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/fa/ - Fashion

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11690403 No.11690403 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise being skinny is the most /fa/ body type and working out is try-hard-hs-chad-mode

>> No.11690425

Good luck with that I'll be over here getting my dick sucked.

>> No.11690427
File: 23 KB, 583x583, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are best depending on your looks/style/activities

>> No.11690431

>this is what the anorexics at thinspo actually belive
most /fa/ is normal and /fit/
skinny is the same as fat tier ugly as sin

>> No.11690441

is it still possible to wear small/xsmall and sub 30 waist and still be semi muscled toned? if so what workout routine would you recommend

>> No.11690444

If you have low body fat, a nice jaw and good insertion genetics, tall and skinny is the goat.

If you're a manlet or skinnyfat like most of the people who make posts like this you should go hit the weights

>> No.11690460
File: 43 KB, 500x557, clement_chabernaud_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw being skinny only works if you have a nice cute face

>> No.11690498

by some average looking basic bitch

>> No.11690503
File: 39 KB, 467x700, Sean-OPry-shirtless-body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be delusional

even your dream artsy model gf would rather fuck a muscular Chad than a skinny twink in Saint Laurent

Im sure shed rather keep you around as a friend, and maybe even want to marry you once she's 35 and dried up and needs someone to pay for her shit, but while she's in her prime she will be exclusively attracted to Chad

You'll be nothing but a harmless orbiter to her

>> No.11690569

Only weird girls who are into emo bands like skinny dudes. Having muscle is way better looking and helps you in life :) Guys who think being a stick is cool looking kinda just look for a excuse why not to get some muscle

>> No.11690633

Yeah I'm pretty toned and still really skinny.

>> No.11690645

This. Don't be black and you are perfect.

>> No.11690686


>> No.11690701
File: 81 KB, 668x1000, 8bkaiz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A soft reminder.

>> No.11690726

I used to be a skinny chicken shit, but it dawned on me I idolized masculine virtue. Might and fight are what makes a man a man.

>> No.11690771

ITT: insecure manlets who thought they could lift their way out of being ugly

>> No.11690812

more like real life

in what scenario would a healthy sexually active woman want to fuck a twig instead of a muscular alpha teeming with testosterone?

it doesnt make evolutionary sense

>> No.11690816

Might makes right be it beauty, brain, or brawn. If you have all three? Congrats. Otherwise fuck off sport. Height isn't going to stop a roid rage "manlet" from tearing your boney appendages apart. You're weak, you're useless.

>> No.11690822

In today's society a man doesn't need to be strong in order to provide resources.
A good job is more attractive than muscles you're never going to use.
With money you can buy people with big arms to protect you.

>> No.11690838

And you pressupose that people from /fit/ do fit that category, lol?

She'd fuck the one with the superior genetics, a la face, height and frame.

I.e. not any of you gymcels.

>> No.11690844

>manlet power fantasy

No one takes you midget looking faggots seriously, least of all women.

>> No.11690855

this guy clearly works out though

>> No.11690862

Bare minimum. /fit/ would call him a hungry skeleton.

>> No.11690974

But when you don't got that face

>> No.11690979

You're fucked then mang. If youa are average looking with a decent height, it's not all that bad. However, no amount of lifting can fix an ugly face.

>> No.11691049

bare minimum i.e. his body is still 100x more attractive than whats posted in thinspo threads here and 150x more attractive than the skinnyfat losers not his site posting about how they dont need to workout

>> No.11691061

Or still date you because of your personality but not really be that attracted to you because you're so skinny which doesn't seem an issue at first but then several years on the personality that was your selling point is beginning to grate along with the no-hobbies no-ambition 4chan lifestyle and the fact you don't have the sex appeal to fall back on will eventually turn the relationship into a passionless routine ...

>> No.11691073
File: 979 KB, 1000x1280, tumblr_mdfy8wClv61qb2mnpo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing that this days even a "not so well looking face" guy can look hot too.

But that also involves confidence and charm.

Working out still helping your game tho
Stop making excuses you faggots

>> No.11691110

You're right, being skinny is the most /fa/ body type, and chad mode isn't /fa/, but that's like saying having AIDS is the most Nigerian body type, and not having AIDS isn't.

Chad mode is better than skinny fuccboi famalam

>> No.11691121

yea im toned with a 24 waist. i am short though (5'4)

>> No.11691128
File: 9 KB, 236x287, 4db23a8641793a8c010248d0b630652c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what? Tom Hardy is no way average, he just looks like crap in that pic
Implying that average 4chan user could look like him

>> No.11691148

He's kinda scary looking to me. But hot atst. Very masculine
His teeth are fuckd up tho

And yeah you can. If you take care of urself as much as he does.

>> No.11691166

Yup sure. If you are average and groom well, take care of skin and body ofc you will look good. I'm just saying Tom Hardy has some seriously good facial features, no way that his face could only be average

>> No.11691603

what is your routine like should I do starting strength 5x5 what

>> No.11691614

Small guy

>> No.11691750

if you people stopped making up reasons why nobody will ever want to fuck you and instead spent this time socializing you'd all be better off

trying to argue about this shit is completely pointless for so many reasons, #1 being attraction does not work like you goddamn dweebs seem to think it does

hell this thread is proof of that! you all think different things are attractive (i.e. some of you are attracted to muscular physiques, some to thin, etc) and instead of drawing the conclusion that if even this extremely homogenic and niche sample group can't agree on this, the rest of the world won't either.

