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/fa/ - Fashion

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11609314 No.11609314 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /fa/ workout plan that will give you a nice chest and upper body to fill a tshirt and slender legs to still fit in skinny jeans?

*Shias body is a good example of looking both /fit/ and /fa/

>> No.11609320


>> No.11609324

shit i wish i had a boba place near my place

>> No.11609415

barbell chest flies

>> No.11609438

pushups can get u decent upper body.

>> No.11609449


>> No.11609489

how could you disagree with this

>> No.11609520

Any striking dominant combat sport

>> No.11609563

Overhead Deadlifts

>> No.11609572


>> No.11609603

underwater bicep curls

>> No.11609608


>> No.11609634

Is it like dumbbell chest flies but with a barbell in each hand?

>> No.11609868

>fell for the /fit/ meme

>> No.11609877

>Dumbell or Cable Flys
> Barbell Bench Press
>Tricep Extensions
> Overhead press
> Standing Barbell rows.

Squatting stresses the largest muscle groups in your body releasing large amounts of androgens such as testosterone. Androgen receptors are dense in your biceps and chest. More so than legs.

As a result, Squatting will increase your chest and arm size more than your legs, provided you're also stressing your arms.

A research team in the netherlands did a study where they had people do only curls or curls plus leg exercises. People who did both had bigger arms, despite lifting the same weight and doing same number of reps. The leg stress increased arm growth independent of other factors.

Will find the source later.

>> No.11609884


yes, its good for your core

>> No.11609904

i heard this was a meme.

explain curlbros

>> No.11609906

ugh i normally do some pull ups, push ups, chin ups etc.
push ups all kind sets. wide, diamond etc 6 sets 10 per
pulls ups all kinds 10 per set, 3 sets
chins ups 10 per set, 3 sets
barbell upright row 3 sets of 10-12 reps
bench 3 sets of 10-12

>> No.11609909
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>Squatting will increase your chest and arm size more than your legs

never heard so much rubbish in my life

>> No.11609912

i just started tho..

>> No.11609919

>Squatting stresses the largest muscle groups in your body releasing large amounts of androgens such as testosterone. Androgen receptors are dense in your biceps and chest. More so than legs.
>As a result, Squatting will increase your chest and arm size more than your legs, provided you're also stressing your arms.
all this broscience

never take lifting advice from /fit/

>> No.11609927

i'm on /fa/ (this post was linked from /fit/)

never take ifting advice from /fit/ or /fa/

>> No.11609936


>> No.11609941

Weighted dips

>> No.11609942

It worked for me

>> No.11609951

Different forms of pull-ups and dips can give you good upper body and also some nice party tricks like muscle up or hand stand. And you can keep your legs thin by doing easy exercises like pistol squats and running.

>> No.11609977

Curlbro routine + skipping legday 7 times a week

>> No.11609980

post chest

>> No.11610001

ridiculous broscience aside, the exercises outlined in this post aren't bad. i'd throw in lat pulldowns, lateral raises, and some planks or situps.

the main thing is to hit every major muscle group in your body twice a week, usually involving 3 sets of 5-10 reps of whatever you're doing. add weight if you can do 10 easily each time, remove weight if you can't do 5.

if you're more concerned with being /fa/ than getting big or being strong, your main concern should be making sure you do a lot of cardio. /fit/ will try to convince you that cardio is a 'gains killer' that will cause your body to cannibalize your muscles and make you a spooky skeleton, because apparently fat and muscle are exactly the same thing and store energy the same way in whatever alternate reality these people live in. unless you're some big bodybuilder who's already at their minimum natural bodyfat, you don't need to worry about this- especially as a beginner you can easily reduce your bodyfat while gaining some muscle and strength.

the issue is doing a full body chest/arms/legs rotation twice a week already takes six days, which is already on the extreme end of things, so cardio on top of that can seem like too much to fit in. my suggestions to help this situation if you only want to be a casual gymgoer are to get rid of a dedicated 'leg day' and just throw deadlifts and squats/leg presses into your other two days to compensate, reducing your weightlifting routine to 4 days a week. then you'll have three off days you can choose to run on, in addition to being able to run before/after your regular workouts. that's how i do it- i personally will run more or less in a given week depending on how good or bad my diet's been

