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/fa/ - Fashion

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11611585 No.11611585 [Reply] [Original]

Post your feels. Fashion related or not
>become obsessed with every girl I hook up with
>constantly go through cycles of hating all my clothes and wanting to start all over
Post yours

>> No.11611600

STEM is too hard for me but Arts is unemployable.
New releases I like but trying to save for an overseas trip at the end of the year.

>> No.11611624

I can lose all the weight I want, but my jaw and neck always remain wide and thick. Even down to 115 pounds, my neck and face were still wide. I ended up putting the weight back on because it was unhealthy, but I still wish I wasn't a mongoloid.

>> No.11611628

>met a new girl a month ago
>cutest thing I ever layed my eyes upon
>we fit together like coffee and cigarretes
>she is gone for ten days
>I miss her madly
>I realize I fell in love
>she comes back
>we hang out a lot
>we finally make out before shes gone again for 2 weeks
>couldnt meet before she left, had no time to get things right and talk about our relationship
>Its the third day without her and Im slowly going crazy again
>I now smoke a pack a day and talk about her all the time when Im with my female friends since thats the only thing that makes it bearable and keeps me sane
>we cant even fucking text while she is gone

I dont no what I would do without my artsy girls crew, things are looking good, I just have to get through this time

>> No.11611632

>implying feels are /fa/
>feel old as fuck at 19
>actual kissless virgin
>like clothing a lot but not sure why
>get dressed in nice shit every day for nobody at all
>wear yohji to buy milk and sit in class

>> No.11611637

>attend pre-college summer program
>make a bunch of really good friends and make out with nice girl there
>program ends
>will never see any of them again
>have to go back for senior year of highschool with all the people I hate
>just want to see my old summer friends but now they are all scattered about the country
why does life take away people before you have enough time with them, /fa/

iktf. I want to talk to the girl I met this summer but she didn't reply to my last snapchat so I guess she's gone forever. Have no one to talk to because I hate all my friends

>> No.11611643

sorry to say it man but no matter how /fa/ your fit is, if your lifestyle doesn't match you aren't /fa/. I don't know how you haven't kissed a girl by now but get on that and get out in the world and do something

>> No.11611651


>> No.11611660

>horrible self esteem
>feel either physically repulsed by my appearance or a total gift to the earth
>when ever i start to feel depressed about the way i look i become really anxious
>havent been with a girl in so long
>cant even text girls due to no confidence
>can only flirt after like 5 beers
>quiet and shy as fuck till i become comfortable with people
i feel like a teenage girl /fa/ and its killing me, how to i gain confidence and esteem, i had it like a year ago but it feels like in the last few years i've just become super super ugly, i know this cant be true because i look literally the exact same and ive had numerous girls tell me i'm attractive but i just feel so fucking ugly
anyone got something similar going on? i wanna see my therapist again but i feel pathetic saying it, i mean like "help me doc i think i'm ugly" so fucking what, maybe you are

>> No.11611695

maybe you are ugly. so what? if someone acts attracted to you then they probably are and you shouldn't blow them off.
take it from an actual confirmed unbearably ugly person: all that matters is how people react.

>> No.11611711

How the hell do you people deal with having zero to no self esteem. I've been told I'm anything from ugly to hit as hell, have dated a 10/10 (have literally no idea how) yet whenever I look at myself I am nothing but repulsed.

>> No.11611716

Also >>11611660
Hi twin

>> No.11611730

>some old friends gradually started disliking me and excluding tf out of me post-senior year of high school
>just recently scapegoated by popular friend in group for "giving him anxiety" (or rather that I "trigger him"
>he got everyone to stop hanging out with me out of pity for him
>none of them are strong enough friends with me to stand up to him but all of them know what he's doing is fucked up as they've told me

now i'm pretty much a hermit with no plans and i'm going to a commuter school so it won't be easy making new friends, feelsbadman. How do I stop being a doormat that lets this kind of shit happen to me all the time

>> No.11611735

You don't. If this happens to you it's probably been happening for a long time: I'd bet anything that you were bullied in elementary school. Welcome to the long trip.

>> No.11611737

>tfw look in the mirror and see myself as a 7.5
>other times I see a 5
>sometimes happens even in the same day or just a moment later
do i have bdd or something

>> No.11611743

I purposely exclude myself from spending time with people that I like doing things that I like because I think I'm unworthy
People invite me to things and ask to hang out and I talk myself out of it and hang around the house all day, fermenting
What's wrong with me?

>> No.11611750

Probably. Seems pretty common on /fa/.

>> No.11611756


>> No.11611758

well I guess I'll just live with it
i've been told i'm attractive anyways but honestly I don't see it sometimes

>> No.11611788

Yeah... I also have self-esteem problems, but it's kind of weird for me. Since the vacations started I try my best to be perfect, be the best and look the best I can. For 2 weeks im working out, running etc. I'm lurking, looking for good fits, trying to help ppl with they look, giving my honest opinions, buying my own fits, getting into fragrances, changed my hairstyle (probably going to change it again) and I just can't stop. It's kind of a hobby for me now. Even though I see changes I still feel that I look terrible. Worst part is when someone I know compliments me, that just reminds me of parts that aren't perfect in me.

>> No.11611792

>Move back to old small town where I went to school for 8 years but didn't graduate in
>Talk to girl I used to know, become good friends, she's dating a guy
>Her & I make out, she wanted to fuck but I hesitated because I thought she'd regret it. Tell her I like her via text a week later
>She was basically leading me on and I guess was just sexually into me
>Eventually she breaks up with guy
>She's interested in me clearly but is talking to other guys too
>Obviously not THAT into me, makes me want to stop being friends because it hurt me to hold onto her for so long previously
>Have a bunch of fights, she rubs it in my face she's seeing this other new guy
>End on "good terms", tell her we can maybe talk again in November
>Not going to talk to her in November
>No friends except two guys I know in a city 2 hours from here

I am very sociable but I don't see any way to make friends as just a single person. I feel people would think I'm weird if I went to the local bar. I am trying to make money to move to the city with my friends right now.

I actually only visited /fa/ for the first time a couple days ago. I feel like I genuinely fit in with people here. Day-to-day I'm actually pretty ok, just working towards being able to move but objectively just in a shitty position. At least I'm investing in myself instead of some slut / group of friends I don't even have anything in common with.

>> No.11611800
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>whenever I see a girl like her my heart always kills me
>she died in a car crash at 18
>we were going to the same college together
>now im here alone

She looked like this.
Wont post her photo for obvious reasons.

After she died I started to do the old stuff we would do together. She loved to shop and I happily went along. I go out shopping myself for something familiar. Now I got into fashion and it hurts because I know she would have loved to go out and pick outfits for me.

Clothes dont fill the hole but I wish they did

>> No.11611802

I may sound like a whining little bitch here, but some of you might relate. I only have one or two good friends and i am to socially insecure to ask if other people want to hang out and therefore get to know them. Even people i feel like i have a great connection to rarely message me and i get sad when i see them hanging out, going to parties and enjoying themselves. While i feel i could just ask if i could come, im to afraid to appear pushy and annoying.

>> No.11611809

this is really sad

I truly hope that things get better

>> No.11611815


The pain goes away but its always those little moments. Like when you dream that shes there and its like nothing happened but you wake up alone in bed.

>> No.11611817

Brother, just calm down.
I know what you're going through, trust me she's yours.
Shell be back soon, and tour time with her will be great.

Just enjoy being "single" for the next couple of weeks.

You have nothing to worry about brother.

>> No.11611836

>borderline underweight
>feel fat
>social anxiety coupled with depression makes going to the gym an impossibility.
>have trouble maintaining eye contact
>feel uncomfortable when I do
>hate my soulsucking job
>would like to do art/music as a hobby
>whenever I do I think I make shitty art
>4chan has trapped me into being an unmotivated piece of shit
lads, Im not gonna make it.

>> No.11611840

piss off m8, my lover and I have been apart for 3 whole weeks, and we survived

>> No.11611841

>broke up with my first boyfriend for reasons I don't identify with now
>we didn't get to see each other much
>I was afraid of a lot of stuff
>I regret everything, but I don't have a right to be sad because I'm the one that fucked it all up
>He was perfect and I probably made him feel like he was worthless
>I hate myself

>> No.11611845

M8 not to armchair diagnose you, but you might have AVPD.

>> No.11611849

You and your clique sound like cancer. Get fucked/die slow

>> No.11611854
File: 29 KB, 500x318, 1447818858910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more weight I lose, the more my gyno shows
>cant pull off even a t-shirt well
>my esteem is in the gutter after -65 lbs

Any tips on how 2 deal with this?

