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/fa/ - Fashion

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11644597 No.11644597 [Reply] [Original]

'''/fa/ feels thread'''

>> No.11644668

>tfw you havent got a stich to wear

>> No.11644868

>tfw human and need to be loved
just like everyone everbody else does tbqh senpai.

>> No.11644913

>tfw already 18 and still a virgin
I will never experience teen age love

>> No.11644928

don't worry, you're not missing much.

>> No.11645007

>tfw that joke isn't funny anymore

>> No.11645054

>tfw lost virginity at 18
I have experienced teenage love and it's almost exactly like music. feels really good and heartwarming, just has to be a girl that you love and she loves you back. and you should worry, you're missing a lot

>> No.11645090

Bro I have found that in my teens the only good sexual experiences where in LTRs. The hookup shit is pretty regrettable for me.

>> No.11645104
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>select images with trees

>> No.11645109

>Bro I have found that in my teens the only good sexual experiences where in LTRs.

he hasn't had any of those either though lol

>> No.11645116

>tfw start slowly forgetting about the person you loved who treated you like absolute shit
>thankfully theres this new person
>new person probably also is going to treat you like absolute shit
>scared of being abandoned
>tfw you get attached easily
>tfw they can sense it and they can sense that they can treat you however they want
>people are bad
>you will never have a fulfilling relationship
>youve bought this y3 raincoat and it arrived yesterday and though it was sunny all week it started raining today
>feels good

>> No.11645170

I'm missing all my chances for love because I'm shy and don't think I'm pretty enough.

>> No.11645220

>its still summer

>> No.11645269

>tfw the suicide jokes you make are actually serious

>> No.11645285

>tfw when new haircut only looks perfect for 48 hours
>tfw when can't afford to keep it the same weekly

why do i even bother

>> No.11645298
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>gf of 3 years
>we break up
>"i'm done"
>we had a party that same day
>try to keep things casual
>she ends up drinking cuz that's what she does when she's stressed
>she starts flirting with me and i'm like fuck off because she said she was done
>she storms off bitch-fit into a corner
>she writes "don't forget" on her arm
>i get pissed off and lock myself in the room
>no one comes to check on me
>party ends
>she leaves
>i end up crying

life is grand

>> No.11645316

how do i gather the courage to kill myself or alternatively how do i stop daydreaming about killing myself everyday at work

>> No.11645328


>> No.11645408

are you flatsound? big fan

>> No.11645430

hahah didn't think anyone would catch on
also no I'm not
great musician though

>> No.11645446

>there's a club where I'd like to go
>I go and stand on my own
>I leave on my own
>go home and cry
>wanting to die

>> No.11645451
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>> No.11645472 [DELETED] 

>have burned between 2-3 pounds in since Sunday
>have lost the ability to sleep
feel somewhat good to be entering a progressively emaciated state of mind

>> No.11645486
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>have burned between 2-3 pounds since Sunday
>have cycled 80+ miles, worked 28 hours as a bike courier, and run 15 miles meanwhile
>eating at a 1,700+ daily caloric deficit
>achieved my highest ever heart rate on a run last night
>consequentially have lost the ability to sleep

I am exploring just how much emaciation I can stand until I pass out

>> No.11645493

>sometimes i feel like my brain is too weak
>and that one day my concept of reality will break
>and i will collapse into my own mind
>and everything i know
>everything i see and believe will be controlled
>by the one person who hates me most
>and im so fucking scared

>> No.11645501
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>tfw i want to draw well and git gud
>don't know anyone who has the same mindset as me
>may grow apart from all of my friends if i want to focus on achieving my goals

>> No.11645511

ugh this

how hard is it so find a mentor nowadays?
>tfw my friends don't share the same ambitions and are holding me back

>> No.11645519
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>Study animation
>Everyone at the start of the year is sperg tier
>Make friends with nice but kind of dorky group of friends
>Slowly teach them how to dress better and talk to girls.
>They improve over the next year and start actually looking good.
>Break up with gf
>Go on bender and fuck every girl in my class
>Deflower a shy qt that speaks in basically a whisper.
>Classmate confides in me that he has a crush on her the next day.

>> No.11645618

>stopped caring about human relationships
>now only problems are lack of money for clothes or drugs

>> No.11645620

enjoy your empty af life filled with drugs i gues you addict

>> No.11645629

Watch cartoons man

>> No.11645654

>become friends with this girl
>fall in love
>don't try anything because i think I have no chance
>4 months go by and she accidentally admits she likes me
>overjoyed I try to initiate something more
>she instantly become different, no more banter, short answers
>two weeks ago she unfriends me on snapchat while on vacation, out of nowhere
I feel lika an autist idiot who can't read people for shit, but at the same time my intuition tells me she's the weird one

>> No.11645659

>cycle through hating all my clothes, redoing my wardrobe, then hating them again
>in a period of phasing our my old clothes
>scouring the web to try and find new clothes
>don't even know what I'm looking for

>> No.11645680

are you Bojack horseman irl?

>> No.11645691
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>> No.11645708

try amphetamine

>> No.11645721

something beyond conspicuous consumption maybe?
try reading a book
just don't try to curate a personality out of books the way you do with your clothes

>> No.11645726
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>be 22
>no woman has had sex with me sober

i just want to be loved

>> No.11645751
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>look outside the window
>see someone doing manual labor, like using a weed whacker or a hedge trimmer
>when you check back later they have made a lot of progress

is there a more gratifying feel?

>> No.11645752

>be 22
>no woman has had sex with me
And I'm neither overweight, smelly, socially degenerated or small.
So now?

>> No.11645756

>get to know a girl through mutual friends
>shes a legit model
>we party all the time, festivals etc.
>develop a thing for her
>lol way out of your league bro
>she rises to 100k+ instagram fame
>still hangs out with the boys tho
>people telling me she acts weird around me
>she always asks me to come out with her
>what the fuck am i even doing?
>let her fade away through being non responsive and a general fuccboi
>i guess we had our moment

>> No.11645762

t. incel basement dweller

>> No.11645775

Lol don't listen to this pleb. Any love you feel is simply a chemical reaction in the brain, nothing more.

