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11580470 No.11580470 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ feels about President Trump forcing American brands and retailers not to use sweatshops anymore?
This would likely result in higher quality and more expensive clothes at most stores.

Also post Ivanka Trump

>> No.11580497
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I just want less mudslimes desu
(arabs are fine there is a difference)

>> No.11580528

>arabs are fine

They are fine in their part of the world and we can trade with them but their proliferation in any western society is an existential threat.

>> No.11580538

im not under the leftist hallucination that islam poses no threat but what threat do "Arabs" pose in and of themselves? islam has done quite a persavive job of shaping their culture so maybe that's what you're referring to

Also I'll admit that this has nothing to do with fashion

>> No.11580543

first nike getting BTFO from adidas and now trump?

Nowthey''ll never recover

>> No.11580545

I've got a few nice things from American Apparel in the past, but I'm pretty sure that stuff is just made in sweatshops my Mexicans domestically regardless.

I have a pretty sparse wardrobe, and would be willing to pay for American made products. That being said I know atleast 85% of the population will be flipping out when they realize that that means they will be paying more for their stupid fuccboi shit

>> No.11580550
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>> No.11580580
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>this is where most of /fa/ gets their clothes

>> No.11580585

Non sweatshop clothing is ON AVERAGE nicer looking and feeling and a hell of a lot more expensive. Worth it if you can afford it.

>> No.11580618
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>> No.11580620
File: 66 KB, 662x456, Ivanka-Trump:-J-Mendel-NY-Fashion-Show-2014--12-662x456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11580635


>clothes more expensive
>poorer people impoverished
>chinese peasants out of jobs

wow what a good idea

>> No.11580645

Non-sweatshop American-made clothing already exists, it's just that cuckservatives are cheap cunts that refuse to invest in American manufacturing, going "I ain't payin' no $700 fer Rogue Territory jeans when I can buy a 200 pack at dah Costco fer $2.99"

And yet they wonder why everything is made cheaply in China/Southeast Asia

>> No.11580650

/pol/ go back to your containment board

>> No.11580776


>clothes more expensive
there will be a better wage and lower taxes under Trump so that doesn't matter

>> No.11580779

This is what republicucks actually believe

>> No.11580788

China could actually step up its game due to more competition, and pay a living wage to its employees.
They wouldn't be 'sweat'shops anymore, they would be workshops

>> No.11580793

>implying lower taxes wouldn't effectively give you more spending money

>> No.11580804

>higher quality
In order to make clothes as profitable as before, wouldn't you make american workers pump out more clothes faster in order to make up for their increased pay, resulting in a decrease in quality? People aren't going to want to pay more for their shitty clothes. Besides, the majority of the workforce is going to be mexican immigrants who are willing to work shit hours for minimum wage. Also, none of that matters in the future when cheap t-shirts and jeans manufacturing is completely automated.

>> No.11580808

That's why you only see this from artisanal or luxury brands.

>> No.11580818

So basically what you're doing is, instead of giving your hard-earned cash to the government to spend on important services, you'll be spending that money on more expensive goods? So basically you're just channelling more of your money directly to large corporations.

Oh, right, they'll distribute their increased profits to their workers. Yup. Definitely.

>> No.11580837

Instead of letting the market decide if people want to pay more for american-made goods, you're going to let the government have even more control over how you run your business? I thought Trump-supporters were against big government.

>> No.11580838

trump supporters btfo

>> No.11580841

They don't know what they're for

>> No.11580842


His own products are made in sweatshops, this is nothing more than bait for unhappy poor white people whose jobs are never coming back

Actually most of our tax money goes to healthcare and social security, so you're basically paying taxes to take care of fat and unhealthy people. And old people who have stopped working. That's the real reason to hate them, they are the ones preventing us from making America great again

>> No.11580851

Kill all the fat people, smokers, drug addicts and people above the age of 70. Also we should have IQ tests in school and everybody below 85 should be euthanized. Make the human race great again!

>> No.11580980
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it would be illegal to not pay american workers at least minimum wage though.
>buying clothes from big corporations

>> No.11580983

>Kill all smokers, drug addicts
/fa/ btfo
>have IQ tests in school and everybody below 85 should be euthanized
/pol/ btfo

>> No.11580986


>> No.11581166

coptic arabs are nice. the problem is islam, not arabs

>> No.11581192

>sympathy for peasants

>> No.11581202

as someone in the industry, lol
everyone is just gonna produce in china and vietnam and shit
obama tried getting nike to bring production to the US with promises of tax exemptions and such, so nike is
but they're creating an automated (3d printed) factory for sneakers
it's just gonna be the same shit

>> No.11581424
File: 31 KB, 652x367, IvankaTrump-AP_806693681554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end robot manufacturing
make america work again!

>> No.11581437

This will never happen even if Trump is elected, so I am not worried.

>> No.11581464

Post yfw automated factories finally function without the use of labor (Besides skilled engineers for repairs) and the only jobs left for low IQs are making food and stocking shelves

>> No.11581467

Companies already can't use sweatshops legally. That's why they privately contract an order to a third company in another country who then gets the order produced by a sweatshop and then ships it back to the American company.

>> No.11581546

I don't see why fast food couldn't be automated in the future, and with internet shopping on the rise, not to mention drone deliveries...
Our workload, and as such available jobs, will inevitably decrease in the future, so we really should start getting our economy ready for that in order to adapt easier. Hanging on to an antiquated system is only going to hurt us in the long run.

>> No.11581923
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>> No.11581927
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>> No.11581949

How can he force the companies to do anything? The US isn't a dictatorship, at least not yet.

>> No.11581986

increase taxes on foreign incomes so that it costs more to run a sweatshop at 5cents a day, rather than the US living wage.

>> No.11582008

>How can he force the companies to do anything? The US isn't a dictatorship, at least not yet.

We could actually use a foreign-reaching statute to effect good change in foreign countries, albeit not without domestic consequences. Case in point, if we made it a felony for a company or officer of a U.S. company to engage the use of underage/slave labor and provided the right investigatory mechanisms for the DOJ or some other agency, we could effectively nuke a multitude of such factories abroad. We could probably make the statute something like the FCPA (https://www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/foreign-corrupt-practices-act))

Problem is, that may not be the ~best~ option. Doing so would instantly crank the price of most goods up overnight and suddenly dry up the income of a lot of already struggling people in developing nations. Child/slave/low-wage labor is awful, but the alternative (abject poverty or lower forms of employment) is arguably worse. A lot of professors have argued that we're better letting the situation remain as-is and hoping that the countries develop enough to make such labor no longer necessary, but I'm not sure if I agree that'll ever happen.

>> No.11582009

hnnnnng Ivanka can get it

>> No.11582240

Fine with me, I would be willing to pay more if that meant Americans made it and that our economy was so reliant on foreign labor.

>> No.11582245

>This would likely result in higher quality and more expensive clothes at most stores.
More expensive yes, but not higher quality in almost all circumstances. That said, Trump absolutely cannot affect the industry like this.

>> No.11582250

That's where all of America gets its clothing.