>> No.11610261

Day 1
>Bench Press (3x10, increasing weight)
>Bicep Curl
>Forearm Curl
>Lateral Fly
>Dumbbell Shoulder Press
>Inverted Row
>Tricep Extension

Day 2
>2-5 Mile Run
>Walking Lunges
>Bodyweight Squats
>Dumbbell RDL

Rest on Day 3

>> No.11610430
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>tfw have asthma and lifting is fucking torture
>tfw still push through workouts and get brain-eviscerating headaches as a result of not being able to breathe properly.

I will never be /fa/.

>> No.11610449

so PPL?

>> No.11610460

for me too i think
benchpress might do more gains though
and positive benchpress is also important
don't fall for this broad butterfly exercises; lot of this goes on the front of the shoulder

>> No.11610486
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>> No.11610489
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I can't do push ups or anything that requires upper body muscles (other than holding my horn), because I'm trying to look like female. I do daily bum yoga, which consists of holding my leg up(backwards) at a 90 angle to my balancing leg, for 60 seconds on each leg. I also stretch throughout the day.

>> No.11610491

if you are a trap starve yourself then just do glute exercises with resistance bands at home

>> No.11610511

get some albuterol fucktard

>> No.11610585


>> No.11610726

You mean snatches?

>> No.11610836

that shit makes me an anxious wreck and fucks with my blood pressure, I already use a daily inhaler but it's not enough.

>> No.11610853


>> No.11611122

lmao nice 1 m80

>> No.11611285


what type of shoes are those senpai

>> No.11611331

That was a helpful post man, thanks.
I'm not that other anon but I've always heard that shit about ruining your muscles if you do cardio, it kept me from lowering my body fat until now.

>> No.11611657

Barbell Overhead Sprints
Triple Dumbbell Stack Single Arm Press
Roman Chair Reverse Barbell Negative Curl
Backward Barbell Farmer Lunge Sprints

This is the secret exercises the exercise mafia don't want you to know

>> No.11612180
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Anyone wanna rate my /fa/ routine

3 days a week I will do:

Bench Press 3x8
Arm Curls 3x8
Lat Pull Downs 3x8
Cable Rows 3x8
30 minute run

eating at maintaining TDEE

Do I need to add anything to the excercises?

>> No.11612588

if your trying to get the body in your picture you should do more running unless your already skel

>> No.11612953

its like 25% exercise 75% diet bro, just start eating a fuck load more and do bp, curls, flys whatever if your starting out

>> No.11613042

Nike sfb

>> No.11613098

An overhead press of some sort

>> No.11613126

what about some shoulder exercise?

>> No.11614197

righteous thats what im missing, any alternatives to overhead press? i just wanna know if there are more options.

>> No.11614219

Do cardio. You won't lose muscle as long as you keep your diet right and aren't running to killyour calories.

>> No.11614248

sorry to hear that boss, maybe try swimming for cutting and lung benefits

>> No.11614252

>be a manlet
>train upper body 5 days a week
>squat once in a month

>> No.11614324
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can I get a rate? Other than cutting is there anything I should work on? My genetics seem weirdly predisposed for gaining mass so it's not unrealistic to suggest strength training while cutting

I've been doing starting strength and half-assed swim workouts when i feel like it. When I start my cut I'll probably be eating ~1800 calories daily and doing a much more structured swimming routine 6 days a week.

I honestly don't know for sure what I'm going for but I do want to stick with swimming

>> No.11614343

cutting as in self harm?

>> No.11614347

i avoid the overhead press because of issues with my shoulder joints and lower back. i do front raises and lateral raises. you´ve gotta find out what works best for you by yourself, though

>> No.11614357

SS + Gomad

>> No.11614359
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10/10, /fit/izen

>> No.11614369


I have asthma too. This is not an excuse. Get your Doctor to prescribe an inhaler for your exercise induced asthma. It gets easier the more you train.

