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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 72 KB, 1125x585, 1443282893595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11676114 No.11676114 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is dying.

>> No.11676121
File: 792 KB, 1080x720, waywt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date, and the only pants I have that match this jacket have twisted seams.

Does it look too goofy?

>> No.11676125
File: 363 KB, 420x667, Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 10.15.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11676134

jacket is definitely too short,especially for a three button
pants doesn't fit at all

>> No.11676148
File: 131 KB, 1080x720, seam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you mean too short on the jacket?
Do you have any fit examples?

And the pants fit fine, they're just bizarre.

>> No.11676154


>> No.11676181
File: 837 KB, 1378x2277, IMAG1022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it rained

>> No.11676183
File: 119 KB, 1080x720, trainjacket#2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what do you guys think of this jacket I found on the train?

>> No.11676188
File: 227 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11676219
File: 69 KB, 614x681, 54d9450b567b2_-_esq-leonardo-dicaprio-three-button-suit-110813-1lpy9e-xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your suit should not show your shirt,especially a three button one,the sleeves are too short

>> No.11676231

Ohhh shiit. I actually cuffed the sleeves slightly because I thought you were meant to show some shirt.

Thanks anon. I learned something new today.

>> No.11676250

Nice jacket, not so good fit
Nice fit

>> No.11676269
File: 1.70 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20160826_070339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11676290

Imo not good, but definitely not terrible and to someone with different tastes prob good.
Good fit
A bit normcore but good

>> No.11676316

10/10 hair

>> No.11676321

noo not same guy here but

the jacket's buttons are too high, you should not be able to see your shirt (in front of your belly button) under the buttons.

Also the jackets sleeves are too short, you're right that you're supposed to show a bit but that's because your shirtsleeves are also a tiny bit too short. Usually 1/8 to 1/3 an inch depending on preferences but this doesn't matter very much

>> No.11676324

Does anyone know w2c all these except foe the shades?

>> No.11676339

Well living in Russia you have to adapt and seem normie enough not to get shanked

>> No.11676383
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>> No.11676385
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>> No.11676396

Where are the jacket sleeves meant to hit? Because they hit at the exact end of my wrist, if it's any longer it would get in the way, is it meant to?

I kind of liked the length, could it possibly be a stylistic choice or does it look awful?

Teach me.

>> No.11676405
File: 507 KB, 1908x3018, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posing interests me

he's going by traditional suiting rules, and you're not wearing traditional suiting
if you like the way it looks, wear it

>> No.11676415

Oh cool, I do kind of dig the length.

But if I can learn from other anons then that's cool too.

>> No.11676426
File: 1.02 MB, 1562x1562, IMG_20160825_154213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bomber in the mail today

inb4 send it back

idk dude i think it looks alright

most fashion rules are kind of arbitrary imo


>> No.11676438
File: 1.49 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160813_050601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the shirt tucked in earlier, pants pinrolled higher, belt on, and its hard to tell with the huge sweater but the jeans are high waisted, I've got like 3-4in higher on that shirt I just threw these all back on for a pic

>> No.11676443
File: 991 KB, 495x1239, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did she have to hurt me like that

>> No.11676451
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, File_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11676455

I like all the pieces but maybe dont roll your pants up like that.

>> No.11676456
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, File_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outfit for tomorrow. Should I wear >>11676451
this pear of shoes instead?

>> No.11676460

jesus this is fucking bad dude. thanks for the close up of a tag of a chink made sweatshop piece of shit lmao

>> No.11676463

Nice hair senpai

shirt has kinda a strong pattern for the color it feels like

change the shoes

if you take away the shirt color and the shoes, overall the fit of the clothing looks nice

also how did she hurt you

>> No.11676470

you wearin a sweatshirt with shorts? or is that just an oversized shirt with scrunched sleeves

>> No.11676472

why the fuck did you take a close-up shot of the logo

>> No.11676475

Yeah I need new shoes for sure, and thanks for the kind words. she just broke my hurt man, first girl i've been with that I had true feelings for instead of just wanting pussy. she had her problems like all of us, we had a looong history together and it was just the picturesque dark hearts romance. She said she loved me, the first girl I've ever let in like that and I loved her too.

