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11525955 No.11525955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw moving to nyc in a few weeks for college
Life's finally looking up lads

>> No.11525958

garbage pit

>> No.11525972


what are you studying?

>> No.11525983

nice blogpost fagzoid

>> No.11525984

What college pham?

>> No.11525985

thanks for the blog but i can't find the subscribe button, you need to make it more obvious

>> No.11526003

This isn't your loser blogspace you fuckboy


>> No.11526009

nyc is a shithole

>> No.11526054

>job not 100% guaranteed after graduating
>you are likely to drop out
>student loans for the rest of your life

Looking up, indeed.

>> No.11526069

NYC is a rat infested sewer filled with self-important assholes who think they are important for the sole reason that they live there.

Have fun!

>> No.11526073

don't get your hopes up. you'll be more upset.

>> No.11526100

kek he fell for the college meme

have fun lining mr.goldsteins pockets for the rest of your life

>> No.11526113


>> No.11526117

the female anatomy

>> No.11526122

i'm taking this approach
i'm in the same boat as you OP but i don't want to overhype it

>> No.11526123
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>98% of bachelor students in employment or further study within 6 months of graduating
>i'm actually unironically smart and ambitious, i'm not dropping out
>parents paying for everything

indeed they are

>> No.11526128


Fordham is a great school. Ive had a few friends graduate from there and they all loved it.

>> No.11526130
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what made you guys so bitter?

>> No.11526383

dear diary

>> No.11526399

do a 360 and go right back from whence you came.

>> No.11527152

I worked at a zine fair last month
honestly NYC is dead in terms of creativity or having any historic pioneering to do within scenes.

And the fashion aspect is honestly disgusting and depressing. That fair I watched sets of over 5 of the same "look/outfit/get ups" walking around. It's so fucking garbage.
everyone knows each other, sits on instagram, drinks their brains out, etc.

it's a dead end. I visit it to look at stuff or buy things but living there is pointless now.

>> No.11527160

not any of those people but:

I got accepted to an engineering school, most of it was paid for via scholarship but not all so I skipped and went to community, changed major, now I took this last semester off (having stuck with it since college was the next step) and have been doing shit in the field, all through networking.

no finished degree or anything. College isn't for everyone and from my point of view, at least being in the art field, I don't think I need "the piece of paper."

>> No.11527166

very little of that 98% is actually working a job related to their degree

>going to university in america

education system is literally garbage, but good on him for moving to the city he wants to

>> No.11527170

>American schools

my friend had a breakdown at his US college and went to one in Europe. He loved it, didn't want to come home.
dirt cheap, and its fucking Europe, he traveled so much.

>> No.11527175

8ball zine fair?

>> No.11527180

what r u paying for tuition? got in there but ended up just goin to cuny for cost

>> No.11527194

anytime anyone posts a thread about nyc everyone shits on it because they somehow get triggered over how "trendy" it is to be there or something, but no one ever posts where they live, or better cities to attend college in.

yeah i'm sure as fuck some state college in hickville indiana is way better than nyc

i mean if you're living in a city you legitimately think is better, post it

>> No.11527214


were you there?

>> No.11527223

>it's a dead end
nigga WHAT
nigga WHAT
where the fuck else is there
if you say some chink place ima slap yo ass

>> No.11527230

people go there looking for scenes to piggyback onto. living there in overpriced apartments, being sold the romanticized "old new York city" vibe. it's been whitewashed, nothing is left to discover. the frontiers are gone.

everyones afraid to go somewhere new and blaze into the history books.

>> No.11527247


this post basically sums it all up. There is nothing authentic about NYC left. Just go, see for yourself. Vapid cake-faced bitches staring into their phones as they walk down the street, wont look at you twice unless you have at least a milla in the checkings, and pretentious guys, most of which are manlets because NYC is mostly minorities, up their own asses trying to one up each other on whatever shallow bullshit there is.

>> No.11527308

not that guy but he's right. it's totally empty desu there is a decent food scene there but it's also been overshadowed as actual master chefs move into smaller neighborhoods and the top restaurants increase their prices and hire culinary school grads with no actual spark. most industries there are on their way out because they're archaic and because money leaves ny at amazing rates due to pricing out technology companies.

>> No.11527318

again, no one has posted where they live, where there is better food, music, or fashion. honestly you can keep going on about how gentrified it is and how "unauthentic" it is now, but i challenge you to actually post a city with better food, music, or fashion than nyc

>> No.11527337


all I know after my friend went to NYU he became a total fuccboi, and whenever he comes back he talks about NYC like it's a never ending circle jerk.

>> No.11527338

retarded faggot, learn to logic

just because they claim NY is a dead end doesn't make them obligated to post a city that's better, you dense motherfucker. go find out yourself

>> No.11527340


Depends on what you're into.

NYC is such a cop out for "greatest city evrrrrrr" bullshit.

America is so big and has SO many metropolises that if you can't even agree that there are some cities that are on par with NYC then there is no point in even arguing with you.

>> No.11527354

i'm saying claiming NYC is dead without actually posting cities with burgeoning scenes is stupid, you may as well say there is no new scenes at all.

what cities are on par with NYC? LA? Chicago?