>> No.11611857

My mom is a therapist so I'll try to give help. Keep in mind I have no idea what I'm talking about.
I feel like architecture dances on the line of arts and STEM if you want the best of both worlds. I'm still in HS so not much I can tell you in that regard
it's good you have people you can talk to about her. At least you know she's gonna come back and you'll see her again one day. Just try to chill while she's gone.
this is me. I don't have anyone to talk to about missing the girl but coaching myself mentally I think
1. Dude get over her you'll forget about her soon enough
2. She obviously isn't into you because she gave you the cold shoulder for the last couple days of camp and stopped replying to your snapchats. You either were too forward when you were making out and pushed her away or she's awkward and felt shy around you after you made out. Either way you won't ever talk to her again so stop thinking about it.
either you're ugly or you're not there isn't anything you can do about it besides making sure you have clear skin, good hair, and are well dressed. Don't worry about how you look because usually moreso for men you can get away with not being stunningly attractive if you have a good personality. This is dependent on your confidence. Just accept yourself and be cool
my group of friends began pushing me away sophomore year. There comes a time when people leave your life for good. Just understand that one day you'll be older with better friends and will be wondering why you ever cared what those guys think
you have serious self esteem problems. If people are going out of their way to ask you to hang out you should be elated. I would love to have friends who invite me to things instead of texting them and seeing what was going on and struggling to put together evenings
fuck small towns dude get out of there and into a big city and make some friends

>> No.11611859

There's a company called underworks that makes binders specifically for gyno.

>> No.11611861

Just fucking talk to that guy and explain it, you'll regret it if you don't

>> No.11611868

Nah, I was pretty popular up until I got to high school. I'd like to think this is the odd case where I ended up with shitty/incompatible friends. Seems to happen a decent amount once people get to college.

>> No.11611869

perhaps if you hadn't broken up with him you wouldn't have learned this about yourself and would be stuck in the same place without growing as a person. Damned if you did, damned if you didn't kind of thing

Fuck guys, I have no one to talk to and I miss all my friends what do I do
>can feel I'm about to go on a cop streak

>> No.11611871

I know that feel in a different way.
>Homeschooled most of my life
>No school friends; the only people I really talk to are friends I've made other places
>I'm not socially awkward or anything, just don't have a lot of chances to make friends or meet people
>Finally go to college in another state
>People actually like me and I become pretty popular
>Finally find a gf; super cute and the most amazing person I've ever known
>Literally hanging out with multiple groups of people and some close friends every day
>Go home for the summer
>Get really depressed because no friends around at all and gf lives 14 hrs away
>Waste away in depression for months
>School starts again, I go back, everything looks great again
>Back with gf, back with buddies
>Depression isn't gone though
>No energy because of it, so my sleep schedule is gone to crap
>Because of not sleeping and being so depressed, I get sick
>Stomach problems start
>Literally can't make it to class because I can't stop pooping
>Making great grades, but get dropped from classes because of attendance because I can't make it to class because of my constant diarrhea
>There goes my scholarship
>Can't go to school there anymore
>No friends back home to help me through it
>Gf still forever away so I don't even get to see her
Life is truly suffering. Just when I got it all right, it all went wrong for me.

>> No.11611877

it's been reinforced many times by others that i'm a good looking guy, but for some reason i can't view myself in a positive light. i constantly feel disgusting on the surface, to the point where catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror or checking myself in my front facing camera has the power to ruin my entire day. i've become so obsessed with my looks it's sick. i can never meet the standard that i've set for myself and I really struggle with accepting that

>no meaningful friendships
>not close with family
>embarrassing job; no money
>in debt from college (no degree. currently can't afford to continue)
>23 and still living at home
>socially isolated
>0 self-esteem

i kind of hate myself but i'm trying my best. my birthday is coming up and every year it's just a 24 hour reminder that i'm really lonely. i'm planning on renting an airbnb for myself somewhere local just to spend the weekend out of the house and convince my family that i'm not a complete loser without plans yet again

it's sad because i'm really funny and believe i have a nice personality. people seem to like me upon meeting, but after the initial hangout, plans usually aren't made again. Either I'll make an effort to reach out to no avail, or someone will reach out to me at a time when i'm feeling really depressed and self-conscious and can't bring myself to perform socially. i'll think of some way to dodge them and then reassure myself with some toxic thought like "they would've disliked you eventually anyway." it's pretty pathetic desu

i do like the little wardrobe that i've built for myself, and wearing stuff that i like and feel good in helps sometimes

>> No.11611881

>going into senior year
>lost 60lbs
>now hedi slim-man skinny
>started working a new job
>finally able to cop some grails
>met an /out/ & /fa/ girl while camping
>have like 4 classes with her this year

things are going good senpai

>> No.11611917
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>empty life
>live alone
>no friends
>no family
>in love with girl on another continent
>no hobbies or interests besides shitposting, books, drinking, and drugs

would strongly advise against this course of action, family members

>> No.11611933

>getting heavy mixed signals from a girl im interested in
>constant melancholy
>day 3 of no smoking tobacco and its hard as fuck
>can't work for another week because of an injury and bored as fuck
>sit around doing nothing all day listening to chet baker

>> No.11611941

>Just when I got it all right, it all went wrong for me.
another feel that ik
>around february
>acne was gone, skin was clear
>just began to start dressing well
>finally had a girl who I consistently hooked up with
>we both turn out to be horrible people, I get way too drunk and she just blows me off and hooks up with another dude
>proceed to sink to rock bottom drunk all the time and my friends lose respect for me
>ruin my rep in my hometown
that's why I was so happy to make friends away from home where they don't know my shitty drunk past but now I'm back in my hometown facing all the people who know what I've done

>> No.11611963

>you have to love yourself before you can love or be loved

>but I hate myself

>> No.11611986

As stupid as this sounds, I want to make a "2.0 version" of myself. I've been wearing normie/basic clothes and I really wanna change that. However, 2 factors; I'm poor (so I dont really know where to shop), and that I'm extremely self conscious and I dont know if the "effort" is even worth it.

But I guess I'll just casually browse /fa/ till the end of times without actually doing about muh fits :^)

>> No.11611997

>Homeschooled most of my life
>No school friends; the only people I really talk to are friends I've made other places
>I'm not socially awkward or anything, just don't have a lot of chances to make friends or meet people
>Finally go to college in another state
>People actually like me and I become pretty popular
>Finally find a gf; super cute and the most amazing person I've ever known
>Literally hanging out with multiple groups of people and some close friends every day
>Go home for the summer
>Get really depressed because no friends around at all and gf lives 14 hrs away
this is all me besides the gf and I'm about to start again and now I'm scared

>> No.11612003


This was me a year ago. trust me it's worth it. Here are some tips.

>Fast fashion is your friend rn
>Get /fit/
>Start eating right if your not already. This will help with you confidence
>Fix your goddamn posture. Even if you're the least confident motherfucker on the planet stand up straight like you are.
>go /out/
>don't be a neet
>start working your ass off so you can cop your grails

>> No.11612012

>dont really care for girls my age for some reason (anyone else, any idea why?)
>met a 23 old "girl" (women?) a few months back, good relationship
>24th b'day a few days ago
>dont have the balls to ask her out

i go around and around thinking about this. like fuck, i dont really see the "problem" (when purely looking at age alone), but its a 6 year age cap when we're still pretty young means that she prob has a lot more life experience then me. should i just leave it?

>> No.11612014

>be interested in every subject and activity and crave knowledge constantly
>research and commit to something 1000% when I get obsessed with it
>get bored after 4-5 months and move on

It's not a motivation thing because I throw myself into whatever activity I'm doing...maybe I should try acting, would let me do everything I guess.

>> No.11612025

>talking to the girl who broke my heart in HS
>Plan to finally fuck her and never speak to her again
>Go to her place last weekend
>We drink a little and talk for a long time
>we snuggle up watching stranger things
>start making out
>eventually go to her bed and fuck
>wake up with her in my arms
>can't bring myself to leave
>spend the morning laying next to her talking and showing me stupid shit on her phone
>am happy for once

Fuck, help me. like a year after we stopped talking she got pregnant and had a child. I'm still in love with her but too afraid to commit because it would literally be "my wife's son"

>> No.11612037
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>All of my friends are insanely attractive. And conventionally attractive at that
>I'm average looking

I will never not feel inadequate in the shadows of my model friends. :'{

>> No.11612040

>diagnosed body dysmorphia, OCD
>think i'm utterly hideous, a monster
>end up waiting 7 months on nhs waiting list to go to a clinic, because i'm a boy
>don't go to the clinic anyway
>have a difunctional relationship with mirrors
>won't eat anything that is white, aside from eggs, sometimes
>"anon you're so pretty" "anon i wish you weren't gay" "anon how is your skin so flawless"
>all lies
>anxiety from eating
>anxiety from not eating
>get disgusted by fat people, people with bad skin
>ended up in A&E last year from consuming nothing but water for 8 days
>drink 3L of water a day, have anxiety attack if i forget to drink or if my urine isn't clear
>most of my finds are anorexic/bulimic
>get anxiety attacks in tesco
>i'm actually not that hideous
>i actually am though, people just can't see it because their standards are so low
>have a scrap book filled with skinny attractive people from fashion magazines
>boyfriend is a model
>get scouted twice in London but don't do anything because my skin is bad
>fell for the weed meme
>won't go outside on overcast days because it highlights my skin imperfections
>now have a fear of bright lights and clouds
>wear sunglasses in all weather
>often cry myself to sleep
>have a perscription of diazepam for panic attacks, worried about developing a depenecy
>7% body fat
>still too much
>boyfriend is skinnier than me, taller
>make me feel uncomfortable
>we have great sex though
>am somehow functional and going to university next year

