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/fa/ - Fashion

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11660245 No.11660245 [Reply] [Original]

It's generally agreed upon that /fa/ has gone to shit.

Post ideas for board improvement ITT

>> No.11660256

it´s better than ever. get out loser.

>> No.11660257

quantify ur claims
post a fit

>> No.11660267

>make a 'lifestyle general' where people can post shit about cigarettes, /fa/ hobbies, etc..
This cancer is never going to stop being posted but it at least can be segregated to a single thread.
>Make sure basic questions are only posted in the fuccboi general and w2c goes in w2c general
It should be a bannable offense for shitting up the board with threads that fit into either of these categories
i.e. shit like
>threads strictly about homescreens or wallpapers or phones deleted instantly
these have nothing to do with clothing or even the /fa/ lifestyle.

>> No.11660278
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>> No.11660283 [DELETED] 

Agreed, then we can go back to worshipping our black superiors and discussing how we love being cucked :)

>> No.11660298

triggered pol whore

we should also do something about "is ____ effay" threads cause some of them are maximum autististic

>> No.11660316

this. "is sonic the hedgehog effay??"

>> No.11660336

Is there even a mod for this board? It's so slow I feel like shitposts stay for forever

>> No.11660356

Everyone on /fa/ not be such a big pussy. That would be a huge improvment. For a board that is mostly men with an interest in clothing you guys dress way to safe and boring.

>> No.11660375


>> No.11660383

I haven't been here for like a year. It's amazing how nothing has changed, they even post the exact same images in the inspo kind of threads.

>> No.11660387

>Post ideas for board improvement ITT
ban OP's ip address

>> No.11660392 [DELETED] 


>> No.11660394


>> No.11660397

Institute a forced age limit. No one under 18 but ideally no one under 20. That'd be the only way to get /fa/ back on topic, at the very least. It's mainly the kids that fuel all the shit like face rate threads, and mainly the kids who are too young to have a feasible grasp on runway fashion.

But that isn't happening so just let /fa/ die. I used to hate our tripfags but now I want them back cos at least it was fun watching this place burn. I'd even be ok with pigfuck

>> No.11660402

There's no way to really verify someone's age.
The whole site is supposed to be 18+

>> No.11660406

I know, that's why I said it's impossible, this is just a hypothetical

>> No.11660407

If your fashion icon is a 14 year old kid on Instagram or Tumblr or one of these Will Smith children or that Norwegian downie rapper, I can verify that you're underage.

>> No.11660429

bring back casemods and slater.

>> No.11660430
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This thread again? Again?

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free-time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow-minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to be yourself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave 4chan. Do anything else.

from: >>/fa/thread/S10798511




aka: little discussion about a hobby.

>> No.11660439
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we need to take down all the shitposting like "is my dog fa ?" or "is yeezy fa ?" or worst all the kids worshipping fear of god fag shit

oh and people with no taste don't comment on waywt threads

i feel like it's been a year since a massive amount of plebs and fuccbois joined fa and it has been for the worst

>> No.11660442

>No one under 18

literally 80% of this board

also the reason its so shit

>> No.11660446

Stop the angsty Rick Owens meme

Stop ignoring brands that aren't ridicuously priced

And for the love of God, stop malnurishing yourselves. You always end up looking frail and your fit suffers from it even if you spend couple thousands on it.
Just from all the meet ups, you can see that seemingly everything on meme point fits still look terrible because you are not the physically active guy you see in photos.

Also, what's up with this slav core lately?