>> No.11527366


Good for you, learning to appreciate other opinions. And yeah those cities are on par with NYC if you do not already have a biased opinion.

This is the reason why NYC attracts so many shit people, because they think it's the mecca of all that is 21st century living.

>> No.11527369

>230 here
I live in PA, I hate Philly its a piece of shit.
I'm not obligated to say where's better, the point is people need to decide to go somewhere else and create a new scene.

NYC is fine to visit and take what you want, but living there and expecting to do anything 'great' is a dead end.

>never ending
pretty much, at the fair it was just everybody's friends buying their 5$ zines of Xeroxed gay porn clippings or tumblr-tier "photography"

"oh are you coming to my apartment show next week" "hell yeah gna get wasted" "I made this dope art on political commentary"

shit sucks.

>> No.11527375


>> No.11527377

>Live across NYC
>Ended up going to Boston for school

New York is fun to visit but too dirty to live in imo

>> No.11527383

>i'm saying claiming NYC is dead without actually posting cities with burgeoning scenes is stupid, you may as well say there is no new scenes at all.
are you literally retarded, that doesn't follow at all

maybe they live in NYC and know its dead, but haven't moved out yet

shitty cunt the world doesn't exist to serve you and give you answers, go find out for yourself

>> No.11527423

lmao have u considered that maybe y'all just aint hip to what's happening in the city

>> No.11527428


you don't actually believe that chicago or la is on par with nyc

forget america, nyc is the cultural capital of the world. if you don't get that, you're not paying attention

>> No.11527445

wow you are so fucking triggered while you sit at home in your flyover shithole. i guarantee you've never been to NYC except for once on a family vacation you fuck. how can you possibly judge the scene when you haven't lived there?

i don't know if i agree that those cities are at all on par with nyc. but whatever

that's the problem though, people automatically assume that everyone living in nyc goes there to follow some bullshit dream of acting or something, and that everyone posts instagram pics of their food and shit. some people literally just want to live there, it's as simple as that. it's still a great city with a ridiculous amount of things to do, diversity, food, music, art, fashion, etc. it's expensive as fuck for a reason

honestly i've lived in both cities and boston is pretty goddamn dirty, especially downtown near the commons. each city has its nice parts and not so nice parts, but i find nyc as a whole a lot more interesting. boston is pretty tame in comparison i feel. although boston has some cool music shows sometimes. other than that i find boston filled with college aged kids and sports fans

>> No.11527458

Madison WI fampam

>> No.11527466


Ok now you're getting out of hand. How are you gauging these cities?

If it's by "cultural capital" bullshit measurements then sure NYC is pretty on point.

But if you're looking at medium income/cost of living/general life welfare stats NYC sucks total dick. There are so many more places in the USA that you can get a better way of life for the amount of money you have to spend to even just live in NYC.

I'm not hating on NYC. It's a great city, and there is a good reason why it's pretty much the one city everyone in the whole world knows about. But to say it's the best city out of the plethora of options in America is just being naive and frankly pretty ignorant.

>> No.11527475

>wow you are so fucking triggered while you sit at home in your flyover shithole. i guarantee you've never been to NYC except for once on a family vacation you fuck. how can you possibly judge the scene when you haven't lived there?
literally deflecting the argument with some unrelated nonsense, just kill yourself

t. new york city tourist bureau, undercover squad

>> No.11527496

>unrelated nonsense
it's the whole argument you dumbass. you can't judge the scene at all if you don't live there, you're literally just speculating. but lol great response, you really destroyed my defense you rube

>> No.11527506

nothing in this thread was about price points though. sure, living in west virginia is probably way more cost effective, but we're on a fashion board lol.

>> No.11527539

so basically you're saying that nyc sucks if you are poor, which is news to no one. i could live like a king in albania off of 30k a year but i'd still be in albania. If you have the money, there really isn't a better place to be, especially if you are ambitious. Living in NYC gets you a seat at the table, if you got what it takes you can network with the top players in any profession by going out there.

>> No.11527579


I'm sorry, those are the things an adult looks at when thinking about relocating to another city.

I guess I have to base how good a city is based on sick fits and bad bitches?

>> No.11527587

not even worth replying to yet here i am

>> No.11527592

are you autistic? the argument was that just because someone can't name a city with a great scene doesn't mean that new york isn't shit

this is some top tier idiocy, my retarded friend

>> No.11527601

America is shite

>> No.11527610

my god the damage control. i'm saying YOU CAN'T EVEN CALL NYC SHIT IF YOU HAVEN'T LIVED THERE. you can't judge the scene at all. and it's clear as fuck you're not living in a city with a better scene

>> No.11527617

Buenos Aires man. I live there, It's fucking crazy, the art scene is endless, and the culinary scene is growing each day.

>> No.11527622

looks really cool 2bh but i was kinda focusing on america. at least you made a contribution tho

>> No.11527626


Ok let me use your argument.

You can't call Nashville shit until you live there.
You can't call Vancouver shit until you live there.
You can't call Rio shit until you've lived there.
You can't call Budapest shit until you've lived there.
You can't call Newcastle shit until you've lived there.
You can't call Pyongyang shit until you've lived there.

