>feels like iv never talked to a grill ever
>I muster up the courage and try and talk
>she stares at me and ignores me
>I stay silent for awhile and pull out phone
>15min pass by
>My stomach is in knots
>I get up and take a sip of my water
>sheepishly introduce myself
>she doesnt give a shit
>shes too busy watching overwatch vids
>ask for her number, like a fucking autist
>she says "i dont think thats a good idea"
>the autism sinks
>leave the campus in shame
>hope to never see her again
>fucking see her first day back to class
fuk my shit up

>> No.11692956

this bitch literally turned me autistic by literally doing nothing

>> No.11693021

damn that's hardcore sperg mode m8, sorry

>> No.11693027


>implying you need expensive shit to look good

>> No.11693552

almost same thing happened to me bruh. summer is heartbreak season.
i don't know what i fucking did wrong

>> No.11693912

If she's watching overwatch videos you dodged a bullet

>> No.11693974

>be a graduate teacher
>good pay, reasonably good hours plus I get school holidays - obviously still do work outside of school though
>was enjoying it for the first half of the year
>now I couldn't care less if I were to be fired
>really enjoying sharing knowledge and building rapport with my students, but fucking hate dealing with their bullshit
>literally couldn't give a shit about them wearing a hat inside or swearing or whatever
>heaps of kids are just disrespectful pricks
>starting to realise that I don't care about teaching as much as I thought I did
>also live in a boring, shit area that's no fun to come to at the end of the day
>pretty much set on leaving teaching at the end of the year and spending a year or two bumming around
>probably gonna work in a cafe or something and go travelling and hiking and stuff

Might have to dial back the impact being /fa/ has on my life tbqh

>> No.11694106

made a thread but it died instantly
copy and paste from what i wrote before:
anyone here suffering/suffered from BBD and low confidence and self esteem and shit. i got it pretty fucking bad, just feel ugly all the time, hyper aware of my flaws and insecurities even when i'm on my own. i look handsome in the mirror but in pictures look hella ugly, i know that your face is swapped in photos and shit but its not just that, my chin looks hella long, my jaw looks way weaker. i've been told i'm good looking and was once to my huge suprise told i was the best looking on campus, but like a week later i've convinced myself that was how i used to look and now people dont find me attractive, even tho i havent changed at all.

although i havent yet started i'm thinking:
>bed early
>up early
>exercise everyday
>dont skip class (i get pretty bad SA from my zero confidence
>healthy diet, no greasy heavy shit
>loads and loads of water, no sugary drinks

will this help, is self esteem something that people are just born with? will it be forever?
i just want a gf ;_;

>> No.11694441

get a thicker pair of underwear mang they make some with more padding for the groin

you played yourself

change the drinking to weekend only, helped me with getting mah abs to come back in

>shares drugs with me
seen this one before..

i feel like ive seen a lot of teachers do thta, prob a good idea if you arent happy, good luck!

therapy anon. its 50% meme and waste of money 50% real and works. As far as that regiment, i think thats good. I hate mornings so i dont do this, but if you can working out in the morning will be good. They say 30-45 minutes of exercise a day helps with anxiety and once you see results obviously thatll help too. To help with skipping class id make sure i do the following..

>work out in wee early morning
>make your bed
>if you dont already brush your teeth in the morning aswell

these sound all fubar, but they are all proven to drive someone to be more productive.

Def cut all drinks besides water, or like a black coffee.

>> No.11694470

>seen this one before..

I guess people lead coincidental lives. This only happened in the past month to me, and I've only just posted. idk mayne.

>> No.11694483
File: 28 KB, 590x442, 1447173178986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god smite me off this fucking earth

>finish high school
>no idea what to do with life, end up neeting for half a year
>during that time i stop talking to everyone and don't respond to any texts
>partly out of shame partly because i don't want to hear "come on get your shit together just follow your dreams :)" because i don't think i can
>end up singing up for college (no debt here)
>don't really have a good explanation or justification for my mayor (no art shit)
>sometimes when i leave my home and drive around i think i see someone i know at the side of the road and panic until i realize it's clearly just some other person
>mate keeps texting me and i don't respond
>see him typing into mutual groups about how i apparently died
>by some freak accident we drove past each other last week and he waved but i think he figured it wasn't me after all
>every night i have dreams about people i knew in different eras of high school time
>i want to turn back time very badly
>i can't even pinpoint the moment everything went horribly wrong

>it's been more than a year since i last talked to high school people outside of some girl that happened to text me
>teach types into our old high school graduate class group
>"hey kids the government wants to know what you are doing after high school please respond"
>apparently half of the people i knew are becoming teachers and the other half is learning some trade
>i just want to be left alone
>"thanks for the responses guys only [person] and anon left, anyone know what they are doing?"
>i don't know what to do and pace around my room for half an hour feeling like i got stabbed in the chest
>as i am about to shoot the teach a discrete private message so he can tell his superiors and leave me in peace my mate sends a message about how i am "completely vanished :D"
it's all so horrible

i would take my own life but my parents are still around and "everything is terribly awkward all the time" doesn't make for an effay suicide note

>> No.11694494

are white lighters actually bad luck or is that just a meme spread by someone who wants to be the only person owning a white lighter because those look the best?

my current feels is paranoia

>> No.11694547

no its nt like a post on chan im talking about

you dont think he is just yaknow basically paying you off with drugs for sex?

cuase thats how it kinda goes

>> No.11695019
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 8e8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I said I wasn't going to puke anymore, but today I felt like shit and puked again...
Help me /feel/ better fa ):

>> No.11695046

dude, it's okay not to know what to do. things are going to be alright.

>> No.11696130

thanks anon

>> No.11696390

>it's all so horrible

"it" (this abstract thing you've created that is the cause of all your problems) is horrible because you make it horrible. fix it. text your friends, say sorry for disappearing, stop trying to drown in your self-pity and make something of your life. you can do it, you just have to want to. right now you're giving off a pretty pathetic vibe.

>> No.11696487

>sold 3 knockoffs to retards on Grailed and made 300$ profit this week

So far having a good week. Depression has been doing better. Uncle in and out of hospital because bad heart so stressing over that. Lost 5 lbs and been drinking too much, need to eat more solid food.

>> No.11696650

want to be more effay. not more effay. want to die. not dead.

>> No.11697615

>sit at home all day, browse /fa/ and fashion forums
>get the impression I am ugly as fuck, as I don't look like any male model and also lack height
>go outside
>look at the majority of people
>feel really good about my looks, as I look much better than the average person
>come home, browse /fa

>> No.11697621

>be me
>have friends on the internet and irl
>they make a comment or a joke which repulses me
>stop talking to them altogether, just disappear
>half year later I miss them but cant even text them

>> No.11697648
File: 226 KB, 300x237, 1472612226351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm ugly as fuck
>I live in the middle of nowhere in a flyover state
>I lack any form of intelligence (Did shit in school all through out the years)
>Wonder if I have mental illnesses
>Parents don't believe I have any issues
>Live alone in a small house in the country side
>Work a minimum wage job
>Own nothing but a microwave, fridge, stove, bed, shitty computer, and a few clothes I thrifted
>People always tell me "Come on, Anon! You will be alright! Go out there!"
>Refuse to have kids out of fear they'll end up like me
>I'm a virgin anyways, so not like it matters

Well shit