From someone that was forced to have sex at 13, I can tell you that it's far easier to get laid when you blag yourself into not caring about it, and eventually you won't actually care at all, which will inevitably lead to more attention from females.

Once you get the attention, don't be a sucka and revert to your old self because you think it's safe, it's never safe.

The true you should only be shared with people you trust, and that is few and far between for me.

>> No.11645778

>dude it's just le chemicals

off yourself lmao

>> No.11645781

Off who? I don't exist :D

>> No.11645788

wow it is really sad that you didn't take the chance

>> No.11645805


>> No.11645815

The feel is more gratifying when you have made the progress yourself.

>> No.11645821

you fucked up

I'm friends with a model who's apparently a genuinely nice girl. I only realized she was a model when I googled her; she never mentioned it. And she's not an instagram whore.

I asked her to get drinks at the college bar soon after meeting her but then...
>oh, my BOYFRIEND loves that stuff

>> No.11645828

>tfw my school is run by belligerent ghouls
>I'm getting kicked in the shower
>bruises bigger than dinner plates

>> No.11645830

tfw can't form platonic relationships w women they always just want 2fuck

>> No.11645834

I did this too, changed friendship group and made my new one dress amazingly. Feel proud

>> No.11645840

No, you don't understand.

Actually doing manual labor yourself is not gratifying.

>> No.11645842

>actual shower rape

is your school a prison?

get your shit together lmao

>> No.11645859

Dependant on the person. I only feel gratified by manual work, anything else leaves me feeling drained.

>> No.11645883

>get binder in the mail after 4 years of wanting one
>still have tits
>top surgery scares me, drains make me cringe
>when will my reflection show who I am inside
fucking hardcore

same with men lol

same but idgaf because sex makes me laugh my ass off for some reason.
When I'm scared of someone I just imagine them having sex, and I take them a lot less seriously.

>> No.11645893

>>4 months go by and she accidentally admits she likes me

>> No.11645915

I've taken some people under my wing lmao, it's pretty rewarding

>> No.11645921
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>get binder

>> No.11645927

God I hope not

>> No.11645934

I guess that's the inly option, I graduate in a few months anyway.
Hah yeah it definitely strokes your ego

>> No.11646004

>go to a bank to send money to my university
>see my former classmate ("chad", popular guy) working there exactly where I need to go
>we didn't really speak in high school except for that one time we got drunk on a school trip
>too coward to approach him, go away quickly so he doesn't see me

>> No.11646016

In my experience people begin to see you as dominant/influential

>> No.11646063

>spending all my clothing money on textbooks
renting one textbook for 250. fucking tax class.

>> No.11646149

Stop being a fucking bitch I wouldn't even turn around if it was my ex missus' mum, I'd smile cheek to cheek and get on with my day.

>> No.11646153

>Go on bender and fuck every girl in my class

what? how long was the bender? how many girls was that?

very suspicious. lots of unanswered questions there

>> No.11646155

IKTF, I just don't cry. I wonder why people like this don't form a group.

>> No.11646258

>become friends with this girl
>fall in love
>don't try anything because i think I have no chance
I wish I didn't know this feel

>> No.11646261

>tfw want the one I can't have

>> No.11646309


>> No.11646313

You're not your clothes.

>> No.11646314


Not saying anything sooner is what gets me. In my defence, she did have a boyfriend for a while, but still.

And now I'm starting uni and I'm gonna be around so many new people. And yet I can't get excited about it because all I think about is her. Right now I just don't see myself conecting that way with anyone.

>> No.11646322

>they told me mental illness is in
>they didn't tell me it's always been

>> No.11646330

Well best way to find girls is through other girls. You should have some girl friends that you decide to not initiate anything with as a status beacon. Girls are attracted to guys hanging with lotsa girls even if you guys just chill.

>> No.11646331
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Try alcohol

>> No.11646337

she'll visit me on saturday
we'll drink, smoke make out and all that shit
im happy
for the first time in my life

>> No.11646359

Same but with a guy.

>> No.11646401

If you want to die sell all your shit and do something fun. See the world. Join a gang. I mean if none of the stuff you do makes you happy you can still kill yourself. So basically live with no consequences cause your gonna blow your brains out either way

>> No.11646423

I thought i was the only FTM on here

>> No.11646445

t. someone who's never been depressed

>> No.11646457
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>small dick
End me

>> No.11646458

award for the most reddit post of the day

>> No.11646460

Ah mental illness

>> No.11646526

>join a gang

>> No.11646570

He knows so much about these things.

>> No.11646848

I lost it at 18 but it was a miracle in my case. also >>11645054 is right except you don't need to worry. teenage love is gr8 but it can easily fuck you up emotionally.

>> No.11646872

>tfw poorfag
>tfw can never cop anything nice because I'd have to save up for it for a long time and then I wouldn't have anything to wear it with because my wardrobe is basic as fuck and I'd have to wait till I've saved up for another nice thing which will take ages

>> No.11646881
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>got a suspicious mole removed
>results if I have skin cancer in 10 days
>crippling anxiety for days

>> No.11646921

Good luck with that anon.

>> No.11646922 [DELETED] 

i do fun things everyday i have this big group of friends and we party all the time and we do really fun things and we have adventures and we listen to great music and we bond and we have the coolest discussions ever and id say we're even pretty /lit/ and /mu/ and /fa/ all at once and me and my closest friends work together on things we love and we're young and beautiful and not rly poor at all and we have access to hard drugs and sex nearly all the time

tl;dr i have a job i love and i study what i love and i have friends and im good looking kinda and my life really isnt boring at all but i still want to kill myself because im really paranoid about things and it makes everything i do a living hell no matter how objectively great it is im just always SO SCARED

>> No.11646929
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you just reminded me I need to have that big ass mole on my abdomen looked at by a doctor

>> No.11646976


>> No.11646984

thrifts in my town are doshit but I'm moving to a bigger city soon so I might find something nice

>> No.11647007

>try reading a book
just don't try to curate a personality out of books the way you do with your clothes

Fuck you just nailed it on the head. I hate that I do that with all media - trying to impress people with my taste in movies books and other shit. I'm so self conscious it's not even remotely healthy. How do I become my own person? I'm about to be 22 and I am so miserable and weak

>> No.11647014

It's my 20th bday today and I'm still a kissless virgin. Please help

>> No.11647026

tough one but you can always finger and oral job em. how small is it tho?

