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11580594 No.11580594 [Reply] [Original]

>"oh anon you dress like such a hipster"

>> No.11580606

What does hipster even mean anymore? It just became a broad term for anyone in their late teens to early thirties who dresses in an unconventional manner.

>> No.11580616
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>dresses in an unconventional manner
lol what

hipster is basically your MFA type, someone who thinks they dress cool, but are in fact like everyone else

>> No.11580619
File: 154 KB, 1461x821, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hipster used to mean someone original, but it has long stopped meaning that. probly 8-9 years

>> No.11580624

I find the American hipster way more tolerable

>> No.11580625

>just wearing a denim jacket with a striped tee
>"you dress like a hipster!"
>cuffed/pinrolled jeans
>"you're such a hipster anon"
people use the word hipster for everything i swear

>> No.11580658

>literally only dress in James Dean-core (White shirt, jeans, occasionally a jacket)
>Anon, you're such a hipster, I wish I could be as fashionable as you
Why are normies such shit

>> No.11580681

Unless you dress like a slob, you will probably be told you dress like a hipster by someone.

>> No.11580690

It's the only word normies know when they see a non-normie

>> No.11580696

If you dress nice, have strange interests, and seem hetero you're a hipster

>> No.11580697

Eh, I've only been told that I dress as hipster in positive situations when perhaps a more fitting word might be interesting or unique.

>> No.11580704
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>grow up in rural arkansas
>start wearing skinny jeans in 9th grade
>immediately everyone started asking "Not that it bothers me, but I have to know...are you gay?"

>> No.11580719

Not even that, it became the buzzword that sperglords that dress in a cumstained deadpool tee and baggy jeans use to describe anyone that tries to dress decently/basic fashion.

This hits too close to home.

>> No.11580726

>started wearing skinny jeans around 9th
>ppl asking my gf "is he able to fit into your jeans?"

>> No.11580755

I too dislike the term because the connotation of your tastes being dis-genuine, and for sake of having a 'hip' persona. But in reality it is just the person being self-conscious for their lack of taste.

And if you actually talk to them about why they used the term, they'll usually admit it was meant as a compliment.

>> No.11580785

This is true. People from my school always tell me I'm the most hipster-ish person they know and mean it in a genuinely nice way. I think they're just saying that they appreciate when people aren't trend-hopping sheep. People that try to be hipsters are often just emulating art or music majors, and secondhand individuality is very transparent.

>> No.11580789


This is basically true, certainly in Western Europe

>> No.11580826

don't act like you're not lowkey flattered when normies tell you that

>> No.11580868

okay maybe a little :3

>> No.11581207

James Dean core.is so.cool, plain white tees are underrated so much

>> No.11581217

>tfw u like being called hipster


>> No.11581250

>tfw get called a hipster for wearing a flannel shirt
Why can't I just enjoy a comfy shirt anymore

>> No.11581267
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flannel is super comfy, I love wearing it
>tfw its a meme

>> No.11582130
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this is what someone buttmad would post but its pretty true

>> No.11582135

This desu

>> No.11582202

w2c european hipster qt?

>> No.11582212

What kind of backwards places do you guys live? I haven't heard the word "hipster" in nearly 10 years

>> No.11582229

Anywhere that basically isn't Williamsburg is still in the grips of "hipster this, and hipster that." The only reason Williamsburg isn't inundated in the same way is because, first, it's been tragically unhip for a decade now, and second, everyone got tired of using the word there in 2002.

>> No.11582237
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>spending enough time with another human being for them to think that its acceptable to casually comment on the way you dress

>> No.11582399

>"anon, why are you wearing eleven jackets?"

fucking normies, am I right guys?

>> No.11582457

I live in the northeast, where if you arnt dressed full prep you're either a bum in athletic wear or a hipster

>> No.11582466
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>> No.11582915

I don't know what it was but throughout highschool ed nearly everyone I knew, even teachers, referred to me as a hipster. Most people ant it as a term of endearment but I got a few "hipster trash" remarks. All because I cuffed my pants and wore flannels. I guess I was flattered though.

>> No.11583555

>be canadian
>in texas
Shit's second nature