>> No.11612059
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woo wee here we go, the feelgates have opened

>socially stunted in some areas but fine in others due to sudden transition from weird no friend azn autismfag to having some friends and being "normal" in the middle of high school
>don't have any real friends, I have acquaintances but they never invite me to do anything with them, and I'm too much of a bitch to really do anything about it
>developed enough skills to talk to people/girls regularly but didn't learn how to talk to girls "romantically" since I never got the chance as a weird kid
>literal kissless virgin, I look relatively decent and am fit, but I'm just too insecure to do anything
>too scared to make the first move and don't know how
>inb4 "just talk to them!" I literally can't, paralyzed with fear
>too self conscious from past of being a weird kid and have bad posture (slouching) from it, im 6 ft but might as well be 5 ft 10 due to my posture :(
>live in a flyover state so I can't find /fa/ clothing in stores ever, have to buy all my shit online from grailed, mr porter etc

fuck my life man. I've wasted this entire summer at home doing fuck all while everyone else has been having fun with friends
"well at least I'm not a fat m-manlet r-r-right guys?"

>> No.11612061

You're about to start school again or what? If so, that's just a big opportunity, my man. You can do it.

Kind of what the other guy said, but also remember to stick with tried and true fits that can always work. I'm a poorfag too, and I get compliments on my clothes and my taste all the time because I thrift and hit clearance racks and shop at Ross and Marshalls. Old Navy has great basics, and things like white, off-white, grey, and black tees and converse will never not look good. You can do it, brother.

Dang, that's rough, man. We gotta get through this stuff. I just wish there were a quick fix.

>> No.11612081

I love my girlfriend but sometimes she's very clingy and I just want some space to be alone.

She always gives me space whenever I ask for it but I feel guilty knowing that she misses me.

>> No.11612092

>guy and I have mutual interest in each other
>The thing is we're both shy af
>Sometimes he'll bring me a gift like a book to read and buys me lunch pretty often
>I bring him snacks from home (prepared with luv)
>Talk into the wee hours of the morning every night
>His best friend (who is a bit like an older brother to me) keeps hinting that we should get together
>my friends think it's a matter of time before it happens
>Everytime I ask him to hang out or get food
>"Maybe next time! :)"

>> No.11612104

how you act anonymously, when there's no fear of repercussions for your words, represents who you are as a person.

you are unlikable, and you're sincerely lucky the people in your life tolerate you. i can't imagine what it's like to live with such little self awareness.

>> No.11612106

what is this fucking shit? how old are you? if you talk into the "wee hours" every night and he buys you lunch often, what exactly does it mean that he refuses to hang out or get foods? don't you do that anyways?

>> No.11612123

Oh wow, autism

>> No.11612127

>be me
>meet girl at party
>talk a bit
>exchange #'s
>don't talk for awhile
>out of nowhere she texts me
>begin texting every day all day for 2 months
>last week she goes away with family for 2 days
>starts becoming distant as fuck
>opens my snapchats but won't respond
>doesn't text
>fyi: whenever our convo's should have died, we'd just respond with random shit to keep it going
>doesn't do it this time
>hasn't texted me in 4 days
>still snapchat back and forth
>confronted her before about how distant shes gotten
>says that she's just been busy with senpai and that the convo's aren't convos anymore
>feel like she's lost interest in me
>waiting for her to text me back
>realize she probably never will

I actually really enjoyed texting her, we had a lot in common, and had the same hobbies, I'll probably see her this summer as well, but it just kills me how much of a 180 she did on me

>> No.11612130
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>normie friend group
>all of us guys have similar sense of humor (v much influenced by me) and are about equally attractive
>the girls practically ignore me but flirt and text with the other guys

Something about me makes me different but I don't know what. Something makes them an option and me not, and I don't know what. I'm just desperate for something because I'm a kv and jacking off gets old, I just want someone to cuddle with and fuck because I'm so horny all the time fuuck and no girls I know are /fa/ or have similar interests and personalities I like but I need something

>> No.11612132

>I meant family I don't know how the fuck senpai came out

>> No.11612135

>he doesn't know about the filter

>> No.11612146


He'll buy me food only if we're at uni together or working the same days.

>> No.11612149

Should've clarified, that means anything I suggest that's purely social he refuses

>> No.11612153

try acid

>> No.11612158

if that's the case, he simply isn't interested in you in a romantic way. no doubt that is tough to hear. but it is the truth. nobody would refuse to go out with someone repeatedly if they had any interest whatsoever. you should just move on if you're not interested in being friends.

hello newfriend

>> No.11612163

>I feel like architecture dances on the line of arts and STEM if you want the best of both worlds. I'm still in HS so not much I can tell you in that regard
I appreciate the advice, but part of the component of STEM that I struggle with is the long laboratory hours - Architecture at my university is just as bad in the regard.

>> No.11612167

You're v v sensitive and v v mentally weak. Being the tolerable gay friend to artschoolwithbangs shouldn't be celebrated. Getting this upset over a girl is so beta it makes my skin crawl.
>omg art clique
>coffee and cigarettes :3333333
>girl troubles how am I gonna get thru this :((((((( Xdddxd

>> No.11612187

Hmm I guess you're right. Thanks.

>> No.11612205

>You're about to start school again or what? If so, that's just a big opportunity, my man. You can do it.
yeah in 2 weeks. thanks, appreciate it.

>> No.11612263

have you thought about economics? I'm just listing things that interest me because I too feel the same way about art being impossible to succeed and STEM being too boring. Economics interests me because of the way money flows and figuring out how different systems work. You can also probably make a pretty penny off of it too. I'm gonna try to read the price of everything sometime this year. Another couple of books that are kind of related are "the tipping point" and "outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell

>> No.11612279

You want to fall in love with the girl you're just fucking so she can break your heart but you're scared and insecure.

>> No.11612284

She's also the best I've ever had and the only way I can fuck any other girls is to do drugs before hand and you're just thinking about the other girl anyways.

>> No.11612298

>About to get my associates
>getting ready to go to a 4 year University
>It's super cheap
>Want to go for graphic design, so I can do art and some computer science
>Only problem is, I'm moving from a big city, to a way smaller town
>Only one person I know there
>Leaving my closest friend behind
>We were talking about actually getting together, after years of mixed signal

I'm optimistic, but It's also putting me on edge.

>> No.11612321

>Got porn related ED
>fixed it with nofap for 6 weeks then just jacked like once a week
>got back into jerking to porn everyday
>sorta got it back not quite to the same extent
>havent fapped for about 4 days
>wanna fap now but still not feeling quite right down there

Whats even the point its not like I'll get to use this on a grill anytime soon.

>> No.11612605

>feel like I don't take good care of my clothes
>don't draw as often as I want, should, and need to
>wasting my time in uni taking crappy classes that have nothing to do with what I want to study
>terrible at making conversation
>might have to transfer to a better college for the degree I want (that I don't know that I want yet because I haven't taken classes for it yet)
Other than that things are going pretty good I guess. Also
>No job
>No gf but no big deal

>> No.11612631

I know that feel man.

>> No.11612655
File: 165 KB, 921x800, 1431121771892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy beautiful japanese jeans at blue owl today
>some japanese anons were in there shopping too
>I was Feeling the fucking squeeze because japanese guys apparently do not have asses or thighs
>like paper mache cast on my pelvis and then baked
>walking like a cowbody with my cock pointed the wrong way

>but it's starting to alleviate now and relax its grip a little bit just like the guy there said it would

Everything turned out better than expected and now I can sit like pic related

>> No.11613024

Thanks :3
Yeah but its still so fresh and new
Really trying to chill, but the only thing that helps is getting stoned
Im not the guy who replied first, but yeah I actually fear Im becoming a cliche lately but you are still a dick

>> No.11613034

shit dude are you me, did I post this

not really bad feels, just what I do, down to the age and yohji

>> No.11613056

dude you'll be fine. my gf just left 10 days ago and she'll be gone for 11 months. you can manage three weeks

>> No.11613077

>tfw dont know what direction to go with on clothes
>tfw my wardrobe is so fucking shitty because of this
>tfw too poor to actually get what i want
un /fa/ related
>tfw think about ex every single fucking day
>heart sinks a little when i think about the fact that i can still stalk her blogs
>tfw feel like shit because it feels like i cant control my emotions and only she can

>> No.11613145
File: 18 KB, 400x400, wowu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I think I've met the one /fa/, this is it, it's like everyone says you know when you meet your soulmate or whatever, it gets better lads

