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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 240x120, Portland_Community_College_PCC_749442_i0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11636437 No.11636437 [Reply] [Original]

>implying throwing money into a 4 year is /fa/ when you could be buying siqq fits

>> No.11636477

>paying for college at all
The people here might dress like shit but sometimes I'm glad to live in europe.

>> No.11636480
File: 44 KB, 400x400, uoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11636520


that being said vic trin or st mikes?

>> No.11636706

the UC system in california offers free tuition for university if you meet the requirements. It's pretty nice since the UC system is one of the best in the world

>> No.11636758
File: 42 KB, 794x1024, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da souf will rize agin

>> No.11636764

>not including University College

>> No.11636883
File: 171 KB, 2332x675, UWSig_brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how everyone dresses here, I highly doubt anyone else from /fa/ is here. Tuition for an engineering program can't be beat, though, even for out of state. Girls > Available Boys, too, which works out to my advantage.

>> No.11636933
File: 20 KB, 242x267, NAU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone? never see NAU posted in these threads. pretty much going bc free tuition but flagstaff is beautiful too

>> No.11636945
File: 371 KB, 1024x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabelli boys

>> No.11636949

H-hey anon I'm UC. What are your majors?

>> No.11636951

mcmaster here ayy
what do u study at uoft
college and uni mean the same thing in america

>> No.11636954

UofT is split up into colleges. I think he was asking which college

>> No.11636960

>college and uni mean the same thing in america

Depends, some universities have colleges which might have their own educational requirements

>> No.11636964


UofT uses the Oxford/Cambridge style college system.

>> No.11637025
File: 43 KB, 600x400, Albion_College_Logo_Purple-e1360349080199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... anybody?

>> No.11637027

econ senpai

>> No.11637035



>> No.11637040


>> No.11637049

I go to McGill. Philosophy, and some other shit

>> No.11637059



>> No.11637074
File: 5 KB, 223x226, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone go to CSM,
starting soon and need friends
>TFW everyone dress's like a normie or hypebeast

>> No.11637075

isnt that only if you live in california tho (':

>> No.11637078
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 2Mo_aqES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11637081
File: 111 KB, 1000x757, University-of-St-Thomas-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /douche/ here?

>> No.11637083

medeiros hmu

>> No.11637086

Yes, and if your family makes less than 80k, there's another program called the middle class something or whatever, I don't know the details about that one though

>> No.11637094

fixin' to move to portland in spring and go to portlandcc, how's it working out for you
also plz be my friend

>> No.11637115


Snap: r1ck.owens

>> No.11637141

Definitely not /fa/, whites are minority, shitty downtown Orlando

>> No.11637156


Georgia Tech.

Zell miller is op af

>> No.11637160

>college and uni mean the same thing in america
No they don't you fucking moron. That Canadian education sure is treating you well, isn't? A university is an institution that gives graduate level degrees. My "university" is composed of many different colleges, such as the college of liberal arts and sciences, college of business, college of arts and architecture, college of nursing, college of engineering, etc.

When a college is a single institution, such as, say, St. John's College, then it only confers undergraduate degrees.

I swear sometimes /fa/ is the dumbest fucking board on this shitty website

>> No.11637163

My mother went there. Doesn't seem like that interesting of a school. Are the girls at least pretty?

>> No.11637165


Boston College confers graduate degrees and is composed of multiple schools

>> No.11637173


I should add by name only :^)

We're not a college and not in Boston

>> No.11637175

you seem pretty angry, friend

>> No.11637180
File: 108 KB, 1365x1024, UofMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accross town fampai

>> No.11637192
File: 515 KB, 900x900, 1465746834612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't know that already

>> No.11637197

who here /colorado/

fashion scene nonexistent but the weather is nice and we get lots of cool bands so im ok

>> No.11637201
File: 56 KB, 325x325, Oxy Crest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming freshman. Seen a couple people on here that go to oxy

>> No.11637203

yo 23 year old portland native it's pretty comfy here but get ready for a lot of rain. Mac coat or rubber rain coat should be in your closet.

>> No.11637216

aye pvcc transferring there this semester

>> No.11637228

unironically i know you are not a portland native if you wear a mac/rubber raincoat
literally walk around in any neighborhood when it rains, any person wearing a raincoat did not grow up in oregon

>> No.11637234


>> No.11637244

uccs :/

have some friends there tho, boulder's cool

i think birthday lives in denver (?) but im p sure he doesnt go to college here

>> No.11637260


I thought birthday went to Flagler or something

>> No.11637271

You're in Jesusville, that's why no one is /fa/.

Boulder isn't much better. Guy on my hall last year wore full Supreme all the time.

