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11656047 No.11656047 [Reply] [Original]

effay ice cream thread

>> No.11656059

icecreams are not effay, they make you fat

>> No.11656083



>> No.11656109

i eat ice cream 2-3 times a week and i weigh 125 and am 5'11

>> No.11656136

Eating icecream all the time makes you fat, eating icecream once in a while doesn't have any bad effects. Having self control but still enjoying any kind of foods is effay, restricting yourself unnecessarily is not.

>> No.11656180
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>> No.11656274
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>> No.11656300

homemade vanilla ice cream made with madagascar vanilla beans and locally sourced dairy

>> No.11656321

you have to be a degenerate to buy ice cream from your local supermarket's frozen section

>> No.11656324
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>He doesn't have a fast metabolism

>> No.11656329


Yeah? Where do you buy your ice cream? Lemme guess a little corner gelato shop in your local authentic Little Italy staffed by by authentic Sicilian workers.

>> No.11656332
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glad you posted this, i was just thinking about how badly I needed a stranger's approval on something as insignificant as where I buy my ice cream from.


>> No.11656337

I'm sorry, are you now trying to defend pre-packaged disgusting frozen hydrated milk-powder with corn syrup and artificial flavourings?
jesus christ you are a joke

>> No.11656342
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Okay buddy. we get it. You only shop at Organic Farmers Markets and persist strictly on a vegan diet.

No dangerous toxins or yoga mat chemicals for you!

>> No.11656345

I don't even do that shit
I'm full aware of the (lack of) health risks from eating pre-packaged ice cream
for the record, I'm pursuing a degree in chemistry so I know a bit regarding the toxicity of the compounds used to improve ice cream
it's not toxic. it's not lethal. you can eat it without any health risks
I just find the stuff disgusting. it's like mock-up ice cream.
you don't have to accuse me of pseudo-science bullshit because then you clearly don't understand my reasoning

>> No.11656355


Then you should be afraid of eating anything outside ever buddy, because they're almost always composed of items that will make you noxious from knowing about.

Why stop at ice cream then? It's an endless rabbit hole which you'll eventually find yourself parting away with the common food of the public, all because you read too deeply and fret over meaningless bullshit.

It's ice cream, stop giving so much of a fuck.

>> No.11656367

anon, you are feeding a troll.

>> No.11656437

>Then you should be afraid of eating anything outside ever buddy(...)
jesus fuckig christ you honestly don't understand what I'm saying do you?
I have clarified time and time again i realise none of the stuff inside shit ice cream is significantly bad for you.
i know that. it's fine to eat it every now and then.
this is not a question of safety, it's a question of quality. The quality of the ice cream is what I find incredibly disgusting. it's like grainy frozen whipped cream
do you understand me now?

it's a discussion, stop crying

>> No.11656439


>quality of mass produced cheap food items is substandard


Don't drop out of chemistry yet buddy, looks like you have so much to give to the scientific world.

>> No.11656452

>t. fatty

I shouldn't go ad hominem. I just wanted to make my point. none of this frozen section ice cream is even the slightest bit /fa/.

>> No.11656487
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The Once and Future King.

>> No.11656538

nothing speaks to bitches better than some cookie dough icecream

>> No.11656543
File: 20 KB, 450x450, 34198-Talenti-Sicilian-Pistachio-Gelato-1-pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon nigga.. unless in public, a small white paper cup italian ice

>> No.11656546

talenti is the shit

>> No.11656597
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Came here to post this.

>> No.11656779

I bet you buy Ben and Jerry's you fuckin ice cream genius. Get out

>> No.11656821

sounds to me like you got offended because you know deep down inside your favorite ice cream is probably some shit tier No name brand "Frozen desert" you get at Walmart.

>> No.11656850

I bet you get all-natural ice cream from its source. Do you hunt the legendary ice cream beast for its innards?

>> No.11656886

Why are you here? Integrate into this culture, don't bring your Reddit jokes to this site.

>> No.11656914

>he doesn't budget budget a 4oz scoop of icecream daily into his <1500 cal diet

pity you friend

>> No.11656957

Magnum is the stuff

>> No.11656992
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great mouthfeel and low calorie

>> No.11657533

I eat ice cream in the most effeminate way possible