>> No.11614376

Every other day, do ohp instead of bench press. If it hurts your back or shoulders then you're doing it wrong, unless you have some kind of injury in which case you're stuck with weak shoulders

holy fuck this board
cutting calories

definitely fix your acne
what happened to your belly?

>> No.11614398

>holy fuck this board
>cutting calories
The guy looks like he attempted seppuku though

>> No.11614433

had me a giggle there m8

>> No.11614472

Double under wristed shoulder jump n' press

>> No.11614516

What's your routine?

>> No.11614522

go on

>> No.11614530

start with 5x5

oh press
barbell rows

when you are stronger switch to more specific excersizes if you want

>> No.11614561


2 days a week, push pull split, a bit under an hour, medium high reps except for the lifts you like and want to get good at (if any).

I eat whatever during the winter without getting too big to look great in clothes and cut a bit before summer.

Low maintenance and good enough results.

>> No.11614582

i´d rather do a full body workout (minus legs in OP´s case, ofc) if i were to train only twice a week. push/pull is more of a three or four days a week workout thing

>> No.11614600

Don't do legs. Don't ever do legs. If you want to fit into skinny jeans literally never do anything that activates your leg muscles.
Bend over at the waist.
Fall into all chairs, don't squat into a seat.
When you get out of chairs turn over and push yourself out of it don't use your legs to stand up.

Never take stairs if there is a elevator or escalator available.

If possible use a wheelchair or crutches to get around, both will also double as an arm workout.

Don't even think about your legs if you can manage that. Literally pretend you don't have legs.
If you must take stairs then use as much calf and as little thigh as possible to ascend them.

I've only ever been a middling squatbro and I literally can't get levi 501 original fit jeans onto my legs and glutes even after long periods of leg neglect.

>> No.11614601


I don't get why people fall for that meme.

"Pro bodybuilders on multiple substances can only recover fast enough to work on each of their bodyparts once a week despite having the perfect diet, supplementation and medication and the incentive to recover as fast as possible, but as a natural amateur athlete I need to work on the same bodypart 3 times a week to achieve any results."

In my case, working out multiple times a week on the same bodypart left me too drained for work, made the switch and my body even improved as a result.

If you have the energy for that, go ahead, although I doubt the additional stress does much for you, it won't be too much hard, but it's not the most efficient way to go about it in my opinion.

>> No.11614604

What kind of cardio-shit crossfit lifts are you doing?

Increase the weight, lower the reps. You shouldn't be sucking wind from lifting.

Don't do anything over 8 reps a set. If 8 reps is too easy then increase the weight, never the reps.

>> No.11614606


Are you a manlet? I currently do minimal squatting (100kgs on a smith machine) but I used to do up to 140 kgs for reps, and I still deadlift 180kgs for reps and I wear 511s and other skinny jeans just fine. Something like Shia's fit is great, anything less looks abnormal on a guy.

>> No.11614616

Any movement that mimics the OHP. Incline bench, military press, dumbbell press, arnold press, shoulder press, lateral shoulder raises.

Just activate dem shoulder/upper chest muscles.

>> No.11614625

No OP literally don't do anything with your legs. Your legs put on size so much faster than the rest of your body you'll lift yourself out of skinny jeans before you know it.

>> No.11614633

that is probbly too extreme, but ill only agree on the "dont do legs" part,, (squats, leg press, etc)

>> No.11614637

I'm like 6'0" and change.

/fit/ meme law would call that a manlet but I guess when I say "middling" I was squatting 350 at my peak and deadlifting 400.

I say middling because /fit/ would laugh at those numbers.

I've neglected my legs for a while but they haven't shrunk. I used to be 32x34 now I'm pretty much 34x34 with a comfy fit on my hips and a tight fit on my legs. I have to break new jeans in.

>> No.11614638

>working out multiple times a week on the same bodypart left me too drained for work
did you eat? or did you do a harsh cut? training once a week is almost nothing

>> No.11614643

yeah, sorry 90% of it was trolling but my core message was "don't do legs"

>> No.11614656

>naturally skelly
I eat a lot throughout the day, more than my room mates, one of them is fat and the other is lanky fit. I bike almost everyday during school, both to class and for fun. I also drink a lot of milk and water through the day as well, but can't gain any weight. Any tips? I want to start swimming as a workout since it's also fun, any recommendations on swimming workouts or stuff I cant do with a free weight set and floor space in my room?

