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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 639x595, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11666317 No.11666317 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your friend made it as a model
>tfw you were the one that got him into fashion

>> No.11666400

This is why you need to make sure all your friends are uglier than you

>> No.11666419

What? No I'm proud of him.

>> No.11666431

Yeah whatever, you must ruin his beauty.

>> No.11666436

I feel like a proud soccer dad that just witnessed his son score the winning goal.

>> No.11666483
File: 278 KB, 450x557, rei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came in expecting OP to be jealous and bitter
>turns out he's just happy for his mate
Thanks for the smile, man.

>> No.11666491

What kinda clothing did you get him into?

>> No.11666506

Good on you man.

>> No.11666520

>tfw friend of my friends is a decently well known model
>they tell me I should send polaroids
>always laugh it off because I don't feel like I'm that good looking/unique looking at all

>> No.11666521

This is the only option.

>> No.11666522 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 720x690, e7qIAoX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he fucks you're modelfu

>> No.11666530

you'd deserve it for being autistic enough to have a 'modelfu'

>> No.11666532

>people always tell me that I should model
>I'm 5'7 and have gyno

>> No.11666533 [DELETED] 

What's autistic about it?

>> No.11666536

Post pic

>> No.11666538

You're a good friend OP

>> No.11666617
File: 165 KB, 726x695, 1464950272150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11666838
File: 26 KB, 700x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is pretty much promotion for him i dont think he'll mind if i post him

>> No.11667062

Just do it. Worth a shot right?

>> No.11667089

full bape

>> No.11667097

anyone know /fa/ modelbro

i wonder how he is doing

>> No.11667126

bangin on ma chess

>> No.11667245

just do it. what do you have to lose

>> No.11667259

i'm doing fine pal thanks for thinking of me xxx how are you

>> No.11667287

>those cheekbones

>> No.11667361

i've been told by a few girls that i have model features but it's not like girls gravitate towards me at all so idk

>> No.11667390

Youre a good man

>> No.11667395

Give him my regards, I'm proud of him.

>> No.11667403

hes hot no homo

>> No.11667620
File: 205 KB, 300x300, 1469652599908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine af

>> No.11667651

I'm also 5'7 but I've been told I'm good looking. I want to try and see if it will help me pay for school but have no clue where to start

>> No.11667787

Pretty sure you'll have to be at least like 6ft to make it as a model.

>> No.11667794

he doesnt get paid anything ill wager

>> No.11667811

i just checked his instagram and apparently he walked for armani and has a contract with elite london.

>> No.11667817

you'll be crying even harder when he leaves you behind

>> No.11667822

So what's the best way to try and get out there to be a model?

>> No.11667838

Make polaroids, send it to model agencies, hope they like you.

>> No.11667851

Just send to a wide range of model agencies all over and hope for the best?
Living in shitty Cleveland, OH right now so not a whole lot of opportunities here

>> No.11667860

Yeah you're gonna have to send it abroad as well. Not every agency is looking for models with no experience.

>> No.11667899

>tfw highschool friend became huge model though instagram
>tfw during football games cheerleaders from the OPPOSITE TEAM would go up to him while we were warming up and ask for his number

when I found he got jumped in the street by a bunch of drunk rednecks and it dented his perfect face it made me kind of happy desu

fuck you steven you prick


>> No.11667986

Unless he was a prick towards you you're a bitter fuck man. He's still very good looking and seems like he also has a model girlfriend.

Don't be jealous anon, you'll be alright

>> No.11668044

nah he became a cunt after high school

hit him up a couple times and he really let the model thing go to his head and became a huge condescending douche
in all honesty tho he still was my friend and I still wish the best for him

>> No.11668550


>> No.11668885


>> No.11669073

I hope that he is grateful

>> No.11669136

this OP, throw some acid in his face and it's done

seriously though, give him my regards

>> No.11669227

Someone watches too much game of thrones

>> No.11669242

5'10 minimum famingo

>> No.11669353


>> No.11669378

You're a rad dude

>> No.11669557
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>> No.11669597

Are you a woman

>> No.11669605

Spoken like a true man. What a glorious fraternal bond. Good on you bro, I do the same as a fashion photographer for young models.

>> No.11670068

You can become a model at 5´10??? I thought it was dead set at 186 cm and taller, def gonna try now since girls eye me all the time

>> No.11670303
File: 652 KB, 898x886, porn emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11670321

Yeah, but only if you're crazy special. Most agencies do represent one or two guys <6 foot, but only one or two.

>> No.11670350
File: 143 KB, 810x586, Kate-Oliver copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as an example, pictured are two of the most successful male and female models of all time, Oliver Cheshire (180cm) and Kate Moss (170cm) are both well bellow the typical height required, but both have incredible faces and got into the industry at the right time for their respective looks. So it can be done, it's just a matter of luck, time and your FACE. It's not nearly enough to very attractive at these heights, you also have to have something very special.

>> No.11670453

Don't get sad, get fucking mad my friend

>> No.11670557

I still don't really understand how Cheshire is THAT succesful. Obviously yes his face is ridiculous and his cheekbones could cut glass, but he isn't that unique looking. His underbite makes his look a bit slow as well.

Though I suppose it can be said that he amongst other set a different standard.

>> No.11670656

im going to need source on this

>> No.11670744

I wish I was 5 cm taller I would give it a try. I'm turning 19 in 7 month, so it's too late for me I guess.

He looks great nohomo.

>> No.11670793


>> No.11670948

either youre wrong or thats the most dedicated samefag in the world

>> No.11670964

Two words - Calvin Klein - both Kate and Oliver's careers were springboarded by CK when they were in their mid teens, i think a lot of people underestimate the influence that the brand has.

>> No.11670976

Whay really? I know a girl at 5'3 and she models. I'm not trying to do runway though maybe clothes advertisements the other day this guy said to my dad "You're son is handsome but he won't make money for his looks"

>> No.11671000

If she's 5'3, then she isn't a real model.

>> No.11671011
