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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 905 KB, 1198x1057, 20160810_062857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11612262 No.11612262 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/,what should I do with my horrendous cankles and ugly legs?

>> No.11612300

cankles are great
post more legs
probably could do more leg lifts tho to shape out those calves

>> No.11613389

Have you ever watched Saw?

>> No.11613426


>> No.11613453

lose weight you dumb fuck

>> No.11613500

You might want to worry more about those Shrek/Fiona feet

>> No.11613524

OP shut up. You have those thick asian legs and wide feet that give me huge boners.

>> No.11613556


is amputee effay?

>> No.11613872
File: 85 KB, 635x966, wakfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. That's hot as fuck. Hope you are female tho.

>> No.11614169

Which one?

>> No.11614181

what this guy said
pls post more legs

>> No.11614192

I'm at a normal weight for my height, I'll try to lose some more.I think my big calves are genetic though.

>> No.11614242

they are perfect tho

>> No.11615852

i thought those were baby legs/feet

>> No.11615873

girl you fine dont change a thang

>> No.11616388

I don't mind the cankles and thick calves.

>ou have those thick asian legs and wide feet that give me huge boners.
Are Asians know for this? Post examples please.

What height/weight are you?

>> No.11617008

Paint your toenails please.

>> No.11617272

I'm 58kg and 165cm

>> No.11617287

you're fucking fat dude
for real

>> No.11617315

Don't think so, ana-chan

>> No.11617327

i could never date a girl with ugly feet no matter how hot the rest of her was or how of a nice girl she was

its the biggest dealbreaker, with smoking and tattoos

>> No.11617336

21.3 bmi that's 'normal weight' aka landwhale territory

>> No.11617339


why would you post anything on here in hope of someone answering with anything else than either "you're fugly cut them off" or "wanna fuck? where ya at? i'd cum all over them and then lick it off"

Your legs and feet are fine. If these feet are a dealbreaker then the guy is a fucking retard or degenerate. Stop hanging out at /fa/. It will only make you more self conscious.

>> No.11617398

Don't fool yourself, you are overweight. Go exercise & eat better

>> No.11617403


>> No.11617640

wrap them around my head

>> No.11617825

For some reason it's like this for me too.
I'm not even a footfag but ugly feet is like a deformity in my book.

>> No.11619398

Non footfag here, what makes feet ugly aside from obvious deformities?

Can feet be effay?

>> No.11619548
File: 433 KB, 360x408, 1470780759662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be female
>post a pic and complain about any flaw
>get told how awesome and extremely attractive they are by 15+ guys

i fucking hate all of you pathetic fucks so much

>> No.11619552


>> No.11619581


>> No.11619596


Pistorius style.

>> No.11620147
File: 585 KB, 1000x712, IMG_20160605_193123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are my feet effay?

>> No.11620183

post bp

>> No.11620200
File: 38 KB, 685x684, 1469467480560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt /hm/ you fucking tard

>> No.11620208

I'm a girl.

>> No.11620219
File: 17 KB, 285x279, 1469821847440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and im hella gay m8

>> No.11620225

Are you saying my feet look like man feet? That would suck.

>> No.11620230
File: 28 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11620298

sorry, but yeah tbqh

>> No.11620309

Well, that sucks. At least they're pretty small.

>> No.11620318

You got cute stubby toes tho, long toes are gross.

>> No.11620331

You should go jogging and hit the gym more often to tone them. They don't look bad though. Now get going, you little attention whore!

>> No.11620341

Aww, thanks.

>> No.11620355

probably doesn't concern the anon you're replying to but bmi doesn't take in muscle mass

someone with muscles and super lean/ripped could have an overweight bmi for instance

so fuck you

>> No.11621190

>probably doesn't concern the anon you're replying to
that's why I said it
in 99% of the non-fit cases it's perfectly applicable

>> No.11621465

It just sucks how women don't try to appreciate the harmony of their body and immediatly labels them as ugly if it doesn't match what we see on tv and magazine. It's like women just look for something to be insecure about.

>> No.11623350
File: 44 KB, 359x500, Caroline-Polachek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to post this.

>5/10 girl + 10/10 feet = 11/10 girl
>10/10 girl + 10/10 feet = 11/10 girl
(face and shit doesnt matter after 5, just be skinny)
>10/10 overall + ugly feet = ugly feet
Depends on the rater. In MY opinion bone deformities, bad skin and specially bad nails. The body of foot isn't that important (arch is overrated), what really matters are the toes and nails. 10/10 feet has long toes (no, straightness isn't important, only apparent lenght is), a plain and slender body (without deformities), long (not witch long) and healthy nails. Additional detail I appreciate is the 'boneness' of the toes (it's related to body fat). Fat toes (and fingers) are pretty disgusting. Some people really like small feet and small toes but they make me nauseous. If a foot has the highest arch, perfectly straight toes and decent nails but is small, they get only 6/10 at best.

See pic related. The toes have a little bending, the body isnt that slender but it's still very good, at least 8/10. For a superior version see Saoirse Ronan. The girl isn't skinny but she still gets 10/10. How? see her long toes and good nails.

>> No.11623356

i am still yet to work out what makes feet attractive

>> No.11623373

OP is 4/10 being generous

>fat foot
>toes looks short in relation to the body
>decent nails but too short

Stop cutting it too short and stop using shoes too small. If you get bunions and ingrow nails, congratulations, now you have - 8/10 feet.