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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 179 KB, 640x788, 1469036983673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11536312 No.11536312 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, femanon here. I'm setting up a tumblr and an Instagram account for skinhead aesthetic to slowly redpill the guys and girls who reblog and comment under my photos.
What can I do to make this photo better? I'm looking for a subtle aesthetic. Also if you UK anons have any pics or tips on skinhead chic it would really help.
Pic related is me.


/fa/ actually have some pretty good advice as for skinhead fashion, just try to ignore the angry nu-male posters.

>> No.11536316

hey deborah

>> No.11536318


>> No.11536341

kill yourself

>> No.11536356


also, redpilling uk is too late. them and the eu are cucked beyond belief.

>> No.11536359

fucking nazi racist

>> No.11536361

It's never too late anon. The revolution starts with you.

>> No.11536365

Safe-spaces this way :)

>> No.11536368

Green bomber jackets, green military jackets, black boots, acid wash jeans, punk hairstyles. Green Room is a shitty movie but the Neo-Nazis were well researched.

>> No.11536370

nazi racist bitch ass penis ass cock sucker

>> No.11536379

Thanks for contributing to the discussion faggot

>> No.11536381

Completely agree with this

less chelseas, more bombers.

>> No.11536387

so you want us to spoonfeed you. so you can make a popular social media account


>> No.11536392

>popular social media account
this will be niche at best, this shit isn't in rn lol

>> No.11536398 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, I'm the OP from the first thread on /pol/, they all got upset at me being a girl so they made a thread for me here.


Thank you!

>> No.11536403


I made the thread here as a parallel because /fa/ can have some good advice lol.

>> No.11536406

>/fa/ actually have some pretty good advice as for skinhead fashion, just try to ignore the angry nu-male posters.

Also I accidentally typed this part here, meant to write it in the /pol/ thread lol.

>> No.11536408

try necking yourself

>> No.11536437

bitch cock pussy clitoris cuck

>> No.11536442

They are a disgrace to the original National Socialists, there is nothing aesthetic about them

Traditionalism and thrift > thuggery and ignorance

>> No.11536456

b-b-but muh edge

>> No.11536471

skinhead culture has influenced fashion since its inception

>> No.11536478

What are you talking about, Brexit won, especially in every part of England with the exception of London.

Things are polarizing fast and problems are stacking up, forcing people to think about their worldview.

>> No.11536479

I have to really agree with this anon

Instead of trying to revive skinhead fashion, why not revamp it into something more modern that more people can get behind? It needs a new spin on it anyway.

>> No.11536486
File: 161 KB, 538x768, 1361591455173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed 100%

true modern fascists should end up looking more like pic related

>> No.11536487

I knew a girl who would sing opera on a whim while wearing wool all the time.

>> No.11536583
File: 553 KB, 1300x750, the poots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking skinhead = racist
fucking kek.
Educate yourselves anons. Stop listening to the media.
Bomber jackets. thin suspenders (Braces) too thick makes you look like a nazi, or a moron. (Yes, it matters)
Levi's. 501's are most popular, but that's really personal choice. At the end of the day, its up to you.
Chelsea haircut for women. (Pic related.)
Hey man, Green Room was good.

>> No.11536590



>> No.11536598
File: 59 KB, 309x400, 6611977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this kind of female fashion desu.

It's feminine but it's also sophisticated.

>> No.11536602

Wew lad, I thought we were on /r9k/ for a moment there

>> No.11536667
File: 68 KB, 612x612, 1466742994329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer this kind of female

>> No.11536675

I have to agree on that one

>> No.11536687
File: 110 KB, 499x667, 1466800414324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Vote Trump Anon"

>> No.11536738

I agree with this.

>> No.11536803

Suspender stuff looks dumb. just wear military clothes

>> No.11536823

this desu senpai

>> No.11536980

i like your shoes

>> No.11537204
File: 74 KB, 627x800, 1467249812963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can we do to revamp skinhead fashion and give it a more modern twist while still paying homage to the original style?

>> No.11537486


>doc 1460s and 61s
>military jackets aka parkas, bombers
>black jeans

>not in

>> No.11537827


>> No.11539110


digging your style a lot

>> No.11539289

>no farauzi hc
>no cigs
>thin socks
>New docs

>poser af

>> No.11539567

shave your head...
wear fred perry

>> No.11539682
File: 255 KB, 1200x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politics through fashion

You /pol fuckers are worse than summerfags

>> No.11540318

Thanks for your contribution :)

>> No.11541190

I'm confused; she is neither skin head, nor is she remotely chic in any way... why did you post this pic OP?

