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11563711 No.11563711 [Reply] [Original]

hey effay i been looking at my hairline lately and am starting to think im balding
what do you guys think?

>> No.11563715
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Fuck wrong picture

>> No.11563718

thats not a hairline...

>> No.11563720

when that hotdog bling

>> No.11563723

looking great, anon?

>> No.11563765

kys you monkey

>> No.11563831

you're only 19 wait until iyou're 26 and look like me fdrewa

>> No.11563839
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>Onion on a Hot Dog


>> No.11565151

>not liking onions on hot dogs
You are weak minded, peasant.

>> No.11565157
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 1323028063892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> eating so unhealty
Yeah i seethe problem

>> No.11565164

>not putting onions on hot dogs
You're pretty disgusting Anon. I bet you just pile on the ketchup.

>> No.11565168

>a hot dog on a bun with some onions, mustard, relish, and avocado(I think)
Not exactly unhealthy.

>> No.11565185

>A procesed piece meat that looks nothing like meat and has been around for months, is made with the worst and full of quimics, with bread and some processed salsa
>instead of eating fresh vegetables with a fresh cut of meat
Yeah keep telling yourself that, i bet you got acne and a belly but you dont know why

>> No.11565186
File: 90 KB, 728x810, Not thrilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone on propecia, proscar, dutasteride? Going to be talking to my dermatologist next month about starting it since I'm notably thinning.

>> No.11565206

Wow dr oz thanks so much I didn't know hot dogs were processed what a topsyturvy world we live in

>> No.11565217

>i've got no argument so ill just shitpost

>> No.11565332

Like there's nothing wrong with eating something shitty every once in a while

>> No.11565364

So guys, what do you like to put on your hot dogs?
Are those hot dog toppings?

>> No.11565507

Fuck all the pills man, too many potential side effects
Just go with minoxidil, it's specifically for thinning

>> No.11565582

Man OP, I really like this thread. Thank you very much.

>> No.11565589 [DELETED] 

>and avocado(I think)
It's mushed pickled cucumbers.

>> No.11565592

No it's avacado asshole eric

>> No.11565874

Don't listen to this man tbqh.

If you're ACTUALLY balding quite heavily, minox alone won't help, try propecia/fin.

>> No.11565928

Junk food is just a bad habbit, id rather buy any slace of meat, cook it, and eat with bread and something else, is cheaper, tastier and doesnt destroy your body
Also if im walking around and i have much hunger, id rather buy an apple or two and is much easier

>> No.11565932

>inb4 tripfag

>> No.11565939

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.11565975

I bet you learn all your nutritional facts in Hollywood magazines

>> No.11566079
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Got an appointment for August 18th. Wish me luck, the woman I'm seeing does prescription hair thinning treatments so hopefully I will leave with a script.

>> No.11567026

Newfag within you