>> No.11660469

The best way to improve board quality is simple: stop replying to trolls. It's that easy

>be around 8
>mom doesn't pay attention to me
>dad doesn't hug me
>grow up like this
>be 16
>mildly interested in fashion
>think girls will find me more attractive if I have sick fits and people will pay attention to me, unlike mom & pop
>fail to realize girls will find me more attractive if I was just a more agreeable person
>anyway browse /fa/
>state my opinions as facts
>people reply to my posts
>"people are paying attention to me!"
>get huge power boner
>frequent /fa/ because it's easy to get a rise out of elitists

that's half of /fa/ for you

>> No.11660474

this isn't my life story, btw, my parents paid attention to me. I was just illustrating the typical /fa/ troll's life (or what I imagine it to be)

>> No.11660480

>been here for a year and a half

>> No.11660497

Agreed with this, also tumblr threads, face rate threads, and "is (completely off topic shit) effay??" threads should be a ban too.

This board is somewhat slow so a lack of moderating is expected but i feel like there is barely any moderation at all. Either hiro doesnt give a shit or hes just too dumb to manage his mods and fix this place. Even though moots a faggot i miss him, /fa/ was somewhat better when he was still around.

>> No.11660506

And you expect that moderation is going to change or will ever change? It will never happen.

>> No.11660509

ban all teenagers

ban all hypebeasts

ban facerate/facial aesthetic threads

ban all other /soc/ tier garbage

ban all /fit/ shitposters

ban all /pol/ and /tumblr/ faggots

>> No.11660517

So ban the entire board?

I like the cut of your jib anon

>> No.11660524

people just need to stop to lie themselves about everything, would solve all the shit

>> No.11660527

Also all the /soc/ shit like instagram/tumblr/facerate/city threads should be on /soc/, not here unless it's about meetup or something

>> No.11660549

>i feel like there is barely any moderation at all
I reported about 5 threads that have nothing to do with clothes (like the is pepsi effay thread) hours ago and they're still up. It's like the mods truly don't give a shit about this place

>> No.11660577
File: 21 KB, 451x75, dinosaur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send beginners to the sticky like /fit/ does, maybe put the fucking dinosaur running around or some variant

After a particularly horrible Australia thread a few weeks ago it is pretty apparent that none of the new kiddies even notice the sticky, despite it having a decent list of stores as well as essential beginners reading. A few years ago we could have threads where people could recommend and discuss stores, and I ended up learning about all sorts of cool little places that I could buy from and support local businesses. Now its literally just people talking about trash tier shops at the mall (like tarocash and jay jays, fuck me dead), and where to cop black and white roshes. It would be nice to be able to talk about your city and what the dress scene is like but now its pretty much just >hurr theres a new H&M/uniqlo that just opened! Should I get this pleather coat?

>> No.11660583

There are no mods
I've reported more than 10 cases of people straight up saying they are underage on /fa/ which is ban in under 10 minutes in any other board and none of these people got banned

>> No.11660584

this is the only real answer. we need some mods and janis. didn't 4chan have some sort of applications a while back. what happened with that? I'll nominate myself if the shit mods are reading this. I've been here since the start of 2010 if that help.

>> No.11660594

Bring back casemods

>> No.11660611

to be fair, I've been here since the casemods days and never noticed the sticky until you said we have one.

>> No.11660627


There was one for ages that was heaps outdated, I think the current one was made in 2012 or 2013

>> No.11660663

still not as current as needed for a topic as fast changing as fashion.
How would the process of updating it function?

>> No.11660666


>> No.11660686

They recruit most years, so keep an eye out in the future when applications open

>> No.11660688


Anybody can update it, the easiest thing is to just add or update things if they are wrong or irrelevant. Infographs, stores, how to guides, good/bad brands, common mistakes etc... can all be edited by people with a bit of knowledge. I helped put together the Australian stores page by taking info from Australia threads back when it was getting built, similar process can be done by anybody else

>> No.11660691

Don't you ever look at the front page?

>> No.11660692

I'm 18 in 4 minutes

>> No.11660696

Found the teenager

>> No.11660703

you sure know how to party.

>> No.11660722

why would neo-fa be worth saving?