I still fucking love her even after I found out on my birthday she was talking to other dudes. How can i ever trust someone when she would lay next to me in my bed and hold me and talk in that little soft innocent voice of hers, tell me that she loved me and make my heart fucking melt all while shes looking for more dick ugh

>> No.11676476

cringed hard at this jealousy. where are your fits fagchilds?

>> No.11676480

I ended it obviously when I found out but even though it's been more than a month, I feel like i have to stay occupied from the moment I wake up until the moment I fall asleep or else my mind is stuck on her. I told her never to talk to me again and now I regret it and I just want her to hold me and say just what I need to hear like she always did.

Fuck you isabelle

>> No.11676482
File: 8 KB, 156x205, ben-sherman-sweaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a thin scrunched sweater, It's still summer here, but I feel like it could work

>> No.11676485

cant turn a hoe into a housewife

>get new shoes
>hoes start to flock
>isabelle sees you sticking ur dick in susie rottencrotch
>prob fuck isabelle again and find new gf who loves you more

>> No.11676486

i still think those glasses look terrible on you
are those weightlifting shoes?

>> No.11676489

if i were ever jealous of y-3, i think id kill myself

>> No.11676490

I know man, I know. I'm just not even slightly over her yet. I've been about to hook up with girls that were just as hot as her, and I literally started crying while getting my dick sucked because it reminded me of her lmfao.

I'm so fucked, i wanna wrap my car around a tree

>> No.11676497

desu bro i dont think it works

i think pants and a t shirt work better than shorts and a sweater

post a thread over at /adv/, ill comment there. dont wanna clog up waywt with stories of you crying while getting sucked off

>> No.11676503

fucc w2c

>> No.11676509

Dark Denim Thaw Mesh Low-Top Sneakers

>> No.11676525

Don't you have a pic of you wearing the Skull 5 Panel hat?

>> No.11676530

ty for the advice senapi

>> No.11676536

Something about the proportions on the left one doesn't look right and kind of unflattering. Makes you look short and stoit

>> No.11676542

dont listen to the haters this is fucking fire man
are those glasses yohji too?

>> No.11676543

Agreed, it looked much better when I wore it out tho

>> No.11676553


>> No.11676566

I got dem siq ex fat boy calves, and leg press 650 lbs sry

>> No.11676593
File: 246 KB, 401x297, 785710512f220977bae55a7893339e05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11676618

right unless you're wearing a suit to a typical suit event (dance or business) you should be more concerned about your preferences. I think the suit jacket looks too high simply because I'm used to looking at typical suits, but overall it doesn't look that bad.

As for your questions, so assuming you're going for a traditional suit fit, if it is actually hitting that far then you're all good. As you said, you cropped them in the pic. You want to have your shirt (not jacket) sleeves hit right at your wrist, with the jacket like 1/4 inch behind that. This is typically a tailoring thing. But yours is almost certainly fine if you uncrop your jacket sleeves

>> No.11676635
File: 784 KB, 2000x2000, 2016-02-10 14.38.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look i like the newmoney fuccboi look o k guys

fair enough, i put them up for climbing (and also it was v hot)

lol k

had to make it square for insta, also shows fabric details


haha theyre tokio trainers from like ss14 w the laces removed, but yeah p much

are you the guy who called me a shitty willy wonka bc i thought that was fucking hilarious


yeah a couple i think. pic related is probably the best one idk, p solid cap tho

cool shirtz's emails/fb posts are usually the highlight of my day. loving the eric arc

>taking effay seriously
not these days friendo

glasses are cheap mall shit, been eyeing kuboraum for a few months tho. can't commit that much cash to sunglasses rn but if i ever do thats probably the way i'll go

>> No.11676642

>are you the guy who called me a shitty willy wonka bc i thought that was fucking hilarious
unfortunately no, but that's pretty imaginative

>> No.11676663
File: 1.64 MB, 1152x2048, 20160826_132926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to wear my ugly shoes?

>> No.11676665


>> No.11676666

Any idea w2c the hat now?

>> No.11676672

sign up for the mailing list and wait for a restock, thats what i did :/

seems like they do it a few times a year tho. i've seen it restocked at least twice in the last year or so, and its been a while since the last one. they were available for a good few weeks each time too, shouldn't be too much trouble

good luck lol

>> No.11676680

But then how will I justify this impulse purchase to myself?


