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/fa/ - Fashion

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11593667 No.11593667 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw not fat but man tits and big thighs
its literally impossible to /fa/ and I have no time to exercise

fuck fFUCKCKCK f c

>> No.11593675

yk what, never mind

Im going outside right now for a cheeky jog, I'm sick of sitting here and doing nothing about my pathetic state

wish me luck /fa/, i havent ran in two years

>> No.11593688

Good luck!

>> No.11593696

don't die, fatass!

>> No.11593698

i bet you are fat too though
you need to check you caloric intake. try not to gobble more than 1500/day. stay away from fat and sugar. check the BMI calc bf% etc

>> No.11593704

So once you become normal or ever so slightly below normal BMI. Start doing knee pushups, if you n ever done pushups before. Your bitch tits will be fixed in an month with minimal effort. And you will soon be able to do proper pushups.
Then you buy a bench press. Do a couple sets a couple times a week to maintain the form. No biggie. No effort.
And dont forget those legs.

>> No.11593708

5'10 165

I'm still here cuz I was getting dressed and ordering a shirt

leaving now

my bmi isnt overweight, its like 23 or something I think. and ok, thanks

>> No.11593709

>12% bodyfat
> extremely noticeable puffy nipples and woman-like hip bones

When will it end

>> No.11593712

You can do it anon, you just need motivation.

>> No.11593723

are you me?
i'm 6'2" and 15% Bf but still have epic woman tier body

>> No.11593731
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1447950973431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making excuses, bitch ass nigga. No pain, no gain.

>> No.11593790

Can you not eat. It takes no extra time to eat less

>> No.11593805

>not eat
>get even fatter instantly

crude bait

>> No.11593881

160 lbs and 6' fat thighs anyone have an /fa/ workout plan where u work ur upperbody and skip legs to balance the pear shape

>> No.11594452

what are some basic exercises that will take me out of skinnyfat mode?
i cant afford any gym equipment/memberships, so i need some shit i can do at home that'll get me in better shape

>> No.11594458

With these two, how can I slim down thigh muscle?

>> No.11594501

Was skinnyfat, getting leaner though

Intermittent fasting, bike for 30 minutes or run for 7 minutes, eat a low carb, low dairy diet. Eat a lot of protein. Every other day do a routine of 20 minutes of stretching followed by calistethic exercises. You can look up the basic ones, their are a bunch of routines that spoon feed you all the hard shit. After 3 weeks of doing this with swimming in the off days I got really lean and quite strong.

>> No.11594508

>no time for exercise
>but have time to groom and care for fashion


>> No.11594524

I feel for you OP. Just force yourself to exercise once throughout the week and twice on the weekends and it will become part of your routine in time.

>> No.11594690

pics p pls

>> No.11594899
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, vox exercise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11594907

Just eat at your TDEE you mong. Exercise has nothing to do with calories in; just admit that your food habits are shit enough to extend over your calories out, which doesn't need to be in starvation for someone with "no time" (so I'm assuming you're not entirely sedentary.)

>> No.11594909

23 is not overweight. You start being overweight at 25. Source: I'm at 29, was at 36 3 months ago.

>> No.11594912

Kleinefelter syndrome. Look it up.

On a more on-topic note: how can you niggas spend so much time, effort and money on looking good, but only focus this shit on clothes?
Normal people realize clothing is just ornaments on your body, and focus on both clothes and body. Hit up /fit/.

>> No.11595069 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 592x444, Klinefelter-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kleinefelter syndrome
Kinda but not really. I'm a manlet, normal penis size

>> No.11595075

Yeah, all those starving Africans are land whales.

>> No.11595079
File: 53 KB, 638x479, klinefelter-syndrome-hrb-4-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kleinefelter syndrome
Kinda, but not really. I am a manlet, bald, normal balls size.

Matching: shape, low IQ, gyno, thin pubes