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/fa/ - Fashion

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11645818 No.11645818 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ you're my only hope. I'm about to start interviewing for tech startups. Does this work (in theory)?

>> No.11645845


tech startups are full of fucking losers who think reddit mfa is god tier fashion. go ask people on there. /fa/ is way too avant garde for them, altho they will prolly think you are going to help their diversity numbers on the gay front

>> No.11645852

>altho they will prolly think you are going to help their diversity numbers on the gay front
that's nice

>> No.11645857

loose the moustache, switch the red t-shirt for a white one instead and you'll as good as you're going to without changing everything

>> No.11645860

Shave your hair, go to hairdressers and get a haircut that doesn't suck all your face (the kind of cut you have usually makes you look more chubby and ugly). Wear a shirt, buy a blazer that fits, high waisted pants and a pair of derbies and off you go.

>> No.11645862

>/fa/ is way too avant garde for them
>WAYWT is full or normcore fags.

>> No.11645957


>> No.11646280

If you're serious, and this isn't a troll post then don't go in suit.

My impression of you is that you don't even know what YC is (I hope I'm wrong).
Go in what you usually wear, tech startups especially don't give a fuck about what you wear, you're there to show that you can hack shit together.

If I was you, then I would:
>shaving that stache
>wear chill minimalistic hoddie and jeans/chinos
>some really comfortable sneakers

Don't act like a fedora lord.

Don't wear a blazer and shirt for a tech startup, unless the people at the startup does it.
99% that they don't.

>> No.11646290

head over to jcrew/gap/whatever and try on a bunch of oxford shirts until you find one that fits and wear that instead

>> No.11647310

Zach newman is that you?

>> No.11647340

buy a shirt and ditch that silly blazer tee combo, wear some derbies or desert boots or whatever inoffensive sneakers you have that don't clash with the shirt and pants

>> No.11647375

is this guy for real

>> No.11647406
File: 39 KB, 360x480, big guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wear this

>> No.11647442

idk what youre talking about nor so i have any suggestions, but this picture is killing me hahahahaha

>> No.11647714

Buddy just ask them what sort of clothes they expect during the interview.

Lots of start ups have older staff that you might interview that expect some kind of business wear.

Also that red shirt you are wearing is a no-no regardless of what their dress code for interviews is.

If its completely informal I'd wear jeans and a non-graphics tee, possibly with buttons but probably no collar (if you just have a polo that should be fine too)

If its business casual I'd wear a patterned oxford shirt with khakis

If its formal I'd wear a full suit. What you are wearing is okay (but the fit is a little off imo). Just switch the red shirt for a proper oxford with a tie. I actually tend to remove my jacket if I've been told to whiteboard.

>> No.11647735

lose weight, go to a 100 dollar hairstyle by professionals, cut your poverty beard, get better style.

>> No.11648858

whewwwwwwwwwww lad hahahaha

I don't think I've ever seen a worse fitting blazer. It literally makes your body look inhuman

>> No.11649390
File: 80 KB, 640x510, 1409147050455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear this

>> No.11649412
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1459334328331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems fucking harsh, but it's accurate advice. I'm also dying from that phrasing... holy fuck.

>> No.11649418


>> No.11649474
File: 269 KB, 1702x2412, me2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your comments lads. I am not trolling -- I am literally coming straight from /a/. I tried to do some improvements. I probably made it worse though.

I will do a clean shave when I get some razors.

>> No.11649485

Looks way better to me man. Good one on dropping the stache. A light beard might be very flattering in the future.

>> No.11649505

A lot better than before. Shaving was definitely the right decision as well.
Your glasses appear to be horrible, but it's a tech start-up- They'll be used to that.

>> No.11649535

The way I see it, this is no good. I wouldn't take advice from /fa/, since most of these fags are NEETs living on Daddy's fat paycheck. If you're interviewing for a job, ANY job you need to look professional, and that means dress shirt with tie at the very least, tucked into black dress pants, or some nice light kahkis would be fine in your case, belt, and dress shoes. Sure you can probably get away with much less but why risk it? First impressions mean everything for interviews, they'll literally decide if they want you or not within the few mins

t. someone with a job not at mcdonalds

>> No.11649578

I have looked up their LinkedIn and nobody seems to be wearing suits. So I have decided to go without suit.

>> No.11650534

dress for the job you want
not the job you have

they arent wearing suits because they already have the job. You are applying. You dont rate business casual yet.

>> No.11650584

Good luck man. Get some contacts or new glasses

>> No.11650602

This is shit advice. If you go in with a suit they will not be able to relate to you at all.

>> No.11650651

Fuck that.
He wants the job, he should dress for the job then.
The people working the job he wants dress business casual, then he will too.
And they'll like it.

>> No.11650853

Well, on the plus side, it really looks like you came straight from /a/...

Anyway, that sweater is not flattering to your body type, and that polo isn't making anyone happier. I'm not really sure how i would dress, but if it's a small tech startup, im sure you can go without a suit.

The ones i've been in contact with have been comprised of nerds (very smart, but that's the type) with very little care for how you dress, although there's always the fact that an employee reflects on the employer. If you're the right man for the job, i dont think they really care that much

>> No.11651206

Startup CTO here, the last fucking thing we care about when choosing an intern is how they looked (especially for tech interns), and you're stupid for thinking anything other than qualifications and ability to communicate decently would have gotten you the job/internship

>> No.11651560

Christ on toast, this is an ill-fitting jacket.You need ot get some shit that isn't way too fucking long for you, breh.

>> No.11651575

I think you look good. The jacket is a bit long in the arms it looks like. Get it tailored and you will be 100 senpai

>> No.11651598

Looking good bro. I would go with a dress shirt and a tie on the inside though...That's just me though!