>> No.11676697

just live with it and learn from your mistake

>> No.11676741

Damn satan

>> No.11676749


what sweater tho

>> No.11676766
File: 644 KB, 1408x2521, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11676788
File: 178 KB, 683x911, 627 Shoe+Socks Details.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit dude you are straight up stealing my aesthetic

>> No.11676790

goddamn post face so I can cum

>> No.11676793

Yeah it might just be the camera angle

>> No.11676794


>> No.11676800

simple and boring
don't cuff your pants like that, roll twice or not at all

>> No.11676838

two tight cuffs or two meaty cuffs?

A pic would be cool, sorry I'm slow

>> No.11676841

either one for whatever look you're going for
but rolling your cuffs up once looks tacky

>> No.11676850

I rolled mine up twice dog

>> No.11676853

really? the picture threw me off
either way, they look kinda weird

>> No.11676858
File: 730 KB, 1152x1174, 20160826_153152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so you like it or na? Cost me $20 at the thrift.

>> No.11676901

Don't like the bunched pants and sleeves but the fit is decent my dude.
I agree that the closeup on the tag is a little funny but whatevs

>> No.11676907

honest opinion: dunk them in a bucket of black paint or something and fuck them up. theyre gross but would make decent DIY experiment shoes

>> No.11676908

im at a point where i honestly think there are no more good fits posted in the WAYWTs... This board used to be POPPIN

>> No.11676929
File: 846 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20160826-115745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I leaving the grip of normie core?

>> No.11676932

>this is fucking fire man
I want the 13 year old niggers to go.

>> No.11676934
File: 13 KB, 252x317, 1466580660452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe core

>> No.11676968
File: 607 KB, 3400x2208, emjay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going out to play pokemon go today before work ^______^

>> No.11676985


a little triggered, but all in good fun, have a (you)

>> No.11677029

Post yours

>> No.11677038
File: 179 KB, 729x787, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is lacking some Rick!!!!!!!!!! >:-(

my fav so far

not my style but I like, nice lack of a head

wow very kawaii desu senpai ^__~

>> No.11677042

c..can we see the whole outfit desu..?

>> No.11677063
File: 500 KB, 916x984, 193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one for (you) 2.
arigatou gozaimasu~! >//<


>> No.11677081

Snow nigga? Where you live?

>> No.11677111

w2c this version of gats? please

>> No.11677127
File: 864 KB, 1944x2592, 20160826_084307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate when it's hot because then i can't wear leather jacket

Also leather jackets should always be left unzipped yes?

>> No.11677136

Up to you senpai

>> No.11677138

you can zip up leather jackets if you have the body type for it

>> No.11677377

why is there a trap on /fa/

>> No.11677380

You look so sad, cheer up m8.

>> No.11677385

meme core

>> No.11677390

Showing of tags is so pleb core

>> No.11677408

Show dick

>> No.11677564

your legs look like squidwards when he found the krabby patty vault

>> No.11677577

plz be don't be a democrat

>> No.11677919

not a fan senpai

>> No.11677966

With the fixes made im sure itll look quite nice. just wear some nice shoes

Not my style but nice

The boots kinda threw me off, other than that i liked it

slav /10
if it was a plain shirt it would be a lot better

Nice hair, basic but nicely done, show some non work fits

Nice but id drop the hoodie

the shirt has this undershirt look, maybe something thicker needed

always a pleasure

the silver is a bit much for my taste

if the jeans were tapered this would be real good

already responded

already responded

Cant really see much, so ill give the sweatshirt a good cop rating but other than that idk whats happenin

I like the jacket famo

cant rock em bro, return em. also id size down one size on the top

very normal so not bad but id prob change the shoes for this one, or get pants that dont need to be cuffed

jean jacket and smaller belt buckle

to each their own but i think full rick is kinda a meme, the peices are all nice but together they seem odd

id change the shirt, but the shoes are dope

>> No.11677967
File: 147 KB, 929x1600, 2016-08-20-02-04-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11677972

from the thumbnail i thought you had white cargobaskets and was like whatttttttttttt
could have been the ultimate fit desu

>> No.11677974

the "im so attractive" self-circlejerk thread has 200 replies but you all look autistic and awkward as fuck.