>> No.11613168

>work retail
>do heroin and pills every couple weeks
>have unique sense of style
>be attractive on multiple levels
>hardly any drive for girls lately
>no gf
>in indie rock band
>everything is boring but I feel alright
having a few days off is really screwing with my sleep

>> No.11613212

>went to university
>havent done any work this semester
>sleep in every day and nap again in the afternoon
>always too tired to focus on any work or do pretty much anything
>also started missing ex again even though we broke up a year ago
>what the fuck

>> No.11613271

>Trying to lose weight and I feel sick as fuck
>Bored of pretty much everything, don't fells like doing anything
>I have no idea what I should do with my life
>Bored of my friends
>Grew tired of all my clothes in one night
But I started talking to a girl who seems nice so thats cool

>> No.11613305
File: 55 KB, 499x499, 1417114606258 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC) (2016_04_10 14_06_15 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw went from years of chasing the greatest fits all days every day to not giving a fuck
>mfw have never felt this free in my life

>> No.11613330

I just started on a new school today and apparently it's in fucking chadville, I expected to be the best dressed there but literally 90% of the guys are fucking model tier and like 6'2 tall

My class is pretty lit tho lots of people with similar interests so it's gonna be 2 good years

>> No.11613341

>tfw after a year of lurking and copping mostly basics I can finally see my own style coming together
>making great selective cops, only buying things I love
>finally feel proud in the way I dress, getting heaps of compliments from normies and fashionable people
>hooking up with weird artsy girls

it seems like /fa/ actually improved my life, what the fuck lol, thanks guys

I guess I should try /fit/ next

>> No.11613343

>get obsessed about looking good after a few years of neglecting my looks
>still don't want to go out so no one even sees me

I don't know why I do this

>> No.11613388

Please help i'm really fucked up and i don't know what to do

>> No.11613499

>make huge effort to fashion
>buy clothes to be seen by girls
>run 3 km 3 times a week
>realize that dick is small
what's the point.

>> No.11613542

Alright man, seek professional help. And whatever they have you do, do it.

>> No.11613606

My gf is going back to college in 11 days someone shoot me

>> No.11613628

i feel this way too
i have hopes that my life is going to change in the nearest future

>> No.11613629

saying a prayer for everyone in this thread

>> No.11613640

>become obsessed with every girl I hook up with
Damn, right in the feels.

I was thinking about this last night. I think it's a result of the fact that girls I'm somewhat interested in come around so infrequently that when they do, I'm concerned that I'm going to miss some huge opportunity if I don't make her mine.

Then what usually happens is I get a better sense of their personality after a week or two and I become disgusted with them, especially if they really like me.

>> No.11613649

Fuck, nigga, same here.

Every time we go out im literally the ugliest one in the group by far. And I'm not unattractive at all.

>tfw the ugly girl in the group of girls your chillin with isn't even interested cause there are so many model-tier niggas around when me and my friends are there

>> No.11613667

>Im so ebin alpha xddd
>if you are friends with girls you are gay bro XDd
>if you are fall in love you are beta Xdd women are only for sex

>> No.11613683

I know how you feel m8. Exact same feels

>> No.11613717

You sound pathetic

Eat more, go to the gym, pick up a sport

>> No.11613759

>struggled with relationships whole life
>unable to feel connections to people who express feelings for me
>always go after people who can't be with me
>meet this beautiful being
>clever, self-depreciating, emotionally fucking stable, likes radiohead
>start developing feelings, feel like he wants this
>he's married
>spends a lot of time with me
>tells me about how his life is stagnant and empty, makes digs about his wife
>can't live without him

>> No.11613765

How old are you?

>> No.11613825


i'm 18. 'whole life' a bit of an exaggeration but i didn't know how to word it

>> No.11613844


dont be sad nice dubs

>> No.11613903

>can't fully fall asleep anymore
>most i get is 10 minutes at a time
>unsettling surreal dreams
>often have to think about whether something actually happened or if it was a dream

I can't wait for it to get cold out again so i can actually sleep again. Im losing it but at least the under-eye circles are effay

>> No.11613974

I have a home gym that i use 4 times a week, I run,I play tennis and squash, i just don't eat. How can I eat more? It's gotten to the point where I've forgotten what it's like to eat a meal without anxiety plaguing me

>> No.11613977

Always blaming the world for your problems huh. Classic.

Have you wondered that you might be the problem?

>> No.11614010

Dont try to moderate it. I haven't fapped for 8 months now and it's fucking great. Just quit cold turkey and force yourself to stop doing it - it builds willpower and trust me, girls will come.

>> No.11614057

>met cool dude
>we go out for a couple dates
>we talk about getting together, and he tells me he wants to be bf/gf
>im a little wary bc he's my first bf but oki
>couple weeks, everything is great
>decide to suprise visit him at his base (he's a marine)
>i bought him some asian shit from the local superstore
>drive 1 1/2 hours
>get my id checked and i walk to his quarters
>i see him down the hall, talking to some grill
>doesn't bother me, he has girl friends, i have guy friends
>he then hugs her, and kisses her on the lips
>i freeze and he looks up and sees me
>i rain out and cried the whole trip home
>hes called and texted me a couple times
>ignored the calls and texts
>hurts especially because coming off Prozac
>now i eat carbs and watch Aang all day
>wat do

>> No.11614060

>don't know how to casually show interest in girls
>think I will either come off as a colossal creep or just get grossly neglected every time, even if there is clearly some chemistry happening
>never really made any compliments, dont know how to make them
>basically the only way I can get with women is to wait for them to drag me to the bed
>watched a ton of PUA crap on youtube to get the basics about the game in general but it's not very helpful

And a cherry on top of it

>I'm turning twenty fucking five this year

It's a god damn miracle I'm not a virgin when I think about it

>> No.11614063

anon you should talk to him, people make mistakes

>> No.11614070

ran* fuk

>> No.11614073

Honestly not many options here. Move on, unless you think it's acceptable for people to fuck around behind your back.
I don't.

>> No.11614076

i dont know if im ready to. kind of super fucked me up.

>> No.11614087

i dont know. i really liked him and he was nice. i havent had a guy like me since middle school

>> No.11614099

Well he obviously didn't like you enough to not kiss other girl(s).
Right now you are thinking via your emotions, not logic, which is completely understandable given the circumstances.

>> No.11614108

so should i just say its over?

>> No.11614123

hell yeah.

>> No.11614138

As hard as it may be, yeah I think so. That's what I would do, if I could think clearly in the same situation as you.
Look, it's tough, but I have a feeling this guy is just some marine douche who wants some poon. Maybe he finds you sweet and wants you as a sort of backup - but still wants that hot poon on the side. I don't know obviously, but the point is he 'cheated' on you - and what are the odds you see this the one time you visit? For all you know he might have cheated several times on you.
Yeah, I'm being a pessimist here, but that's healthy. If you always expect people to be super nice and loving, you're gonna get let down because we all (meaning humans) suck - and that's the beauty of it.

To sum up;
Yes, move on. You're a nice girl who haven't had a romance in a long while, that's why you think this guy is nicer than he actually is. If he cared for you, he wouldn't go around kissing other girls. I have some female friends too - I hug them, not kiss them.

>> No.11614146

ok, thank you.

ill work up some social skills in a couple days

>> No.11614153

Up and down, mates. but life could be a lot worse.

>Have a few lovers
>Broke as fuck, but as an artist, that happens sometimes. I have a commission that I'll be beginning next week.
>My life is flying by so fast. Not sure how it became August 10th already.
>Have had a couple very unhealthy weeks of drinking/poor eating/smoking/drukqs because of music festivals and vacation, but I'm back on track this week and feeling great about it.
>Have seen some fucking great concerts lately.

I'm doing alright, thanks for asking!

>> No.11614160

Sounds like me, minus being broke as fuck and an artist. maybe a connection, but i envy you a bit still
What great concerts?:)

>> No.11614162

Economics is the worst kind of shit you can study if you've got even an ounce of self-respect left. Prepare for moronic dudebros that idolize Jordan Belfort and think that lacoste is a high fashion line.

>> No.11614172

second that, dry as fuck everything and everyone

>> No.11614183

didn't fap
feeling better I think I'll be good
thanks m8

>> No.11614185
File: 7 KB, 244x207, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you'll never have good posture without expensive, dangerous surgery

Kyphosis is a bitch. Some days it just kills myself confidence and other days it's just the physical pain that weighs down on me (which weed helps out with). It also makes me an inch or two shorter than I otherwise would be.

Other than the kyphosis I think I'm pretty damn attractive. If I didn't have that going for me I'm not sure what the fuck I'd do.

>> No.11614195

Glad to hear you life is pretty cool!
LCD Soundsystem
Oneotrix Point Never
Sun Ra Arkestra
Kamasi Washington
Sufjan Stevens
To name some highlights. What about yourself?

>> No.11614205
File: 5 KB, 255x253, 11217552_1590506007878717_105421974757794822_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be gril
>have complete mental breakdown when drunk and tell best friend we aren't friends anymore
>best friend asks me to hang out and talk about it
>i complete grand autismo out and say no thanks

why am i so fucking retarded and how do i fix being retarded?