>> No.11637297

haha yeah the college itself isn't too jesusy thankfully, and i've found a couple of relatively fashionable socially adjusted weeaboo friends, so im happy enough (also so many great punk bands come through the area, not to mention seventh circle lmao)

p much the whole state is climbercore at best, which is clean at least i guess. theres like not a single store for high end menswear anywhere tho, i've found one place that even carries rick (max, great store btw, max is super nice), and it was like 10 women's pieces (*´﹃`*)

the most effay i've seen in colorado are a few pairs of fake yeezys and some /mu/core and tumblr kids at sunnO))) and death grips, probably run into a few at swans as well

>> No.11637341
File: 10 KB, 357x250, ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any Wildcats here?

>> No.11637358
File: 14 KB, 200x239, uo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inc freshman

>> No.11637378
File: 81 KB, 674x673, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else #yuropoor here?

BTW I do envy all you americucks ITT, you pay out the ass for education, but fuck it, at least your shit is life relevant.

>> No.11637414

lol, doing same thing for fall

from cali

>> No.11637453

Hey, my sister goes there!
she's retarded

>> No.11638486

Sophomore here. Hope you like rain.

>> No.11638504
File: 191 KB, 1280x720, spotlight-temple-university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Temple university here

>> No.11638516
File: 13 KB, 225x225, Davis_Elkins_College_229034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praying someone else is going here

>> No.11638517

any brits in here waiting on results this week?? shitting it myself, good luck to all of you hope you get your first choices

>> No.11638524
File: 78 KB, 245x280, UST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freshman law school student here. I took my pre-law program here as well (PolSci)


>> No.11638530

Fuck NAU
Faggot bastards go there.

>> No.11638554
File: 122 KB, 325x327, UNLVSeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /fa/ weebs going here?

>> No.11638592


>> No.11638601
File: 64 KB, 900x900, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attending the most /fa/ school of all this year :~)

>> No.11638649

excuse me?

>> No.11638675

Any current students at Stanford, University of Chicago, one of the Claremont colleges, Reed or Carleton? I'm applying to these places this fall and want to know your thoughts

>> No.11638709

I'm at U Chicago

Don't come here. Classes are hard and it's got a good rep, but everyone here is so weird.

Sci-Fi geeks and rude lesbians who think they know everything make up like 60% of the population. Shitty Hipsters, autismos, and sarcastic non-lesbians make up another 30%. Blacks who only hang out with other blacks and are almost black panther-level hang are another 7%, then Normalish people are the last 3%

I'm from Chicago, and I have no idea why it's like this. The rest of Chicagos pretty nice, laid back, not too weird but pretty smart still. I hate it at U Chicago though.

>> No.11638748

mommy and daddy must be so proud

>> No.11638771

Thanks anon. I feel like it might be the level of the school, right, and the fact that it's harvard for flyover country. The academics are good and I liked the campus though. Are there ways to meet /fa/ people outside of school? Do you ever leave Hyde Park?

>> No.11638775

You from last thread?
How do you dress?

>> No.11638908

Sounds just like Case Western. Bunch of autists here as well.

>> No.11638939
File: 55 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh chalk

Also Asians and girls here are pretty fa

>> No.11639151

>t. Californian

>> No.11639161

He goes to Washington University in St Louis.

>> No.11639163
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, year? I'm gonna be a senior this fall

>> No.11639167

>Do you ever leave Hyde Park?
UChicago students almost never leave Hyde Park. They stay in their little bubble down there. I never went to school there, but I was as an instructor at UChicago and I quite like the campus and student body.

>> No.11639170

Who /graduatedwithanicejob/ here?

>> No.11639181

Who /UC system/ itt? Davis here

>> No.11639215
File: 5 KB, 211x106, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poliboys where u at

>> No.11639245

I'm from minnesota

>> No.11639251

That's my fear. It seems pointless to be in the city if you never do anything there. And i would rather have not the people >>11638709 described in the same bubble as me

>> No.11639253

c u in a week slut

>> No.11639265

I'm starting my freshman year next week and I want to know if it's as much of a pain in the ass as they say it is to get into downtown(specifically cost of getting there and how long it takes also I'm iving on upper if that means anything)

>> No.11639270

hey mikayla

>> No.11639282

What the fuck. I know CC waives tuition and I'm currently going. In fact the only reason I went to CC is because I couldn't pay for UC and I'm broke as fuck, additionally for distance as well. But I didn't receive any financial aid, which I thought covered some of the tuition. I suppose you're talking about financial aid packages.

>> No.11639296

Hey I'm transferring next year, major?

