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/fa/ - Fashion

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11624452 No.11624452 [Reply] [Original]

Am I /fa yet?

>> No.11624459

b8 m8

>> No.11624468

What's bait about it? Tell me what I did wrong huh?

Go on, what pretentious shit are you going to come up with?

I'm really fucking curious.

>> No.11624490

you wore all black,
took an awful photo that doesn't show your figure (silhouetting is important in fashion)
and you're making a puppy dog smug fucking face to the camera because you're not confident enough to smile...
are you fucking serious

also you're a bit fat to be /fa/, though it's in the name, trim up the cheeks there porky

>> No.11624510

>Wearing all black was the problem

Of course. Other people wear all black and yet they're getting praise for it.

You know, I have plenty of bright, nice shirts and clothing, but I chose all black because you're a bunch of persnickety jerks who would out whatever I chose as inherently awful.

>making a puppy dog smug fucking face

What did he mean by this?

It's hot as hell and I'm not in the best mood. Next time I'll grin just for you k?

>also you're a bit fat to be /fa/
>trim up the cheeks there porky

I like this. It's honest. Most people will lie to me and tell me I look fine. But at least on here I'll get someone who tells it like it is.

I'm too fat to look good.

>> No.11624523

you're right, other people wear all black, but show us the fucking fit on the clothes so we can give an honest judgement on whether or not it looks good, instead of giving us a top down picture where we realistically only see the black colour and not your awfully shaped body. fuck.

you look scared of yourself, that's what it means, at least look despondent or dejected if you're going for that look.

>> No.11624537

also you're wearing a t-shirt and jeans and unidentifiable shoes. when somebody wears all black they usually make the fit interesting using silhouette or material.

>> No.11624660



>> No.11624683

Yes you are. Eat 500 cal under TDEE and hit the gym, then post another picture in 3-4 months.

>> No.11624686

mfw u take pictures like a myspace gash and want constructive criticism on your fit, when the only thing able to be distinguished is your fat fucking gab.

lets be real here, what were you fishing for if all you're gonna do is bitch when people criticize the way you decided to take that picture?

>> No.11624703

Your face is too serious. I think you may have autism.

>> No.11624726

>He used a funny word

Are you literally a child?

I have no self discipline, I cave under the slightest bit of pressure. Yet I want to be skinny more than anything in the whole entire world.

I want to join the ranks of the fuccboi elite. Teach me the path wise sensei.

I browse thinspo.

Sorry for being offended by something that was offensive.

>what were you fishing for
If I'm being real, I was sort of hoping you would tear into me.

Hoping you would insult me. Then it actually happened and I guess I didn't really react the way I intended.

Maybe I'll start smiling when something goes right in my life.

>> No.11625078

Well, you have great bone structure. You can either get mad skinny and look great or fit af and look great. Also grow out your and facial hair to a 3. If it grows all pubey though, forget the facial hair all together. You have potential, just gotta work at it. Guarantee it.

>> No.11625092
File: 47 KB, 499x750, 1467659420249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you from reddit? How did you find out about /fa/?

>> No.11625788

Thanks mate. I'll try growing it out more and see where that takes me.

Gotta slim down too of course.

Nope, been a 4channer for over 5 years now.

Also today is my birthday, I'll be 26 today.

>> No.11625799

>I'll be 26 today.

I'd kill myself if I was still browsing 4chan at 26.

>> No.11625802

Myspace angle. Learn to take a picture, bud.

>> No.11626168

ironically, this place would be actually good if the majority of posters weren't highschool kids

>> No.11626191

the man has a point

>> No.11626251

Trust me, you will probably be browsing 4chan until you die. Technology and Blogs are just going to become a bigger part of your life, not a smaller one. Welcome to this generation.

>> No.11626314

Jesus christ

>> No.11626320

happy bday man

first of all /fa/ is 99% trash but if u rly wanna be effay:

take better pics, u dont even need a good camera but show the whole fit

all black is not enough, it's different from the norm but wearing a black tee and pants doesn't necessarily make you look good. it can be done, but generally all black is used in more interesting combinations. doesnt have to be avant garde designer stuff, just put on a jacket or smthg

don't be so easily offended, fashion is a personal thing and easy to get upset over but it's not that big of a deal, also you're prob being criticized by a high schooler who dresses in memes

>> No.11626322

also lurk more ;^)

>> No.11628052

holy fucking shit dude...

>> No.11628262

If you want to be slim, just start browsing /fit/.
You'll also gain some muscle tone if you follow /fit/'s advice, which will make you even more effay.

>> No.11628269

yes my man

>> No.11628271

you are literally the entire opposite

>> No.11629329

Not OP, but whats wrong with wearing a black tshirt and black pants? (i do this sometimes when lazy)

>> No.11629365
File: 67 KB, 322x433, famouspolitician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with that. You wear what you want to wear.

It's wrong to wear a plain black t with plain black pants on a /fa/shion oriented cosplay discussion board. In full seriousness it's just unexciting and does not evoke any idea does not promote any untraditional concept or simply fashion is considered a form of self expression and if you express yourself in the most basic way possible there is no way you will impress anybody.

think of it like you just put on your first basic gear in an mmo and everybody is "X" levels above you with cool looking gear. so that's pretty much the equivalent of wearing a black T and black pants <333

>> No.11629378
File: 104 KB, 600x600, 1462930339189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a shitty young version of Henry Rollins

>> No.11629395
File: 104 KB, 960x960, 1310_973779272695637_6058608535221616824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simply fashion is considered a form of self expression

are you fucking kidding me? this doesnt apply on a board where people asking which water if effay. you can dress great without wanting to excel from the crowd.

>> No.11629432
File: 63 KB, 640x641, 1439426310805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this doesnt apply on a board where people asking which water if effay. you can dress great without wanting to excel from the crowd.

I agree with you completely. I was generalising heavily. /fa/ is more a place for teens with self esteem issues and ill needs for validation of their decisions.

People who actually dress well don't follow any of the things that are constantly being discussed here.

>> No.11629668
File: 360 KB, 649x513, IS .... EFFAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a board where people asking which water if effay
>/fa/ is more a place for teens with self esteem issues and ill needs for validation of their decisions.
That actually is a great summary of this shithole and the reason why we don't have any board culture at all