>> No.11614212
File: 113 KB, 728x546, 58743678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to vent

I'm having a dilemma about moving into the city and I am rapidly aware about my best years passing by me.

I sat my first year of uni last year. The uni is an hours bus away so I didn't get student accommodation. My mum really was against me taking out a student loan so to please her I got a part time job at a supermarket to keep her happy.

It was eating away at me, 5 days a week I'd be travelling into town for uni and Saturday Sunday as well as some week nights I'd work all day at the supermarket. It killed any sort of social life I had and I missed out on so many parties or events. I wouldn't see my friends for weeks at a time. Any time not spent studying, doing homework or working was spent lying around getting rest for starting all over again.

I've finally managed to convince my mum to let me take out a loan and I've handed in my two weeks notice. But I'm having thoughts about moving into town. I have some online friends who live in student accommodation and they sound like they are having the time of their lives, constantly getting drunk and making new friends. I feel like my lives gone stale and that time away from my overbearing family would allow me to properly express myself.

However it's a lot of money and a lot of responsibility. I've quit my first course and I'm changing to a new one so what if I don't like it and I'm suddenly 10 grand down the drain for no reason? I don't want to waste another year but at the same time I don't want to live another year like this one.

Any of you enjoy moving away from home? Penny for your (You)'s

>> No.11614222

Thats dope man, I'm seeing Radiohead in september. Ive seen some mixed stuff lately, Band of Horses, Daughter, Massive Attack, Kaytranada, The Kills, Blossoms..yeah, and a few dj-sets

>> No.11614239

Thanks! That's also awesome. I haven't seen Massive Attack, but I would love to catch a show of theirs sometime. I'll have to see if they're touring around here. The Kills would be sick as well.
Fucking enjoy Radiohead, man. God, I love that band. Have you seen 'em before? Do you love Moon Shaped Pool?

>> No.11614245

Here's my advice to you all, and if it adds to my believability, I spent three solid years on /fa/ muddling around in the quagmire that is the constant cycle of elation and then depression.
I'm going to list out my advice in parts as following, not to necessarily be followed in any particular order:
>sleep correctly; as you find a sleep schedule that mimics 'regular' life (7am-11pm) and achieving 8 solid hours of sleep each day, your mood will improve, as will your ability to do normal work
>spend enough time with your friends that you feel happy; not every interaction has to last until 2am to be satisfying, and doing so will give yourself enough time for meditative thought
>develop a rhythm and schedule; I'm not going to delve to deeply into this as there are books that describe this much better
>limit your intake of /fa/; you heard me right, as each second you spend here keeps you out of the real, physical world for another second, and as much as it might suck, you need the real world to make friends, eat food and earn money (plus, being truly fashionable is about developing your own style, so maybe a break is what you need to ascend to the next tier)

>> No.11614253

You're just infatuated, go jack off, jack

>> No.11614256
File: 14 KB, 315x316, 1448042003716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acquire crush, madly in love
>"we have sex sometimes" zoned
>start to take care of myself
>better conversation
>better mannerisms
>better control
>go from untidy friendless weirdo to outgoing, socially successful person
>get haircut that suits my face better and looks more fashionable
>work out
>take care of my shitty skin
>take work more seriously
>blow all my money on better clothes
>stop being that much of a drug addict cause i blew all my money on better clothes
>widen social circle
>receive unprecedented attention from the opposite sex (i never did)
>i dont care i want my crush who doesnt give a shit about me and who always hurts me and whom ive always been nice to
>sad, lonely, dressed in yohji yamamoto, drinking mezcal

>> No.11614258

I fucking loved living in the dorm when I began college. Had a riot, met so many lasting friends, had wild times, explored music, the city, art, etc. It was an awesome step for me. I expanded my life so much, and I've been living in the city ever since. (In an apartment now, still loving it)
Good luck man, and be excited.

>> No.11614260

You have a very tough case. I too have OCD and it makes normal life difficult indeed. I can't say that my anxiety attacks happen often, but maybe it sounds like your life is too hectic. Try meditation through an iTunes or eBook program

>> No.11614262

>above average looks
>become temporarily infatuated with any girl who acknowledges me, even if it is just a slightly prolonged glance
>just keep thinking about what could have been
>just want to be loved
>lost interest in fashion, just rotate a series of uniforms

>> No.11614271

For future reference, heed this rule:
If you're trying to force it, you shouldn't be doing it.

>> No.11614275

If you're straight and don't want appear gay, don't sit like this

>> No.11614283

Making complements is as easy as telling someone your thoughts

>> No.11614297


I feel same.

Still like fashion but my wardbrobes full now and I feel deflated.

The instant gratification of buying new clothes has worn off.

Qts take prolonged looks at me when I walk to the shops and I can't even smile at them, but realistically striking up a conversation at the shops is autistic unless you know them.

I pull on nights out but usually too drunk to get an boner.


>> No.11614301

time heals all anon I think you should apply some distance.

did you use any resources for learning to conversate and socialize?
or did you just go out and start working
having a hard time with this.

>> No.11614303

My crush in middle school died in a fiery drunk truck driver crash in summer between 7th and 8th grade. Though we weren't dating we were pretty close and I can't imagine how much it hurts.

>> No.11614305
File: 12 KB, 126x225, 11140394_10154137503791908_2982101939549358171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some crazy cunt customer went crazy at me because i wouldn't give him these limited edition coins as change because it's company policy that we don't give them on request.

MFW he complains to the supervisor, then the store manger and the store manager gets pissed at me even though its store policy

>> No.11614311


>> No.11614345

why do you avoid asian guys ?
>what's the point of being here if i date asians

>> No.11614366

I don't think it would be that autistic if you were both alone and she looked approachable

>> No.11614375

i havnt even listened to it all yet, i need to be in the right mindset i feel. but yes, i like it so far! never seen them live, but my ex who got me into them told me that seeing them live is really what makes you love them.

>> No.11614386

>fashion design student and poor as fuck
>have really great ideas and skill, but never actually do anything
>broke up with bf about two months ago
>see each other occasionally
>not much mutual interest anymore, just casual talk and sex
>not socially awkward but huge social anxiety, somehow end up putting a distance between me and people
>can't even respond messages even though I really want to get in touch with people
>no friends to go out except for ex
>feeling like shit 24/7

At least I have a decent wardrobe.

>> No.11614399
File: 1.09 MB, 268x200, anigif_enhanced-1179-1437416891-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you use any resources for learning to conversate and socialize?
therapy, but i dont think that was the main factor at all
how i did it : if you force yourself to stay with people even when you cant/when you feel like you are going to pass out/when the pressure is overwhelming youve got to stop yourself from going home, when youre alone youve got to call people, talk to irl people online, invite people over, stay with people as long as you can, basically the less time you spend alone aside from working the better, when you stay a lot with people who are sociable you will observe the ways in which their sociableness operates, youve got to listen and mentally take notes, never slack off, if youve got this friend whos really good at telling stories try to analyze the way they form their sentences and what makes their stories interesting, etc, you've got to study what you see, you're going to be weird-ish at first but if you really put effort into figuring out the way THEY do it as if you were solving a mystery it's going to become less and less hard even though like, you're not suddenly hit with it, it's a very slow process but there is a point at which you realise "hey three months ago a phone conversation seemed nightmarish to me and now it's fun", "i am never uncomfortable with my best friends anymore and a month ago i was", etc, you have to accept that learning is gradual and you'll have to talk to people who are good at it and THINK about why they are good at it

thank you for your support, i know it will pass even though i am dependent on him emotionally as of now

>> No.11614403
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1401653641426s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on plane bound from SF
>arrive at the gate early, wait around and read
>tall, qt, rich looking ginger arrives for the same flight
>definitely older than me, I'm only 18
>nice fit
>she was carrying one of those Louis bags that every rich bitch has, but it actually worked with her fit so
>steal glances occasionally, make eye contact a few times
>she's one row diagonal from me on the flight
>notice her looking in my direction
>she's alone and there's nobody else worth checking out in my direction
>make prolonged eye contact a lot over the course of the flight
>land for layover
>too autistic to approach her
Why am I like this

>> No.11614405

MSP is incredible, in my opinion. Hope you dig it. They are spectacular live!

>> No.11614469

Can´t wait!

>> No.11614509

I can relate, girl or boy? Really though, you're not going to achieve shit in the fashion industry unless you work you ass off. There are people who have been trying their whole lives to get some kind of recognition, working for hours and hours every day and still get nowhere. In reality, the hacks are few and far between. Even the models have to work way harder than the average person is prepared to. Just create constantly and don't stop, even if it's shit, never stop - that's the kind of life you have to lead if you want to work within the creative industries.

>> No.11614512

i have zero friends

>> No.11614541

>never had gf before
>try to thinspo
>girl showing interest in me
>don't know how to take the first step
>lose fat/skin in torso area
>tfw khv
shouldve jsut stayed fat, atleast i had something to look forward to

>> No.11614564

Girl. Thanks, yeah I know it takes a lot of effort and discipline, I'm always trying to motivate myself by learning new stuff and envying other people's work. I guess I'm just too depressed atm.
Also, I'm from South America, so shit's not easy here, I'll probably go overseas after I graduate.

