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File: 401 KB, 930x620, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11513153 No.11513153 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon, why you would buy those skinny jeansu for one huned fifty dorrer?
>Find at Uniqro for only twenty dorrer

>> No.11513156


i laughed harder than i should have

>> No.11513159


This is racist as fuck. But for some reason I laughed.

>> No.11513204

>driving a red trimmed interior gt86
Clearly I make poor decisions. Now watch me dagumi into a tree

>> No.11513210

Can I please lick your thighs?

>> No.11513217

wait why does the passenger side have the steering wheel?

>> No.11513232

Baka gaijin
Baka newfaggotto

>> No.11513367

Shut the fuck up, shut up or I will crush the life out of your dweeby bean sprout neck.

>> No.11513427

the right side is the driver's side in every country that matters

>> No.11513499

You say that one more time and I'll drift this thing off a cliff you hear me?

>> No.11513516

>lip my stocking

>> No.11513579

Why am I kneeling outside of the driver door?

>> No.11513583
File: 38 KB, 300x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11513627

reported for racism

>> No.11513664

kys nigger fag

>> No.11513750
File: 220 KB, 1024x1024, PureBlueJapan-AI-TSM-13-NaturalIndigo-BackFlat-1_1024x1024(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying $350 jeans hand-dyed with plant-based indigo

>> No.11513752

pbj is good but that just sounds like quasi-naturist bullshit
whats wrong with synthetic indigo dye

>> No.11513756

I mean I have a pair of Uniqlo jeans and they are pretty good. Better than Levi's imo

>> No.11513760

not really, second language English speakers often have accents

>> No.11513761

Nothing wrong with it really, natural indigo just has a bit of a different color to it. It tends to fade to sky blue rather than the greyish-blue that's common in synthetic indigo.

>> No.11513770

Also, I think the labour is more intensive with natural indigo. Obviously that adds a sort of "artisan" appeal, and drives up the price.
Some people prefer it because it's a more traditional method. I think synthetic indigo started being used by most manufacturers in the 70s or 80s.

>> No.11513800

Japan maybe that's about it

>> No.11513809

Uniqlo is absolute garbage.

fit and quality is below gap. Laughable.

Only thing worth my money there is my socks.

>> No.11513817

Australia matters :^)

>> No.11513821

>desert island of criminals and idiot abos

okie doke

>> No.11513824

this too.
I hope he didn't actually mean that shitty rock that left the one union keeping it important

>> No.11515447

the supima ts are nice

>> No.11515647


>> No.11515652

>I buy you for twenty dorrer

>> No.11515661

20$ a jeans at uniqlo ? here it's 50€

>> No.11515691

that hoe mouth and pussy cost twenty dorner #bet #facts

>> No.11515702

>those hands
she jewish i swer

>> No.11515712


>> No.11515716


>> No.11515721

what car is she in? interior looks awesome

>> No.11515725

awwwwww shes too coot

i want to walk around town with her in undercover and make her my accessory

>> No.11515791

t. 14 yrs old animu piggu

>> No.11515907

You do realize that you're a massive faggot?

>> No.11515984
File: 321 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_o7izjwHR1X1sabwdxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anonsu, wai wodo u shittu-postu on effay-asudes??

>> No.11515985

why would u buy skinny jeans at all

>> No.11515994

Least accurate Asian girl statement I've ever seen, unless you're talking about some 1st generation Viet girl or something.

More accurate to China, just rolling with the stereotypes:

>Why don't you buy the Gucci jeans? They are better because Gucci.
>UNIQLO is for Japanese people. [Insert near-unintelligible rant about Nanking atrocities].
>Stop drinking that cold water, it is bad for healthy

>> No.11516006

oh fuck off you boring weebcunt

>> No.11516067
File: 45 KB, 640x640, Bizness doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, I had this rich and spoiled chinese girl come to me when I was still working at McKinsey coming for advice, but she kept behaving in a really disgusting way, insulting the people who worked there, threw around shit, kept getting temper tantrums etc.

As soon as you give those untermensch some money they think they own the whole world.

>> No.11516123

oh fk McKinsey, p-pls introduce

>> No.11516423

>Stop drinking that cold water, it is bad for healthy
fucking chinese man I never got this shit

>> No.11516469

Fucking chinese people, man.

They're like caricatures of real people.

>> No.11516504


>> No.11516514

oh fuck off you ignorant bitch

>> No.11516519


>> No.11516775

Haha what racism you're a butt hurt tumblrina like mods give a shit
Weeb detected
You're misusing cuck carl

>> No.11517011





>> No.11517077

Alt-right warriors leave, also mods delete this thread

>> No.11517329

they have shit water you can only drink hot
if you drink cold it will make you sick

>> No.11517474


>> No.11517532


>> No.11517598


>> No.11517603
File: 15 KB, 220x390, patrik ervell selvedge stonewash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see

>> No.11517620

uniqlo is low quality chink garbage for redditors

>> No.11517637

a fucking shit lol

>> No.11517640

racism is absurd and absurd is always funny

>> No.11517790

toyota gt86

>> No.11517821

subaru brz

>> No.11517942


>> No.11517956

Haha calling people alt warriors also I can post comments without getting caught why because this is a shitty board. Also I'm not at right in the slightest