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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 300x300, hy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11616678 No.11616678 [Reply] [Original]

How do I ask for this haircut?

>> No.11616689

show them the fucking picture. If you're going to a mall barbershop they're going to insist to blend your shit but don't let them.

>> No.11616690

>so what haircut do you want?
>remember 2011?
>say no more famalam

>> No.11616709

>Le keep up with the trends
Do you know how much propaganda is pumped out by the fashion industry to make people (like you apparently) constantly struggling to keep up with new trends, goes for haircuts too, which allows them to charge fuckboys $40 for haircuts? I'll look how I want to.

>> No.11616749

Do you know what a meme is?

>> No.11616761

Can you give me a gay haircut, Mr. Barber ? Pleaaaase

>> No.11616789
File: 119 KB, 785x768, 1469418497819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does your haircut look like?

>> No.11616809

do you realize that unless you live in a flyover state, literally every second white guy under 40 has this hair style, and it's become objectively and irrefutably Target: the haircut

>> No.11616811


This haircut is pretty good

>> No.11616834

I live in a flyover state, Chicago suburbs.

>> No.11616865
File: 309 B, 510x420, turn-down-for-what-p-mim-e-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have one

>> No.11616868

The Chicago area isn't considered "flyover"... Illinois, maybe, but not Chicago. I've been there, I really liked it. On the West Coast at least, people definitely don't think about Chicago that way. Maybe in New York, IDK.

>> No.11616872

Like I said I live in the Chicago suburbs, not the city. There are way too many niggers and shootings for me to visit there often.

>> No.11616938

I would like a Adolf Hitler Youth Group haircut, please

>> No.11616941

"make me look like a fucking tool senpai"

>> No.11616945

Barber: whatchu want bruh
Him: just hitler youth haircut me up
Barber: gotcha famm

>> No.11617155
File: 73 KB, 848x848, hy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11617156


>> No.11617178

Please don't get this if you don't have a low bf% and a decent jawline

>> No.11617190

I have a very nice high jawline, but I am slightly overwight (skinnyfat) and in the process of losing it. I usually get a a 2 on the sides and length to mess with on top anyway, this will just be longer on top than usual.

>> No.11617335

"I'd like to look like a man that prefers the company of other men"

>> No.11617353

Show the barber this picture you sperg

>> No.11617355

Awful fuck

>> No.11617357

There is not much variety in mens hairstyles.

>> No.11617455

>I have to give my boyfriend a blowie in 30 minutes

>> No.11617820

sure there is, you're just afraid of most of them

>> No.11617832

"just fuck my shit up"

>> No.11617841

bring a photo when you go to the barber

>> No.11617854


>> No.11617858

Show them this picture?

>> No.11617870

show him the picture you moron

>> No.11617890

'No.2 back and sides, leave the length on top, textured edge.' there u go faggot enjoy the haircut

>> No.11617979

The "little shit"

>> No.11618003
File: 24 KB, 609x343, faasfack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please.

>> No.11618010

Give me a haircut as if I had a good looking face

>> No.11618058

cute af desu

>> No.11618088

This was my exact source image for this sort of haircut a couple years ago.
It's a little dated, bit you could just show this image if you really want it.

>> No.11618093

Hey hey hey. Chicago is a swell place to live. What suburb you stuck in?

>> No.11618109

>getting this haircut in this day and age

you flyover states crack me up

>> No.11618122

itt: envy fatties who can't cope op's haircut

>> No.11618128

literally this

>> No.11618189

Doesn't look good on you honestly

>> No.11618415
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 1464367722716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw this gives me flashbacks to when I was younger and got bullied by cunts like this

>> No.11618687

literally hard cope by some unfashionable normie mfa laggard that can't accept that unless you live in rural Alabama and shop at old navy, this haircut is as objectively dead as peacoats

>> No.11618729

Do it by yourself, you just need to trim back/sides between like 7-12 mm and eventually fix them a little bit

I usually do that and it's fine. I don't keep my bangs on the forehead though

>> No.11618898

who the fuck cares
you get a haircut because it suits your face shape and not only, not just because it's fashionable