>> No.11639303

You have to be fucking kidding me, are you that guy who wears all black and the swans shirt? I knew you went on here soc major Aggie here

>> No.11639334

You need to apply for FAFSA, when the school gets the application they'll decide if you are eligible for the Blue and Gold program. I haven't had to pay tuition at all


>> No.11639347
File: 176 KB, 852x856, reed_college_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit OP

I dig it, a lot of people don't, but they're not people you really want to be.
Try to skip most intro classes if you get in.
Workload is fucknuts, but generally very satisfying if you put the effort in. Most professors chill.
I dig it, it's small and a pain to get off campus though.

>> No.11639366

UC Santa Cruz here. I was so close to accepting the Davis offer, but there isn't much to do there, right?

>> No.11639382

Senior. I'm living in clairmont hbu?

>> No.11639595

Carleton here. Not very good fashion but other than that and the weather this place is amazing

>> No.11639656

I have a bunch of AP and college credits, how easy are they to transfer? I like the idea of the western civ required class. How "serious" are folks? I just had lunch with three Stanford students and they were way too intense

>> No.11639697

>how easy are they to transfer?
Varying luck, overall though your APs don't mean shit for your major (and IMO they shouldn't anyway). I didn't use any of mine, but some people have been able to avoid doing sciences.

Hum110 is a great class, despite what other people say.
>How "serious" are folks
Mixed bag, especially as a freshman in intro classes. Expect to either have a class of SJWs who hate everything they're doing or a class of pretentious edgelords who can't take a joke.
Upper level courses are the perfect mixture though. Tend to be serious and in-depth while remaining good humored and fun. These people don't stand out as much but they're more fun to talk to.

I have a lot of problems with reed. It's overpriced and its administration is a hellhole that you can't expect to get anything from,but I really can't imagine going anywhere else-- the course quality is too good and the professors are too smart for me to transfer.

If you end up coming here, a couple tips:
>Go for the grove dorms or Anna Mann
>avoid the facebook groups
>find your crew
>seriously seriously devote time to knowing your professors and using their office hours

>> No.11639724

I live in St. Paul so I visited earlier. Talked to an econ professor who happened to have a kid taking the tour. She was really helpful and I liked the campus. I feel like the people who go there would be pretty "down to earth" to the point of being autismo. Is that true? How's the culture?

>> No.11639739 [DELETED] 

Going to Willamette U in Salem, 30 mins from Portland. I took a gap and am 19

>> No.11639742

>dressing like shit
pick one, wtf? American's can't dress themselves and i'm from the 3rd most famous city for fashion on the north american continent. italy? paris? they fucking created fashion

>> No.11639743

sry senpai I'm an incoming freshman

>> No.11639810


>Pretentious edgelords

I believe it

Thanks anon. I'm drawn to the academics and the culture, and the combination doesn't really have a close approximate. The people you describe sound like me

>> No.11639857

No I don't even like the Swans
>there isn't much to do there
Yeah to an extent. I'm a big outdoors person though so it suits me perfectly

>> No.11639943
File: 164 KB, 1768x510, New_England_Conservatory_logo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most /fa/ conservatory coming thru

>> No.11640052


>> No.11640105

also got the free tuition, I'll see you there brother

>> No.11640144

grand valley state university.

comp sci student. one semester left. the people dress like total shit. half the guys wear hunting gear. girls are all basic. the winters suck too.

>> No.11640157

I don't understand these posts about how "no one is effay here" at these relatively big schools. I go to a relatively small university in New Zealand and I've met about 8 people with ramones, one guy with raf stans and seen geos around as well. Not to mention there's a chink crew that wears full undercover at all times.

Do you guys just not get out much? Surely the nation equivalent of a flyover state would have less people that are "into fashion"

>> No.11640169
File: 28 KB, 383x268, image9_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11640570


It costs $2.50 to get into downtown and it's literally only 19 steps to get to the MBTA Green Line B station

>> No.11640641
File: 25 KB, 480x360, normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw poor
at least most people here are normies even if they have money

>> No.11640645
File: 15 KB, 227x279, rutgers block r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RU fags where are we at

>> No.11640695
File: 11 KB, 1490x349, logo_video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moshi moshi

>> No.11640741

Three, finance, entrepreneurship, and Natural Resource Economics. Transferring from where?

>> No.11640762
File: 593 KB, 700x568, vlc_2016-08-01_01-34-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting there this fall. SoE @ Busch. I assume the noose will be provided with the room?

>> No.11640776
File: 784 KB, 863x714, fa_school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11640781
File: 9 KB, 224x225, FGCU logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone even knows my school I'd be surprised.