>> No.11647064

I feels

>> No.11647068

get a hooker

>> No.11647083

>tfw gay
>tfw can't find qt shy tall effay bf who isn't a slut or bitchy flamer

>> No.11647090

Feel exactly this way about music tho

>> No.11647147

I'm going to say over the course of 2-3 weeks.

>> No.11647158
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>mfw I'm all of that except cute

>> No.11647161

Also all up there were about...six, the rest I did not find even remotely attractive.

>> No.11647165

No idea, too scared to find out for sure. But I have learned to be insanly good with my tongue. I can get me to cum a few times, but I'll never enjoy deep dicking the shit out of a girl

>> No.11647298

fucking southern hemisphere 3rd world country
first of all, its a 3rd world country, most fashion there is is fast fashion.
Also, WINTER (which by the way where i am doesn't get colder than around 5 degrees celcius) IS ABOUT TO END,

>> No.11647330


>> No.11647611

Holy shit I get the movie the The Lobster now

>> No.11647658

are you saying james franco was a chemical?

>> No.11647709

>have friend since elementary school
>banter with her all the time
>people say we're like married couple
>feels like we're destined to be together
>go to different high schools
>arguments get much more personal
>stop talking to her altogether
>go to college
when i tried to talk to her again i immediately regretted reaching out to her. i was such a terrible friend. i've got a bad feeling about the remaining majority of my life.

>> No.11647712

negative plus a negative equals a negative

>> No.11647788

Just stop talking to her then you dip

After leaving high school I stopped responding to my best friend's texts for no good reason whatsoever it's not that difficult

>> No.11647905

no yeah i talked with her a couple months back, breaking the silence of 2 or so years basically apologizing for being so distant (but not looking for pity or forgiveness.) she said it could have never worked out the way we were treating each other and i agree. overall it's pretty crappy and i wonder from time to time if i didn't cut her off what could have been.

>> No.11647961

>tfw no job
>no money
>no new clothes

>> No.11648014

>Just bought something that I thought fit in the store but does not fit. Can't take it back so just fingers crossed my dad can wear it.

>My town is shit for fashion shops

Well atleast those tyd dye shorts I did came out alright.

>> No.11648038

ill be your bf

>> No.11648046
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dude mowing the lawn is super fun. I used to think it was just stupid grass. but it's like an art. I've done it once and made the straight line parallel pattern. i was so proud of it I wanted to take a picture but it was inside so I just stared at it and it brought a tear to my eye. my dad was also proud of me and gave me a hug and brought me an ice cold drink of water for the good job I've done.

I finally understand what Hank was talking about. I can't wait in a couple days so I can mow again.

that has to be the best feel I've felt in years

>> No.11648088


>> No.11648115

wow man you thought you could go all freud and shit but you just ended up jumping to conclusions
I got into fashion like a year ago so I'm still trying to figure out what I like, that's all

>> No.11648135

>friend tells me they really like the front portion of my haircut
>wonder if that means the sides are shit


>> No.11648342

>Morrissey is married to a woman and more than double my age
why live

>> No.11648379

great feel desu. thanks for sharing

>> No.11648383
File: 2.00 MB, 400x231, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 4 months on an intense diet and exercise program
>lose almost 60 lbs so I can wear cool clothes and dress nice
>start going bald as soon as I hit my goal

>> No.11648474

>going to england for a couple months to vacation
>broke up with gf a bit ago, recently started getting back into the dating game
>been on 2 dates with a qt Philippine girl
>she's pretty awesome to hang around and just chat shit with, also she's very pretty and has her life (mostly) together
>tfw leaving for england tomorrow

Ah, well that's how life goes I guess

Hopefully she'll be still single when I get back or something

>> No.11649286
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>he fell for the asian meme

>> No.11649377

>19, still live with parents because fucking London prices
>pay them rent so I don't have to do chores or shit
>stay in the room I've had since I was a kid, pretty small (maybe 10x16feet), and most of the room is taken up by a fuckhuge desk and a double bed
>go round my gf's pretty much every weekend
>almost every time I get back, my room's a fucking tip
>so much shit in the house - clothes, bags, shoes, etc.
>whenever I'm gone, they take the opportunity to clear out the living room and dump it all in my room
>right now I have about 10 jackets that nobody wears in my wardrobe, bed covers from the last 7 years, an exercise bike, a deluxe recliner chair and footstool, clothes that have meant to go to charity shops for the last 7 months, three ikea boxes of paperwork for my mum's business
>virtually nowhere to put my own clothes, shoes, or just fucking anything really
>as a result, my room has just deteriorated into a devolved mess and it would be a nightmare to clean up, since when I even try my mum shits the bed because the shit nobody wants is in the living room ready to be taken to the charity shop

>> No.11649409
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>decide to completely redesign and overhaul my room
>tell them that I'm replacing all my furniture and all the shit that they want, they need to say, otherwise I'm getting someone to pick it up for free
>typically, they want fucking everything since "it's in good order"
>really bitter with me since I'm "wasting money"
>tell them I'm putting a working lock on my door so they can't get into my room to put any more of their shit in and they get pissed off
>know that if I don't physically lock them out of my room, within two weeks I'll be clambering over bags of clothes to get on my bed