>> No.11660728
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The community fell off and I got hooked on other things
The internet is dead

>> No.11660757

more inspo threads
more tumbler threads

imo the only good part of /fa/ is/was searching for role models on how to dress better/more unique

>> No.11660816

Are you fucking sure? I've been here for about four years now, and it's been pretty consistent up until probably three-four months ago

>> No.11660819
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Yeah the inspo threads were always handy, would rather them instead of "is this shirt a meme"

>> No.11660895

summer is real

>> No.11660902

Make a general for ect-core,ect-waves & wares

>> No.11661063

Mods moved the face rate thread to soc. What a time to be alive.


>> No.11661078

this is amazing

boy i hope the thinspo and hair threads are next

>> No.11661206

I do but I somehow just never realized that we have a sticky.

>> No.11661219
File: 33 KB, 1876x723, faggot wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need a new sticky and a dedicated moderator or janitor at the least. someone pester gook moot for it.

pic related is my mock-up design for it and a short guide i've written for the new possible wiki: http://pastebin.com/PNfhXvzx

>> No.11661476
File: 869 KB, 1760x1328, Discussion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you make an email yet?


>> No.11661707

thats some other anon. im unfamiliar with ysl and his work

>> No.11661751
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>> No.11661758
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>> No.11661773
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Third reply was a pdf

Reference: Yves Saint Laurent, exhibition catalogue at Le Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris ; Paris, La Martinière, 2010

>> No.11661782
File: 2 KB, 442x97, worth it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the anon who was writing the master classes about designers?

>> No.11661873


>Norwegian Downie rapper


>> No.11661923
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>more insp threads
>call out trend hoppers

>> No.11661966

there is tons of real discussion on here. you just have to ignore the swarms of trolls. i justu dont even respond to anybody that doesn't have a well-articulated response.

>> No.11661983

god, hearing people say these words aloud sounds so lame

>> No.11662023

We need to update the sticky. Then we send anyone that doesn't know shit to the sticky. We make a /lifestyle/ general thread, send any and all lifestyle aside from maybe interior threads there. Make inspo/Discussion threads.

>> No.11662120

Bump keep this going

>> No.11662135

How do i find the sticky on mobile? I don't see it???

>> No.11662163

Send anyone asking questions to the appropriate generals. We need to get these generals off the ground

>> No.11662235

Lurked since I was 16 put only started posting when I was 18, now 20. If people on here 'watched and learned' then we wouldn't have so many malformed underbite acne tweens, festering on this board.

>> No.11662329

I'm willing to take some time out of my day to update Tuxbell to the general consensus of /fa/?

Please, tell me what should be added? What should change or removed! We need a better wiki to give for newcomers when we send them to the sticky.

>> No.11662332

Sage still works, /fa/m. Sage threads when sending them to the appropriate generals.

>> No.11662353
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>> No.11662358

i think hair should be transformed to a haircare general thats more focused on products and practical tips similar to skincare-general.

>> No.11662359

yung lean

he's swedish

>> No.11662381

Can someone who made those graphic for the life style upload the template to use for other generals?

>> No.11662392

Where can I drop the .psd? I'll upload wherever

>> No.11662399


>> No.11662400

I forgot zippyshare exists. Here you go


>> No.11662421

>tfw not even /fa/ replies to your comments

>> No.11662489

not as bad as you thought ha?

>> No.11662765

i've been using /mu/ for like a year and a half now but i've started visiting /fa/ more frequently in the last few weeks and i have to say /mu/ is the superior board. the catalog rotates faster, if you create a thread about anything on /mu/ you'll most likely start a conversation and /mu/ has less vocal /pol/fags. I like fashion though and I've found some good brands through here.

>> No.11662859

We should make a sticky update thread - pretty much all the most common questions should be in there like cheaper alternatives to CPs, best high quality basics, etc.

>> No.11662879

The reason /mu/ is better is because it doesn't take any money, just time.

/fa/ takes both time and money to get good at, therefore most of our posters are shit.