>> No.11640784

I'm hopefully going there next year anon :^)

>> No.11640786

Moving in next tuesday

>> No.11640794
File: 150 KB, 272x360, University_of_Scranton_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my college is known for being where The Office was set.

>> No.11640797

thanks for the advice u rich cunt

>> No.11640892

Same dude. I fucking hate Emory Unplugged, I keep getting IP banned for some other dumbass Emory anon's shit...hope it's not you lol

>> No.11640906

you live in ft myers?

>> No.11640916

u suck dick at melee
posting that ass gfy of ur shit wavelands on smashgifs lmao

>> No.11640969

Pima college

>> No.11640982

pretty boring tbqh hbu

>> No.11641356

from tucson?

>> No.11641547

advice on transferring in?
how do you like it/what're you there for?

>> No.11641751

BANANA SLUGS!!! What college are you bro? Incoming freshman

>> No.11641763
File: 108 KB, 971x541, ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech senior here, what's good

>> No.11641938


lmao im nice with it kiddo

ull be fine, there are a lot of pretty girls to choose from in the SoE @ Busch :-)

>> No.11642196
File: 18 KB, 381x372, St_Marys_College_of_Maryland_1_220200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11642204


>> No.11642218

Tucson bois?????

>> No.11642225

Let's meet kiddos

>> No.11642241
File: 464 KB, 2000x1972, Brasao_UFSC_vertical_extenso.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11642542


Ryerson here ayyy

>> No.11642677

Can't wait to go back god. Fall in montreal really is something.

>> No.11642853

Sorry m8 just finished up my associates and am transferring to the east coast :^)

>> No.11642916

this type of idiot talk is rampant in seattle too, people wear raincoats because we arent retarded.

>> No.11643001
File: 57 KB, 300x151, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sjw meme is heavily exaggerated, only run into them in womens studies classes.

>> No.11643029

I'm here now b

>> No.11643229
File: 138 KB, 630x488, laeagle_4c_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to apply for colleges but i got accepted anyways

>> No.11643243

Nah man I don't usually do that shit. I'll get banned for the occasional Manley troll thread on fit but nothing autismo

>> No.11643278

I go there too.

>> No.11643349

Southern piece of shit

>> No.11643384

Fuck yea

>> No.11643401

im bouta enter my 4th year and i got at least one more left after that, schools been good to me and i love bellingham

>> No.11643453
File: 10 KB, 389x240, PSU%20Logo(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$3k/semester out of pocket. It's ok.

>> No.11643468

ayyyy me 2
what do you study?

>> No.11643483

I'm heading into my third. This heat is killing me, I can't wear anything I like.

>> No.11643511

Los Angeles reporting in

It's literally Berkeley lite... hope we eventually catch up to them in rankings.

>> No.11643526

right its fucked up i cant wear pants without sweating like an animal. what major you in senpai

>> No.11643530

Talking about money like that is crass. Just letting you know in case you do shit like that when trying to network.

>> No.11643532

English with a minor in classical studies. You oni-chan?

>> No.11643539

t. interns at his uncle's accounting co and thinks he knows shit

>> No.11643542

im in psych with a minor in the fairhaven audio engineering program, the recording studio access is too prime

>> No.11643543

I've got a lot of friends who do that.

>> No.11643545
File: 172 KB, 768x1024, DSCN0130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Called the Fashion Institute of Technology

This is how the average girl dresses.

>> No.11643558


>> No.11643563

Thanks. But what do I say when somebody asks me how much I'm paying?

>> No.11643566

ya the program blew the fuk up in the past three years, scheduling is a bitch now.

>> No.11643632

UChicago here. Great rep, tough classes but at least you'll learn something and actually earn your GPA, Chicago is a great city. The other anon is somewhat right but he does exaggerate. Just hang out with frat guys/join a frat and a competitive sporting club (not necessarily varsity) and you'll instantly find yourself surrounded by normal guys or join a club that wouldn't normally attract the kinds of people that the other anon described, that's what I did. Also from what my other friends tell me it seems like the people are like that at most good, liberal arts schools.

Tldr: if you want a top tier name on your cv, a top tier education, and a great city to live in then uchi is a very good choice, only Stanford compares to it from the names on your list.

>> No.11643648


Go to UChicago, UC Berkeley, UCLA, or Michigan if you want a good education free of grade inflation. And of these schools, Chicago has the best reputation.

>> No.11643695

Fort Lauderdale, and I commute.

>> No.11643774
File: 57 KB, 432x230, ucsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best UC reporting in.

UCSB is heaven, it's also not one of those schools you go to if you rejected to Berkley or something like Davis.