>> No.11678009

W2c boots

>> No.11678031

I lol'd

>> No.11678144
File: 3.06 MB, 2121x3771, 20160826_181817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /comfy/ here?

>> No.11678155

>the jacket's buttons are too high
his pants are too low

>> No.11678156
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11678157 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160825_135557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might help that it's the sleeve? little less weird bc its actually a visible part of the jacket, didnt even think about it being the tag, that would be like super dumb and flexy

this post was fun

old pic, read post (colorado)

read the beginning of this post, it's a sleeve detail

it's slightly offwhite irl, not rally shiny at all. def not silver

>> No.11678160


>> No.11678162

jeans fit fine, you should probably wear them higher though

>> No.11678167
File: 2.11 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160825_135557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only included that to make it square for insta lol,
might help that it's the sleeve? little less weird bc its actually a visible part of the jacket & shows materials and detailing. didnt even think about it being the tag, that would be like super dumb and flexy

this post was fun

old pic, read post (colorado)

read the beginning of this post, it's a sleeve detail

it's slightly offwhite irl, not rally shiny at all. def not silver

>> No.11678172

trevor the elongated skeleton!
look at those garbage scooping arms!

>> No.11678175

meme school

>> No.11678182

how can you be comfy with a body like that? if I were you I'd be on edge every day

>> No.11678186
File: 8 KB, 167x118, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11678188
File: 1.67 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20160826_203044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this ?

>> No.11678225

are those neighborhood sweats? and what shoes? basic as fuck fit but nice

>> No.11678242
File: 966 KB, 2341x2770, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expensive shoes with $10 outfit

>> No.11678246

*bad shoes with a *bad fit

>> No.11678247

you look like an idiot

>> No.11678266

Reduce that ocd gyming. You look too bulky manlet

>> No.11678267


Thanks :)

>> No.11678271

I'm 6.25' , and thanks I try

>> No.11678273

Aape sweatpants

Shoes are basic Nike sb's I copped in Germany in some discont center for literally 20euros .though hey were a knock off at first

>> No.11678294

hey whats up guys its scarce here

>> No.11678295


>> No.11678312

Nice shoes. Got an insta?

>> No.11678336


>> No.11678421
File: 1.55 MB, 1086x1123, DSC07183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11678442

digging it

what cw chucks are those?

>> No.11678451

dunno exact model/name but google tan shearling converse and you can find them easily

>> No.11678458
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x2147, 26-08-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11678462

Nice basic fit

>> No.11678482

This hat is shit

>> No.11678483

cwc core

>> No.11678487

mang u post too much

>> No.11678488

Aape is shit, cop some real

>> No.11678494

v nice fit

>> No.11678508

Chris Chan Core

>> No.11678568

Nice to see you posting, maybe some of the newbies (all of the posters apparentely ) might learn something. Not really digging this one, pants are kind lf throwing me off.

>> No.11678615

Underrated post

>> No.11678621

Alright I (>>11678568) got carried away, these are nice.
Nice but shoes fuck it up for me.

>> No.11678636

what shoes would you suggest

>> No.11678637

ugly low waisted pants ruin the entire vibe

>> No.11678644

It's a nice fit, but try a brighter shirt which would fit your light shoes and pants

>> No.11678645

I think it looks dope but a higher rise would look nicer.

>> No.11678688

I will pull something off one day I swer

>> No.11678707

If you combine high tops with an oversized top it screws up proportions tlo much, makes your legs seem too short. Id suggest and some low tops. Maybe try white and some socks that go along the palette you chose (which I like a lot! Good choice). But you should just play around with what you like. Keep in mind that Im just posting my point of view.

>> No.11678712

Do you all look like loser Emos on purpose or is it just coincidence?

