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11624462 No.11624462 [Reply] [Original]

How do I meet other good-looking and fashionable people who aren't involved in "art" in any way shape or form?

Nothing personnel, but art-people are really, really dumb and most of them suck at what they do anyway. It's unironically a Jewish scam at this point.

I also don't want any new-money Chinks as friends either.

Thanks /fa/

>> No.11624474

I doubt you'll find many if any friends with your autismal neckbeard childish worldview

you could start looking on /r9k/ though

>> No.11624481

>childish worldview
Have you even *MET* artists lol

>> No.11624484

I recommend following this advice OP

>> No.11624495

Not him, but two of my good friends from work are both artists, and they've both had successful galleries, and are rather talented creators. They're also great people to hang out with, and come up with cool shit to do.

And we have drug induced photoshoots and such, so those are fun too.

You ain't gonna find anyone worth a damn with your shit attitude bud

>> No.11624557

>Jewish scam

yeah, I think you're going to have trouble befriending any good looking fashion people

>> No.11624563
File: 604 KB, 2272x1704, ye8iai3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/10 time to call it a night, kid

>> No.11624565

people who claims to be artists are embarrassing

its the post kanye generation of wannabe deep artists

>> No.11624573

I am really handsome and strong and I have no problem attracting people in general. Definitely not some conspiracy neckbeard

The thing is I live in NYC and it's full of kikes and Chinese people. I don't mean ethnically Chinese-American; I mean rich-ass Chinks from China whose parents are corrupt party officials and have absolutely zero taste and culture and make up for that by purchasing luxury items.

And I shouldn't even have to explain what's wrong with Jews and white people who buy into Jewish culture.

Don't judge me unless you've had to live around them.

>> No.11624577

You're probably a 2/10 fat neckbeard who spends all his time on /pol/ thinking he's superior to others just because he's white.

Have you ever had friends in your life? My bets not.

>Nothing personnel, but art-people are really, really dumb

Racism/elitism especially while a fat autist is pretty dumb to.

>> No.11624592

I don't understand this weird projection thing that nu-males do.

I can accept that people who disagree with me are perfectly human-shaped and reasonably intelligent. But anybody who holds an opinion contrary to yours must be some insane lardass (who posts on a fashion board for some reason)

I'm not even right-wing. I just hate Jews and Chinese. All white people who grew up in this area do, regardless of politics.

>> No.11624602

disagree about jews and asians, but you're dead on right about self-identified "artists"

the only artists I respect are those who loathe being called "artists," and who strive for anonymity

artists who stridently deny being artists can be decent people though

>> No.11624603

dam how did the race card get pulled in a thread about artists

>> No.11624608

>calls anyone who disagrees a nu-males
>hates people who have never actually effected his life in anyway shape or form
>not even right wing
top fucking kek, go back to /pol/

>> No.11624615

The thing about artists today is they can only express themselves.

(Abstract) expressionism was novel because it sought to do more than just reflect reality, but there's nothing impressive about somebody who can only convey feeling.

It's like a saxophonist who can only do "free" jazz. AKA somebody who can't play a saxophone.

Hanging around with rich kid hacks and consuming/criticizing "art" with them is suicide-inducing.

>> No.11624623

Im not the guy you responded to but how do you not see why people think you're a neckbeard? Asking how to find friends on 4chan (definition autism), spouting slurs, acting like you're better than people, your post just fits exactly into the niche stereotype of the Neckbeardy /pol/ browser.

Saying things like
>I am really handsome and strong
Isn't helping you either.

Then claiming people who disagree with your archaic and ignorant worldview must be nu-males?

I'm from NYC as well and no, not every white person here hates Jews and Asians. Tons of white people are jews themselves.

Probably because he's literally being a Racist

>> No.11624626


no such thing

>> No.11624631

Not Asians. Not even Chinese Americans. Rich NYU students from the PRC. If you tell me that people unironically like these cunts, it just means you're probably one of them.

And Jews aren't white.

Your post leads me to believe that you moved here late last decade and now say you're "from" the city.

>> No.11624644

you sound like a racist retard but you're correct about artists

t. guy that went to RISD

>> No.11624658

Would you say it would be interesting for modern artists to recall back to the old masters? I'm currently attending art school for sculpture and illustration and I feel as if art should incorporate realism to convey its meaning, and stylistic choices overtaking art as a whole is ruining the image of art and artists

>> No.11624661

you'll never meet anyone being that big of a faggot

>> No.11624673

I didn't move here last decade I was born in The Bronx in 1992, only left for college then moved back and now I live in Queens and have a job in the city. My dads family lived in Queens for ages, so we didnt just move here.