The posters who are good at fashion quickly leave because there's no inspiration to be had here, just a bunch of teenagers posting $50 mall fits. And it will continue until the end of time or until the average age of poster goes up by like 5 years

>> No.11662885

yeah I never thought of that actually

>> No.11662892

/fa/ needs to become more about the art and less of a mfa. The posters that have more knowledge about fashion overall have always been the best dressed anyway

>> No.11663354

bump to keep the discussion going

>> No.11664481

>/fa/ needs to become more about the art and less of a mfa

>> No.11664484

its a comfy general desu but really not clothing related
>hair threads
as long as they were a in hair general that'd be fine. same thing with shitty lifestyle questions, as long as they're in one thread it's no big deal

>> No.11664568
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>be mean

That's all it takes folks!
Guy has shitty fit? Roast onem
Dumbass makes dumb thread? Let him know how dumb he is.
Guy defending Reddit? Laugh at him
Fuccboi nigger? Call him nigger.

This method will deter any cancer and make sure they will never come back to this board again. ;)

>> No.11664569

Thinspo has been here and is here to stay

>> No.11664645
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Yeah this.

I remember about six years back where people would get offended and leave until there was a few golden months of a bunch of thick skinned people talking fits and giving each other shit.

God I miss that.

>> No.11665714

the wiki is shit, i had to go to mfa.

i blame all of you. all.

>> No.11665723

How does someone become a mod on /fa/ anyways? Is hiro looking for volunteers?

>> No.11665727

Won't work nowadays. Most will return determined to get at least one positive reply that will enable them.

>> No.11666222

new sticky [1000000]

it won't fix the ignorant, underage crossposter problem though.

>> No.11666251
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I've been wanting to make a review on GATs for the longest time since they're a really versatile shoe and they show up in every other thread. The problem is I don't know how to review them. I always end up rambling and going off topic. I don't want a super in-depth review at this point, just a little bit of general information to put in a new wiki or something. What should I talk about in the review to cover most bases? Comfort/aesthetics?

Pic is something I've been working on for the thread when I eventually post.

>> No.11666837

Lol no. If the majority shits on you what would be the reason for coming back? Ur dumb af

>> No.11666863

Ban /pol/-bait, and ignore it until it is able to be banned (since moderation here is slow as fuck).

It never has to do with fashion, and when it does, it's almost entirely anti-fashion (e.g. "those glasses are nu-male"); these political nonsense posters seem to have a lot of (sometimes contradictory ideas) of what not to wear, but never suggest what is acceptable.

>> No.11668074

fuck /pol/ and their fascist threads, they offer close to nothing but okay hair inspo, get rid of "is ____ effay" threads and things should slowly start to return to normal

>> No.11668517

/fa/ is the only place where we /thinspo/ don't get shit on 24/7.
Can you imagine a /thinspo/ on /fit/ or /r9k/? We would either get shit on for having a large female base by beta "redpilled" basementdwellers or shit on by meatheads for not getting "ripped" or being "high test".

It may not be related to cloths but I think it is kinda a part of the fashion world. Not even the best fit looks good on an obeast and not everyone on /thinspo/ is pro ana.

>> No.11668590
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I think the reason for the decline in quality has to do with new people coming to the board. Everyone from old /fa/ has left and moved on to new and most likely better sources of inspiration. Since you can't get rid of new people (mostly political minded people and general newfags) the only thing to do is to educate people on what fashion really is.
>update the sticky
>post relavant content
>don't feed the trolls
>try to use other sources such as magazines and other better websites to bring new content in
>harsh but constructive criticism in WAYWT threads based on not just personal opinion, but well researched trends / designs


>https://web.archive.org/web/20160308115407/http://dressed-down.com/ (dressed down has been baleted but something similar would suffice.


>> No.11668625

Look up essay outlines and use one to construct your review.

>> No.11668629
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don't think so

>> No.11668635

absolute proof that you're a newfag, summers are common knowledge

>> No.11668652

it was just an example, I clicked on the first cover page of popeye that i had