>> No.11678717

no i appreciate the crit, thanks famiglia
might try with gats next time

>> No.11678732

Good thinking, gats feel like a great choice. Good luck famalam

>> No.11678762

It is very bizzare

You either go for edgy reclusive boi look or you get called awful, though sometimes those fits look nice, but there are also times they look idiotic(mostly rick ones) and get called nice too

One thing for sure is that the influence of thinspo and emasculated male look with its proponents are showing throughout /fa

>> No.11678819

lmao so true

>> No.11678844

That's the thread where people that get roasted on WAYWT go to seek consolation.

>> No.11678862

Very good

>> No.11678924
File: 416 KB, 1280x853, IMG_1316 (1280x853).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power level is showing today

>> No.11678940

you literally look like a black woman working on a south american plantation
it's the outfit AND the white porch

>> No.11678950

thanks famm

>> No.11678958
File: 624 KB, 1536x2049, IMG_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these jeans ok?

>> No.11678959
File: 179 KB, 960x1280, 14114669_674931879322309_991396098_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got cookies

>> No.11678970


please be bait

>> No.11678972

why are your feet so tiny lmao

>> No.11678974

holy shit

>> No.11678979

mexican ray romano

>> No.11678981

great pose. shit shirt 6/10

>> No.11678983

That facial hair wtf

>> No.11678991

You look like one of these childs you "adopt" by paying $5 each month

>> No.11679009
File: 18 KB, 236x400, Bumblebee_Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
I went skating, I dont want o fuck up my tshiorts, have broke 3 in this year
Adopt me

>> No.11679019
File: 602 KB, 1513x2017, IMG_0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the mirror. working on losing weight but these are weird guy slims

>> No.11679027

you are going to get no positive comments
leave before the storm you have set loose picks up

>> No.11679038

collar too loose
pants too ugly from the knee down
it's shit

>> No.11679043

Man, c'mon. Don't do this to yourself. At least clean your room; be a little more respectful to your own existence.

>> No.11679044

I bet you have that big nose of yours stick in that book

>> No.11679060
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 3289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

queer terrorwave. testing the waters

>> No.11679064

w2c doggo?

>> No.11679076

I agree. Fitted pants make my legs look dookie. Get looser pants or better legs then I guess.

>> No.11679078
File: 2.40 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20160826_224606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went shopping with my boyfriend this morning

>> No.11679082
File: 152 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 "kanye is a nigger"
Don't know what shoes to wear with this

>> No.11679087 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 600x568, this fly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11679088

That' the opposite of correct.

Your pants are too long, and don't have a good taper.

>> No.11679115

I think this is just generic advice. How to acquire good taper? I assume cuffing just makes things worse then.

>> No.11679135


Generic how?
Buy shorter pants: they're bunching too much below the knee
Buy more tapered pants: they won't look so baggy below the knee

You have to try on different pants to find them, m8. Or you have to learn to sew and fix them yourself.
I don't have jean reqs for you; I wear mil surplus for pants mostly.

>> No.11679156
File: 220 KB, 500x500, Jantran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11679161

I think making them more tapered will just make the way they fit my thighs look even more gross. I'm just gonna lose some more weight and then see about shortening them i guess. Are APC new standards similar in fit anyone know? I'm looking toward them for some black pants.

>> No.11679162
File: 587 KB, 2432x3286, IMG_20160818_145919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to layer with a henley. new rawish jeans. also experimenting with tucking. lmk.

>> No.11679172

What the fuck

>> No.11679175

Untuck it now

>> No.11679182

elaborate? i don't know if i'm fucking up terribly or what.

>> No.11679187

Untuck that shit

>> No.11679200

Guy please now. Tapered =/= skinny. Taper has nothing to do with your thighs.

>> No.11679204

tukk pants into socks

>> No.11679207

love it

>> No.11679215

hi dad

>> No.11679216

>Don't know what shoes to wear with this
a noose

>> No.11679219

Untuck, Pull up the sleeves and switch out the belt. This is shit.

>> No.11679222

fuck, found me out

>> No.11679230

But my lower leg is like half as thick as my thigh I mean so tapering will just highlight that.

>> No.11679231

That would mean I'd be wearing a noose on my feet you fucking retard
Try harder

>> No.11679236

Some sort of black memes

>> No.11679249

Something simple with a detail of green or blue

Maybe stans

>> No.11679268


>> No.11679279

lmfao oh wow

>goofy huge traps
>5ft torso
>2ft legs
>size 5 shoes
>15 inch long space between mouth and bottom of chin
>tlc hoarders bedroom

just end it m8

>> No.11679281

thanks for the pointers

>> No.11679293

ill fuck you up m8

>> No.11679307

Awesome. Thanks for taking the time to elaborate anon.

