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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 11 KB, 231x218, beardmullet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11569445 No.11569445 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, really makes you think.

>> No.11569448

Wow it really does! Can I share this with my Facebook friends? :)

>> No.11569466
File: 26 KB, 238x212, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He saved the thumbnail

>> No.11569717

This image is guaranteed to be pulled from a conservative Facebook friends shitpost

>> No.11570049

Guy on the right will look current as fuck in about 3 years

>> No.11570090

the only mistake is the mullet

>> No.11570127

People misinterpret this image a lot

The joke is that both hairstyles are garbage. Both guys have facial hair that is on point, but the image has nothing to do with that. It's just about hairstyles.

>> No.11570188 [DELETED] 

guy on the right looks top knotch

>> No.11570232

this just isnt true, the mullet was always horrible and always will be. The other modern hairstyle has been done before in the past and just resurfaced, it will die again and come back again. The mullet was just a random 80's fluke

>> No.11571954

yeah but the manly man undercut + beard combo has always been cringe aswell. ofc there have been some first movers who pulled it off, but the same goes for the mullet

>> No.11572083

for some reason I laughed my ass off at this

>> No.11572221

The hipster undercut with beard will never be remembered as fondly as the mullet

>> No.11572240

I don't see how, the undercut is pretty timeless tbqh. Beards will go in and out though.

>> No.11572257
File: 32 KB, 600x450, messy-short-hair-with-beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP isn't too bad. I think it's more pic related that will be full-on look back and cringe (if you're not already).

>> No.11572273

people in this thread are so insecure that they're actually getting triggered by something their retarded cousin would post

>> No.11572274

OPs pic is much worse

>> No.11572294


these are both tryhard and cringeworthy already

>> No.11572577

True enough. I was indeed compelled to to contemplate

>> No.11572686

Mullet will come back in a more modern version

>> No.11572965

the people in this thread are the retarded cousins

>> No.11572971

for some reason after reading this I laughed my ass off

>> No.11572976

>undercut is cringy

Fuck you degenerate scum. Hitler youth is not cringy.

>> No.11573030


how does one misinterpret this image? are they retarded?

>> No.11573089

literally laughed after reading this last post

>> No.11573113

Congrats on your meme cut. Literally the only people that like HY are homosexuals on reddit

>> No.11573132


is right

if you have an undercut youve completely failed at being /pol/

>> No.11574144

but beards have always been worn by different types of people. A beard isn't bad, it's the douchebag attitude that comes with it that triggers people that are too immature to just ignore it

anyways, so what if it's a "trend" that will fall away to another trend. Instead of being the outsider why not embrace it and move on

>> No.11574272

What about mullet+beard and undercut+stache?

>> No.11574313

This post actually made me laugh so hard I rolled on the floor laughing.

>> No.11574868

but it already is

>> No.11574874

that is true patrician.
big beards on feminine men (the entirety of /fa/ and the guy in the OP) are fucking awful.

i bet hitler youth + mustache (like OP, not nu-male mustache) would be effayaf

>> No.11575261

Mullets are good though mates