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/fa/ - Fashion

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11637106 No.11637106 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we make one of these for the board?

It wouldn't be too hard and it might help people who want to take a bigger interest in fashion improve their skills.

I suggest stuff like:
>Copped quality jeans
>Copped well fitting leather jacket
>Know how to hem
>Saved over $500 in a purchase
>Successfully thrifted something rare
>Can sew a button back on.

Shit like that. Anyone else with me or is this a lame idea?

>> No.11637127

I think this idea is kinda fun. Maybe we should have a monthly thread about honorable mentions to give some tripfags incentive to contribute so they can be recognized.

>> No.11637143

>complimented for your fit
>have a quality squad fit
>wore 7 different outfits in a week with nothing reworn
>travelled to NY,London,Milan,Paris,Tokyo

>> No.11637147

I think tripfags should be ignored

>> No.11637150

Duuuude you're on a roll. Keep going.

>> No.11637157
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>go a whole day without feeling self-conscious
>have a decent social interaction
>Make it through a whole party without regretting or questioning your outfit

>> No.11637166

>wore more than 3 layers
>bought something that cost more than 250/500/1000$
>judged a person by looking at their shoes
>wore a complete core outfit

>> No.11637172

>"Poorfag": spent less than 100 on a fit
>"Mummy's Money": spent over 1k on a fit
>"Trustfund": spent over 5k on a fit
>"Meme'd Hard": bought a Rick Owens item

>> No.11637196

>End Game
Create your own fashion brand

>Dolphin's are bad people
Receive and give negative comments on another persons fit in real life

>Skeletons out of the closet
Achieve a very low body mass

>Mr/Ms.Penny worth
Where a fit that it's total worth is over $200 dollars

>Lord/Mistress. Bigbucks
Where a fit that it's total worth is over $1000

>> No.11637210

I just recently got back on effay and I like this idea.

>> No.11637212

>Cutting ties
Augment a article of clothing by manipulating thread.

>One man's trash
Acquire an article of clothing at a thrift shop

>Closet squatter
Acquire an entire fit at a thrift shop

>> No.11637217

then dont namefag

>> No.11637220

It's wear, not where lol

>> No.11637223

Ha, my bad.

>> No.11637227

>$1000 is now expensive for a fit according to neo-/fa/

>> No.11637229

>Smarter than you think
Wear a fit that's thrifted/DIY'd

>Personal Jesus
Have someone look up to you(they start dressing like your and/or following your advice)

>Suck it up!
Get 5+ negative comments

>Mr/Ms. Charming
Get 5+ compliments

>Virgin Mary
See pictures of you as inspo

>From the back?
Become a meme

Have pristine clean and smooth skin

>Family's closet
Wear a fit which includes everything from your family's closet

>Getting there
Become any type of a model.

>S A D B O Y S
Have an effay squad

>> No.11637238

>Feed the beast
Sell an article of clothing at a higher price then bought for.

>> No.11637241

>get your fit post in an inspo thread

>> No.11637245

>contemporary inspo
Go to a design museum
>hard earned fit
Sell ya ass for full rick

>> No.11637249

>buy a collab piece

>> No.11637255
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I could photoshop it but I'm too demotivated presently. I'll just post some 'feats of strength'; difficult to attain achievements, as well as some others.

>Walking Man
Walked in a runway show

Appear in a lookbook or on a website for a non-mallcore store

Post a photo of an outfit that spreads to other websites

Created a garment from scratch

>Sharp Dressed Man
Post an outfit in WAYWT that receives more than x replies, none of which are negative

>Making Waves
Create a new trend, even as a joke (examples of this on /fa/ are Terrorwave, Jewelwave

>Underworld Connections
Befriend a person in the industry

>Level Cap
Begin a job or internship at a non mallcore store

Insult a person you see in public based on their choice of brand - note that you can't insult the individual garment, just the brand

>>Spending $300 on a t-shirt
Shoot down someone who calls you out for wearing fake clothing

>You are here
Establish your own style

Wear a tasteful outfit all in one colour, including shoes

>5th War
Acquire your grail item

>It'll do
Acquire a difficult to obtain item that isn't your grail, but is one that you really like

>> No.11637275

>Equivalent Exchange
Sell an object of high value to buy an article of clothing of equal value

>Square One
Begin your journey to being effay

>Strip mall speedster
Acquire a fit composed of fast and mall tier brands.

>> No.11637277

>Full Rick

Have homosexual relations

>> No.11637281

>Full Spic
Go to america to buy a clothing piece

>> No.11637282

>techno interests me
own a pair of round glasses
>usually what im dressed in
wear a piece of rick owens and raf simons in the same fit
>walking meme
purposely attempt to dress in a -core/-wave style
>from the back
buy a pair of fake ramones
leave /fa/ for good as you have already established your own style
owns items from any of the following: common projects, A.P.C, acne, AMI, norse projects, cos, our legacy
>gaudy chinese exchange student-core
owns items from any of the following:
off white, buscemi, guiseppe zanotti, BBS11, McQ, HBA, givenchy, neil barrett, marcelo burlon, kenzo, fendi

>> No.11637356

>I am rubber, you are glue
Read the sticky

>Treasure Hunter
Purchase an item of high value at a thrift store.