>> No.11679318
File: 137 KB, 620x412, Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H.P. Lovecraft visits /fa/

>> No.11679357

Those knees are distracting senpai

>> No.11679360
File: 139 KB, 720x1184, ifpqS0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no jeans that fit
but, i'm happy

>> No.11679375

desu you look like a maid

>> No.11679379

How does your tv not fall off?

>> No.11679394
File: 905 KB, 3264x1836, 4g3GG6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so bad at taking pictures it distorts reality

the TV just kinda rests there on the edge of the table

I push my mic stand to the left above my monitor and tilt my TV screen towards the direction my monitor faces when I want to use it

>> No.11679484
File: 43 KB, 528x392, 8941295_new-york-fashion-week-ss-2016maria_tdb31f29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeahhhh not feeling this at all.

You should lose some weight (not that your size is particularly bad but you'll look better skinny) and look at Maria Borges for inspo.

>> No.11679490

Lets play Melee

>> No.11679496
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 14100548_10153916388373367_7085000141387778046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11679497

different body types
also ashy as fuck legs are gross

>> No.11679509

black woman on 4chan wtf

>> No.11679516

i am always down
i broke the L button on my control last night, though
trying to get gud at l cancelling

>> No.11679526

That's why I said lose weight. She's short as fuck and clearly can't gain an extra 6 inches but she can lose weight to at least resemble her.

And lotion, nig

>> No.11679532

first non-retarded fit

>> No.11679546
File: 284 KB, 1146x1929, 123321123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11679551

do you go out like this you dumb fucks?

jesus christ

>> No.11679588

You're retarded

>> No.11679626

I don't see you giving any advice. Either contribute something useful or fuck off

>> No.11679702

Elaborate ?

>> No.11679756
File: 1.02 MB, 1367x2187, IMAG0980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i literally dont know how to smile


had it with sneakers (pic) but i really like the silhouette of these pants with slim boots

>> No.11679768

you look like if someone created a really attractive guy in sims and then pressed and pulled down on every part of his face.

>> No.11679771

im taking this as a compliment

>> No.11679794
File: 79 KB, 438x739, 20160826_200536 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully this is my first post
looking for a shorter hoodie though might have to size down a bit

>> No.11679804


post fit

>> No.11679810

what app u use to make ur face like that

>> No.11679819


>> No.11679825

rosche runs
green sweatpants
long black tee

>> No.11679914
File: 1.90 MB, 803x1593, YouSayTomato,IsaynoGF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11679958


real photo or delet

>> No.11679969

Been on 4chan since 2009, but I don't normally post on /fa/. Really just dropped by because I took this photo (>>11679914) for another board and thought, well, why not see what the experts think.

So enlighten me, what does real photo even mean here? Presuming this isn't a board where you say "no nigs on the internet," therefore my picture must be fake. Or is it that my outfit isn't too long sleeve shirts under t-shirt, covered by bra, so unique?

>> No.11679980

its just a bad quality photo from a bad angle tough to see ur fit (which looks pretty good for someone not too worried about fashion but wont receive much praise here)

>> No.11679985

why does the thumbnail look like theyre playing volleyball

>> No.11679995

yah your better than 90% of the general population, but /fa/ tries to be the 10% or atleast claims they are

and WAYWT threads are like the pretentious 2% of tht

overall, your normal, and the clothes look like they fit. Which already puts you ahead of the curve.

