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11649710 No.11649710 [Reply] [Original]

>excited to get job cuz I can finally by clothes without mooching off my parents
>get job
>realize wage sucks
>realize I dont have unlimited money
>agonizing whether or not to buy a $120 jacket right now
>before I would've bought it with my parents money without thinking twice

>> No.11649731

How much do you make and approx. what are your living expenses?

>> No.11649739

I have this feel now that I've got to worry about my car expenses and school/textbooks. I just want to have money

>> No.11649740

I made $170 this week, second week working

I should typically be making this much as long as Im working

I have no expenses but I want to save up for a trip to Europe this winter. Need about $600 for that.

This too actually. My parents said once they sell their property they'll buy me a car but I dont know when that will be if ever so Im under pressure to save for a car.

>> No.11649746

don't buy anything until you have enough for your trip & spending money for it. europe is the goat for effay clothes.

>> No.11649753

Maybe youre right

But I need to buy some clothes for school..

>> No.11649762

if this is the case, I highly recommend thinking of what style you want and then go from there. if you are unsure, get some basics from uniqlo, old navy, asos etc, because you won't spend much money that way and you'll still look decent. protip if you are 6ft+, old navy has $6~ basics in tall lengths.

>> No.11649767

Save up for your trip, buy cheap basics in the meantime, and then splash out on one expensive item of your choice but only until after you've saved up for the trip and bought your essentials.

>> No.11649779

you guys are right


>> No.11649797

how you deal with this feeling of being tired that doesnt go away

>> No.11649806

therapy. no but seriously, I know what you mean. I'm either wired to the point of anxiety or falling asleep. caffeine will help and then make it worse.

>> No.11649807

Spent a year in Europe. That 600 bucks is going to just be the flight, your gonna need more then that

>> No.11649812

my flight is paid for, the $600 is supposed to be my spending money

plus I have a place to stay, so I dont need to pay for a hotel or anything, just booze and clothes

>> No.11649831

Holy shit is this thread is bait or are rich (((privileged))) people this retarded and weakminded.

>> No.11649862

What the fuck do you work? I earn 350€ a week/10€ per hour in job anyone could do. You must be paid really bad. Unless this is normal in america

>> No.11649866

bring a lil more than 600 budarino

in the mean time, garb yourself with uniqlo and wait in quiet anticipation

>> No.11649887

I am in a similar situation.

>get a job
>live frugally for a while
>oh,I'll just buy these two polo shirts,for work you know
>I am also gonna need some pants so I buy two pairs of jeans and two pair of suit pants
>I could also use some shoes so I will buy these,oh they are on sale,I am gonna use my savings to buy another pair and another
>oh,this polo shirts are on sale,I am gonna buy three so I have work wardrobe for 5 days
>While I am buying those,I am gonna buy tshirts in bulk to save money

To think I panicked when I saw my bank statement,I actually thought I was robbed for a minute. It's a slippery slope,OP. Thankfully I am not in debt because I use a debit card but still it was a close one.

>> No.11649893

maybe work a full few days

>> No.11649956

Sort of the same here.

>be me looking for a job
>get interview for safeway
>still waiting on an answer
>will be making approximately 250 a week
>need to upgrade my computer
>want to save up for a 1k DSLR camera and accessories (cuz filmmaking is my goal)
>also would like to backpack across europe and japan

Guess I'll be sticking with the Uniqlo basics.