>> No.11541212

this could be sick without all the leaves and stupid buttons

>> No.11541255

You look like a rat, and if you shave your head you will look like a naked mole rat

>> No.11541268

only 3 holes bouncy soles, wide as fuck suspenders, stupid leggings for pants, ankle socks, all of which are brand new and not hand me downs, and a dumb as fuck bun on top of head.

It's like you're not even trying to hide that you shop at urban outfitters...

>> No.11541287
File: 13 KB, 236x314, f8012a7c0e8835660b3b78f6b82654a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry OP, but I'm gonna have to hijack your thread.
this is now a skinhead chic thread: only post tips and pics related to chic skinhead birds

>> No.11541290
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>> No.11541295
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>> No.11541297

Cock penis dick suck pennis

>> No.11541300
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>> No.11541302
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>> No.11541305
File: 60 KB, 1024x768, shannyn-sossamon-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11541308
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>> No.11541311
File: 151 KB, 960x960, L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11541321

Is Skinhead a legitimate respectable thing, or...?
Skinheads kinda seem they only dress and act that way to be edgy and kinda have some snowflake syndrome going on there. I feel they kinda get a boner from people assuming they're a bonehead and being like, "I'm not a racist you uncultured swine, how dare you incorrectly classify me!?" I mean it kinda appears maximum edge-lord.

Can anybody give me serious thought or is Skinhead just some Hipster esque branch off?

>> No.11541322

that's not a chelsea cut, it's just a queer with bangs... the antithesis of skinheads...is this OP having a try at it again?

>> No.11541326

wow, you sound like a suburban mulatto on his first semester...

>> No.11541334

I do? I don' know. Skinheads kinda just seem like a hipster break off. I don't really see why they're taste in dress is really interesting when it's only a shallow seeming attempt to appear unique by simply belonging to a pretty weak subculture. It's kinda the equivalency of Scene Kids, Emos, and Hipsters.

>> No.11541354

Why do you care how someone chooses to express themselves?

>> No.11541365

yeah, you do.
firstly, it seems you have no idea what a skinhead stands for or is and confuse them (either voluntarily or due to sheer ignorance) with neo-nazi skins, which is real different.
Skinhead culture originated in the 1960's working class Britain... a bit less "sophisticated" (read less effeminate) than "Mods", they mostly lived in neighbourhoods thriving with Jamaican and west indies immigrants, from whom they enthusiastically adopted a taste for rocketed and ska music.
Skinheads would often play in what Americans would probably call "mixed race" bands because everything boils down to ethnicity for you guys.
More than a superficial statement, their style is absolutely a testament to their working class day jobs. Traditionalists at heart, they would often taunt and fight hippies, who rejected the ideas of hard work in favour of drugs, which gave skin heads the bad rep they still enjoy today.

>Skinheads kinda just seem like a hipster break off. I don't really see why they're taste in dress is really interesting when it's only a shallow seeming attempt to appear unique by simply belonging to a pretty weak subculture. It's kinda the equivalency of Scene Kids, Emos, and Hipsters.
>Skinheads kinda seem they only dress and act that way to be edgy and kinda have some snowflake syndrome going on there

also, none of what you just said really seemed to apply to skinheads, i don't know why you're getting your panties all bunched up over them

>> No.11541367

Just curious..? If I'm hurting their feelings sorry..? I thought skinheads were supposed to be tough and rough..? Maybe that was years ago though? All these new guys are posers..? I didn't know skinheads were such pussies. Sorry.

>> No.11541368

a taste for *rocksteady and ska

>> No.11541369

I just want to know..? And what you said is about old-school skinheads..? Not modern..?

>> No.11541376

there are question marks at the end of your sentences, but those aren't questions... what are you trying to tell me exactly?

>> No.11541387

Honestly, I'm kinda done. This skinhead thing just seems really weak, sorry.

>> No.11541404

that's cool, strength of character isn't for everyone

>> No.11541423

Why are you being so sensitive? Do you have a vagina or..? I don't really care about this Skinhead thing, as I never took it serious in this day and age? I kinda gave it a moment of intrigue, yet you guys are really shitty salesmen, sorry.