>> No.11614660


I went from 3 days a week to 2 days a week. I worked 9-10 hours a day and commuted back and forth for another 2 hours a day. My workouts are intense enough that I need a few hours to recover before feeling like doing anything worthwhile afterwards, so the lifting and recovery cut into my free time too much.

I generally eat whatever I feel like during the winter, and cuts are almost never outrageous so I don't feel too drained due to low caloric intake.

>> No.11614673

What I would like to ask is if any /fit/ guys can recommend some good fits for guys who have lifted themselves out of /fa/core. I have a hard time finding stylish jeans and shorts that can fit my T-rex legs and slim fit T-shirts end up being too tight on me as well and I hate the cut of most standard fit T-shirts

>> No.11614679


You eat less than you think you do, eat more. That's literally all there is to it.

Your fat friend eats more throughout the day, even if when you're together you binge and eat what he does. Your fat friend also moves less than you do.

You aren't special in a physiological way, you just have different habits and less appetite.

>> No.11614926

Will running help slim down leg muscles? I'm not talking about fat, but rather making the muscles smaller.

>> No.11614973

Any workout recs?

>> No.11614992

It can. I used insanity cardio workout and I looked better than any weight bulk routine before

>> No.11615517




also, >>>/fit/

>> No.11615530

I think you took the term "cutting" a bit too far.

>> No.11615569

It will make your legs bigger

>> No.11616994

share plan

>> No.11617016


>> No.11618048

He doesn't have a good body though. He is buff but his shoulders are very narrow.

>> No.11618127

>literally one singular exercise for a good body

That's like saying

>the only thing you need for a good outfit is one pair of Rick Owens

>> No.11618408

Because unless you have literally never moved your arms before there is no way you'll get enough resistance from push-ups to keep yourself in a rep range that is even remotely effective for hypertrophy you fucking dipshit

>> No.11618462

This is some fucking bullshit bait. Yeah no shit squats and deads produce a higher level of anabolic hormone release b/c they target a wider array of muscle groups than other compounds, but I refuse to believe that you're dumb enough to think that simply having more androgen receptors in your arms than your legs will cause squats to mainly target your upper body. The increased androgen production from squats does help upper body growth, but that doesn't mean its the only fucking thing squats do. Also why are you singling out chest and bis when there's a higher concentration of androgen receptors in the delts and traps?

>> No.11618486
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This. if you REALLY wanna be the awkward looking fucko with a developed upper body and no leg mass that every skinnyfat normie makes fun of for looking like a chickenleg gymrat douche and everyone who actually exercises makes fun of for being a retard who cares about having a severe muscular imbalance that will eventually lead to health issues more than looking good or being in shape, definitely do not squat.

>> No.11618509


What this anon said >>11614679
no one is "naturally skelly," genetic variance in BMR only has a range of a few hundred calories. Also
>I bike almost everyday
If you're still having trouble eating enough to gain weight you'll probably want to cut back on the cardio. Depending on how much you bike you're probably adding a solid 300-500 cal to your TDEE.

>> No.11618612

great prose family

>> No.11618656

Day 1:
3x8 Bench press
3x10 High to low cable flyes
3x10 DB overhead tricep extensions
3x15-15-15Abs (leg raises (dont go below 60 degrees and contract as much as possible) supersetted w. frog crunches supersetted w. russian twists)

Day 2:
3x8 Cable rows
3x10 Lat pulldowns
3x10 DB curls
3x15-15-15 Abs

Day 3:
3x8 Overhead shoulder press
3x10 DB lateral raises
3x8 Reverse lunges
3x15-15-15 Abs

>> No.11619068

Greyskull LP.
SS is for making you strong for sports, not for /fa/

>> No.11619735

normal upper body workouts and only do legs once a week at a light weight.

>> No.11619742

lift hard and eat clean. burn fat while building mass.