>> No.11643895

If someone specifically asks don't lie but bringing it up out of nowhere is pretty gross.

t. Doesn't understand social cues

>> No.11644050
File: 50 KB, 690x497, 1458003516979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone go to University of Nevada, Reno? I'm applying. pls tell me it's cool

>> No.11644062
File: 41 KB, 350x178, alfred-state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my A-State famiglia? Don't be afraid to admit you're redneck garbage

>> No.11644064
File: 53 KB, 933x538, San_Jose_State_University_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a summer class there like a month ago. Was alright, place looks a lot better than my school.

>> No.11644076

ayyyy TU senpai. i'm a senior now, feel free to ask me anything if you have questions about campus/philadelphia

>> No.11644145

not a student there, but been to campus many times. it's great

>> No.11644158

3rd year here

>> No.11644176

Fuck off we're full

go to alaska and deplete their fresh water reserves

>> No.11644230

thanks, man. do you live in reno?

>> No.11644246

No, I'm from a shithole in California. It's a very nice campus with some cool old-western architecture and some nice modern architecture. I think you'll like it

>> No.11644247

this is the ugliest image i have ever seen sempai

>> No.11644267

I live in Ft. Lauderdale and im so sorry

>> No.11644305

dude if people from cali stop moving here how can we assert our superiority as oregonians

>> No.11644319

>The South
pick one

>> No.11644351

>thinking oregonians support anything other than gentrification

>> No.11644354

Any advice on choosing a college, Im getting ready to wrap up a gap year. Im not looking for anything really crazy expensive. Ive been looking at University of Texas Austin for a few reasons including Austin's music scene

>> No.11644371

It's ok. I know people who drive from Naples to here every day just for work.

>> No.11644405
File: 3.50 MB, 3264x2448, pcc-sylvania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyyy going to sylvania campus

which campus are you at?

>> No.11644438

Anyone at Virginia Tech? I will be going there for graduate school next year. Blacksburg is a nice little place but not many effay people.

>> No.11644448

We outcher innovating.

>> No.11644453
File: 97 KB, 240x244, northeasternuniversity_logoseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprised by the lack of /fa/ people here desu

>> No.11644455

Gota love rye for the million Tims' all over campus, and bums asking you for money around corner.

>> No.11644527

how do i fucking pick classes for college when i literally dont know what i want to do

>> No.11644550 [DELETED] 

If you don't know what you want to do why are you even investing the time and money into higher Ed in the first place? How the fuck is this always an after thought for you cuckservative

>> No.11644559

Take general requirements needed go graduate. Alternatively, figure out by taking a wide variety of basic classes (math, social science, physical science, programming, philosophy) and go with what you like best. Also take into account what your end goal is, engineering/computers are the safest, but don't do something you will be miserable in.

>> No.11644563

Do what everyone else in your situation does: knock out the general ed requirements and figure out what you like.

Protip: even though English/Sociology/Communications intro classes can be kinda fun, do not get majors like that. 100% useless in the real world.

Protip 2: Double major. Period.

>> No.11644568

>Protip 2: Double major. Period.
I want to transfer before my 2nd year, is it fine to just ace classes for one major so as to make my app specialized/better, or is it unfeasible to transfer and start double majoring from sophomore year while still graduating in a reasonable amount of time?

>> No.11644572
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go to pcc sylvania so we can all be friends.

>> No.11644591

im going to cc for first year. doing the general shit, but idk what calsses to take. im enrolled in philosophy, fitness as an elective, astronomy and undecided about the last one for the first semester. help. i passed ap lit ap lang, and ap psych

>> No.11644599
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Sure is pleb as fuck in here



>> No.11644603

Chose another college over this. Don't regret it but I would've loved to be in LA and at a private school near rich prep girls

>> No.11644612

ugh i scrolled through hoping i wouldn't see some fag post that R

>> No.11644640

Didn't end up going to a Claremont college but I live nearby and have plenty of friends that go there, it seems cool to me. You're not far from LA or the beach or the mountains so basically anything you want is nearby. Plus Claremont the college town is pretty dope, it's small and gives off like a preppy New England vibe, good restaurants and mom and pop hipster shops etc etc. the students at your college will vary depending on which college you go to. I was considering pitzer, which I think is kind of middle of the road liberal arts in terms of student population demographic. I have a friend who goes to CMC, though. All the dudes look fratty, like they were all water polo players in HS, plenty from private highschools all across the country, waspy big name ones. The girls are attractive as far as caring about their appearances, and everyone there is super career driven. The girl I know who goes to CMC is intelligent, gorgeous, and stupid ambitious. That being said we're from a small, uncool, not extravagantly wealthy area, and lots of the kids you see at private schools, especially CMC/ other big names like Ivys, will have glamorous lives.