They seriously take the piss - one time I came back and my bed was covered in bags full of clothes, like fucking piled on, and they said it would be sorted within a couple of days.
I spend a week sleeping on the sofa with my mum promising that she'll do it "tomorrow"
Eventually I got pissed off and told her either she sorts it out by the time I got home from work or I'm putting it all on her bed.
Typically, she completely ignored me so as soon as I got home I spent 15 minutes piling that shit on. When she got home and saw she went completely fucking mental

>hurrrrr move out
Rent is fucking 900 a month, minimum. It's a joke. I'm stuck here until either I earn double I do now, or I put down enough money with my girlfriend to get a mortgage in fucking Norfolk or something.
>we can't live in London together because astronomical house prices
>we can't live anywhere else because I've just started making my way into the graphic design industry with no degree a year ago, and nobody will hire me with my current CV
>might not even stay with my girlfriend for much longer because she's fucking mental and as soon as I leave her house she gets in a mood for no reason and refuses to talk to me for the week, then blames me for it on thursday night and "breaks up" with me, then apologises on the friday morning and asks me to come back around

no future

>> No.11649416

how is that even happening
are you retarded?

it sounds like they want you to leave buddy

good luck

>> No.11649434

sounds like they're trying to force you out

you might have to settle for another country, friend

>> No.11649453

How can my parents be so ignorant?
I sit at home almost all the time, never go out on the weekend, have no friends and no girlfriend.
Of course I am sad, especially on the weekend, and yet my mother has the impudence to ask me what's wrong and why am I being sad! How can she be so blind that she doesn't see my loneliness?
I hope for them to give me a car to drive in a big city or at least a permission to go out at nights, but I can't ask them directly, and yet they fail to notice what's wrong! How?

>> No.11649600

>want the one i cant have
>driving me mad

>> No.11649651
File: 59 KB, 680x421, prince-william-balding-hair.psd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 19 years old and my hair looks like this. Should I kill myself or continue life as an old man?

>> No.11649941

Shave it or if you're really desperate, take oral spirolactone, and tamoxifen to counteract the feminizing effects of the former. That's the only thing that has a chance of working on aggressive MPB.

>> No.11649944

How about for light receding hairline but otherwise thick hair? Around the same age.

>> No.11649954

stop worrying about it you can do nothing (or not much). I prefer 10x a balding confident lad than a nice hairline faggot.

>> No.11649975

pls don't tell me that, the hairline's almost facing the ceiling

>> No.11649982

i'm sorry
nobody deserves balding

>> No.11649983

I was like both of you. 26 now, mostly bald on top.

Here are some facts:
As it stands, your hair will not change.
Yes, you are the minority of men and yes it looks like shit.
There is nothing you can do about it, do your best to avoid thinking about it because its a waste of time.
Way less people care than you think, good looking women included.

What I did:
I worked very hard and got into great shape.
Shave my head, completely.
Started to invest in clothing/my appearance, when I didn't really before.
Worked on my confidence.
It's just hair, but it will teach you some humility and in a sense can futureproof you because one day you WILL be older and you WILL look "shitty". Take advantage of this time and learn to be a graceful, manly man. Chances are youve got arms, legs, working vision and hearing, maybe decent health. All that shit can fail and losing any of it would likely be far more devastating than your hair. Make what youve got as great as it can be.

>> No.11649984

Hairlines are harder to restore. The hairloss drugs on the market generally work better on thinning patches than recession. Keep in mind that in rare cases, meds have a chance of accelerating hair loss. Try dutasteride, topical flutamide, and oral minoxidil.

>> No.11649992
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It's okay in the end. I'm gonna shave it and look like Stamper.

>> No.11649996

>tfw haven't got enough money to buy the fits you want

why bother?

>> No.11650025




>> No.11650028

Lost my virginity at 15 and it was one hell of a shit show

>> No.11650046

that's terrible man

>> No.11651004

>tfw virgin at 20
>tfw could've banged 900 girls if i could just grow a pair and care less

i seriously don't even know what's wrong with me. i hate other people instinctively but i have a lot of friends and have no problems striking a conversation with people i barely know, yet i can't have fun like other people can and i just feel like a fucking alien all the time fuck

>> No.11651108

>tfw jumped - up pantry boy

>> No.11651127

pretty sure if you're in a first world country and you're not fat you'll eventually get laid but you shouldn't just expect a qt to fall on your dick

>> No.11651128

Or Doug Stamper from house of cards. Either way he looks good too

>> No.11651177

I met this girl five days ago and the first night we really hit it off.
The second night, we were cuddling almost all night in the back of our friends car. I feel like im taking things too fast, i really like her and I kissed her for the first time last night. I asked our close friend if the girl i like has said anything about me and she said that all is going well but i may have been a bit handsy. she said that i should take a few days away from her as i've seen her the past 4 days all for about 8 hours at a time.
i don't know what to do, im freakin out

>> No.11651193

bruh let me give you some advice

this is advice you will not take, but you'll know you should have in hindsight.


she likes you.

don't invite her out tonight. if she wants to go out, she'll invite you. if she doesn't, that's cool too, wait a few days and then ask her out again. don't be clingy. you aren't taking things too fast by getting handsy, you're taking them too fast by seeing a new girl so frequently for so long.

actually scrap that, you're doing both.

just chill.

>> No.11651199

Take a break senpai. Let her contact you. You have a good thing going, just give her space. Being around anyone, even your best friend for too long can be exhausting. You sound like you really like her, but you're going to have to stop thinking about it for a little while. Get yourself busy with something, a new video game, a new Netflix series, whatever.

>> No.11651201

thank u guys <3
nice to know i have someone to talk about it with

>> No.11651209
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>nice to know i have someone to talk about it with
you don't, we're strangers on an internet school shooter website

the advice is solid though

>> No.11651218
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>tfw my new friends are the only people who live close to me, but they're passive aggressive while my old friends are amazing people, but live states away

>> No.11651220

Trust me, this is something you need to learn to cope with on your own. I am thoroughly familiar with your mindset though, because it's what has ruined every prospective relationship I've ever had. I wish someone had slapped me in the face and just told me to learn to cope. There won't always be people to talk to.