>> No.11619743

he said boxing

>> No.11619821

no, this guys wrong. Don't do this, please

>> No.11620981

I don't have a gym close by and live in a small ass room. I picked up a bunch of used dumbbells on ebay / walmart and do some sets of overhead press / curls / deadlift / squats every couple hours

for people with very little space / money I think this is a good way to go (or you could do the body weight shit too but I find that much more boring)

>> No.11620991

>overhead press / curls / deadlift / squats every couple hours
you have no idea what you´re doing, i can see

>> No.11621218
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>started lifting with full body lifts
>stretch marks appearing on thighs and now arms

Why didn't know one say anyhting about these? what the fuck can I do?

>> No.11621725

you're retarded if you didn't know that you could do those with dumbbells

>> No.11621747

No he's fucking right

How the hell are you gonna fit fuckhuge quads/glutes into any sort of respectable bottom

>> No.11621784

Nothing really. They'll fade with time.

>> No.11621804

here´s your (You)

>> No.11622527
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kazuya/10 don't neglect those volcano high dives

>> No.11622591

You should be proud. I get red stretch marks all the time. It meansifting is working.

>> No.11622608
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I read that to look like this Pitt just did shoulders and arms. I feel like this is an /fa/ body because you're skinny rather than bulky but u still look good shirtless

>> No.11622640

okay, good for you

>> No.11622725
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>mfw the majority of /fa/ are weaklings who I could destroy easily

I'm going to stop buying clothing and just start mugging you people. 2easy

>> No.11622746

well, these people go for /thinspo/ bodytypes, so how are you surprised?
also, don´t act like you aren´t on this board right now

>> No.11622785
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PHAT Workout Routine

>> No.11622802

Lmao I'd rather be skinny and attractive than fat and ugly.

>> No.11622810

nothing better than going for a 2 to 3 hour bike ride on the weekend and having a huge pizza afterwards

>> No.11622826

>squatting in smith machine
am i being meme'd?

>> No.11622841

Easy, if you feel your legs working, don't do those things. If you feel your chest working, do those things.

>> No.11622863
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Lift weights you stupid fucking sperg
Muscles don't suddenly explode overnight and you'll never be able to wear jeans again

>> No.11622864

The Brad Pitt Fight Club body would literally take a skeleton a little less than 6 months to achieve. The only thing noteworthy is the BF percentage. The actual exercise routine isn't even that taxing...

>> No.11622957

I kek'd

>> No.11623255


>> No.11623322

you want to get big, just do water polo or rowing

>> No.11623355

>Other than cutting
Did one day you just decide to find out what your intestines looked like?

>> No.11623399

>Skinny jeans look like shit. Slim tapered only.
>Lifting full body is the only way to look good
>Set a goal for thigh girth and once you get to ideal size, do not continue to add weight on squats (mine is around 185lbs for 5x5)
>Deadlift, back exercises, and compound lifts will improve your posture (bad posture is the #1 way to look bad, no matter what you're wearing).
>"ideal" BMI always looks better than too skinny or too big (I'm 5'10 and I look best around 155lbs)

>Don't size down on jeans, TTS
>Do size up on shirts
>Built guys who buy tight shirts to show off their muscles end up looking bottom heavy and have a goofy silhouette

>> No.11623735

>I'm a newfag who doesn't know how to check IP's

>> No.11623744

this t b h

>> No.11624014
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this guy is my goal

>> No.11624026

not enough v taper otherwise bretty gud

>> No.11624051
File: 120 KB, 737x600, 737px-Bellows_George_Dempsey_and_Firpo_1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I box four to five times a week and work as bricklayer and am slowly noticing heaps more muscle mass.

eating like a fuckin animal and am gaining weight it's sick
Probably just box and do alot of bodyweight excercise and you'll get really fit.

>> No.11624064

Anyone can literally achieve this in under 6 months lmao

>> No.11624071

>tfw trying boxing but keep fucking up my feet coordination
Any tips?

>> No.11624105

Not that guy, but maybe you'll find this helpful: had same problem and it seems like jump rope helped me a lot.