>> No.11644659

Why are you taking such dumb classes? Are they genuinely required for a 4-year degree?

Take at LEAST one math course, one science course, and one liberal arts course that requires big boy writing.

>> No.11644662

>thinking everyone at a college grew up in the same location as that college.

>> No.11644664

who /financialaid/ here and uses it for sick copz?

>> No.11644666

t. widely generalizes and creates formulaic responses for interacting with people he knows he can't naturally communicate with.

u got me

>> No.11644672

philosphy is a writing course
astronomy is a science course
i need to take electives too

there's a second semester so i can take other classes ofc. this is an general studies AA from CC every class is pretty much baby tier.

>> No.11644680

You can get a good education there, and meet a lot of successful and ambitious people. Just need to be resourceful, shrewd, and self-motivated because the uni doesn't give a single fuck about undergrads

>> No.11644692
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Anybody? Move in is this Sunday.

>> No.11644695

Yes, but you're taking the most balls-less versions of those you can. Astronomy is what people who are avoiding biology/chemistry/physics take. Philosophy is utterly useless compared to a good/rigorous writing course. Fitness classes are for athletes looking to pad hours. You're literally taking the classes people use to dodge requirements, and you're REALLY incurring a risk they won't be transferable to a real university (real universities frown on CC classes anyway, trying to transfer utter drivel is not going to work well).

From a workload standpoint, you're sending the signals that you're avoiding any real difficult work. Go take some real math classes (highest you can get to, ideally high calc or diffeq or something), a hard science (physics pairs well with math, and it's not that difficult), and a intense writing seminar. They'll transfer, they'll instill discipline, and you'll be well prepared for real school.

>> No.11644699

I'm waiting until october to do the mini-semester because i got too scared to go in september brahs

>> No.11644702

what the fuck is a good elective then? they're all fucking shit. its just music and art. whats a good writing course? besides im already well versed in writing granted that I passed my app lit and lang exams.

i know i dont know what im doing.

i took shit tonnes of ap courses and honor courses in hs, even 4 years of spanish. im not a fucking dodger.

>> No.11644708

Save your electives, don't use them too early. Only focus on required courses, which should take you about a year anyway. Electives are great to use down the road (i.e. junior/senior year) when you need to pad a schedule with bullshit or when you want to take a course that isn't strictly major-related. For example, if you're an EE student, taking an additional comp sci class, or simply futzing around by taking a dumb sociology course to hit on the gaggles of girls unquestionably taking the class.

You need to sit down with your target universitys' student handbooks and figure out what they generally require from all students, then try to hit those marks. For example, even if you have 4 years of highschool spanish (lol), you'll probably have to take a few more language classes.

>> No.11644758

If you think bringing up money when no one asks about it like that for no reason is a good idea then go for gold senpai your loss.

>> No.11644786

English Composition I
3 cc
See Choices Any Mathematics General Education Course
3 cc
See Choices Natural Sciences (General Education Core Course)
3 cc
Natural Science Companion Lab
1 cc
Any Electives

this is what im dealing with

>> No.11644795


If he's in a cc, those electives are courses he needs to take in order to be eligible to transfer. When he does transfer as a junior to a uni or college they might require other electives. When I transferred to my uni. I had course requirements for my college and uni that were not covered or available at the CC level

>> No.11644819


can sort of attest that I have a decent chunk of my tuition taken off at my UC

but i'm not getting away scotfree

not rich enough to afford college without stress, not poor enough to qualify for free tuition

>> No.11644829

You up yet? Where are you living?

>> No.11644836

Living at home. Commuting.

>> No.11644839

Econ and math hbu

>> No.11644841

Enjoy your $0.05 from the Hilary Campaign

>> No.11644864


>> No.11644869

Thanks anons. Chicago is probably my preferred school over Stanford. I like the campus more and I feel like people won't be all woot I go to the best school in the world. I'm kind of leaning toward a LAC though, and while I have good test scores and grades and shit, I'm not sure if I would be comfortable in those places. Overall I'm indecisive and thanks for your responses.

I'm not going to join a frat though

>> No.11644876

Get off your high fucking horse you're in your mid-thirties and you still post on 4chan who the fuck would want to take advice from you

>> No.11644879

I'm actually touring CMC and Pomona tomorrow any suggestions for what to do with my free time in LA lol

I think I'd like the kids except for the waspiness as you describe them. I have a hunch Pomona may be a good fit for me, though I couldn't really say why. Very excited for my tour

>> No.11644884

Why aren't you checking out UCLA or Berkeley?

