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11668491 No.11668491 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we pretend it's the year 2002

>> No.11668498

> man i can't wait to go home so i can watch toonami and not do my homework.

>> No.11668506


Everyones pretending that early 2000's revival won't happen, but the last two years have been nothing but 90's throwback...so go frost those tips before it's the new young leo

>> No.11668666
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>fuck school
>launch runescape
>mom calls me to eat dinner
>drags me out of my room after I explain how I can't save an online game
>forces me to eat chicken tendies
>there the shitty frozen ones and they're not even cooked thoroughly
>take a bite out of one and spit it out
>mom is furious now and sends me to my room, turning off the power to my room so I can't use the computer
>throws the plate of chicken tendies on the floor and tells me I can't leave until I eat them all
>eat candy I had saved from halloween for dinner
>cry and sleep

>> No.11668685

>6th grade
>mom get off the phone so i can message hot QTs on AIM!

>> No.11668697

this shit and the beginning of scene/mainstream emo.
the early 2000's were dark times. i already can't stand this current early 90's circle jerk worn by kids who weren't even alive during, now they're going to bring back the edgy and cringed memories of my teens.

>> No.11668718


>> No.11668719

bare midriffs will make a comeback soon but will go away rela fast because of lardasses just like with yoga pants
mark my words

>> No.11668727

>4 y/o
>go to nursery

good times guys

>> No.11668825

1998 brah

>> No.11668830

Gadzooks is phasing out men's clothes
Creepers w/ stash pockets under the sole and 36" wallet chains are on clearance
Feels good man

>> No.11668837
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Kek I actually found the shoes
Swear to god I bought two pairs they were only like 8 bucks a pair and I thought they were cool lol

>> No.11668846

You can't make me feel sorry for you, Satan

>> No.11668865
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Can we all agree that this the most effay mobile phone at the moment?

>> No.11668880

Nah m8, slide phones were at the pinnacle of phone aesthetics. Just enough pixels and just enough colour. Very 90s looking and very 2000s looking at the same time. Loved all the extra features and default animations and backgrounds they all had. Mad comfy.

>> No.11668884

I know you all hate it, but I kind of wish women dressed like this again because it makes my dick hard, but really just the middle two chicks.

>> No.11668886

I was just a kid, so I wasn't so aware of 2000s culture and style. I did think cargo pants were cool af though.

>> No.11668898


Damn, back when Siemens made mobile phones

>> No.11670780
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>be 12/13 in 2008
>listen to a lot of slipknot
>really want these
>by the time i'm old enough for them to fit i've grown up

wew lucky escape lads

>> No.11670902

But slipknot was popular in like 04
In 08 it was Flight of the Concords and indie folk

>> No.11670931

>he was 37 in 2002

>> No.11670937


frosted tips is DEFINITELY coming back and it's gonna be very soon

along with spiked hair and those faux-velvet tracksuits people used to wear (not sure what to call them, they were popular among the hip-hop crowd)

>> No.11672350

I turned 11 in summer 2002. I got pokemon yellow for my birthday. I had spiked hair with frosted tips, I was also /sk8er/core af.
>baggy khakis
>my older brothers hand-me-down tee shits.
>cheep sk8 shoes
>short sleeves over long sleeves
>unbuttoned shirt over tee shirt
>beanies and bucket hats

>had gamecube
>had "directX box"
>blank sk8board with sickers and friend's graffiti tags
>parents let me stay up late and order summerslam on ppv

velour track suits

>> No.11673007
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>> No.11673021


>> No.11673263

I'm 14 and dealing with puberty.

>> No.11673297
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Thread Themes:









Can anyone recommend some early 2000s rock? Every thing I tried to thing of was 90s.

>> No.11673326
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I'm not sure I agree with this. Looking at 90s style theres a lot I really like but I find early 2000s fashion to be absolutely hideous.

Is this a result of brainwashing and I just haven't been persuaded to like early 2000s fashion yet? Does anyone else share this opinion?

>> No.11673351

Next year, i think i'll make an anonymous imageboard for people to talk about manga and other cool anime stuff

nothing could possibly go wrong!

>> No.11673356


>> No.11673362

>what is yung lean
shits already played out

>> No.11673363

love this!! xD.xD.xD

>> No.11673376

yung lean is 90s revival

>> No.11673406


>> No.11673416



>> No.11673418
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>> No.11675125

Yoga pants haven't gone away, though.

>> No.11675131


Dumb youngfags, Slipnot peaked in 2003

>> No.11675178
File: 264 KB, 300x388, No_One_Lives_Forever_2_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just played this from the PC Gamer demo disk and am loving it. Anyone gotten a chance to try it yet?

>> No.11675401

>like 04
bitch I didn't have time to google the history of the band I was too busy trying to make a Flight of the Conchords reference
and sorry dude I was a freshman in high school on 03/04 I just remember them getting really popular freshman year, not the exact moment they exploded

>> No.11675408

stfu doing an impromptu CD-based CS LAN party in the library and listening to Room on Fire