It's not that the people arguing "skinny/fat/fit/huge/whatever" are wrong, it's just you're attracted to different things! jesus fucking christ

>> No.11691839

>want to be skinny and effay
>but also not be a weak shit
Conflicting emotions

>> No.11691854

obesity pls go

>> No.11692068

Man I thought I wanted to be muscular too. Turns out I just wanted to fuck muscular guys ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.11692287

Go ottermode, girls dig it more than super ripped guys anyway

>> No.11692290
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1432259490310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you wear really nice clothes to hide the ugliness that is underneath

>> No.11692296

Third time posting this.

Starting a 7-day fast tomorrow. Looking for somebody to do it with. We exchange e-mails and what not. For the fit.

>> No.11692312

u mean super jacked? Ottermode is ripped..

>> No.11692316

Yeah, you know what I meant

>> No.11692318

as in not eating at all?

>> No.11692322

What do you got scars or eczema or something

>> No.11692370

Water and tea are acceptable. I personally also drink coffee and 5hr energy.

>> No.11692589
File: 42 KB, 301x450, vitruvian-man-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't look like he works out for sick gains, but he doesn't look like a poor heroin addict either.

>> No.11692601

>tfw you realize no matter how /fa/ and /fit/ you become you will still be /r9k/ to every girl you meet

>> No.11692638

Not sure how much good that would do for me to be honest. I'd lose like 1.5 kilos and be dizzy as fuck constantly

>> No.11692649

you know you have a problem when you use the boards of a tibetan throat singing forum as adjectives

>> No.11692761

who skinny but /athletic build/ with muscular legs and ass

>> No.11692799

who /skinnyfat but suspiciously female looking ass wish legs and deltoids that are way stronger than the rest of the body for no apparent reason/ here?

>> No.11692806

I've tried both, personally I like Starting Strength better because of the progression I got out of it but you'll have a ridiculously under developed chest compared to your back and lower body; and half way through I even started benching three times a week to try and get more of my upper body. I didn't like 5x5 because it felt like I was stuck on the same weights with little progression. The only real advice is consistency, pick one and stick too it.

>> No.11692833

Agreed. Being thin is patrician.

Looking like you do heavy lifting regularly, or that you have to do manual labor makes you seem like a peasant

>> No.11692859

how to learn proper form? what weights do I start at if I've never lifted before?

>> No.11692933

Go read the sticky on /fit/. For form watch Mark Rippletoes videos on youtube and grab the biggest guy thats form looks the most like the videos you watched, eg. straight back on everything. To learn form start at a weight where it's light enough that you feel in control when lifting and spend a week focusing on good form. For weights just start at a weight that's heavy but not uncontrollable, like if your squatting you shouldn't fall to the bottom because you don't have the strength to slowly lower yourself.

>> No.11692966
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1451367484491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinny twink in Saint Laurent

>> No.11693217

Only if you're one of those athletic thin manlets you see in the sub 135lb weight classes.

>> No.11693253

Put your boner away his body isn't even admirable

>> No.11693420
File: 58 KB, 850x400, rick swolens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you fit like Rick?

>> No.11693478
File: 502 KB, 544x816, 1438356616848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't

>> No.11693933

Nigga I'm getting my dick sucked and I'm skinny (laughing crying emoji)

>> No.11693973

I'm pretty sure skinny/skinyfat guys with a good face who are outgoing and well adjusted don't have much problem getting all sorts of women.

I have multiple friends who just kill it with women. I mean playing with 5+ girls at the same moment, despite the girls knowing it's casual, have no problem approaching random women and being successful etc.
A lot of them are 7 or 8s facially and their bodies are shit, either skinny or skinnyfat.

The problem starts if you're attractive facially, very skinny and not outgoing. Even if you dress well (and I mean normalcore well, if you do the sick /fa/ fits you're staying a virgin) you won't have much success with women, because you general image, physical combined with your demeanor, tells women you're "weak" so to speak.

The solution to that problem is to get bigger and fitter. Then you project a physical image of strength, of having your shit together, that offsets your lack of social assertiveness.

I can tell you from experience, because I look pretty good facially but I suffer from some minor social anxiety. Lifting and getting a bit bigger didn't help me with acting more confident much, I still have trouble interacting socially, and I still think everyone is looking at me when I take the train, judging me for some stupid reason.

But I can tell you I've had much more universal success with women. I had weirder girls approach me in the past, when I dressed in black and had long hair for example, but they were in some subculture or another. After getting buff I get attention and compliments from all sort of women, despite changing very little apart from getting bigger and fitting better in my clothes.

>> No.11693994

>telling a skinnyfat person to bulk

yes, because being bloated, double chinned and completely unsexy looking is much better

If you're skinnyfat, lift, get n00b gains and cut. You'll then be thin as hell but still muscular/athletic. You can then bulk from there.

>> No.11694250

I've never been attracted to muscles. Is something wrong with me? Looking at noticeably big muscles makes me feel disgusted while my friends love them.

>> No.11694263

Muscles are for impressing other dudes, not for being attractive.

>> No.11694275


>while my friends love them

No, nothing is wrong with you per se, but you're an outlier taste-wise.