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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 102 KB, 540x655, IMG_20160717_173615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11526886 No.11526886 [Reply] [Original]

Will we finally see something new because of this?

>> No.11526895

is that a problem though really

some people dont give a fuck about fashion and just wanna attract women and look good

there's nothing wrong with that. probably a much more sane approach to clothing than spending multiple thousands of hours studying fashion on an anime forum

>> No.11526912

I would not be surprised if a woman wrote this who is butthurt about men giving their attention elsewhere.

That aside dressing in all meme clothing is pathetic. You just end up looking like a sheep with no personality.

>> No.11527290

>Multiple thousands of hours studying on an anime forum

What? No one even does that you swine

>> No.11527299

you do

>> No.11527301

it's more likely some guy made this meme than a girl. even then that wouldn't make them butthurt because they are right.

people that dress that way probably have never had an original thought in their entire life.

only a streetwear fuccboi would defend this

>> No.11527313

>No one even does that you swine
>who is sieg heil
anyone else miss him

that guy seemed like he knew everything tbqh

>> No.11527477

I sure do.


>> No.11527480

go away Sieg.
Did he ever formally leave? I feel like he'll come back after the summer.

>> No.11527485

I dont think the real one has posted since like 2013/14

they figured out his tripcode and then everyone would post with it

>> No.11528340

>anime forum

>> No.11528373
File: 71 KB, 141x281, sieg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo of sieg

>> No.11528388

look how fucking forced that insult was. people who make images like this hate everything even themselves
besides top text memeing is facebook level cancer

>> No.11528413

found the guy who dresses in streetwear to boost his ego amongst his male peers

>> No.11528418
File: 76 KB, 506x599, 1431234678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure soon as the females stop doing pic related

>> No.11528426

Streetwear looks great and girls are attracted by it,get over it.No one gives a shit about /fa/ irl desu.

>> No.11528440

Sheep in sheep's clothing-core

>> No.11528443
File: 477 KB, 2592x2592, 1387727638677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point of fashion is not to impress girls
the fact that you can generalize that girls are attracted by your streetwear implies that you deal strictly with autists and only autists
making you yourself
an autist
kill yourself

>> No.11528458
File: 117 KB, 305x382, 1459986705243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of fashion for common people is to impress others or feel good about themselves and have confidence

You're probably someone who spends thousands on clothing nobody gives a shit about and you're mad because everybody else gets attention but nobody notices you

>> No.11528463

cant tell if this is b8 or not lmao

>> No.11528465

the point of fashion is self expression nigga you got it all wrong

>> No.11528477
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what if my self expression is to attract autistic girls who have a lack of personality like myself?

I'm still learning to articulate myself in a confident manner that doesn't sound cringe until then I'll wear clothes and my taste music/films as a way to communicate.

>> No.11528484

most of that doesnt even look like street wear?

>> No.11528527

Probable truth

>> No.11528533

This is what autists think,thanks for proving my point.I personally listen to Yung Lean and Bladee but i do realise that if i really express myself i'll look like a tumblr edgel0rd so i stick to streetwear which is more stylish and less edgy.

>> No.11528569

>pussy nigga

>> No.11528585

>the point of fashion is not to impress girls

The point of fashion IS to impress girl. It was created for that.

>> No.11528614


Welcome to /fa/.

>> No.11528776


all these buttmad fuccbois

streetwear is not fashion and looks like shit get the fuck off my board

>> No.11528953

go look at the waywt and see what your board posts kek

>> No.11529323
File: 227 KB, 480x720, 1466441573626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streetwear can be fashionable if you dont dress in pure hype.

>> No.11529351

>that guy seemed like he knew everything
he only spoke like he did. most cocky, condescending man i've ever heard of. dude has some problems.

not going to lie though, he did occasionally give out good advice.

>> No.11529358

absolute cringe, you will never make it. back to /r9k/ please.

>> No.11529380

pic unrelated?

>> No.11530154

vry much so

>> No.11530176

This guys trying to get a spot in a live action Jojo movie. Those goofy ass shoes throw it off though. Hes so close.

>> No.11530179
File: 93 KB, 680x1041, 410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more glamour and more muscle