>> No.11614571

>tfw no jays to tiptoe in

>> No.11614607
File: 66 KB, 540x520, wwjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been investing in short clothes all summer and i'm digging shorts and short sleeves but also starting to hate the way long pants look and dont have many amazing fit ideas the coming cold seasons. Fall is coming and i am scared.

>> No.11614655

Thank you I really appreciate the advice.

I have been there. Just keep swimming.

>> No.11614746
File: 1.36 MB, 478x360, 1466486852672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own several pieces i really like
>unsure of what to wear them with or how to wear them
>end up wearing the same boring fit over and over
>also crush on a girl thats too busy to talk to me

>> No.11614757
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This hair.

I never know why to do with it and honestly everything else about me is almost effey

>> No.11614766

Tell me about the girl anon

>> No.11614788

only in movies do people approach in those kind of situations

>> No.11614816

Seems like I must be happy now. Nice dubs also.

>> No.11614835
File: 78 KB, 200x300, A2el4KW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because you wanted to score

and when you approach there's always a possiblity of it not going well

your mind weighed the consequences and ultimately decided it was better for you not to approach and preserve the mental image of things possibly going well for you had you done it rather than actually approaching and getting shut the fuck down and possibly leaving a scarring experience that remains with your psyche for the rest of your life


I know that feel g

>> No.11614838

>met on okc
>shy skinny nerd girl, my favorite
>a virgin to boot, but thats not a big deal to me
>talked a little bit over okc, moved onto tumblr messenger
>she works two jobs pretty much every day
>exhchange a total of maybe 3-4 messages each daily
>crushing badly because of the lack of contact
>just want her to warm up to me faster so we can meet in person

I've been told I'm fairly charismatic, and nerd girls love me. It's just that my charm only works in person.

>> No.11614871


>crushing badly because of the lack of contact

sounds needy tbqh
just ask her for netflix and chill already fuccboi

>> No.11614894

>sit in train going home from work
>stand up, go to doors cause the train's entering the station where i need to get out
>see cute effay girl standing there
>see her checking me out in window reflection
>thinking about talking to her
>train already in station
>doors open, i get out
>never see her again

will i ever see her again /fa/?

>> No.11614909

I can be your friend anon!

>> No.11614919

better thin khv than fat guy who got laid once desu

>> No.11614923

>sad, lonely, dressed in yohji yamamoto, drinking mezcal

is this referring to you or to your crush?

>> No.11614958

I've considered it but like
say I get the impression that it's a very boring subject to do in school and the people are even worse.

I'm quite introverted so I don't attend parties etc, but I think moving out of home is something you shouldn't do; you create another point of stress for yourself etc. I live 1 hour 20 minutes away from my university and I hate the travel, but I prefer the comforts of home. You're better off wasting time/money doing something you might like rather than spending it doing something you'll hate and, as a result, might not put effort into and fail. If your family is in a wealthy enough position to fund your university, skip the loan because it weighs you down, but if your family is in less of a wealthy position then go ahead and take the loan.

>> No.11614981

>Sport a buzzcut for 3 fucking years.
>Realize I want old-school slick back hair
>Start growing just to realize hair has already started receding at 17
>18 now, hair reached perfect length but is strong nw2, probably will move to n3 in a few months.

Just kill me

>> No.11615049

really really appreciate it, i've been looking for a schedule to try and get into, with sleep and exercise etc. is it best to just jump right in or gradually ween urself down, ie going to bed 30 mins earlier each night, atm i go to bed crazy late and get up at like 1 in the afternoon

>> No.11615206

I met my current guy with a lot of across the bar eye contact, until I got up the nerve to walk past him on the way to the loo and tell him I liked his shoes. On the way back we struck up a brief convo and exchanged info. Totally worked. Just an inane compliment that wound up being kind of random and amusing. What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.11615211

No. Shoulda slipped her your card.

>> No.11615222

>43" floor to bellybutton

should i fucking end it i hate being a fucking stupid torso monster

>> No.11615252

I'm the opposite I'm 5'9 but I wear a 32 inseam. I hope the leggy silhouette looks good and maybe makes up for the manletry

>> No.11615261


>browse a shoe site for hours
>find dope pair of white sneakers
>gonna buy them tomorrow
>tomorrow comes around
>go to bookmarks
>notice something in the url
>it's women's shoes
>all the shoes i were browsing were women's shoes
>didn't even notice

fuggg :--DD

>> No.11615270
File: 19 KB, 176x171, 1427339545128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relatively new friend and I were talking every day but now he doesn't respond or seems distant
>i will go back to not communicating with anyone again
>its not the same

>> No.11615271

lol im four inches taller and we have the same inseam

id trade in a heartbeat, you can just wear a long shirt or sag ur pants and you have a normal silhouette i have to tuck w high rise pants to look like a normal human

>> No.11615290

>live in Los angeles
>no genetic diseases
>no mental issues
>great rowdy friends
>facial bone structure is decent, if not attractive
>developed sense of style before finding /fa/, which only added to it

But in the end, I grew to be only five feet tall. Kill me now.

>> No.11615294

5'9'', 34 inseam here. Welcome to the goofy club.

>> No.11615300

Believe me that's my go-to, but we have on our hands here a shy virgin with no dating experience (so she says). Plus she has literally no days off. If we talked more I could probably make my move sooner.

>> No.11615314

>got involved with a girl
>she was leading me on for two months and we broke up
>she texted me yesterday saying she missed me in her life
>told her I didn't want to be friends because I felt used by her
>she proceeds to get mad and still not apologize
>tell her I don't want to talk to her anymore and blocked her on all platforms possible
>went to a show with my best bro

Yesterday was a good day for me

>> No.11615358
File: 84 KB, 1024x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 years old
>starting college next month

I'm not really looking forward to this but I don't have a choice if I want to have a decent future

>> No.11615444
File: 1 KB, 74x44, 1470499265128s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11615483

I bet the other guy she sees when she leaves you feels the same way.

>> No.11615538
File: 167 KB, 802x391, 87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irresponsible with money
>developing self destructive habits
>on my way to becoming an addict
Thank God I'm attractive and cool as fuck

>> No.11615593

are you me

i think i will go to /fit/ now too

>> No.11615653

>tfw miss my BPD ex
>texted her 5 minutes ago
>getting bsck to wearing what I like instead of whats right to wear
>bought some more spezials and reigning champ sweats

>> No.11615676

why does she wear the mask

>> No.11615712

I'm doing pretty okay compared to the rest of you in this pseudo-/r9k/ thread
but I've just come to the realization of late that I've spent a lifetime practicing obedience and trying to please people (jumped on /fa/ at least 66% because of this) and now things that I like feel dirty and all I want to do are creative projects like putting together nice jackets or a symphony or something, all of which I have at least the technical skills for, but I can't permit myself because it just feels way too strange after trying really hard all this time to keep in line
and on top of that I always prided myself for having more "depth" than comparable people but then I'm not sure if I'm really an "intellectual" or just a ballbusting bluecollar who happened upon Barthes

yo I'm a little over 5'11" and I'm 28 waist 34 length I look fucking ridiculous especially as an Asian it's hilarious
just gonna say straight out that we are the last people in the world who should ever tuck

>> No.11615731

like legitimately 5 feet dead on?

I REALLY hope you're a female anon

>> No.11615782

whats it like dating a girl with bpd i got a friend with it and its pretty rough, one minute he's happy as shit the next minute hes super fucking low, it can be pretty depressing to be around but if thats ur gf sheesh

>> No.11615812

heaven and hell

total feel

mostly hell tho

>> No.11616018

>everytime i get close with a girl i push her away
>I also am a manlet

>> No.11616163

Dude was she hispanic

>> No.11616173

>single bc i dumped my model gf on the 4th of july
>dont regret it (didnt love her etc etc)
>now must be lonely bc have turned to seducing girls on fucking omegle
>suddenly unmotivated to write music, i had all kinds of plans for this summer
>all my friends are working and shit, i dont need the money but i feel pretty loserly
>wanna lose a bit of weight, 6' nearing 140 but wanna be under 135
>2.8 gpa, unsure i even like my major

i'm just in limbo and can't do anything, basically for the next month til back at school. hometown is fun but small, not much to keep myself busy. i want to write more songs but what inspires me is my college town, not this lame village. want to fuck more girls but all the girls are either 1 in high school 2 ugly 3 old friends who i dont wanna complicate shit with.

just gonna relax til school starts then focus on my grades for once, then hit up the parties and actually get some one night stands. no girlfriends or distractions. until then i'll enjoy neetlife

oh yeah fashion, i'm pretty and have good fits and get compliments regularly, not sure why i come here

>> No.11616180

Dude are you from MD? Was she Hispanic?

>> No.11616184

Dude are you from Maryland? Was she Hispanic?