Wow great argument lad

>> No.11527631

i live upstate ny and want to move down there just so i can get to concerts easily but ill still be going there alone it's so fucking depressing and seeing so many other humans all have someone else to interact with whenever i go there just makes it worse

so yea fuck that

also it fucking smells like piss all the time my nostrils are constantly being assaulted there

>> No.11527635

absolutely. i can't comment on the scenes in any of those cities, because i haven't lived in any of them. i can speculate, but that's it. you calling nyc shit based on some internet comments is pretty fucking annoying

>> No.11527640

i don't really mind it desu. it's kinda comforting, there are lots of other lonely people too

the smells are like any city, very different from upstate ny

>> No.11527643

yep, i just moved to the city from LA and went to say hi to lele and ray from hamburger eyes. i do nyabf and laabf every year so it's nice to see them and pop by once in a while.

people there were hip as fuuuuuck - totally agree with the same 5 people - the same art hoe style, dudes with tucked tees and shaved heads, mac demarco rips, people who dress like they skate but can't ollie.

i'm hoping this is just for summer though and people ball out in the winter. i doubt you saw me but i had a bad brains tee and yohji balloon pants on.

>> No.11527645


rode the NY subway last week

literally full of rats and mice, who the fuck is in charge of health and safety down there?

midtown or fuck off. everywhere else is niggerville

>> No.11527654


>> No.11527655
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>tfw you think moving to NYC is a good thing

>> No.11527660

same here some faggot i went to highschool with got into PACE and wouldn't shut the fuck up about living in brooklyn and how he works at a trendy cafe while studying film

>> No.11527667


Ok cool. So what I am saying is how can you certifiably say NYC isn't shit if you haven't even "lived" in other cities?

I'm just trying to use your logic, I'm not saying NYC is shit because its not. But how can you faithfully put down other cities that you haven't even visited and confidently say NYC is great?

>> No.11527669


>> No.11527673

good, stay in midtown - you're the kind of person shitting this town up anyways

>> No.11527679

newfag confirmed

theres a reason effay sounds so similar to apathy

>> No.11527680

if you're that guy, you said it was shit multiple times. if not, you're still misinterpreting what i was saying. i didn't say anything about other cities. i said nyc was a great city, and that people putting it down should be willing to offer alternatives, like cities with burgeoning scenes

>> No.11527684

>one of the biggest subway systems in the world
>is slighty dirty

surprise bitch

>> No.11527687

pace is ridiculously easy to get into lol, it has like a 75% acceptance rate.

that said, don't base your opinion on a city from the worst parts of it. bad way to go about things

>> No.11527689


Nah I'm not that guy saying NYC is shit. I just think that it's a bad argument.

It's like telling a heroin addict that coke is better. They are already biased. Everyone has their own preferences and prejudices.

>> No.11527696

calling a city shit without knowing how it's shitty doesn't really make sense. i could shit on LA based on what i know of it, but i don't REALLY know much about it, because i've never been.

>> No.11527699


I'm the one paying taxes through the nose so your faggot ass can get financial aid to come shit up this city and earn your underwater basket weaving degree

eat my dick you twink

>> No.11527700


>literally overrun with filthy, disease spreading vermin
>slightly dirty

>> No.11527705

>pace is ridiculously easy to get into lol, it has like a 75% acceptance rate.
kek i know thats what makes it even funnier and he's studying fucking film. he's never leaving that lame cafe i wonder how he even affords rent sometimes must have like 5 roommates crammed in 200 square feet

>> No.11527715

simply not true. there are some on the tracks and you'll occasionally see one on the platform but it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be

i know a couple people who go there, not too fond of it. expensive as shit too

>> No.11527717

Omg right reblog for stopping racism

>> No.11527719
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As a NYC resident and a college student, I can safely say you're making a big mistake. Either way, good luck bro!

>> No.11527720


I was sitting there for 10 minutes and I counted no fewer than a dozen rats at that stop alone

>> No.11527730

nyc is the death grip of america

either ur wid it or u not

fuck all transplants

>> No.11527733

not even op, but why?

ive heard nothing but good things about fordham
besides being in the bronx

if you're talking about expense im pretty sure op said his family is paying for it so he must be well off.

>> No.11528137

>student loans for the rest of your life

I feel sorry for you Americans that you need to pay to further educate yourself and become even more valuable members of society. It really does seem unfair, even though I can sort of understand why it is that way.

>> No.11528174

went to HS at the prep there. college is filled w/ hipsters from what i've garnered from time spent there and conversations had with friends who went there.

>> No.11528197

i've lived in manhattan all my life until a few years ago i moved to brooklyn. fashion wise, everyones outfit is a costume. food is great, but a bit pricy. i can't afford to live here much longer so i'll say this: MAKE RICH FRIENDS

>> No.11528241

>saying garnedered instead of gathereded
bit tryhard

>> No.11528314
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tokyo is largest city in the world and it's also one of the cleanest city

>> No.11528793
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I hear garnered used enough that I didn't think it was pretentious, famalama.

>> No.11528930

This is a pointless thread
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