>> No.11651223

>tfw you've dropped so many hints over the years that people can piece together your suicide attempt.

>> No.11651224

My high school friends are still the best I've ever made.

>> No.11651234


>tfw I live in ireland and the status quo is drunkenly fuck, fuck slightly more sober a week after, fuck once more, then awkwardly discuss if we want to make a relationship out of this.

I'm 24 and I went on my first date 3 months ago

>> No.11651238

I gotcha. I usually am, I am sort of inebriated so I may just be paranoid for no reason. I'm just tired of screwing it up, my stomach hurts and I think it's my body telling me that it liked the way it was feeling last night, and is letting me now how I'm gonna feel if I screw that up

>> No.11651374

Same here dude. I message them in a group chat all the time but I live out of state. Total bros always there for me whenever I need them.

>> No.11651383

This thread has literally nothing to do with fashion.

>> No.11651438
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>One more year of HS left

I can still feel that teenage love right guys?

>> No.11651443

Flat sound is my favorite nu male sjw cuck :D

>> No.11651451

Probably not. By senior year, you have been around your peers long enough to know if any of them are interested.

>> No.11651475

I think you can
Just be social honestly
Most girls are just looking for some dude to cuddle and watch netflix with
Once you find a girl, it won't take long
Good luck anon

>> No.11651481

fuck I hate this. everytime I go to my local Walmart it's like a fucking high school reunion

>> No.11651482

wasn't a model but was out of my league in every way
Looks, talent, personality, family, future, especially her future :(

>> No.11651489


>> No.11651492


>> No.11651495

I am all these things let's date

>> No.11651515

>tfw not white, dark brown eyes make me look dull and short, curly hair that I can't style
At least I'm kinda attractive.

>> No.11651532

I wish I can
But the only girls that are into me are fat, ugly, or insane
The only normal chicks at my school are "Stacy's" and they're cool and don't hate me but would never date me desu
Doesn't help that I suspected my freinds didn't Actually like me so I deleted their numbers to see if they would text me and they didn't so now I'm a friendless loser
I hope I can make up for my shitty life in college

>> No.11651644

>130 pounds
>one of the best on the xc varsity team senior year
>still got baby cheeks
>still get called "cute" by girls

>> No.11651660

Jesus Christ, you're skinny.

>> No.11651766

Yeah, I actually used to be pretty fat in middle school but running made me so skinny idk how

>> No.11651777

I did xc also, was 5'10 and 120lbs through all of HS
was also called cute

now I'm 155lbs and girls say I look like a model

>> No.11651790

i dunno man, i pretty much gave up on finding a girlfriend until about junior year, focused on hanging out with friends, dressing better & grooming myself, then they all jumped out of the woodwork. of course i didn't know how to handle the attention and bungled each and every advance a girl made at me, but it was still a cool time.

>> No.11651801

you just start hitting the gym? what's your routine bro

>> No.11651830

I'm probably not the best person to ask anyway. I was a fucking mongoloid in high school.

I getcha. I just sort of decided to start eating better this year. I dropped 60 lbs in four months, and I'm finally in shape. I just need some tone.

>> No.11651878

It baffles me how someone so good looking would give a shit

>> No.11651886

Got invited to a bday dinner by a girl. Thinking about not going so I can save up for some Arc'teryx voronoi pants. Idk why I like them so much.

>> No.11651898


>tfw no gf to listen to Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now with on a rainy day

>> No.11651900


Ik this feel to bro. Ones in my grade and below me are all used up now by Chad and fucking Jamal.

>> No.11651917

Learn to sew

>> No.11651919

daily considering bashing my face to change the shape of my nose in order have rhinoplasty done so people will not judge me

>> No.11651961

congrats on the weight loss bro
i was in a small high school too, and there were a few girls not wanting to date random redneck #4 so a guy that looked like he was somewhat well-groomed (by high school poorfag standards) was better than average.

>> No.11651970

Idc if their used desu
As long as they know that I'm not used
People fuck that's what they do for fun
It's not morally wrong anymore

>> No.11652000


>> No.11652003

sometimes i wonder what's the point of dressing well i'm ugly as shit no fit will change my face being lopsided

>> No.11652006

Idc if their used desu
As long as they know that I'm not used
People fuck that's what they do for fun
It's not morally wrong anymore

>> No.11652142

should I just ask her out guys

>> No.11652164
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you should friend

>> No.11652199

>tfw i dont know what to buy anymore
>even if I see something I like, id rather save money

Am I better off this way

>> No.11652277

>acne literally ruined my teenage years
>even if it clears i'll still have missed out on all those girls, parties, opportunities etc

>> No.11652308

i kinda want to start go bald so i can finally do something radical in my life with full confidence in shaving my head

>> No.11652319

>tfw no matter how hard you try you're skin will never be smooth even and perfect

>tfw you're stuck with the body structure you have and have to work with it, exercising can only get you so far

>> No.11652336

checked, I have a hard time seeing how acne can ruin your teenage years tho seeing how literally everybody has had some

>> No.11652341


Are you good looking? If yes then yes

>> No.11652355

s t o c k h o l m

>> No.11652365

sweden yes

>> No.11652375

most people have a pimple or two, not moderate/severe acne

>> No.11652383

>literally everybody has had some

lol no

was your school in a mcdonald's?

>> No.11652487
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I had the worse fucking acne I looked like a pepperoni pizza. But I just started eating better and washing my face more and after about 3 years, it all went away. I still get the odd pimple or blackhead. But my face is heavily scarred. But fuck who cares. Ian Conner is ugly af and has a scarred up face but he still gets mad pussy.

Just love yourselves my man.

>> No.11652491

>I am only attracted to beautiful women
>there are some girls who like me and have a decent personality but I will never date them because their looks are not good enough for me
>feel bad and shallow because of it

>> No.11652513

>6 foot 1 inch
>32 waist
>strong hairline, soft hair
>pretty /fa/

I used to be depressed and insecure as fuck but honestly now I don't see how no girls like me. I have had comments saying I was a little camp but other than that I dunno. Probably pulled more girls when I was a shy little emo faggot.

