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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 202 KB, 460x700, frat dudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11615251 No.11615251 [Reply] [Original]

this makes me want to kill myself

>> No.11615303

Whats wrong? Its just overused

>> No.11615331
File: 10 KB, 236x356, 4e9cf40271f9ec461a0d9d568708810a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a frat and while I used to get shit for not dressing like I was in one, I found out they lay off you if you dress like Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.11615343

I have to ask what the deal is with frat guys wearing crew socks now.

>> No.11615351

Hey man, what frat you in? I'm in Sigma Chi. Nobody really cares what you wear in my fraternity, but I'm into the HST aesthetic

>> No.11615707

FYI this was taken at Lawnparties at Princeton where people dress in shitty prep to be le ironic. (but more like >I was only pretending to be retarded)

>> No.11615710

>ey brah don't be a faggot, crush her pussy

>> No.11615714

I'd want to fuck with Ivy, but New England is just too unattractive

>> No.11615716

I'm in Chi Phi, less than 50 chapters
No clue, we mainly wear high white Nike socks in my chapter

>> No.11615726

I hate frat boys but something about them is so fucking hot

>> No.11615857

douchebags are fucking hot (not sarcasm). I want them to fucking disrespect me and drill me like a tunnel maker.

>> No.11615863

No, kill those people

>> No.11615866

>Sup bro! You don't have a personality? Me neither! Let's hang, bro!

>> No.11615875

Looks like my old high school

>> No.11615901

These are fine with me. I don't dress like this, but honestly 100x better than what some of you guys wear.

>huge ass black boots

>> No.11615907

i strongly suggest you leave this website

>> No.11615915

where is the lie? Everyone in here loves to brag about their superior fashion sense, but then you go into the WAYWT threads and...

>> No.11615917

Don't be so triggered friend. You can't judge others and not expect the same for yourself.

Most of the people here I assume are good people, but some are just stupid.

>> No.11615973

he's right lol

dressing in a fratty hivemind style is no different than dressing in a rick hivemind style

plus the overwhelming majority of fratbros have facial aesthetics head and shoulders above your average /fa/ggot

>> No.11615985

Yeah, date rape is sooo /fa/, huh?

>> No.11615989

>going into WAYWT

well there's your problem m8

>> No.11615997

Holy fuck is this so true..

>> No.11616007
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>> No.11616010
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>> No.11616016
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>> No.11616020

jumping to the date rape meme because you weren't invited to any parties because you're a fuckin weirdo?

I wish I was you.

>> No.11616022

date rapist detected

>> No.11616030
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>> No.11616031
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>> No.11616040
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>> No.11616042
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>> No.11616075
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>> No.11616078
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>> No.11616081
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>> No.11616088
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Here's to frat

>> No.11616093
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>> No.11616141
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>> No.11616168


>> No.11616179

Jesus I can't imagine playing tennis in that. My pits are already sweating thinking about it.

>No whites only rule...

>> No.11616186

It's what you call each individual fraternity on campus. E.g., the Xi Theta chapter at FU of the Delta Beta Zeta fraternity goes to a national meeting to see goobers from other chapters.

>> No.11616194

Because all the high profile cases are never proven false. Your tears will make a nice mixer with my Stoli, go jerk off to the idea of you being superior because you, "don't pay for your friends." I'll be here networking and learning how to work with others while getting laid.

>> No.11616205
File: 11 KB, 250x247, chaz-dean-face-041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. Says some WASP faggot on 4chan.

Yeah bro, you're straight killing it

>> No.11616208

How'd your hazing go?

>> No.11616212

You dingus, I'm wondering what chapter he's from. I appreciate the helpfulness though.

>Three years free of the chakett

>> No.11616256

Not gonna say the specific chapter, but I'm from the Southeast region. Went to RLA this year and saw a lot of goobers, especially from the chapter who hosted it in bumfuck Georgia.

>> No.11616399


I went to a school where everyone was the child of some CEO or hedge fund manager. Preppy style was the only style. These guys are doing it way, way wrong. Clothes are too baggy and wayy too pastelly. They look like bottom tier tryhards

>> No.11616406


Also shorts way too long to be true preppy

>> No.11616438

Yea fair.
Northern tech school, but not those filthy geeds at mu.
Not a very fashionable place by any means.

We used to host our RLA back in the day, and the subsequent after party. Apparently the grand alpha still liked getting shitty.
Now RLA is an unpunctuated yawn fest.

>> No.11616450

RIT? And yeah, nationals were pissy when half the chapters showed up late and hungover the next day. A couple of the guys in my chapter went to the nationals event in Columbus and said all but 10 chapters were full of goobers.

Everyone says fuck nationals but I truly mean it when I say it.

>> No.11616460


>> No.11616506

Exceedingly close, and I'm pretty sure there isn't an RIT chapter unless a new one popped up.

Yea we dealt with national for a long time by being a "ghost chapter".
And now they are sending these women to ask us about alcohol and we have to make up some convoluted story to deal with the fact that national doesn't like unregulated dinking but the school is totally fine with frats throwing all you can drink bangers.
We make due.

>> No.11616585 [DELETED] 

Let me guess, you met the most pleasant redhead whose name starts with D

>> No.11617070

Look at these fucking nerds

>> No.11617075

hngg that oker colour
get me a hoodie in that daddy

>> No.11617172

you gotta know what a CRUMPET is to understand CRICKET

>> No.11617177

You probably have no personality either, my friend.

>> No.11617299


>> No.11617376

excuse me mister dubs, what the fuck did you just fucking /acronym/?

>> No.11617384

5 years ago I thought this outfit was nice

>> No.11617409

You know they majored in Poli Sci/history

>> No.11617481

>I read William F. Buckley for fun and I'm made of money but don't spend it conspicuously.

Why aren't I a rich WASP from 30 years ago, anon?

>> No.11617991
File: 63 KB, 400x482, College-Kid-in-Keds-19601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crew socks was an Ivy thing during heyday, was supposed to be a sporting look so they wore sport socks with loafers, sneakers, and what have you with chinos and OCBD

>> No.11618007

Lel I was in a frat and majored in history. I was in the weird/drug frat though so we only had a few guys dress like the OP

>> No.11618012


>> No.11618040
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Phillip Seymour Hoffman in this is my inspiration desu

>> No.11618117

>the guardian
good job big boi

>> No.11618118

Noose yourself

>> No.11618146

I will never be able to see a blazer with shorts as anything more than fucking retarded. It's like they stole whatever they could grab out of their dad's closet and threw it on. Legs are in summer and torso is in fall, it's fucked.

>> No.11618191
File: 209 KB, 717x717, b6e3eb63cfc3dea257dbbef0eb1cd72f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /secschool/ here

every fraternity brother wears
>gameday shirt
>short khaki shorts
>wrap around sunglasses
>north face backpack

>> No.11618198

Most guys major in business, while in my chapter's case over half are engineering.

>> No.11618201

Beta Theta Pi reporting in

>> No.11619685

that was a bomb-ass film.
so much of menswear in 2013-14 took cues from Mr. Ripley.

>> No.11619704

surprised they don't all have undercuts. Must not be from 2015/2016

>> No.11619710

numale detected

>> No.11619736
File: 96 KB, 500x750, V8P7eMn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pisses me off isn't frat guys dressing prep, but frat guys dressing in shitty 'prep' where the only thing they know about it is pastel shorts and a OCBD and sperrys.
Real good old boy prep is at least somewhat varied and interesting in a historical sense.