>> No.11637415
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>I made it
date a model

>This is your intervention
go 3 months without posting on/ browsing fa

dump a model girlfriend

>validate me senpai
buy a garment for the sake of looking like you know your shit in person and/ or online

>I'm not unique?
post in a /fa feels thread

>> No.11637484

Oh I just saw another anon use it, it's not like it means anything except anonymous anyway.

>> No.11637488

ive been to NY, London, Paris, and Tokyo but that was before i started browsing /fa/ :(

>> No.11638136

This should not be on page 7.

>> No.11638164

Wear a fit from one brand from head to toe
>Perfect height
be as or taller then 6'2 (the cutoff height for most male model)
>Teenage dreams
wore a fit that you wished to have on your adolescent year
adopted a style which was expired just as you got in
>primordial archivist
have a piece that dates before the 20th century
>gay old apparels
have a piece that dates before 1929
>police force
cop atleast 5 pieces based on CNC recommendation
>dubious sexuality
judged a women by her clothes before her physical appearance

>> No.11638177

How about fuccboi bingo
>No Anon. You are the cancer
make a "is x /fa/" thread on /fa/
>Crashing this board with no survivors
make a thread on /fa/ that should have been posted to a fuccboi general

>> No.11638178

>soul mate
Find a designer who makes clothes that you relate to and fit your style and you perfectly
>Hello darkness my old friend
Wear all black for a week
>fix up look sharp
Wear a perfectly tailored suit
>eau d'smoke
smoke a 20 pack to yourself
>smack smack
do heroin once then never again

>> No.11638185

deconstruct desinger garment and make one yourself from scratch

>> No.11638192

>pls be in London
get called out for your place of origins
>fashion fetishist
fapped to a fit in /fa/
get your fit completely trashed in waywat
>i'm a guy btw
have an androgynous fit which makes people dick confused
>eagle eyes
spot a fake piece in a fit and call out on it
pass off a fit with fake pieces in it

>> No.11638239

>getting spooky
less than 17.5 BMI

>> No.11638332
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blankified the template for one of you faggots to put all of the achievs down on because i cant be fucked. glhf

>> No.11638366

On it. Why didn't OP do it?

>> No.11638437
File: 318 KB, 1239x1300, Beksinski-x77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11638580

Why is neo fa ok with wearing fake clothes you fucking autists

>> No.11639237

>Spending $300 on a t-shirt

>> No.11639371

bump of interest

>> No.11639443

Still on it ?

>> No.11639464

heres some:
>Truly Effay
Killed yourself

>Acquired Autism
Check anything off in this poster

>Yellow Fever
Acquire a qt asian gf

>> No.11639599

>/mfa/'s Pride
Own any type of Clarks/Red Wings/Iron Rangers

>"Because They're Comfortable!"
Own Ultra Boosts

>"Are You Sure You're Straight?"
Have friends/family question your sexuality because of your interest in fashion

>The Dojo
Have no bedframe/headboard for your bed and a clothing rack for your pieces

>The Collection
Own more than 8 pairs of footwear

>I Like it Raw
Own Raw Denim

>"You Look Hungry"
Weigh less than 120 lbs

>"Where's Uniqlo?
Travel to Soho, NYC

>"Y-you T-to..."
Get complimented on your fit in public

>What's Up /fa/m?
Go to an /fa/ meetup

>> No.11639687

Having issues with it.

>> No.11639695

get back to work then faggot

>> No.11639834


>> No.11639845

I've been to all of these cities and honestly they're fine but nothing special, especially Milan, fuck Milan. By my observations it's way better to live in an obscure but beautiful place unspoiled by tourists and tacky shit and find and help build up a small /fa/ community. I live in Tbilisi, Georgia atm and couldn't be happier.

>> No.11639847

It's a good idea, just not very practical. Doubt this even works on /fit/.

>> No.11639864

This sounds like a great idea actually

>> No.11639906

They have thread every few weeks, seems to be.

>> No.11639908

That's my city!

>> No.11640080

Anyone making this yet?

>> No.11640153


>> No.11640658

Bump wont let this die.

>> No.11640822


>> No.11641004

>square one
sauga city fag detected

>> No.11641182

416 or gtfo

>> No.11641205


be over 6ft

>sneaky hobbit

post in waywt without someone calling you out for being under 6ft

>> No.11641213

american here and even i know that mall is shit and the fuckin jack astors around the corner actually bothered to card me like let me drink a beer with my shit canadian chain food fuck off

>> No.11641266

this is really stupid
fashion is almost entirely subjective, quantifying it removes its soul

>> No.11641517

You know it can be both right?

>> No.11641655

Bump, selfishly waiting for someone to actually make it.