>> No.11652536

He's an ugly black man, ugly black men are pretty popular in the media look at eddie murphy and idris elba. The attractive ones rarely make it onto the big screen, people are now accustom to seeing ugly black men on their screens that they don't even notice it that much.

>> No.11652545

I've improved drastically since people last saw me

>> No.11652592

is he a sjw cuck? I didnt know and I dont really care because his music is good imo

>> No.11652616

>From someone that was forced to have sex at 13
stopped reading there lmao

>> No.11652998

>slightly overweight: not fat but not thin (chubby/skinnyfat) so some brands fit weirdly on me
>massive bags under my eyes all the time
>friends copy my clothes

Also recently started hooking up with this girl and I regret it so much, the girl I really want is enemies with her so if anyone finds out it's over with her.

>> No.11653180

This is fundamentally wrong

>> No.11653253

explain situation

>> No.11653290
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>tfw going to a Morrissey concert this week by myself

>> No.11653386


>> No.11653463

I've spent the summer lurking /fa/, yet I still have little idea what I should wear.

The only thing that has changed is that I go around wearing plain white t-shirts more often.

>> No.11653495

Well, too late now I already did. but if you wanna know I'll explain.

>> No.11653556

>felt nothing when a close friend attempted suicide while messaging me
>felt nothing getting into the university I've wanted to go to for 6 years
>tfw you have no feelings

>> No.11653568

I finally got a job and have a reason to get out of the house and take care of my appearance.

Added bonus I get paid to learn interesting things, which I otherwise wouldn't push myself to get into doing.

>> No.11653638

i wanna know

>> No.11653667

Well, whenever we would go out with a group of friends she just would rub up against me and stuff and always hold onto me and stuff. So last night I just asked her out.

>> No.11653673

Do you feel anything for her? Is she /fa/?

>> No.11653678

also what did she say man

>> No.11653685

yes and yes

>> No.11653690

she said ye my man so I'm happy

>> No.11654308

>friday night
>home alone, as always
>hear some voices from the street
>yeah, there are actually female voices too
>can't fight the temptation to look from the window
>see some girls smoking and talking loud
>a bitter devastating feeling arouses in me
>i know i can't go out because my parents never let me go out
>the very few times i did, they treated me like shit afterwards, as if i committed a crime
>every time i go out my mother asks me where i am going
>every time i go out at evening my father makes stupid jokes
>i am almost 20 years old
>no friends to go out with
>stopped going out altogether because i don't want to justify my actions and get treated like scum by parents afterwards
>repeat every weekend

>> No.11654418

well if you act like a pussy for 20 years dont be suprised to be treated like one.

Did you not have a rebellious teen fase where your parents realised you are your own person?

>> No.11654441

>Any love you feel is simply a chemical reaction in the brain, nothing more
this is literally any emotion you have ever experienced, idiot

>> No.11654466

congrats man, hope it lasts
hard to find an effay girl who you connect with

>> No.11654691

>depressed as fuck
>no money for nice clothes
>gf of 3 years
>relationship pretty cold these days
>girlfriend is moving to another country for six months
>girlfriend is my only friend
>tfw six months alone in our new flat
>tfw gonna spend my 19th birthday alone in our new flat
>tfw turning 19 and feeling like 35

>> No.11654717

>tfw my earlobes keep on filling up with blood and pus until a certain point and then leaking everywhere

What the fuck is this? It keeps happening.

>> No.11654718

I feel bad for you mate. Also why don't they let you go out?

>> No.11654722

dude break up with her and move on.. alternatively kys, you're basically married

>> No.11654733

Yep, i think i should break up with her. Breaking up just feels always so fucking bad. Also i dont have any friends who could help me to get over her.

>> No.11654734

tired of thinking, like thinking 24/7 its just too much. i just want the little thinking voice to have a break

>> No.11654813

> tfw 5.7 manlet
> nothing ever fits
> 18 and hairline is already receding
> girl I like is taller than me
> people keep telling me that I'm "just" insecure


>> No.11654846

>nothing ever fits

the chinks make it work, why can't you?

if you're 5'7 and under 125lbs and over 170lbs of course clothes don't fit cause you're too skinny or fat

get fit first

>> No.11654858

this desu. when i was a self loathing piece of shit i got so much more female attention. now i'm effay and far more positive, my phone is drier than ever. fuck this shit.

>> No.11654972

This I honestly have not been exited or distraught about something for as long as I can remember, its all just spurts of anxiety and calm.

>> No.11654986

Stand up for yourself and just go out to hike or just do healthy activities to begin with, might meet some people if your not conpletely autistic. Dont let them know, dont let them put you down, just think about what you want.

>> No.11655032

>skinny as fuck so I need to wear levi 511 slim jeans
>the lower leg and leg opening of a 30 inch waist fits perfectly but it is too tight in the thighs (my thighs are kinda big)
>have wider woman hips so i need a 31 inch waist
>fits decently in thighs
>however, leg opening and lower leg size is too big as well

>> No.11655085

Nah that's not it. I have really wide shoulders, so t-shirts that fit me on the chest and stomach normally are too narrow for my shoulders. If I fit the t-shirt according to my shoulders, they end up being baggy on the rest of the upper body, and too long vertically. It's really strange

>> No.11655101

Im not ugly, I can befriend everyone but I just fucking hate eveyone except like 10 people.
I just see through all of their social bullshit, the constant signalling, the body gestures, the fake shit everything, but I just feel to fucking disgusted by it to participate in it. Their fucking fun is cancer and makes me sick to the stomach. You described it perfectly its as if youre a Alien.

>> No.11655332

As much as people say it Yohji doesn't look great on a chubby/overweight guy. I know there's runway looks but they at least have good proportions.
I have wide hips, huge thighs, and broad shoulders. Pretty much the opposite of great yohji looks.