>> No.11618941

>give me that 2010
or if you really, really hip
>i'm a redditor

Say no more senpai

>> No.11619009

peacoat wearer spotted

>just wear the coat you like bro

Clark's desert boots wearer spotted

>just wear the boots that fit your aesthetic best man

>> No.11619026

>being a slave to trends

>> No.11619041

missed, I don't wear neither
grow some balls and a sense of aesthetic, get a haircut that suits you, and not a trendy one

>> No.11619050

post fit

>> No.11619056

grow some balls and get a sense of aesthetic, don't not wear peacoats because they aren't trendy

>> No.11619101

I don't wear peacots, I think they suck, just like op's hair
but getting or not a haircut just because of trends is retarded

>> No.11619105

Tell them you want to look gay

>> No.11619135

cringe, how long have you been waiting to preach that?

>> No.11619243

now you're just embarrassing yourself

>> No.11619269


Get a 12 Gauge
Then go into a gay barbershop
Shoot at least 4 round into the street
Then yell you are serious

Now point the barrel into you mouth

Throw the gun away and start mastrubaiting

pay 22$

>> No.11620367

naw, it's really you that's embarrassing yourself tho
he's right..
just wear what works, that's cool
ya dig?

>> No.11620371

Say you want an undercut

>> No.11621015

How old are you? You look a little young

>> No.11621027


>> No.11621239

"just fuck my shit up"

>> No.11621240

what the actual fuck?

>> No.11621256

So cute

>> No.11621258

>How do I ask for this haircut?

"Fuck me up, senpai"

>> No.11621325

kek, this

>> No.11621568

my exact thought

>> No.11621688
File: 84 KB, 540x401, IMG_20160812_152641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11621935

>want long hair
>Hair gets awkward as fuck when it's grown out (before it could be considered long)

>> No.11622083

What do you mean by awkward?

>> No.11622172

It's very wavy and poofs out when there's a lot. Granted, I haven't grown it out since sophmore year where I'd wear a beanie all day so I don't know what it'd be like now that I know more about maintaining it. I might give it a try again this fall

>> No.11622277

Yeah, that's what I wanted to suggest. I have long hair for most of my life and it used to look terrible but after I got my shit together and learned how to maintain my hair it looks good. I'm considering getting a shorter haircut tho. Good luck.

>> No.11622411

wavy hair are god tier

>> No.11622582

>do it by yourself

worst advice ever, I'd like to see the mess on your head desu

>> No.11622714
File: 103 KB, 640x360, 7b5706f2-f741-4df3-89ff-e7c6d36d972a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck these types of comments

>you get a CURRENT YEAR haircut
>called a "trend dick rider"

>you get an "older" hair cut like OP
>Bro what year is it lmao lmao kek kek

>try something completely new and different
>get weird looks from people, "wtf is that hair"


>> No.11622837
File: 40 KB, 500x682, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what hair cut is dis?

>> No.11622860

/fa/ in a nutshell

>> No.11622871

homosexual fresh out of highschool.

Get a black man to do your haircut. The lines on that kid's is fucking terrible. It's uneven and yuck.

>> No.11623066

buzzcut is the only timeless answer and is objectively the most effay haircut of 2017

>> No.11623092
File: 82 KB, 650x500, 1465713741590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a hard hair cut to pull off though. You need height, low bf, good jawline, etc. A lot of people use haircuts to cover up flaws, like big ears, nose, etc. Buzzcut just amplifies those flaws

>but i guess you can just BEEE URSELF

>> No.11623146

its hip to fuck bees

>> No.11623159
File: 64 KB, 396x594, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11623179

quit shilling this stupid meme you bald fucks

>> No.11623192

>worst advice ever

Not that guy, but OP haircut is literally just the sides buzz cut down. Any moron with an electronic trimmer can do it, as long as you are able to pay attention for it to be symmetrical.

>I'd like to see the mess on your head desu

I shave my head, have a goatee, and play Command & Conquer religiously.

>> No.11623219


It's not me, I'm OP I posted this, I just posted another pic of similar haircut for reference

>> No.11623231
File: 859 KB, 1000x1502, katy-perry-rnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the most profound things always come from /fa/?

>> No.11623257
File: 73 KB, 850x811, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11623264

That guy would look a lot better with a haircut that masks that 8 head.