>> No.11624116

skipping will get you there first up, get you used to moving your feet etc etc. IF you know how to move in stance practice doing it real slow. prettymuch shadowbox slowly and skip

basic should be like, moving forwards, backwards, left and right while staying in stance and facing the same way

when you're more confident do stuff like this
which is really good and pretty simple once you get it

theres heaps of stuff online man just practice practice practice and you'll be fine best of luck

>> No.11624125

>tfw could only jumprope backward
Ok thanks m8

>> No.11624295


>> No.11624301


>> No.11624738

If you're starting from nothing, the OBJECTIVELY best answer is just to get a $25 door mounted pull-up bar and do that and pushups (look up scooby on youtube).

This isn't /fit/ approved lift-mode, and you'll plateau quickly, but it is *realistic* and *convenient*, and it's what you asked for. Once you get past noob gains (10-20 pounds of lean muscle mass) you can reassess how you look and if you want to go further go do 5x5 or whatever.

>> No.11625601

>Gotta eat big to get big, cmon!
>Squats and Oats
>Glutes for the sloots

>> No.11625635

are you smaller or bigger than this?

>> No.11625828

I found that body weight workouts, especially if outside in the head of summer, are really efficient and effective. That and running.

Best done with a friend for added motivation and challenge.

>> No.11627119

i´m not gonna let this pass without a (You), fellow /fit/izen

>> No.11627189

You could also buy highllettes and do dips and hand stand push ups and planche, etc. Also elastic bands could be used for different exercises.

>> No.11627211

i´m gonna shill a little bit here. the buff dudes are a fitness channel i enjoy very much, they have two home workout vids
not the best, but a few very good beginners tips for people who don´t have a gym membership (what ever your reason for this is)

>> No.11627247
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>tfw bony to the max
>tfw cant gain weight
>tfw fight club tyler is literally the most fa body type

>> No.11627270

>cant gain weight
your nutrition is shit. you must be willing to eat things that are high in calories, even if they are not healthy. a bag of nuts a day? that´s 800 - 1000 kcals. you can span that through the day without even noticing it, it´s not even expensive.
there is help for you, you just don´t know it , yet

>> No.11627282

>Eating 800-1000cal in nuts

Nigger what the fuck. The easiest way to get 800-1000 calories is a protein smoothie with peanut butter. You gotta drink them calories, shit's easy.

>> No.11627294

>peanut butter
oh yeah, i forgot about that in my post. it´s god´s gift for people who want to gain weight. mix 100g of that in any smoothie/ protein shake/ whatever you´re gonna drink, and you´re golden!

>> No.11627336

oh, and also! like that anon said, drinking your calories is easier than eating them. you don´t get a full stomach and it´s faster absorbed than "hard" food. just drink your calories, man!

>> No.11627369

k thanks ill look into some ways to do that, is it good to use whey protein powder for shakes or just sticking to regular fruits + peanut butter. Also will coconut oil help?

>> No.11627401

>is it good to use whey protein powder for shakes
if you can´t get enough protein through your regular diet/ nutrition plan, go for it. on my training days, i go for two scoops, just to be on the safe side.
coconut oil? if you eat right, there is no need for these meme foods. it all depends on your died.
now this is very important! your died should be right if you want to make gains in any sports. it seems like you´re new to this. there is no perfect meal plan which will cover everyone´s needs. it will take some weeks until you know what is right for you. your body may have some issues with some foods, who knows. but there are things that are good for most people. just remember, training is half your workout, half your nutrition. don´t give up

>> No.11627406

*diet, not died. sorry, am a bit drunk. also, i´m gonna skydive tomorrow for the first time, wish me luck

>> No.11627421

Thanks for the gain info, its just that I needed real info because I was working manual labor during the summer and now im gonna get these gains up. Unfortunetaly i dont have a gym membership or the right weights but all i got is 2 dumb bells and a barbell that isnt the type in gyms but like walmart either way im gonna try to exercise every body part for starter and maybe get a membership at a gym, also best of luck to you it sounds like your living a fun life as opposed to me