>> No.11641762

>know how to hem
>can sew back a button
Tbh, if you dont know how to mantain and fit your clothes you have no business in fashion

>> No.11641771

This gave me some achievement ideas

>Schneiders List
Alter all your clothes to fit you properly

>Just Beat it
Beat a pair of boots or sneakers to the point they look better than original

Grat idea OP

>> No.11641775

fashion is not subjective stop regurgitating this horeseshit

if you're a fat mexican you have no buisness in fashion either t b h

>> No.11641788

I agree, but this is for begginers and people seeking to improve.

Most people on here can give that a tick from the get go, but those who can't might be encouraged to learn.

>> No.11641791

>Pretty motherfucker
Post a fit and get complimented on your facial aesthetics

>> No.11641802

Feels goid to be back to this shithole but the overall quality has decreased even ypur shitty insult was weak as fuck, like ypur aesthetic probably, talk shit post fit, fuccboi

I feel its a basic skill that everyone who is really interesed in fashion should know, if ypu dont know how clothes work then you dont know what makes them special

>> No.11641826

I agree, but being a beginner is an inevitable stage to cultivating any interest, everyone at some point didn't know how to sew on a button.

>> No.11641870

>>wore 7 different outfits in a week with nothing reworn
I-Is that so unusal? I'm always scared my clothes smell of sweat after a day and never wear them a second time without washing them in between. Only exception I make are pants since I don't sweat as much on my legs.

>> No.11642195 [DELETED] 
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zzz, spent all night awake and in pain but hey, all the water i had to drink paid off!
despite eating 800 calories instead of 500 last night,
i'm at 117 lbs today! that's bmi 19.5 and only 5-6 lbs from clinically underweight :^)

>> No.11642917

Yes it is, you troglodyte. The quality of pieces, fabric quality, tailoring, etc can be measured, but there are no real "rules" that say what you can or cannot wear, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a culture vulture. Wear what you like, and don't let others govern what that is, especially not teenagers on a Congolese mud hut enthusiast forum

>> No.11643679

sure you can wear a garbage bag from your garage and no one can tell you not to wear it but that doesn't mean it's fashionable or that you have a sense of style i don't you understand what i mean when i say fashion isn't subjective
try thinking of fashion like literature

>> No.11644977

>try thinking of fashion like literature
i know what you mean, but i still think the idea of arbitrary "achievements" to strive for in personal fashion stunts growth of your own personal taste

>> No.11645002

bump. Anyone good in gimp/knows how to shoop?

>> No.11645720

I've been looking at this thread for two days now,and since no one is gonna do it i'll fucking do it

>> No.11645811

do it anon

>> No.11645827

Different people, different standards.
I never put more than 100€ in a pair of shoes, 250 for a jacket is the max, and it has to last at least 2 years.
Being a poor student is hard you know.

>> No.11645839

>It's the same anyway
Buy a replica of a $500+ piece
>See ? No difference
Be complimented 10 times on your replica
>I'm poor y'know ?
Someone spotted that it's a fake

>> No.11646013

3 more columns to go,i'm doing it on paint

>> No.11646195

i really need just one more achievement and then i'm done. i can't think of anything else

>> No.11646205

>take a picture with a rick statue in a rick shop

>> No.11646248
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sorry friend,too late.

>> No.11646257

sorry it looks like a mess,someone should re-do it if it's not all that great

>> No.11646310

looks good m8. It def needs more items though.

>> No.11646319

i'll make it bigger if someone comes up with more ideas

>> No.11646471

Have more than three pieces that you don't plan on wearing outside.

Go to multiple IRL stores and don't find anything you like.

>Charity Case
Have a fit of only pieces that were given to you.

>> No.11646698

We need to change some of these achievements and you changed some of the achievement names.

>> No.11646741

change it then

>> No.11647392

>Lasting Impression
Get compliments on a fit a day or more after you wore it.

>> No.11647400
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Marvelous, I appreciate you

>> No.11647462



>> No.11648494
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>being a whiny bitch and having no self control with my money is hard

>> No.11648498

Great job man thank you, the board thanks you

>> No.11649010
File: 414 KB, 3256x1154, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need more achievements

>> No.11649419

>cancer is contagious
Get a normie to browse /fa/
>I wanna be like rick
Go to the gym
Goof ninja
>call someone out irl for wearing a memecore outfit
>no its called techwear
Wear a memecore outfit
>no poo
Dont use shampoo for a month
>neo neo nazi
Get a hitlers youth
>low carb diet
Ask someone out on a dinner date then eat a salad on the date (no spahgetti)
Look /fa/ at a concert
>its post ironic
Cop something ugly and make it work

>> No.11649458

>own over 10 pairs of shoes
>have a go to pose with the squad
>go a day whithout eating and only drinking black coffee
>steal somebodies girl
>get complimented on your jawline

>> No.11649469

>own over 10 pairs of shoes you don't wear

>> No.11649489

it lacks the boxes on the right of the achievements

>> No.11649524

>Hypebeasts Remorse
Bought a hype item that won't resell

>> No.11650128

i know,i'm gonna add them soon