>> No.11616188

Dude, are you from MD? Was she Hispanic?

>> No.11616191

Dude, are you from Maryland? Was she Hispanic?

>> No.11616222 [DELETED] 

Was this in Maryland, and was she Hispanic?

>> No.11616227

Satan is filling his hole now

>> No.11616237

What r u trying to do

>> No.11616249

That was unnecessarily cruel, and I apologize for my part in it. I have deleted my post despite the trips I had gotten on it.

>> No.11616356

>want new pair of shoes
>want them to work with shorts
>can't decide between beefroll loafers or white bucks
>decision is too hard to make
>all my friends are fucking goth and make fun of my shorts
What do I do I'm so anxious I breaking out into hives why are shoes so hard to pick. I buy shirts from jcrew by the truckload but one pair of shoes and I'm dying.

>> No.11616417

What the fuck? They're shoes.
>all my friends are fucking goth
Are you in high school?

>> No.11616429

No I'm just friendless and the two people I know are goth. I don't like people. I'm 25 by the way not high school.
And yeah they're just shoes but what do I get? I'm not really in hives I was hyperbolizing.

>> No.11616680

Wait do you actually carry a business card wherever you go?

>> No.11616714


underrated post

>> No.11616730


Kissing girls is really nice lads. I highly recommend!

If you guys are in education focus on it, don't just think about >tfw kissless virgin

Consider hopping on tinder and just talking to girls in your free time, don't be going on like >ayy bb u dtf??
Just talk to them like a human being and let if flow, if you can hold conversation long enough most girls will end up asking for a meetup and if they don't, at least pretty girls are chatting to you.

>> No.11616777

I enjoy the times I'm not around my girlfriend way more than the times that I'm around her

>> No.11616821

Jesus christ it's only been three days chill you little pyscho, you're going to scare the poor girl away

>> No.11616851

at least you got mezcal senpai. love me some.

>> No.11616854

under 21 please leave

>> No.11616858



>> No.11616863

congratulations, you have severely damaged social skills, and you are both crippled and cucked by your internet addiction

>> No.11616867

are you me?

>> No.11616870
File: 472 KB, 620x518, Screen Shot 2016-08-10 at 8.25.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get bored
>Look up this show called Big Brother
>Start watching it
>Spend 3 days bindge watching random seasons
>Get hooked and watch all the live streams etc
>Feel like nothing but a lazy degenerate

>> No.11616877

I'm doing economics as a minor and while what you say is true, there are some genuinely intelligent and nice people in the program.

Also, as an engineering major it's basically my only chance to meet girls. Too bad I'm putting econ on hold for a semester.

>> No.11617127

Yeah I was overreacting, already feel a lot better, I guess I just had a bad evening when I wrote this. I actually cringe a little when I read it now

>> No.11617159

how to hot be a neet?

>> No.11617162

>severe acne breakout
>haven't left the house in a week
>summer ruined

>> No.11617183
File: 75 KB, 440x660, 1464045126230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl and I have no idea what direction I want to go fashion wise. I just graduated highschool and I have some money that I'm going out to spend tomorrow but i don't know what to even spend it on.. I might just try my luck at a thrift store because, looking around online, I see nothing that's worth spending my money on

>Tfw I only have about 6 tops in my closet that I actually wear

>> No.11617201

>born with horrible acne nothing can cure it. Doctors say I'm hopeless.
>too socialy inept to figure out how to talk to people. I can only introduce myself through comedy. Even then I only talk to a few close friends.
>Scared of being judged for my acne at job interviews. Always choke.
>brother has everything looks, money, and happiness. Meanwhile I'm stuck with the same bullshit I was born with.

I feel like I was born to fail.

>> No.11617215
File: 26 KB, 400x265, Accutane4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11617217

Already tried cleared it a little and then it came back worse

>> No.11617240

lmaooo i would def eat tiffany's ass

>> No.11617242

Just broke up today. I don't feel sad, I just don't know how I feel right now.

>> No.11617246

You feel empty.
Go and do something productive, because what you need is a pastime to occupy your mind.

>> No.11617249

You know it takes months to years, it's not an overnight thing

>> No.11617251

How many courses have you completed?

>> No.11617268

W2c artsy girl crew

>> No.11617278

Talk to your friend

>> No.11617371

The same way you make regular friends, you just have to fit in naturally without forcing it

>> No.11617387

Constantly hanging out with beautiful girls really did wonders for my confidence and social skills

>> No.11617388

>that feeling when you know you are star-crossed with the gal you're interested with

>> No.11617392

shit like this happen to me all the time

>> No.11617401

Are approching them or let the situation pass?

>> No.11617413

>What's the worst that can happen?
I get intimidated by her beauty, start speaking fast, voice starts cracking, she doesn't understand what I am actually saying and thinks I am a creep.
Every fucking time.

>> No.11617434

I am proud of you

>> No.11617454
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>three hour organic chemistry lab
>fob walks in wearing geos

>> No.11617459

woman shows interest and innocently flirt all the time
i think you shouldnt lead your feelings based on her staring on you alone

>> No.11617461
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally find a pair of black jeans that have the right amount of length to replace a pair I've had for years
>fabric is kind of shit and gets linty easily

>> No.11617465

Is this one of those "not sure if I should talk to them in case they turn out to be annoying as shit but they could potentially be a friend" type of situations?

>> No.11617479

no, fobs are never pleasant to interact with. the ones wearing rick are no different to the ones wearing nottis or louboutin spikes

>> No.11617488 [DELETED] 
File: 909 KB, 960x960, 0b564e18-1971-4fb0-8371-5842ab4ec84b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I start lmao
No one will read this or reply frankly I don't care I'm just venting

>Life is a mess
>No job
>17 and I can't live in my parents house anymore but I do nothing to fix it
>Failed every class last year and now have to finish high school at a community college
>Literally no relationship with my family, father disowned me and I haven't even sent a text to him in months, mom thinks I'm a piece of shit (which I am), siblings hate me, stepfather thinks I'm a piece of shit, step siblings haven't said a word to me in months, extended family probably doesn't even know I exist
>I only have a few friends and I don't feel really close with any of them
>I fell in love with a girl whom I know is no good for me and at the moment I'm getting crazy mixed signals and don't know what to do
>Having meltdowns almost every other day, I just snap and either take so many drugs I'm fucked up out of this world or if there's no drugs or alcohol around I either harm myself or destroy something
>Constantly think about death
>What's even the point anymore, I'm no good for anyone and I'm better off dead.

I do this all to myself. But i don't care anymore, I just want out.

I'm typing this at 4:35 am

>> No.11617514


start going for runs, start eating healthy, force yourself to avoid drugs and drinking as a form of personal torture and as a substitute for killing yourself

ignore what your family and friends think, everyone will love you when you get your shit together, anger is just the easiest way to deal w people disappointing you

i hope all of that drug use kept you skinny at least. keep a journal when you have withdrawals to give yourself something to do other than just come up with ways to get a fix.

>> No.11617526

I feel like this 100%
Once I get comfortable with people I can open up and all that shit, but if my friends try to hook me up with someone, I'm so fucking awkward unless I get really drunk
Also don't get high with someone you're trying to hook up with. It's hell

>> No.11617819
File: 30 KB, 400x282, Crawling in my skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw weight so little
>need to gain at least 10-15 kilos to look good
>will take me ages
>just got an office job
>need new clothes
>want to get everything made-to-measure
>going to have to wait 1-2 years before I can even start ordering some shit

>> No.11617827

tfw i have a huge ass, and i'm working out so my thighs will probably get bigger and I always worry about what pants i should buy

i already had to buy an entire set of shirts in a bigger size, and now my old pants won't fit


>> No.11617837

>broke up with bf
>casual sex with him

you deserve it desu

>> No.11618046

>are those glasses prescription? You seem like the type of person who'd wear nonprescription glasses

So what I got glasses when I started to get /fa/:(? I even had a girl try them on and tell me and everyone around us they were fake. They're not guys they're just kind of a weak prescription

>> No.11618086

>the thread is full of people with mental problems and broken relationships
>he is sad about his glasses

You are too good for this place

>> No.11618089

>constantly go through cycles of hating all my clothes and wanting to start all over
This so much, holy shit.

Unrelated feels:
>doing bad, ask to be hospitalized
>treatment team is worried so I get the ok
>"we've made a few calls and none of our facilities have any free beds"

At least I'm on the waiting list.

>> No.11618098

>Gets inspired by /fa/ friends/acquaintances
>Try out similar pieces/fits myself
>Feel like I look like tryhard/just wandered into a dad's closet
>Probably look fine but really just lack confidence

>> No.11619095

I am your friend, anon

>> No.11619409

I just feel mediocre.
>Mediocre appearance
>Mediocre fits
>Mediocre student
>Mediocre social skills

On top of it, I'll have to move for college and I have to wait until September to even know the city I'm going to move to. But I guess it's a fresh start and I'm determined to improve myself.