Yea, people hate cocky NYU students in general but not just the asians. I think everyone in New York just doesn't give a fuck about each other.

Jews can be white. Being Jewish is a religion. I know an asian jew, I know a family of black jews, I know white jews.

>> No.11624681

lol you're dumb as fuck i can smell your lack of social skills from here

>> No.11624689

I just think that art involve a modicum of discipline. You don't spend four years as an undergrad, hopping from one mediocre project to another, each of which is just a vessel of raw navel-gazing expression, and then call yourself an artist.

A good musical analog is OPN. There's a deluge of absolutely unlistenable "progressive electronic" music being made by dumb kids with more gear than talent coming out these days. None of them realize that Lopatin is classically-trained and has been at it from birth.

You don't just ``frame a mood" sonically/visually/etc and call it a day. Art is work.

>> No.11624696

he's obviously talking about ethnical jews, stop being dense

>> No.11624702

>art-people are really, really dumb and most of them suck at what they do anyway.

Doubt it, I feel like you're what in you're late teens early 20s?

The artists you hangout with are still learning and won't be drop dead good or amazing until 3-4 years. At least they have a passion in something. It's also more or less trendy to be an artists and I can tell you right now though that most artistic people are some of the most intelligent people you'll ever meet

>> No.11624705

Jesus christ is /fa/ being invaded by reddit?

>> No.11624706

ITT: Butthurt aspiring tumblr artists

>> No.11624707

Found the butthurt Basquiat wannabe

>> No.11624710


>> No.11624715

How does what I said even remotely come across as butt hurt let alone imply I wanted to be an artist?

>> No.11624717

When I think of "intelligent artist" I think of somebody like Iannis Xenakis or something. Somebody with a legitimately advanced understanding of the world we inhabit who harnessed that knowledge in his creation.

The artists I know are legitimately stupid people. Not stupid because they hold opinions I disagree with. Stupid in the sense that if you gave them a high school aptitude test they'd get very low marks on it. Stupid in the sense that they can't name the prime minister of Germany but they think refugees are totally chill and welcome there.

There's nothing wrong with not knowing a lot of boring facts and whatever. That's a good reason to go into a field like art. I'm a unionized construction worker myself and I love how un-intellectual my field can be at times. But I'm not super smug about my worldview and pretend like I'm privy to some insider knowledge that sets me apart from normal people. A lot of artists are.

>> No.11624720
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Sorry amigo

>Writing a long ass paragraph

Cry me a river, Basquiat wannabe

>> No.11624723

Just stop hanging around bad artists. Done, now you will have art friends that are cool people.

>> No.11624748

You're kidding me right? You have to be baiting, you're not even arguing, you're just throwing a fit like a child.

Yeah I see where you're coming from, idk I think you're confusing intelligence and wisdom, as the same concept. And it's fault for introducing them wrong so, my apologies. I think most artists, not all but the ones I know are somewhat wise and maybe a bit intelligent even. Wisdom is more so an understanding of the world and those around us and we interact and the dichotomy it entails. Most artists have to look within, it takes a certain type of person to reach within themselves and not only communicate with a part of themselves on a deep and intimate level but to not only communicate that with others.

Though there's other forms of art that aren't all aren't super expressive or whatever whatever such as Anti art but it does come from a real place and it does that a smart and courageous person to stand up and challenge the status quo.

All that being said I do agree in a sense that the average artists isn't the most book smart (though I feel this is just a large misconception) But I would disagree with you that artists aren't "smart" becuase they don't seem to know what is more or less random facts.

This all boils down to what you consider smart, and useful knowledge as opposed to trivial and frivolous pursuits.

>> No.11624752
File: 325 KB, 1518x854, bicycling on wet sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is bullshit, because I used to know a whiteboy hack who constantly described himself as both a "genius" and an "artist," and beyond that his father was a Freemason involved with the Ku Klux Klan. So Shawn, the self-described "artist" I'm talking about, took after his piece of shit father, and regularly slurred both "kikes" and "niggers." Some blacks didn't appreciate it, just as my Jewish friends loathed him when we were growing up, but at the same time, some Jews LOVED being called kikes, and at least one black guy vigorously defended the Ku Klux Klan. I suspect that most of the people in this thread would fall into the latter category. Very, very few people are ballsy enough to call it like it is in real life, least of all rich kid pussies who are infatuated with the "artiste" label.

