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11568117 No.11568117 [Reply] [Original]

No long hair general in the catalog so let's make one. I have a question: At what point while trying to get long hair do you get a hair cut?

Currently my hair has grown pretty long (1 year+) but it's pretty savage. Is it worth getting a haircut in the process of getting good length or should you just get to that length at all cost?

Bless brothers.

>> No.11568281

When your hair gets uneven its handy to equal it by the hairdresser

>> No.11568317

What should i do if when i grow my hair long it looks like crap because my hair is too dense?
I dont want to have the normie undercut.

>> No.11568951


some advice:

-cut 1/2 an inch every two months to avoid split ends, bu go to a hair dresser. don't just blunt cut, looks terrible. no layers for guys though either. your hairdresser will know what to do.
-don't shampoo every day
-buy high quality shampoo and condidtioners without sulfates or protein
-shampoo only your scalp - your hair needs natural oils, and you want some weight on the ends
-condition every other day
-rinse hair with cold water , pat dry, and let air dry - no hair dryer ever
-don't brush when wet
-don't brush with an actual brush, use a wide tooth comb

wish i would have known these things before i had a virgo girl in my life

>> No.11568959

Go to a salon, tell them you want it thinned out. If your hair texture is more like wool, there's nothing that will save you.

>> No.11568977

Growing mine out atm, idk if its damaged or really frizzy, its pretty curly but feels rough. A soon as wind gets it its fucked. I can tie it but my fringe hairs are about an inch off, What do /b/ ?

Also i dont wash it but i condition every day.

>> No.11568986

Thanks for this

>> No.11569020


no probs bro

learned this the hard way

if you don't allow your natural oils to keep your hair moisturized and treat your hair delicately it will end up broken and frizzy, which sucks.

i had to cut off about 9 inches due to this kind of damage.

>> No.11569087

About week ago I started to care about my hair, bought really good shampo and conditioner (used them twice so far and I'm pretty satisfied with the purchase).

My hair used to be really long and damaged so i cut it on monday and now it reaches my shoulders when dry (wavy hair). I used to tie it in a ponytail or a bun all the time, but now as my hair is way shorter I thought about trying different styles. Do you have any ideas what should I try?

>> No.11569102
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What conditioner are you using? I would say that every day is probably too much no matter the conditioner. Maybe try to find a more natural/high quality one.

You might want to just do nothing except water too it for a couple weeks or so and see if that makes a difference.

Thanks for starting this thread. With the summer heat and humidity I've been really thinking about going back to short hair. I just need to hold on until fall and then it will be cool and I won't mind the length.

Almost at 2 years without a cut myself and it seems like the section on the back of my head is a bit too long compared to the rest. I think I will try to get a trim soon.

Do you have any advice as to how to find a good hair dresser? I'm terribly afraid of going in and having too much trimmed off.

>> No.11569138

I'm not >>11568951 but I thought I might share my way on how to find a good barber. Ask friends or even random people that have good hairstyles about their barber and then do research in the internet, that's what I do, it works if you live in a big city.

>> No.11569298

Thanks, thats what I figured but I was wondering if there were specific things to ask for or look for. I suppose I assumed picking a hair dresser (for long hair) is more complicated somehow than picking a barber (for short hair).

>> No.11569309

>Do you have any advice as to how to find a good hair dresser? I'm terribly afraid of going in and having too much trimmed off.

Actually no sorry. I'm a guy, and don't like that shit. Fortunately my lady knows her shit because I would not be caught dead in a hair salon kek

>> No.11569341

Whats wrong with going to a hair salon? Are you not comfortable and confident enough in yourself?

>> No.11569348


It's womanly.

I am very confident in myself, and my hair is long because I play in several bands, but I'm not a woman.

Gotta draw the line somewhere.

>> No.11569377


Holly shit that fit is fucking fire as fuck!
Any more Johnny Depp pics from this era?
So ahead of the curve

>> No.11569406

Any tips for a good conditioner? I'm not using shampoo and it's working out fine.
Thought about using Mane 'n' Tail - anyone know if it's good?

>> No.11569436
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Is it ok to grow long hair if i have''roman nose" ?