>> No.11627469

>it sounds like your living a fun life as opposed to me
don´t get fooled by dudes on the internet. that jump tomorrow is the most awesome thing i´ve done in years, it was a gift from my siblings for my birthday. my life is pretty boring. i´m gonna get my engineering degree this year, it´s a bachelor of science. that shit took my 9 years and i feel like a loser because of that long time. the last years have been a struggle because i´m working at McD just to pay the rent, i have no live whatsoever. haven´t been laid in 5+ years, i only go out once a month with a few buddies i´ve known since highschool. i really hate my live as it is right now and i really hope it will change in the next few months once i get my degree and quit my job. really, i´m truely unhappy in the very moment i wake up every day
//blog over

>> No.11628342
File: 50 KB, 529x735, pietro-attitude3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall niggers realize most all celebrities you gawk at have highly developed physiques right? Cool on you if you like those skinny obscure male models only but you're just hurting yourself if you don't work out like 5 times a week.

Squatting isn't going to fuck up they way skinny jeans fit you. You will just have to buy jeans which aren't as skinny. maybe slim fits. even then they'll still be "skinny", stretching out over your nicely developed quads and nice firm ass. You don't have to worry about becoming some Rich Piana looking freak unless you're shooting up Trenbolone and IGF every day.

You will only benefit from lifting.

>> No.11628366


Me again. If anyone's interested, just go to /fit/ and read the sticky.

If you want to start, you will be OK doing something like Starting Strength, or Stronglifts for your first year, but after that you should move on to more advanced routines such as Linear Periodization.

Most of all, something many of you will find interesting im sure, is that proper nutrition and diet along with exercise WILL IMPROVE YOUR COMPLEXION AND HAIR.

>> No.11628435

not fashion


>> No.11628472
File: 43 KB, 798x500, Screen-Shot-2016-05-02-at-2.42.33-PM.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>caring about your physical appearance, complexion, hair health
>not fashion


>> No.11628483

w2c thoose boots??

>> No.11628566

>Fell for the exercising meme

Just eat 1 meal a day and stand up for 30 seconds every two minutes. As long as your heart beats you'll be burning those calories.

>> No.11628611

So recently I've been trying out a calisthenics workout a friend rec'd me and experimenting with other stuff.
my goal has been to try and attain this kind of body >>11624014
I'm having a hard time sliming down my legs though, specifically my calves and thighs, my main focus right now is on my thighs though.
I've heard conflicting things on how to slim them down with some places telling me stuff like squats and sprinting will either make them bigger or smaller.
Can anyone give me a clear direction on what I should do to slim down? Thanks.

>> No.11628664


Yea, don't eat and sit down all day. You'll also fuck up your metabolism, increase your risk of cancer, ruin your skin and your hair will fall out. You'll probably look like absolute death by 35 and will probably die by 50.

>> No.11628667

atleast u got laid, besides your sure life ought to turn out better afterwards

>> No.11628677

your body looks perfect man. every single article of clothing would look good on this type of body.

not sure what exactly your goal is but to me you look really really good

>> No.11630096

Monday: 90 min run
Tuesday: 90 min run
Wednesday: 120 min run
Thursday: 120 min run
Friday: 90 min run
Saturday: 26 mile practice Marathon
Sunday: 60 min water aerobics

sometimes my coach changes it, but its pretty standard for this time of the year, when spring classes start we switch to faster pace 90min days all week. although I run for my uni and you fags just wanna look good to get bitches so its very different.

>> No.11630206

>runs every day
>marathon every saturday

what the fuck how can you have functioning knees

>> No.11630243

Sprint paddling

>> No.11630280

I stretch well, and eat a healthy diet. I rarely get knee pains.

If put good energy in you get good energy out.

>> No.11630292

if i worked out, id end up with something like this i believe, just a toned version of what i am currently. is there a good regime for this kind of result, or somewhere to read up on it? i am totally new to anything like this but will be joining a gym in a couple weeks

>> No.11630293


you will have huge knee problems by your mid 30s, I hope you enjoy your hobby while you can.

>> No.11630637

Overhead deadlifts

>> No.11630681

not him but I'm a little bigger.5'10" about 130-135 pounds. any advice?

>> No.11631190

how about you read the thread before replying?

>> No.11631364

I've skimmed through this and didn't see it, but starting body weight is a great program.