>> No.11655500
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been there

you won't collapse friend

those thoughts are just a byproduct of stress

you feel a lot of stress = feeling of collapse

your brain is reflecting your current mind state to your perception of the future

you need to ease your stress

meditation is what you need, forget all the spiritual/religious bullshit about it

go look up how it affects your brain on a neurological level and you'll see why you should do it

>> No.11655508

dont listen to this cuck. he only "believes" in meditation because his faggot nigger cuck husbando (photo in his post) practices meditation. he also practices anal sex, interracial relations and other degeneracy

>> No.11655531

You can't expect a girl to be a virgin these days unless she's a loser or a from third world shithole with third world values desu senpai
If she's not it doesn't mean she's a slut either
Just because someone fucked their partner and they broke up doesn't make them used goods or a cheater bro
You'll never be loved if you can't get past the fact that virginity isn't worth anything in our society

>> No.11655535
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opposite problem, due to obvious low self esteem
>only go for chicks that are below 6/10 but have great personalities
>they worship me physically, we connect emotionally and intellectually
>sleepless nights wondering if I can do better
>"I can do better"
>dump them
>miss them because they were genuinely good people

rinse and repeat my man

>> No.11655563

>tfw i realize i deserve everything that has come my way
>realize growing up I was a cocky ass hole, good looking kid
>the dozen or so girls who liked me through adolescence wouldn't even look my way today
>although cocky asshole i was too much of pussy when things got real.
>not a pussy anymore but no girls interested in me to put a move on anymore
>only managed to get laid once, i'm 21 years old

the biggest feel of all....

>tfw girls aren't attracted to me
>tfw girls aren't attracted to me
>tfw girls aren't attracted to me

there is no worse feel. expensive cloths can't change this feel, i can't be /fa/

cant wait until school starts, so i can smoke weed in isolation in my room, hate being around people.

what have i become

>> No.11655597

you won't get the girl you want if you're a skinnyfat pleb, get fit stop being ugly

>> No.11655615

>be really fucking short
>have large boobs
>people constantly making comments about them
>can't find any shirts that fit, don't make me look like a hoe, and are affordable for my poor ass
>accept the fact that I can never truly be /fa/

>> No.11655626

guiz it sux that my boobs are literally SO BIG XD I WILL NEVER BE /FA/ XD

fucking dumb slut, fuck off with your ebic womyn "feels". your just looking for attention.

fucking tumblr sluts need to leave this board alone

>> No.11655627

Nobody is gonna think you're a hoe for wearing a slightly low cut shirt that shows some cleavage.

>> No.11655690

dress with what makes you comfortable and attracts the attention of the people you want to be with. at least that's what my last ex-cutie did. she had bust and hips for days

>> No.11655716

Yeah I'm going to need some proof for evidence.

But seriously, you don't have it hard. Wow, you're a short girl with nice boobs. You're not a a male overweight manlet, so you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.11655762

>don't like going out or being around people
>what are these clothes for

>> No.11655766


>> No.11655775

>meet girl at internship who's smart, confident, dresses boldly, have some chemistry it seems
>she seems into me (body language, eyes)
>fbook stalk, see she has boyfriend, decide not to make moves b/c technically co-worker and said bf
>im ending internship earlier to study on exchange
>towards end of internship she mentions once or twice how she just broke up with bf
> i'm had to leave that week, so couldn't really make moves
> talk a bit over whatsapp but she's shit at responding
>probably will hit her up to hang asap when im back but by then it might be to late

for fuck's sake, as soon as i find someone cool i leave the continent for 4 months

c'est la vie...

>> No.11656434

>skinny as fuck
>30 inch waist
ok bud

>> No.11656468

jesus christ just imagine being this guy

imagine thinking that dressing boldly is something you want in a parter

can she cook? clean?

I mean jesus fucking christ

>> No.11656477

dressing boldly is a better indicator of personality than simple chores any mongoloid can do


>> No.11656482

>paid way too much tax this year
>bout to get a nice tax return
>thinking about all the nice cops

v excited

>> No.11656485

Maybe explain to her the situation and that you want to meet when you get back

>> No.11656491

My friend is 20 and still a virgin but it doesn't SEEM to bother him at all. He just doesn't seem fazed by the other gender, and I know he's straight. Could be asexual maybe but I just don't get it.

>> No.11656494
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I was in 2 serious relationship since I was 15. Its stupid and full of stupid shit because no one knows shit.

The only thing you are missing though are young tits.

>> No.11656496

Grow a pair, cuck

>> No.11656519

>tfw 2016 has just been a massive downgrade on 2015
>Got laid twice a week last year, now on a half-year dry spell
>Was able to put aside a lot of money last year, now down 4k from January
>Social life was great last year and met a bunch of new people, now hardly ever hang out with friends
>Skinny/lean body last year, now starting to get fat for the first time in my life which is problematic because I despise working out and don't have the money to properly control my diet
Last year was sick but I worry about the possibility that I peaked at 20 and that it's just going to keep going downhill

>> No.11656534
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Are you guys me

>> No.11656545

>Going back to dressing like a traditional skinhead
>Fred Perrys and Ben Shermans expensive as hell
On a bright note, finding stuff on eBay at a more so reasonable price. And Warrior has stuff decently priced stuff

>> No.11656555
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>bought some new clothes
>see a moth

>> No.11656568

Were teenage /fa/ggots who are almost adults that never felt teen love
We are the same anon

>> No.11657637

she finds me attractive, all I really have is a little too big thighs. Have quite a lot of muscle

>> No.11657640

i'm one of those guys that can pull off being chubby but I have been losing weight, I've lost like 8 kg in the last few months just from limiting myself to less than 1500kcal every day

>> No.11657650
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>tfw finally feeling a natural emotion

>> No.11657670
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>tfw could never pull off this hair style

>> No.11657749
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>6'4" 202 lbs.
>know that I'm too fat or big in general for skinny jeans
>2 years when I actually wore them were the only times females showed interest in me

Do grills like a dude with lady hips and an ass? I don't understand what happened.

