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/fa/ - Fashion

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11567359 No.11567359 [Reply] [Original]

ugh 4chan deleted what i said and i dont feel like retyping it but basically what are you doing right now and what are your goals? school/work/training/etc

>> No.11567371

Maybe it was deleted, because it has nothing to do with fashion. Which just shows how terrible these janitors are, while there's posts talking about Pokemon and a thread of a NSFW OP picture.

>> No.11567373
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idk but post rihannas

>> No.11567443

no i accidentally deleted it by not posting it with a photo. fuck off losers

>> No.11567462

just dropped out of a fashion design program

trying to get back on my feet financially, working part time retail on the side

planning to set up my own studio for self study in fashion and design for a bit while experimenting with fashion related side businesses

trying to read as much books as i can, meditate, exercise, etc.

>> No.11567506
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Studying finance & economics

My goals for the time being are to get decent grades (Trying to get into the post-graduate program) and finish my album.

My biggest goal at the moment is to be financially stable. I don't work at the moment and it fucking sucks living in a shit hole being reduced to practically 1.5 meals a day.

At least I'm looking slim I guess?

>> No.11567677

Trying to get a job in any retail store but they won't fucking call me back...got any advice it's been weeks since I had a job. I applied at 5 different places and they haven't called me and the ones that did I did an interview but I don't actually get the job
>feel like shit

>> No.11567826

i actually bought this balenicga scarf thanks demna

>> No.11567943

Are you enjoying studying finance and economics? I was thinking of doing the same

>> No.11567945

Going to school for Computer Science and working part time.

I'm also working on myself in general, getting into dressing better, improving my social skills, getting /fit/, reading more, meditating.

Life's good.

>> No.11567984

When i started back in 2014 i wasn't cause I was a bit directionless, but now since I've had some time to ensure that it is the career I'm most passionate about I do.

For what it's worth I'd definitely recommend.

Also curious about this. Been turned down or just not called back by a number of places

>> No.11567996

In med school. Entered wanting to pursue a career in psychiatrics or neurology, but now I'm not so sure. Was at a surgical obstetrics workshop recently, seemed very cool apart from you know, all the lawsuits. ENT surgery also seems very cool. Cochlear implants would be my ultimate dream job.

On summer break currently doing some research to improve my C.V. unpaid of course. I am fortunate in so far as I'm far from rich, but my parents have enough money to afford to support me entirely for the next few years.

In my downtime I go to the gym lately. Its a new habit but I'm loving it. Feel good and pretty soon, looking good.

About a year ago and a half ago I was dumped by a bitch of a girl who was only ever mean to me, but for some reason I adored. I've been in and out of brief flings with girls I'm not all that into since thinking that sex would improve my mood. It hasn't.

Now tho, with the gym and college going well and research being interesting. Life's alright. Could do with a girlie but I'm sure that will come right soon enough.

Also please ignore spelling mistakes. Cracked screen and phone typing is hard.

>> No.11568000

Thats good to hear. Where are you studying?

>> No.11568027

The University of Auckland, in New Zealand.

>> No.11568052
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Just got my first 'real job' I actually studied for, no more internships. Starting next study in september.

Trying to move out asap.

Have a date on sunday, pretty curious.

>tfw expensive shit suddenly isn't that expensive anymore


>> No.11568066

Smoking weed and hiking. Fuck else is there.

>> No.11568075

if saudi muslimas over here would dress like this i wouldn't even mind

>> No.11569325

I am currently studying for my last bachelor's exam. Beside that I am exercising every day and working in the weekends. I am also window shopping hard on designer pieces I want to buy and in continious doubt whether to start dating again or save myself the effort. My study should be first priority, I guess.

>> No.11569331

What study did you do and how is your job?

>> No.11569387

Same about to start buisness economics in fall and a little uneasy for wether its the right thing to study, but everything else is worthless or does not interest me at all

>> No.11569412
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Just finished my studies at the university (4 years finance/economics sort of).

Starting an apprenticeship at a firm quite near me in about two weeks. Will be there for 4 months before they let me go or hire me.

Going to start bulking and working out again, need to gain weight so I can start buying some new clothes and get some suits/shirts/casual trousers ordered MTM.

Will also starting trying to socialize more, go out to different events where I can meet new people.

Have been on dates with 3 girls this year, trying to get some more game before I enter something more serious.

Have ~$50 000 saved up and no debts, so once I get a job I'll either apply for a loan and buy my own place or find something I can rent for 2-3 years until the housing market comes crashing down here.

>> No.11569777

I'm in the middle of a two-year Mechatronics degree right now. Most any job I get with it will pay at least a living wage, so I'm not worried about money. My education is paid for (and then some) by CEP, VA dependant's benefits, and state/federal grants.
I guess I just want to find a job in this industry that I enjoy, and hopefully one that lets me smoke pot without getting fired.
I'm not sure if I want a travelling service tech job, programming mobile hydraulics, or what. There's a lot to choose from, and I've barely delved into the high-tech side of this stuff yet.