>> No.11624756

Only retards argue on a mexican midget porn image sharing forum

>> No.11624762

>Being Jewish is a religion

lmao, is this dude serious?

>> No.11624775


This post is basically a pathetic brag about your social life.


I mean you wouldn't have used this term if it wasn't for coca cola or any other company that uses those pseudo-humanistic ads aping levis. How shallow are you people?

>> No.11624827

What else should artist convey, besides feeling? As in, they're unskilled and use half-baked "artsy" shit as a smokescreen for real skill? Genuinely curious, I know nothing about art.

>> No.11625112


>> No.11625122

I've definitely read some dumb shit on this page, but holy shit...

If you are good-looking and fashionable, you'll attract the same kind of people

If you can't find people like that, then you must not be good-looking and / or fashionable

>> No.11625140

How does it feel to have the mental depth of Holden Caulfield?

>> No.11626562

Germany doesn't have a prime minister

>> No.11626587

>he doesn't get art
wow i feel really sorry for you

>> No.11626717

I live in NYC.

You are a racist

>> No.11627254

I do art stuff *(published/been in shows) but struggle with considering myself an artist
I always say "I do *my current manual labor job" when people ask what I do.

the non-shit artist people are out there, we're just hiding. and instagram nyc kiddos are the shitters your referring to. circlejerk apt art shows are trash

>> No.11627343

OP is literally what every person with a fedora would be if he had found /fa/ instead of Mad Men.

>> No.11627404

You don't.

>> No.11627708

>they've both had successful galleries
what did he mean by this

>> No.11627779


Fuck off. Your a fat /pol/ neckbeard. You fucking cuck faggot.

>> No.11627817

I feel the same way. I am so frustrated living in New York and having to interact with these people, so I basically just do nothing. What kind of art do you make?

>> No.11627846

hahahah jeez look at you talking about projection and shitting out buzzwords

you're making a thread about not finding satisfying interactions and it seems like you have a distaste for a wide range of people

let me just tell you right now that you're the common denominator

>> No.11627855

post-kanye universe? you sir are embarrassing.

>> No.11627937

>Go to public university on Long Island
>No real art programs, especially reputable ones, so all the art students are just pretentious hacks with no actual ability
>School is at least 20% "International" students which is code for new-money Chinks who failed their exams in china and just came to the US for the lower educational standards

I know that feel anon

>> No.11627943
File: 42 KB, 600x400, Bobby-Shmurda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11628089

I think it's up to the choice of the person making it to decide what they want to convey in their work, and whatever that is shouldn't be limited to some criteria. Also, it's not about what, but how well it's conveyed that determines how good a piece is.

>You don't just "frame a mood" sonically/visually/etc and call it a day. Art is work.
I agree. Spending years of your life devoted to a craft, spending the majority of your time solely focused on making work and honing your abilities (like Lopatin), is different from some hipster being "inspired" after hearing some obscure artist, going to guitar center and buying hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of equipment (usually all at the same time) to record "jam" videos and periodically post on the internet, without any act of disciplinary effort whatsoever.

In this case, they are not artists as much they are "participants" (hear me out on this). It's like a basketball player; their goal isn't to be solely participants in games. They are players. Players train, compete, perform, study; they WORK.

I think that's what ultimately differentiates artists who work to make artwork, and participants who make artwork for the sake of participating in an artform.

>> No.11628293

lol fuck off racist piece of shit

>> No.11628298

>I am really handsome and strong
shouldn't have said that buddy

nobody believes you, and nobody likes you either

>> No.11628853

I wish I had at least tumblr-tier skills

>> No.11628905

>And Jews aren't white.

>I have a friend
>is jewish
>is white
what am I missing?

>> No.11629448

Lol fuck off 4chan
laughing @ you this is 4chan also from I've seen racist is a buzz word
haha found you milo


>> No.11629661
File: 56 KB, 610x813, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really handsome
>really strong

>> No.11630821

Germany doesn't have a prime minister, you fucking retard. Don't talk about how dumb are other people if you don't know shit yourself.

>> No.11630970

>Prime minister of Germany

>> No.11631978

>I shouldn't even have to explain what's wrong with Jews
Hello Adolf
I guess maybe shooting yourself in the head gave you memory loss about this but America (this is the country where NYC is located) actually fought a war against you for saying this shit. You might wanna reel it in a little, especially where you are.

>> No.11632246


u could try not being insufferable OP and maybe the smart intelligent artists will actually want to talk to you.

>> No.11633412

>asking how to get friends on 4chan
You're in the wrong place buddy

>> No.11633477