>> No.11569457
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>I am very confident in myself

>> No.11569500
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>> No.11569503
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also, sorry for the leo

>> No.11569545


whatever buddy

not all of us who visit /fa/ or 4chan in general are sperged out like you

>> No.11569547


nordic nose master race reporting in

>> No.11569551


>> No.11569577

>my hair is long because a play in several bands


>> No.11569594
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Growing a lion's mane

>> No.11569618

my hair is almost this length. a little longer in the back. what should i do with it?

>> No.11569681
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>> No.11569684
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Here you go.
Why not go no-poo? I do it with amazing results. However you say that you use a wide tooth comb. Doing the no-poo yóu have to use the Boar Bristle Brush though. Is that bad?

>> No.11569706

Are Aussie conditioner and shampoo too bad?

>> No.11569713


no poo? no thanks.

I don't like having smelly greasy hair which is what happens when you don't shampoo.

Just shampooing scalp only is fine. Cleans the scalp without stripping oils from ends.

>> No.11569714

everything aussie is bad

>> No.11569718

my hair has natural fluff to it, but when I used to shampoo/condition every day it always ended up looking flat and oily

finally went no poo a couple years ago, at first I got really bad dandruff, but that wore off after a month or so and my hair has been much better since

never used hair product or blow dryers or anything of that nature, buy natural soaps, air dry, get a cut every couple months

feels good, good luck bros

>> No.11569741
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Hey OP I've been pondering the same as I've been growing for a long time without a trim. I have a wedding in Oct and I plan on getting trimmed before then but I'm not sure what I actually do. The back is a lot longer than the rest naturally. Not sure if I like even everything out or what. Do I just go in and ask for the Cobian?

>> No.11569751

I know what you're getting at with all this but the simple fact is not blow drying ever, even on cold is damn near fuckin impossible. Literally every girl out there with perfect hair does it so I think it's cool as long as you take measures to protect against heat w product. Secondly for someone with curly hair you have to come when wet. It's truly my only option. Even with a wide tooth comb

>> No.11569778

Hey Jon, how is it going in Winterfell?

>> No.11569814

You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Nopoo will not always make your hair smelly and greasy. And if it does that may be only a temporary condition after first stopping shampoo.

For some people nopoo is ideal, everyone should try it.

>> No.11570121

fucking beautiful hair
do u condition? it looks so healthy

>> No.11570272

how do you get your hair cut like this?
the sides and back of my hair are longer than the top and i want them to be the same length but not just a straight edge, more like this

>> No.11570294

wow the Roman nose is mine so much

>> No.11570310

nordic and im polish

>> No.11570368

Thank you, I condition pretty much every time I shampoo. Which is around 2 times a week

>> No.11570474
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Here is another. Same shirt different day :/, and side profile is recent. I should definitely cut it in the back right?

>> No.11570503
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wish i had your texture of hair man, looks good.

i have the same question as you

>> No.11570603

Thanks dude I think you're at a perfect length that pony is picturesque

>> No.11570676

goal hair

>> No.11570703
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>At what point while trying to get long hair do you get a hair cut

when you can step on it

>> No.11570710

>I should definitely cut it in the back right?

>> No.11570743


>> No.11570750
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>> No.11570864

Why'd you crop out your liddo feet?

>> No.11570882
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cropped them out because every time i post i get eiter

when it's just a weird perspective and i wear a size 11

also because my jeans are shit and way too baggy

>> No.11570901
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No offence homie, but boi or grill?

>> No.11570912
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>> No.11571250

dylan rieder

>> No.11571805

How to grow this hair the most efficient way? I have not washed it with shampoo for 3 weeks. I've just fondled my hair every time i went swimming, that is 3 times a day. In natural bodies of water.

>> No.11571886

Using schwarzkopf damage repair conditioner.

>> No.11572248
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Hair use to go down to my hips, now it is mid back.

>> No.11572256

Dont condition the whole hair (especially the scalp), just the ends, also shampoos and conditioners are mostly wax fillers.

>> No.11572277

Forgot to add many brands might contain 1.4 dioxane, a carcinogen.

>> No.11572312

When/if you ever swim in a swimming pool you should always wet your hair with cold water to prevent damage from the chemicals the cold water causes the hair to close up and not wick.

>> No.11572549

>calling someone a sperg but wont go to a salon because he deems it girly like its the 1950s or some shit
if you care about how your long hair looks youre already considerably girly, go to a salon and get some dope ass hair, insecure baby