>> No.11680013

damn WAYWT's are actually improving, noticeably less shitposting and angry children

Its nice but the fit of the pants from the knee down could be better, twisted seams are pretty cool desu.
Anon you did it.
8/10 aesthetic
sneakers were the better choice imo
nice simple fit
would do carpeting with
not a fan of the hoodie
rest is okay
i look forward to seeing your fits senpai
not a fan of the shoes, rest is nice.
i like
poor palette desu
meh, forgettable
not feeling it
silhouette is awkward and the pieces dont compliment eachother very well, also the only acceptable cap is the dad cap
nice sweater, definitely agree with other anon on doing some DIY with the shoes, id go for white/tan paint on them tho and different laces. Their silhouette isnt terrible to they are definitely salvageable
simple and inoffensive
w2c socks
thrash the belt buckle and lose the bacon collar shirt. I like the jacket, jeans fit feels kinda small, shoes are worn by 1/5th the population between the ages of 12 and 25. Palette is not good and hoodie is not good, lurk more friendo.
pretty interesting and fun, you do you i guess.
not much of a rick fan, but its alright. dont like the top at all tho
I like the palette but not much of a fan on the pattern of the shirt
dont like shoes at all, rest is whatever it fits alright
dont overdo dark colors with that body type mr skelletal
i hope your not one of those /thinspo/ guys who gets by on smoothies from kfc
feet seem a little small in the silhouette, its basic.
nice fit
nice chucks, nice fit
monotone tho
w2c glasses
dress is nice, 1960s summer/autumn vibe
lose the heels tho
no comment
pt 2 inc

>> No.11680038

pt 2
its alright for loitering or whatever you did
not in a good way
kinda sad you failed to live up to the shirt
ehh idk how to feel about this
start over buddy
get stuff that fits bud
i like, wish i could see the full thing
ID on boots
also how did you do that on the double D ring belt
its rick, its alright but nothing memorable
burn that shirt dude
alright stuff dood

>> No.11680103

email me a camera

but i like that shirt dude

>> No.11680111
File: 995 KB, 2722x3629, fit`.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for a first date?

>> No.11680130

its a stale meme and the rainbow color wouldn't look good with anything imo
thats my take on it
id lose the hoodie and just do a sweater and the jacket if you have something that'll work, head looks tiny with that hood and it fills up the jacket too much.

also are you a dude or what, cant tell desu

>> No.11680134

how big is your feminine penis weenus

>> No.11680142
File: 75 KB, 402x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More office fits
I really like playing with the proportions of my legs but not sure I should keep with it

>> No.11680166

fair enough. i usually go with monochrome anyway. appreciate the input

>> No.11680171

fit isn't bad but everything looks really cheap

>> No.11680178

proportions look good keep doing it

>> No.11680181

Can't really defend the top but the pants are vintage gorgio Armani. They can stand to be tailored a bit though

>> No.11680341


pants are god tier wtc


silhouette is bad imo

>> No.11680370

The heels are kill

>> No.11680432

what hoodie

>> No.11680600

i like this, maybe stans or some sambas

>> No.11680604

>low rise pants

>> No.11680618

Watch http://youtu.be/YrIp70HE4BQ
Skip the first minute.

>> No.11680683


fucc that otfit from yohji's show was so good

that posture needs to go

>> No.11680699

lmao why would you wear this on a date
you look like a fag, but that could be cool if your personality suits it
boring af, cheer up
cool shit b
put some fucking socks on
>wearing a jacket and capris
quit trying so hard, just be chill, take inspo from real people you see, not internet people

>> No.11680705

how can you pretend to be fashionable while living in such an ugly room

>> No.11680712

>everyone loses their shit over exposed ankles
why is this even a thing

how insecure are you

>> No.11680713

I'd fuck
No homo

>> No.11680744

ur head is so tinnnyyyy and baby like

>> No.11680747

is this b8

>> No.11680807
File: 42 KB, 540x960, IMG_2735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coach jackets are nice

>> No.11680808
File: 252 KB, 750x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these pants at a hospital, originally were a light blue and I tried to dye them black but they turned out charcoal. Hemmed them too. Will probably re dye them to make em darker. How did I do?

>> No.11680816

dont think they do em anymore but maybe email them

epaulet is the name of the company

>> No.11680835
File: 405 KB, 991x521, 1442086952603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this waywt thread is so bad

this might be the worst in a while

80% of pics are bad quality shit tier camera
nearly all of them are basic ass normcore dadcore faggot clothes

only 2-3 fits have caught my attention
not too bad, boring tho
good silhouette
nice sweater
need to see the whole fit

>> No.11680871

w2c shirt

>> No.11680877

nice desu. Post better pic of hair.