>> No.11644895

We were going to visit Berkeley when we were in SF but it never worked out. Our hosts were profs at Stanford so we did the official tour there the first day and then one of them showed us around and invited us to lunch with a few of his students and then we did tourism in the city. Also, going to a big state school doesn't interest me all that much, and if I were to, I'd go to UMN

>> No.11644925
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Seattle baby

>> No.11644986



Come join us anon! Private schools are overrated

>> No.11644987

Shit going to cascade. We can still be friends if you guys aren't fags

>> No.11644995


Ayy pvcc here too xferring there.

>> No.11645033

College isn't fashion, these threads are ugly reminders that most of you are barely old enough to be on this site.

>> No.11645075
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help me

>> No.11645282
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>> No.11645284
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>King's College London
>Computer Science

>> No.11645289

lmao thinking ucsb is anything close to berkley

>> No.11645444

fucking missed my kings offer


>> No.11645455

Congrats, lads

>> No.11645610



>> No.11645632

i know. bring it on birmingham

>> No.11645641
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>> No.11645727

And yet you are still relying on us for fashion advice.

>> No.11645732

>Philosophy is utterly useless compared to a good/rigorous writing course

At my school it's the other way around. Philosophy classes are the most harshly graded out of all arts classes; they won't teach you how to write but you better write well or get a C/fail

>> No.11645739


>> No.11645869

Got my firm offer at Leicester for Economics. Their requirements were ABB, I got BBB.

Got a bit of a dilemma though. My dream uni was always Manchester, but they rejected me right at the beginning when I applied due to predicted grades, so basically I was fucked over by teachers who didn't believe in me. Manchester's requirements are AAB. I feel like it's a possibility that I could've gotten in with my BBB.

I'm doing a gap year anyway, so I'm considering reapplying for Manchester. But I'm nervous I'll lose my place at Leicester.

Don't know what to do.

>> No.11645924
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qt asian girls are here

>> No.11645975
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Poly fag

>> No.11646108


Ive been in Milan,the whole summer,and oh boy youd be suprised of the fashion scene here. People over glorify italians.

>> No.11646116

DePaul reporting in

>> No.11646119
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Forgot image

>> No.11646125
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>tfw missed my offer for LSE econ
>stuck with Warwick for econ

>> No.11646128
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Anyone else University of RejectedFromOxbridge here?

>> No.11646142

what school do u go to I hope it's not mine

>> No.11646375

britfags what does "missing" an offer mean?

>> No.11646403

I'd suggest ringing Leicester up and tell them you want to defer your place for a year. They may allow you to do that and then you can reapply through ucas for Manchester for 2017 and see if they accept you. Either way it's worth a shot seeing if Leicester will defer your place so you'll be garaunteed a place for next year if you do decide to take a gap year.

>> No.11646412

Basically means being rejected by the uni because you failed to meet the required grades the course you applied for.

>> No.11646427

What's your major?

>> No.11646482
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Asians and select others are pretty /fa/ here

>> No.11646516

transfer asap before you want to kill yourself

>> No.11646792

Any reasons why? Going into second year.

>> No.11646821

I am 100% taking a gap year my place at Leicester was always going to be a deferred entry for 2017.

But surely if I were to reapply thru UCAS I would lose my spot at Leicester? And I'm scared they won't take me back if I don't make it into Manchester.

>> No.11646829

Basically over here we get into university based on our exam results. When you apply, you are given a conditional offer which basically says "if you get these grades, you're in". For example, my offer was that I had to get an A and 2 B's in my exams. Today is results day so we found out our exam grades, so if you didn't hit the offer, you weren't offered a place.

That being said most unis are fairly lenient and will still let you in if you drop a grade or 2. I got 3 B's and I still got into my first choice.

>> No.11646837


>> No.11646875

Yooooo what year?
Sophomore here, ready for next week?

>> No.11646939

I get you, man. From what I've read online you can't actually hold a deferred place and apply elsewhere for the same year because it counts as having two applications open. It could honestly go either way as some unis are pretty lenient on this kind of thing, while others obviously aren't.

>> No.11646948

Going into sophomore year.

>> No.11646952

>going to a school with fashion in the name
ya goofed

>> No.11646971

Definitely looking forward to another year of new money chinese with Fendi backpacks and spiked shoes then.

>> No.11646985

better than what some of the STEM kids are wearin desu

>> No.11646989

I'm a STEM kid and I still agree with you

>> No.11647059
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Move in tomorrow I'm so hype

>> No.11647431

Hey Cam

>> No.11647508

San Diego
Davis=Santa Barbara=Irvine
Santa Cruz=Riverside

But really, they're all good public research schools, and not very many employers care where you went for your undergrad. What matters is which school you go to after your undergrad.