>> No.11541441

different guy. i actually kinda agree with you, but the way you put a question mark at the end of every sentence and say sorry so much is making me want to shave my head and beat the shit out of your pussy ass

>> No.11541447

So you're going to go through the effort of improving yourself only to hop onto a lame trend and attempt to attack me..? Lol, weak.

>> No.11541465
File: 2.47 MB, 307x235, 1390173747591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Skinhead a legitimate respectable thing
>Why are you being so sensitive?

why? do you care so much kid? looking for? the next trend to follow? what? a? faggot?

>> No.11541470

i hope all you cunts trying to "go for a skinhead chic look" get anally raped by actual neonazis

>> No.11541472


>> No.11541498

Russian and German fashion is a good place to find inspiration, keep it simple attract only the people you want to attract and keep the shills at bey.

Would befriend if the chance arose.

>> No.11541503

God. Why are you guys such pansies? I'm leaving, this thread is weak. And if I was all about trend hopping I would've jumped on being a bonehead. Skinhead is basic bitch you wretch, neo liberalism isn't edgy anymore. /fa/ is trend hopping incarnate, but ya know what? You guys are literal shit at doing the entirety of what this board is meant to be. You're all just stuck in this constant pool of stagnation and minor advancement. About all of you aren't genuinely fascinated by clothes outside of consumerism, you're just a lot of fuccbois who are superficial egotist who suffer snowflake syndrome.


>> No.11541527

do you mind if I copy this rant..?
I wanna call other anon edge lords before I ask them if they have vaginas or why they are sensitive shallow snowflakes and punctuate my sentences with "sorry" and "..?" ; this would be a great addition to my repertoire..

>> No.11541544
File: 93 KB, 683x1024, 1408743460174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's mori-tier shit. 0/10

this is much better, only thing missing is a peaked cap

>> No.11541546

Sure. It's an honor. Live it up. I'm proud of you. Go get 'er tiger!

>> No.11541548
File: 7 KB, 279x267, 1357011904099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11541553

I almos forgot how Caprice is my favourite anal queen, thanks for posting this
what are you still doing here? you promised to leave twice already

>> No.11541563

Honestly, I'm just hoping somebody will answer my inquiry. It just come across as being defensive because you're mere trend hoppers and lack the needed organics to explain this expression.

>> No.11541591

but you didn't ask anything, you just said you didn't like the way skinheads, hipsters, and emos dressed and posted a bunch of question marks randomly.

>> No.11541605

Ah. Well pardon me. I do apologize.

>> No.11541724
File: 1.50 MB, 230x172, 1387606893854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies accepted old chap.

>> No.11541792
File: 15 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by redpill, OP? What is it that you believe? Who are your main ideological influences? Are you more into Donald Trump or Oswald Spengler?

National Socialism is degeneate btw

>> No.11541938

>implying alt right memelords can read

>> No.11542057

eyy. just gonna' chime here, and not argue, just gonna talk.
Wouldn't say they're trying to be "edgy" and I'll say, I'm not a skinhead because I want to be confronted in public about being a nazi. It's nice to educate people that not all skins are nazis, but not really why I do it. Actually it erks me when people confront me about that shit, but whatev.
I mean it really boils down to what dis guy >>11541365 said.
I'm a not political in any way shape or form. I just like the attire, and enjoy the message of brotherhood, and a good hard days work. Come from a working class family, so I can appreciate someone earning what they've got.

I mean to me, dressing like a skin is kinda like the icing on the cake, but in the end, it's about you, your friends, your shitty job, but you're content with it because you know you're a hardworker, and one day it'll pay off.

>> No.11542069

the fuck you even want with this "skinhead chic" bullshit? the fuck everyone wants with taking a blue collar style and trying to make it look expansive/artsy AKA completely ruining the soul of it for the sake of being ~/EFFAY/~? fuck "chic" everything.
just keep being the boring little hipster that you are

>> No.11542091

I'm in love man... God damn it.

>> No.11542115

That sucks that your style was taken by the fascists, man.

>> No.11543010

>has hair
>most boring fit ever posted on /fa/
>obviously jewish

>> No.11543147

skinheads are dumb degenerates but complaining about having long hair while being a skinhead is like complaining about not having long hair when you're a metalhead
you're a fucking retard

>> No.11543934

kek old skinhead weren't nazis, actually i still know many that are sharp.

>> No.11544671

well metalheads are not called long-hair-heads.