>> No.11680880

What's the etiquette in these threads, do you have to post what you actually wore today or can we post favorite fits or fits we want to have discussed?

>> No.11680890
File: 229 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol funny you say that, I cut it myself and I usually do a good job but I fuckin butchered the back the other day, finally starting to grow In a bit so it's not as bad. This is it a bit longer on top

>> No.11680951

oh i thought we were all pretending, my bad

>> No.11680972

don't listen to him, that shirt is great

>> No.11680976

WAYWT have no etiquette

>> No.11680997

What is this hairstyle called again?

>> No.11681005
File: 43 KB, 326x558, mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First day of wearing actual pants in the summer to go out, summer is almost over.

>> No.11681030

Post what you actually wore

>> No.11681060

now the back :$

>> No.11681066


>> No.11681068

id on shirt? looks amazing

>> No.11681081

Saving this in my cringe folder

>> No.11681087
File: 33 KB, 478x331, ap_nick_ut_pulitzer_prize_image_1972_vietnam_thg_120606_wblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would drop napalm on/10

>> No.11681088

school's starting for the kiddos :^)

>> No.11681095

whats ur height

>> No.11681105

lose the belt, slightly slimmer pants

>> No.11681110

you look cute af, i would bf you :)

>> No.11681116

probably the most consistently terrible poster

>> No.11681121

>most fashion rules are kind of arbitrary imo

w o w

>> No.11681143

higher rise pants and the cutoff is ghey

>> No.11681145

shoes are shit

>> No.11681165


turn down the filters

>> No.11681246
File: 62 KB, 335x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining that 20yos on an anime simulator arent wearing Rick or big designers daily

>> No.11681259

>his fit got shit on


>> No.11681283


which fits are urs

>> No.11681297

>boring af, cheer up

i used to do the darqninja horse leather avant garde thing but i grew out of it, sorry

>> No.11681316



>> No.11681318

have you grown up out of getting flustered over internet comments yet

o wait you havent lmao

>> No.11681322

>posts "umad"
grown up

>> No.11681332

>1.17 min reply time


>> No.11681339

>takes intentionally long to reply so he can pretend he has something else to do
u care too much

>> No.11681353

>>11677038 you should start to develope your own style instead pf copying all the dick ovens fuckbois like rick makes nice stuff there are far more options to wear his garments

>> No.11681358

plain desu

>> No.11681361

nice man finally someone who looks less of a copy of everyone else

>> No.11681369

not bad tho even if the labels shit, maybe wear some white low cut air force

>> No.11681387

ALL fits in this thread are pure garbage.

>> No.11681415

shoes are -10/10, absolutely horrible
bomber is very bad too

>> No.11681448
File: 27 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i even posted a fit
>implying this thread isnt noticeably missing summerfags
>implying your not a summerfag

>> No.11681527

Fit itself is very generic, but image is effay as fuck man.

>> No.11681537

This guy is right >>11678940 and I'm saying that as someone black.
Regularly moisturize your knees ffs.

>> No.11681569

anyone know where these shoes are from or something like them

>> No.11681592

theyre allsaints from a lot of seasons ago, closest thing now would prob be doc martens chelseas

dont fall for the "chelseas must be sleek" meme, the doc ones are cool & i might replace these with them once these are done

>> No.11681602

Just what the title says

>> No.11681630

w2c jeans?

>> No.11681657

>get stuff that fits bud
will do, i'm really dumb with money and i waste it all on sneakers i don't need or outwear, like the sweatshirt/cardigan in that picture

Implying I wanted to make that sweatshirt/cardigan work, do you think stacked or skinny jeans would look better? Any advice?

>> No.11681965

remove the circle and star patch from the shoes.

>> No.11682446


>> No.11682457

top half was interesting atleast, but the ill fitting jeans and white converse kills it, stacked skinnies would fit the aesthetic your going for. As for shoes some black canvas boots would be alrite maybe docs but that up to u

>> No.11682959
File: 864 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_2558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11682968

not cohesive as a fit, i can tell you just threw this together

>> No.11683025

want sum fuk?

>> No.11683039


>> No.11683078

i'll sex that shitty outfit right off your head