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/fa/ - Fashion

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11611161 No.11611161 [Reply] [Original]

How2dress as a fat guy?

>> No.11611173

Lise weight first

>> No.11611180

I don't want to

>> No.11611243

Start lifting and dress how Tom Hardy does lad.

>> No.11611249

wear tight fitting polo shirts and stretchy jeans alot

>> No.11611669

>I don't want to
fashion aint for fatties yo

>> No.11611766

Video game or metal band t-shirts, cargo shorts.

>> No.11611778

really tight clothing so you restrict yourself from fucking eating more

>> No.11612016

this guy is clearly muscly as fuck with a little bit of body fat

>> No.11612034

As a /fa/tty, its really difficult but I have my own sense of style. You really just gotta watch other and see how you could incorporate certain things yourself.

>> No.11612303
File: 90 KB, 1200x675, The Mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look like that nigga, you a strong ass nigga.

>> No.11612315

a poncho maybe

>> No.11612360

Nah he posted on /fit/ once, doesn't lift at all

>> No.11613511


>> No.11613519

thats a dope build

>> No.11613570

Lose weight my man, I did and it improved facial aesthetics more than I could have imagined and everything looks better.

>> No.11613584

Hey anon just start losing weight honestly.
I was 125kg 4 months ago, now I'm down to 95 and fashion is just much more fun.
I still need to lose more, at least 20kg but getring there.

Trust me it's worth it.

Here's my routine:
Stop eating shit
No soft drinks
Start smoking
Drink a fuckton of water
Cardio at least 3 times per week for at least 45 minutes
Ignore the people telling you to lift, you're aiming to lose mass

>> No.11613633

what cardio do you do ?

>> No.11613636

Oh shit I was in the same position.

I was at 120, 185 cm, down to 84 now.

I would reccomend counting calories, there are lots of apps.

I haven't been doing as much cardio, but just walking burns more than you'd think.

>> No.11613684

I do "25 km" on a cybex bike. (It says 25km but no idea how that shit is calculated) At first it took me more than an hour, now about 48 minutes.
Lol u really are me. I'm also 185cm. How fast did you lose it? Do you have issues with loose skin? I'm kinda worried that I'm losing too fast but still better than being a fatty.

>> No.11613706

is running/jogging a good cardio ?

>> No.11613712

It's good cardio obviously, but it will fuck with your knees if you're fat.

Starting to believe this is bait. What kind of question is this?

>> No.11613745

At about the same speed as you, been doing it for a few months longer.

No problems with excess skin at all, I guess it has to do with age, only 19.

I have some stretch marks on my back, but I am not even sure they have to do with me having been overweight.

>> No.11613820

>Start's smoking at the same time as starting cardiotraining.
Way to immediately counteract all the improvements to cardiovascular health and endurance you are getting from the cardio. Also if you started smoking 4 months ago I suggest you quit while it's still easy, I have been smoking for about 4 years now and can tell you that quitting once your addicted is a fucking bitch how ever much willpower you think you have.

>> No.11613830

I want to look good not be healthy

>> No.11613847
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, outta my way sub 20% bodyfat twink shits.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11613871

i mean, i want to be skinny, not more muscle mass

>> No.11613908

It's mostly what you eat if you just wanna lose weight.

Cardio is just gonna burn some additional calories. It's like you're "deleting" 1-2 meals per week.

You should probably just go to /fit/. And I wanted to add that just because I've started smoking and had success with it you shouldn't do it. Was already a casual smoker before and it helped me cope with the hunger.

>> No.11613920

i'm not 17, i'm not gonna smoke just because other people told me to.


>> No.11613927

what should i eat in order to lose weight ? i mean, should i starve myself ? should i go full vegan ?

>> No.11613958

You only have to do some deffing (and not even much of it) and you're set. Don't listen to anyone telling you that you have to lose muscle weight (although you might depending on how hard you deff).

Take six months focusing on reducing calories while still hitting your proteins and working out, and add some lightish cardio every workout (maybe 30 minutes of borg 15).

Do lose the neckbeard though.

>> No.11613972

Just eat 3 meals and nothing in between. A big one at lunch time and the other 2 a bit smaller.

I started with just with cutting out soda, but wanted to take more measures after a while. You could try that too. You're wasting so much calories with soda and shit like that, trust me.

>> No.11613973

if you actually want to be muscly/ripped and not skinny, you're not /fa/

>> No.11613978

go somewhere else, twig

>> No.11613998

i've done that but then i have no activity whatsoever anyway, just sitting at home all day.

>> No.11614018

Then get a job first

>> No.11614024


>> No.11614027

getting a job means being adult. it means being busy. it also means being mature. being mature means not caring about what people think of you. maturity is the end of having fun with fashion.

>> No.11614031


>> No.11614040

youre just wrong you dont want to lose mass you want to lose fat. 'mass' as u say it may be muscle too which you shouldnt lose unless you are weird >>>thinspo fag

all u gotta do is eat less calories and lots of protein + lifitng to keep the muscle
cardio and eating healthy arent necessary just help to eat less calories at first

>> No.11614072

imagine if he cut though

>> No.11614078

You can start with a noose

>> No.11614106

Im assuming hes fat and not builtfat.

>> No.11614277

i assumed builtfat from the pic he posted if fat yeah you dont have to lift you could put a little muscle on with noobgainz but still not that important

>> No.11615205

he's a record holding powerlifter he's not going to cut