>broad as fuck shoulders make it hard to find a t shirt that doesn't look like a trash bag on my belly
>having to find size 13 shoes ever at all

>> No.11657775


Morrisey concerts should either be attended alone or with a newfound love

>> No.11657802
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>tfw will never go to a morrissey concert

>> No.11657960
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welcome to 4chan

where ignorance and aggressiveness are the only attitudes we can muster up because life has beat us down so badly

>> No.11658436

tfw you find out that you're his dream girl personalitywise but not lookswise

>> No.11658522

>tfw when I have a double chin and chubby cheeks

I thought getting fit would give me facial gains

>> No.11658590


Been there. Quit your job, move to another country, go to therapy. In other words, change your life to some extent. Or start meditating, take up a new hobby. Do something that pulls you out of the routine that you're stuck in.

Not the best advice, I know, because depression doesn't work the way you think it does, and the real scary thing about suicides is that studies show most of them to be results of a sudden impulse (although brought on by longtime depression). So telling you to "postpone" a suicide or whatever to see the world works as little as giving you advice on how to "man up" and do it. It doesn't work like that. So just do what you can to change your routine and see where that takes you. Best case scenario, changing your life will change your mindset. Worst case, the depression will still be there and one day you won't.

>> No.11658604


Teenager problems. We've all had them. Give it time.

>> No.11658642

Either go for the close buzzcut or just shave it. In other words, just own it. It's not a big deal.

I started balding at 18, and it sucked in the beginning. But with time I've realized that I'm pretty much unable to 100% please with how I look anyways, not even when I spent hours and hours in the gym and got jacked. And now I'm not bothered by my balding at all. Sure, it would be cool to try out a weird haridcut, but it is what it is, and I don't think about it. Work on your body enough that you feel good but it doesn't go overboard, learn to dress well and feel good, and learn how to be content. You don't need to be perfect, and you never will be. You'll be fine.

>> No.11659132

All of those feels, I feel them. It's like I don't know how to do anything for my own sake.

I understand the basics of building a wardrobe but I hate the way everything I own looks on me. I don't even shop for clothes anymore because trying them on in a mirror is just depressing.

>> No.11659688

>tfw black hair
>exact same hairline as young morrissey down to the thinner hair near the ears
>hair is thinner on top and therefore i'll never be able to replicate his hairstyle to get some qt tumblr gf
you get burned the most the closer you fly to the sun

>> No.11659747

try not saying shit like "socially degenerated"

>> No.11659771

great stuff man, thanks

>> No.11659797
File: 1.70 MB, 350x340, LiruThumbsUp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to make it guys!

>> No.11659971

I get to go with my mother

>> No.11661087

>the only way i feel good about myself is by making girls fall in love with me

>> No.11661109

She is gonna cheat on you or leave you, you better break up and move your stupid ass
I know because i've lived on the other end of your situation

>> No.11661458

>Tfw you want to smoke for aesthetic reasons only
>Tfw you spend most of your time listening to the smiths and morriessey and crying

>> No.11661478

>Tfw the headmasters jokes are from 1902.

>> No.11661500

>Tfw all the girls you had a crush on in HS are now out on drugs and fucking strangers
I dodged lots of bullets

>> No.11661619

>tfw you regret the stuffs that you bought
idek my own style, i haven't decided yet.

>> No.11661642

Sounds like a friend of mine

>> No.11661651

Are you studying arts?

>> No.11661939

you are either deluding yourself on one or more of those points. or you're dumb and/or rude.

>> No.11662957

they're infected you dumdum
are the pierced/stretched?
or did you have a pimple on your lobe

>> No.11663086
File: 18 KB, 600x238, 1470330065765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't talked to anyone in a three weeks, I'm even scared to go outside and I'm slowly going insane. I do not have any friends, only person that I text with is my mom. What do I do /fa? How can I meet new people, and start doing something with my life? Should I get some antidepressants?

>> No.11663133

>Tfw you fucked up your ex mentally so bad that when she saw you for the first time in a year today she broke down and cried in public and later texted you to stop stalking her

Sucks but damn I looked fly. The definition of effay

>> No.11663791

Antidepressants can help, but you might have to try a few different before you get to a comfortable point.

Feel free to add me on skype if you wanna talk: amildmemoir

>> No.11663825

Same here except it also turned out the girl liked me too. Been together more than 7 months now. Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel, and don't think there is no chance. At least be optimistic.

>> No.11664342
File: 2 KB, 225x225, itsafeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought I was at least 5'11, if not just 6'
>only 5'9.5
H-hopefully I'm still growing

>> No.11664356

no you dont, trust me

>> No.11664359
File: 19 KB, 353x352, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was in high school
>am homosex
>didn't know until I got to the last two years or so of high school that I just wasn't attracted to girls.
>never experienced teenage love
>couldn't have gotten a boyfriend either, because it would be social suicide and I lived in some small suburb, and not in the city, so I wouldn't have been able to sneak out to see them or some shit.

>> No.11664648

>girls liking deep dicking

if girth is the problem i would understand that but as far as i know most girls doesnt like long or huge dicks.....vaginal wall doesnt have any sensory and you only have to hit the g spot which is like an inch on the roof of vagina.

>> No.11664853

Smoke because you're hoping for an early death

>> No.11664860

>tfw you want the one you cant have and it's driving you mad

>> No.11664883

lol wat no it doesnt

>> No.11664896

Maybe they will, but you're definitely not going to make it unless you dissociate yourself from anime erotica as soon as possible.

>> No.11665077

How do you think your 6 when your 5'9
Just say ur 5'10

>> No.11665490

How do you know you can't have them? Have you tried?

>> No.11665718

Same with music, I enjoy playing guitar but the only other musicians I've met like to play in drop Bb tuning

>> No.11665790

>american education

>> No.11666732

>tfw 6'1
feels fucking good

>> No.11667193

Girls like big dicks man, don't be stupid