>> No.11619451

>in love with a married man
>never felt so connected to another person
>guys who like me are awkward, drop desperate hints about having sex with me
>girls who like me don't interest me
>can't live without this man but he'll never leave her

>> No.11619472

>met an anon from this board
>is nice and chill
>has interesting tastes in music
>dresses much better than I do
>in my excitement I spaz out bit and act fake as fuck
>hung out twice and stop contacting him because I feel like too much of a pleb to be his friend

Pretty much me

>> No.11619480

Buy jeans with spandex in them mang

>> No.11619492
File: 45 KB, 709x765, shotgunmyassalready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get dates
>can't afford to go on them because I spent so much on raw denim

>> No.11620135

I'm saaaaaaaaaaaad
And I needed to get that out somehow, thank you

>> No.11620299

>go on a series of dates, fun but nothing special
>be honest to avoid leading any of them on
>feel like shit

dating is so hard. i just want a cute effay bf
otherwise everything has been pretty chill, it's amazing

>> No.11620746

>if your lifestyle doesn't match you aren't /fa/

"lifestyle" can go fuck itself, I just like clothes

>> No.11620782
File: 2.83 MB, 1500x1321, 1454398962231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went on date with cute girl from work at art museum
>Find out we have a lot in common
>Everything went well and the date ended with a hug and a goodbye
>Felt extremely happy until I realized that she leaves for college in a few days
>Depressed because I know we won't see each other again for months
>Can't stop thinking about how she will meet someone else and the pain I will feel

>> No.11620787

Architecture, Law, Communications, Advertising, Business, Marketing, Sales

All good paying shit between STEM and Arts

>> No.11620892

>tfw no thrift store gf to go shopping with

y even live

>> No.11620895

lol dude she's gonna fuck so many chads once she's there just forget about her

>> No.11620976
File: 868 KB, 1280x1280, 1458740501258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you might be joking but I honestly think this will happen. It fucking sucks because we have perfect chemistry and I'm not sure if I will ever find someone like her again. Fucking hurts to think about... and here I am depressed again.

>> No.11621047

i wasn't kidding. I'm in college rn and p much anyone who isn't a complete introvert / uggo is getting slammed.

also you sound like such a little bitch. Say you found 1 girl in the 4 yrs or w/e you started hunting, that aint shit dude

>> No.11621071
File: 114 KB, 985x985, XS7Otwwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well judging from the way that you type and talk about women, you sound like a fucking asshole man. You sure you're not a chad?

>> No.11621097
File: 22 KB, 352x352, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have oneitis for a year
>made out with her 3 months ago mfw
>summer vacation comes around for a month and cant see her
>tfw we talk a lot and she says she misses me
>we finally meet and i ask her whats the furthest she has gone with a guy.
>blowjob, and she is not kidding
>feel shit the following hours i am with her and lost interest kinda
>we buy vodka and hangout in this abondoned building on a rooftop. We connect so well dude listen to childhood memories songs and shit.
>got my dick sucked and touched her tits and shit
>go home happy

Its been a few days and it bothers me so much that she sucked some random guy's dick you know, thought she was like the perfect girl for me. She says she regrets it and that she was drunk and shit but >she says she regrets.

Have been lifting everyday and oneitis is real.

>> No.11621102

wow man thats tough, hopefully you get through it.

>> No.11621141
File: 34 KB, 536x535, FB_IMG_1470855127052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a shitty country
>18 and a virgin
>never been to a party because my mom doesent let me out after 10 and also is overprotective
>stepfather beats me at home
>crying in my sleep
>friends are losing interest in me
>losing interest in my hobbies

I seriously want to give up and die, my life is living hell

>> No.11621154

You are a gigantic piece of shit. How can you expect every girl you meet to pe perfectly pure and not have done anything? Entitled cunt lol

>> No.11621170

>have 100+ tabs/links of clothes
>actually have money
>buy 4 pieces of jewelry
>look at clothes and suddenly dont want anything
I always do this
at some point ill drop a good amount on something fort the fall that's nice
like a jacket or hoodie
but I also want an expensive guitar pedal
but I also don't need it
I also want more jewelry
but I don't need it

the fuck?
I already have enough pants, shoes and shirts
do I just get some new pieces for the fuck of it?
I have too many clothes as is
maybe clean out my wardrobe/minimize it?


>> No.11621178 [DELETED] 

Im still young as fuck man <18

>> No.11621179

You're 18 years old, what's stopping you from just walking out the front door or staying out as long as you want?

>> No.11621189

Me too

>> No.11621203


As long as you stay healthy, the world is yours. What's your status on that front?

>> No.11621306

>too insecure to wear offensive clothes

>> No.11621313

Not him, but after I come home from the club, my parents behave rude towards me, as if I did something wrong. It's very discouraging.

>> No.11621497

sell me your old clothes for cheap

>> No.11622251
File: 110 KB, 1030x430, Screenshot_20160812-122822-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

, tips*

>> No.11622467

i feel the same hoping i can get a prescription for xanax that will help me stop caring about things

>> No.11622526
File: 23 KB, 355x337, 1462460708413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no friends
>constantly dissociating
>paranoid that people can hear my vulgar/racist intrusive thoughts
>tfw i was never like this before i started posting on 4chan daily.

>> No.11622551

>tfw you catch yourself imagining "what if that random anon was actually your bf that broke up and now regrets it"

>> No.11622555

sounds like a plan bruv
see you there :3

>> No.11622576

No one here actually has mental problems, or the vast majority don't anyway. People make greentext stories on an anonymous anime board about how depressed/fucked up they are and go back to living normal lives. Also yes I am sad about glasses

>> No.11622626

That's why I hate searching for shoes in shops. I never know if I'm in the womens department or mens. And I know I look fucking stupid to those that do.

>> No.11622704

>Have 'friends' but none of them are really 'like' me or are into a lot of the things I am
as a result
>no one to smoke weed with
>no one to do drugs with
>no one to talk about music with
>no one to talk about clothing/style with
>everyone else who I try to do any of these things with are not my type of people
>no 'best friend' ever
>always end up doing things alone
>starting to feel isolated
>cant act like myself around anyone

how do I make friends who are actually friends

>> No.11622716

>live in a shitty country
Brazil? Eastern Europe?

>doing bad, ask to be hospitalized
What's wrong, senpai?

>> No.11622950
File: 278 KB, 540x725, save me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like shit my dudes.

>Lonely as shit after family left
>Friends are far as fuck
>Got accepted into a decent uni but can't afford it right now so I have to stay at community college
>still in love with the girl who destroyed me 6 years ago
>literally living with my grandma

I know it'll get better but fuck it's rough right now.

>> No.11622952

>ugly girl
>look like a dude
>makeup looks harsh on me and i look like a cheap $5 whore
there is no point in trying because ill always be ugly

>> No.11622979

how does it feel being in love /fa/?

>> No.11622986

>tfw about to spend 4k on grails
>still cant get an uggo to reply to me


>> No.11622996

You might be working out your back too much, thickening your neck in the process.

>> No.11622997

>>tfw about to spend 4k on grails
wtf is that

>> No.11623036
File: 330 KB, 940x1316, blog_150113_TKMN_ON_0246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11623054
File: 13 KB, 250x250, SadVillian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got bullied a lot growing up, and i still live in my hometown. If i go on tinder they'll see me on there and mock me.


>> No.11623089

i dont know what that is but if it makes you happy why do you think you cant get with girls?

>> No.11623096

I can get along with girls but not "THE" girl.

>> No.11623102

Depends, sometimes its painful and sometimes you are so happy it feels like your chest would explode if you would get just a litte happier

>> No.11623117

No they won't man. Start working out if you haven't. It sounds like you're already decently well dressed. Please just try man. I want you to be happy

>> No.11623127

>I can get along with girls but not "THE" girl.
try to stop overthinking it and try to act the same way around her like with other girls good luck anon

>> No.11623145

i feel the exact same way. i wish i could just do a fun arts major especially at the uni i go to, itd be really nice. i love doing medical shit as ive interned in hospitals before as nursing assistants, but i just dont know how im going to get through the next 3 years doing pre-med. especially w the lifestyle i want to live rn

>> No.11623156


but how else is OP gonna tiptoe

>> No.11623239
File: 44 KB, 635x473, 1470801453574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom always told me nobody likes me because they're jealous of me.

As i get up there in age, im starting to think she's wrong.

>> No.11623382
File: 24 KB, 222x308, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just makes me wonder what could have been of all the inane compliments i have gotten from qts....

>> No.11623587

>in love with girl on another continent
>would strongly advise against this course of action, family members

>> No.11623798

dont become dependent on something, try a therapist first. try eating better, sleeping better and lots of exercise. also i heavily suggest trying exposure therapy, google it and just try it, honestly helped me loads

>> No.11624016

Lol, I think you should read the post you are replying to a few more times. I hope you are just very young.

>> No.11624442

listen to this anon please try something else before trying xanax fuck try all the other options before giving in to meds please anon dont go down this route

>> No.11624680

nice rug