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File: 6 KB, 210x182, Roaccutan-para-el-Acné.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11669721 No.11669721 [Reply] [Original]

I have very mild acne on my face, in the forehead mostly. I already try with some shitty pills that my dermatologist gave me...
I cant drink alcohol, go to the gym while taking roaccutane, and also have a lot of side effects like wtf.

>> No.11669726


Don't take it man, I have seen guys who prematurely bald due to this stuff. It messes with your hormones.


Also don't take the Propecia it fucks your shit up also.

>> No.11669780

Lmao you're going through chemotherapy for acne. Goodluck

>> No.11669786

do it.

It took care of my acne and i didnt even go bald

its all genetics, look at your mothers side for balding indicators

if you dont take accutake, enjoy living your best years as a diseased human that cant even feel comfortable talking to anyone

>> No.11669839


*IF* topical medication is ineffective then isotretinoin is a good option.

I take 10mg a day to combat acne from steroids while I'm on cycle, it works wonders. I also took it as a teen to cure cystic acne.

Stay on it for 5-6 months and you will probably never have acne again in your life.

If the dryness is too much for you, hop off and ask for a different treatment solution from your derm.

>> No.11669840

I took accutane and some side effects. Really, really, dry skin, lip cracking, dry eyes and mood swings.

DO NOT DRINK. You'll get so fucking sick.

If you can put up with that shit it's totally worth it. Skin like porcelain.

>> No.11669853

don't listen to memers here.

i had mild/average acne since forever, i tried everything, topical and non topical, but even if it went away it came back soon after.

what finally helped, besides cleaning pillow cases, was a skincare route, morning and evening.

basically you need to cleanse, exfoliate, topical treatment, moisturize, sunscreen.

r/skincareaddiction is ur friend

>inb4 linking to reddit

not my fault that 4chin doesn't have a health board

>> No.11669866


a routine will help you maintain GOOD skin but if you dont have the acne-free base it will be tough...

there's nothing wrong with taking 10mg accutane ED. it will solve your acne problems OP.

>> No.11669867

I used to drink sometimes when I was on accutane, what is supposed to happen?

>> No.11669875

>I have mild acne
>I'm considering taking a drug that might give me liver failure
bad idea

>> No.11669890


Accutane at 10mg a day will never, ever cause a normal person's liver to fail unless they are literally dependent on alcohol to function. Fear mongering at its finest


It CAN cause liver toxicity if you overdo it, but that really only happens at higher doses than 10mg a day.

>> No.11669917
File: 383 KB, 1112x650, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has verified health risks and requires frequent blood tests
patients even have to sign a waiver just to get the drug

>> No.11669921


Yes motherfucker I was on 40mg/day of the stuff when I was 16. The pills had a little symbol that pregnant ladies shouldn't take them.

But the effects are overstated. It can happen, but if OP is smart with his health and dosing, it will not happen.

>> No.11669991

that's not true
some people have underlying liver problems and don't even know it

It's like how I can drink three energy drinks a day and still take ritalin, but other guys have heart attacks after drinking one energy drink (that happened to a coworker of mine)...you never really know if there's an underlying problem until you push it

>> No.11670002


I guess it makes sense to be on the safe side.

>> No.11670014
File: 39 KB, 600x766, 1322531485272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that really only happens at higher doses than 10mg a day.
>mfw I used to take 20mg a day
my blood tests were perfect tho

>> No.11670031

you aren't given a choice but to be on the safe side, from what I understand
aren't there mandatory blood tests?

>> No.11670366


I did accutane for a while

>Used to have terrible and cystic acne through HS
>Took this shit
>Skin and lips dried like fuck but saw serious results after one night's rest
>Cystic acne completely gone

The worst I get now is the occasional bump here and there, but they're normally my fault for being lazy. This was back when I was around 19-20, so I wasn't drinking back then.

>> No.11671211

Don't listen to this faggot >>11669853
A skincare routine doesn't do jack shit if you actually have acne. Take accutane if your derm recommends it.

>> No.11671659

wtf i take 40mg TWICE a day. it comes in 40mg pills...

>> No.11671671





tl;dr: it's most likely fine under dermatologist supervision, doing the proper tests.

test & tren? any pct?
don't forget to get your liver checked, especially if you're on accutane.

>> No.11671814

Do Americans get pills for everything?

Or do you have severe acne?

>> No.11671829

i am not from america.

>> No.11671830

they don't get pills for every problem
they use google for every problem

>> No.11671840

i took minocycline, and it gave me redness, i thought i was allergic, its what i told my doc, but now i think it was just giving me skin problems. desu op, have you tried proactive or epiduo? and you shower once a day, yes? also, you shave regularly, correct? facial hair can make you extra oily sometimes and showering once a day helps alot w being greasy, and i used proactive and it helped alot. i took epiduo and it didnt work as good, not like proactive.

>> No.11671845

also, changing your pillowcases like every night is great for acne, change your sheets once a week, as well.

>> No.11671874

>i shower twice a day.

>> No.11672907


>> No.11672912

Don't shower that often guys. Or only do it cold.

>> No.11672925

do it, cleared my acne right up. Don't know why it gets such a bad rap, it's perfectly fine in the recommended dose.

Everyone going on about it ruining your liver, meanwhile they binge on alcohol every weekend

>> No.11673811

I did this with my girl about 4 years ago. Cleared our acne up permanently, no side effects except slightly dry skin and very dry lips. We drank a little less on average, but I still got blackout drunk a few times while taking it and never had any issues.
I don't take any other pills, though. I probably wouldn't take it if I was dependent on pills for festivals and whatnot.