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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11677784 No.11677784 [Reply] [Original]

>When his clothes aren't properly ironed
>When he wears socks with shorts while not going for a nerdcore fit
>When he rolls his sleeves the wrong way
>When he has a great fit but a shit haircut

>> No.11677791

>when he browses /fa/

>> No.11677793

>When he isn't white

>> No.11677800

>He is int a vain piece of shit like me

>> No.11677802

testing i

>> No.11677813

How the hell do you role your sleeves the wrong way

There's like only one way to do it

>> No.11677822 [DELETED] 

rate my new trip

>> No.11677832

Igor's worst poster ever

>> No.11677834

awesome igor

>> No.11677837

That's it

>> No.11677841

W/P/E = wants penis everyday?

>> No.11677848
File: 21 KB, 395x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she
>likes heavy metal music
>has lots of guy friends bc "girls are catty bitches"
>has more than one dating app on her phone
>espouses boiler plate opinions she picked up from social science professors
>has any facial piercing besides a small nose stud.
>has a kid
>has dated blacks

>> No.11677849 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 324x236, Chopper-Chopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember the last time i had a erection ._.

Everything makes me mad

>> No.11677876

>has a dating app on her phone
>has any facial piercing.

>> No.11677887


>> No.11677913

>when he/she browses /fa/

almost everyone here just trying to compensate for their insecurities and/or has some kind of mental problem.

also the people who make these threads tend to be the passive-agressive, silent judgemental type. red flag, avoid

>> No.11677923


>> No.11677956
File: 272 KB, 576x410, tumblr_n6o06uEe8H1s15q2ho4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only here for the sticky and the circlejerking.

>> No.11677980
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>> No.11678163
File: 68 KB, 500x293, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When he gives a whit about what other people where and isn't just /fa/ for personal enjoyment

>> No.11678393

>When his only pride and joy is an arbitrary physical trait

>> No.11678572
File: 138 KB, 970x582, 1441796949642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people throw out functionality. Such as, t-shirts over sweaters/coats, pants tucked into socks, and jeans tucked into boots.

>> No.11678592

uh I dunno where you live but its always more functional to wear a tshirt where I live

>> No.11678601

I believe he meant t-shirts over sweaters, as in layering. not t-shirts instead of sweaters

>> No.11678625
File: 133 KB, 700x767, mdW47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

garbage like this

>> No.11678643

Pants tucked into boots is very functional. Would you want your pants flopping around and touching the snow/rain in inclement weather?

But, even if the weather isn't inclement, you still avoid the "flopping around" aspect of pants-over-boots (unless the pants are skinny). It might not be a major bonus to functionality, but it still is preferable to tuck pants into boots.

>> No.11678651

You're on a fashion board, autismo.
It's not about functionality, it's about looking effay.

>> No.11678686

>calling someone autistic for not wanting to look autistic

>> No.11678692

Back to your cargo shorts collection, gramps.

>> No.11678705

I'd say it's the autists who go for functionality (or "comfort") over form.

Sure, they might don a fedora, but it would almost certainly be paired with "comfy" and "functional" cargo shorts, T-shirts, and sneakers.

>> No.11678854
File: 314 KB, 860x892, 1452356258940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw been growing out hair for what feels like ages and it's almost chin length at the sides...and now I don't think I want it anymore but no longer have any idea what I want to do with it and am honestly too scared to get it cut

Anyone else had these feels? Anyone just buzzed their hair to a fairly short length from being pretty long? Did you do it yourself? How shocking was it?

>> No.11678898

>when she's into anime
>when she's a self proclaimed gamer girl
>when she's not above 5'9
Small people will never be effay

>> No.11678915

just let it keep going, the reason you dont like it is because its in the awkward stages

>> No.11678918

I did. Buzzed it off, was shocked. Wanted to kill myself after I did it, but people really liked it and told me it was a lot better than what I had before.

So now I buz pretty much every 4 weeks.

>> No.11678946

Did you buzz it yourself? How short? I never used to go below a 3/4 for back and sides and slightly longer than that on top, so I was wondering if I could just "reset" to how everything used to be.

>> No.11679002

First time I did it I buzzed it to 3 on the sides and 5 on top.
Now I usually do 1/3 because 3/5 grows out fast.

>> No.11679094

When does it stop being awkward, length-wise? My sides are roughly chin length while the back is a few inches more, so it needs a tidy for sure, however I was trying to hold out until sides hit shoulders before doing that.

>> No.11679121

Non whites are just uglier on average.
Personally i wouldn't fuck my family up by having asian or black children.
Ain't no of these fuckers will carry my family name.
But if you are American it shouldnt matter imo.

>> No.11679136

wtf have you ever seen full-blooded-Spanish Mexicans
they're beautiful

>> No.11679634

>When he wears socks with shorts while not going for a nerdcore fit
I do this. Does that mean I unironically dress like a nerd?

>> No.11679640

>full blooded spainish mexicans

either you're mexican or spainish you spainish rape baby

>> No.11679695
File: 449 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that, it felt great at first but the glow only lasted like two weeks and now im regrowing.

>> No.11679704

Nah I grew up in a border town and they come over from Monterrey and DF to shop

>> No.11679747

>wtf have you ever seen full-blooded-Spanish Mexicans
If they are full-blooded Spanish they are white

>> No.11679761

well I guess they are, technically; and they look good, guys and girls

>> No.11680885

Thanks for the before and after pic, it's really helpful to get a feel for the two lengths side-by-side on the same person.