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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 216 KB, 915x678, ZOH0T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11598813 No.11598813 [Reply] [Original]

What are some no-no's for manlets /fa/?

I've got a swimmers physique, but I'm only 5'7.

What are some things to do to avoid looking shorter? I avoid cuffing, hi-tops and goob ninja already.

>> No.11598854

Manlet checking in. The only thing you can do is proportions. Nothing's worse than a manlet sagging pants or wearing oversized t-shirts.

Get thinner and wear high-raise pants.

>> No.11598858

Just dress like Frodo does in Wilfred. It's the only option.

>> No.11599019

I swear this chart just keeps getting worse... 5"11 checking in not manlet but is there anything I should avoid? Isn't 5"11 meant to be the perfect height when you take meme charts out of the equation?

>> No.11599095

Just shut the fuck up you autsit

>> No.11599110

It's the perfect female height imo.

>> No.11599230

Wear high-rise pants and shit that fit perfectly.

>> No.11599235
File: 143 KB, 600x750, Manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11599240

Go outside pls

>> No.11599913
File: 63 KB, 114x311, ss+(2016-08-06+at+11.38.41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If manlets want to achieve the oversized t-shirt look, we can wear high waisted jeans, with a normal t-shirt, and then a cropped layer like a hoodie or jacket above it. The t-shirt will look oversized but the legs will remain a normal length.

Actually, you can look a lot of k-pop styling for inspiration, not just pic related: they're very good at making mainstream trends look normal on manlets.

>> No.11600014


>> No.11600023

don't consider myself short and never had to do anything fashion wise different than any other people because it looks the same on me

>> No.11600026

Me too but it feels like most t-shirts I buy go down too far over the crotch.

Any in particular that you buy?

>> No.11600041

Who is that? Also, do you have the video?

>> No.11600043

j-crew broken in slim

>> No.11600097
File: 121 KB, 790x792, Man-streetwear-justin-bieber-T-font-b-shirts-b-font-urban-Clothing-Kanye-plain-white-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way for a 5'6" manlet to pull off a boxy t-shirt? kinda like a Yeezy s1

>> No.11600105

cuffing makes you look taller.. lol

>> No.11600363

How's life in Norswedefineckylsteinia?

>> No.11600371

>never considered myself short
Nigga im 5 10 and i feel short

>> No.11600373

Wtf is this meme chart? I'm 5'9" and I rarely see girls taller than me. Also I thought it was obvious you should go for shorter girls anyways?

>> No.11600379

No, it will look like a hand me down and that style is garbage anyway

>> No.11600383
File: 51 KB, 985x782, 737839e30f9d2e0e01ffc33893af8a07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taeyang. His height is somewhere between 5'4 and 5'8, hard to say because he often wears shoe inserts.


Lots of manlet inspo in there, everyone except the blonde one is 5'9 or shorter.

>tfw you got baited by the meme chart

>> No.11600398


>> No.11600399

Don't listen to this idiotic chart made by /r9k/ & /fit/ faggots who are insecure of themselves, the only thing these idiotic autsts give a fuck about height is the number and how well it sounds. If you're 5'11, theres no difference in lifestyle from 6'0 just the fact that your 1 inch from 6'0 same as if you're 5'6 and 5'7 etc.

Don't be insecure to the height meme, it's just a 4chan meme

>> No.11600415


>> No.11600444

lmao, 5'7" is the true cut off

any shorter than that and you're pretty well fucked

unless you're gay, twinks need not apply

>> No.11600503
File: 207 KB, 480x480, IMG_-n0ygij.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, can't believe I didn't recognized Taeyang, probably because it's the first time I see him with his hair down. Thanks for the video/tips.

Yeah sure, I don't like that streetwear hypebeast style either but those t-shirts look really good on comfycore and palewave fits

>> No.11600656

Sauce on pic? I swear I saw that artist's tumblr on here a while back.

>> No.11600684

butthurt manlet detected

>> No.11600708

I got it from Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BG64E3iwoOZ/

His/her tumblr is refinedacne.tumblr.com

>> No.11600711
File: 958 KB, 1347x885, 1469582553919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11600741

no one wants to acheive that look

>> No.11600792

Thanks m8

>> No.11601189

I only wish I was a little taller so my pants didn't need to be hemmed

>> No.11601625

this chart is the original version though

>> No.11601636

kek, the original chart was surely made by a lanklet trying to get manlets mad and this one is the proof that he was successful

>> No.11601656

I'm 6'3" and I feel like all guys are as tall as me and I kinda want to be taller. my girlfriend was 5'7" and that was like child size. dunno

>> No.11601729

Video is fake because he isn't topless

>> No.11601847

>in the US
There's your problem

>> No.11601861


>I feel

Someone of your equal height will look 6'5"/6'6", because you look from your eyes (middle of head), to the top of their head.

I'm 6ft and felt like I huge manlet and thought everyone was taller than me, then I realised I was just retarded.

>> No.11602444
File: 46 KB, 410x921, heels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear heels :v

>> No.11603281 [DELETED] 

Post more BTS a n y t i m e

>> No.11603293
File: 77 KB, 450x608, Taeyang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taeyang is around 1.65m, no-one in Big Bang wears shoelifts besides TOP and sometimes Seungri. Taeyang also has fenomenal body proportions for his height.

>> No.11603464

source? I don't see why they wouldn't wear shoelifts, considering it's so widespread and acceptable in k-pop. also, TOP and Seungri are on the taller end (relative to other idols), why would they wear shoelifts rather than Taeyang or GD who are shorter?

>> No.11603487


>> No.11604579

SKINNY SUITS, SKINNY SUITS. You'll look like a stunted carrot or chode if you wear skinny suits as a manlet. Wide shoulders make skinny pants look worse. Just don't wear skinny pants, makes you look even smaller and more comical.

>> No.11604612

Lmao, it is the opposite of good advice

Looking like a battle dwarf is comical and being thin elongates the look of your limbs and therefore your body. Short and stocky looks stupid as hell.

>> No.11604620

I look at shoulder height in reference to my own to determine height.

That said sometimes from a distance a guy looks big and then I realize that I'm the exact same size and underestimate just how much larger I am than average.

>> No.11604623

Everything in this post is the opposite of whats correct

>> No.11605171

>tfw 6'3 with good face, good fashion sense, and lift, but deep down I know I'm just trying to compensate for my autism

>> No.11605183

good advice if you want to look like the from the back guy

>> No.11606034

I'm 5'4" and I tend to float around 115 lbs to 124 lbs depending on my diet. Is there any hope for me in this world of giants?

>> No.11606294

Cmon man really

>> No.11606299

No don't do oversized or drapey if your short
You'll look like your wearing your boyfriends clothes

>> No.11608206

kek found the manlet

>> No.11608250

5'4 gang