>> No.11647519
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Studying chemistry

>> No.11647786

incoming freshman planning to study the same things, what year are you??

>> No.11647828

Woah, was it the tall blonde professor? I toured with her son, and the other person on our tour was from saint paul.

>> No.11647832

Holy shit, cool. I'm going to be a junior. I just finished the intermediate micro/macro courses and calc 3/4. Going to be slacking this semester, getting some generals out of the way, since I'm working for a congressional campaign part time

>> No.11647884

Nothing but frat prep to be seen

>> No.11647949
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uw-milwaukee anyone? anyone here even in milwaukee?

>> No.11647962
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>> No.11647991
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Who I V Y here

>> No.11648218

No way....the other girl was from Kentucky right? And the admissions officer was too? What are the chances

>> No.11648222

Those are the reasons I chose it desuu

>> No.11648238


denver here bro

>> No.11648375


>> No.11648386

cooper union

>> No.11648415
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Brown reporting in

>> No.11648418

Fourth year at UCSB. Feels k. Have people that I like but no one particularly fashionable. There are two black guys that I see around a lot that dress almost textbook gothninja which is kinda neat/autistic.

>> No.11648531

what who r u

>> No.11648588

kickass, i'm looking forward to that stuff so much. intro to micro/macro and calc 1&2 are gonna be a bit easy. I really wanna take the upper level game theory class later, since i'm planning on doing the econ bs.

>> No.11648608



Literally everyone I know who went to PCC was a complete fuckup who couldn't even handle highschool, let alone college.

>> No.11648958

I fucking hate PCC so much

>> No.11649277

me too, see you there

>> No.11649284

As a long island native, this school blows. It's all Asians and blacks and other LI natives too irresponsible to go to school out of state, or even upstate, so they go to Stony Brook. Every dumbass I know who says they're going to a get a degree says they'll do two years at community college then go here.

>> No.11649370

UCSB is better than Berkeley for a lot of majors including mine

>> No.11649575

Where you at boo????

>> No.11649608
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>> No.11649620
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Any London unis here? starting international relations in september

>> No.11649622
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kek, sounds like you go to the wrong CU in the wrong end of town

>> No.11649638

Pueblo CO here.

>> No.11650305

fuck off will

>> No.11650331

ohbby nice cooooolours

>> No.11650469

same fellow bronco

>> No.11651455

>Portland community college
>they sent me a reminder.

>> No.11651594
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Any other NoVA /fa/ggots?

>> No.11651610

surprised at the amount of Temple fags in this thread

do any of you happen to be rich asian study abroad students?

if you're not, get ready to see a lot of them

I've seen a few wearing dick oven's geobabkets

>> No.11651658

who in their right mind would do that?

>> No.11651703
File: 243 KB, 1365x1024, s361097634816989844_p4_i2_w1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else here? i feel like there's not many of us.

>> No.11651706

what it do, not hyped for the semester to start, it's still hot as all fuck.

>> No.11652444

looking to study in london

>> No.11652468

art history here, sup m8

>> No.11653570
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awryt faggots

english lit here, ready to dive into some harry potter tumblr burds

>> No.11654107

>being this delusional

>> No.11654123

The fact that I see as much Toronto here as I do tells me why the fuccboi and Hypebeast community was let to thrive here. It's so sad. Get the fuck out your nmds and get tfout /fa/.

You fruits dress like dudes tune cars. Fuggin suck

>> No.11654225

me2. year n major?

>> No.11654253

I didn't know people actually went there lmfao

>> No.11655046

incoming @ UCLA

>> No.11655053 [DELETED] 

really? i chose LA over berkeley and ive heard that's becoming a growing trend

>> No.11655063

Note the crazy grade deflation from all of these schools though-- particularly the first three

>> No.11655066

ay I didnt know you went to rutgers

starting this fall

>> No.11655089

I think I'm in Oaks? I got shoved into the colored peoples college. I'm pretty sure it's Oaks. I'm a Junior transfer though.

>> No.11655251

yoooooo first time seeing stony in these threads! awesome, yeah fobs be some real shit but theres some gems at the school, if ye see me holla

>> No.11655991

4th year student reporting in. Any of you guys go to the full circle thrift shop?

>> No.11656648

People are down to earth and really really nice. in every small liberal arts school you will find autists. Usually kids here are just shy, but if you are already social you will do well. The culture is what you would expect. Everyone is friends, and there is a focus on community activities. I really recommend it