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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 11 KB, 231x218, beardmullet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11508020 No.11508020 [Reply] [Original]

How true is this?

>> No.11508024

It's already on that phase and manbuns are the last trend before it all crumbles down.

>> No.11508026

Not true, the pic on the right is timeless and looks great regardless of the situation

>> No.11508033

sure but why does it matter? who gives a shit if you look silly in retrospect desu

not defending the overdone undercut+beard look but the notion that you have to avoid trends because they'll look funny in the future is dumb.

>> No.11508056
File: 114 KB, 1300x1352, young-man-blank-black-polo-shirt-photo-male-posing-front-back-views-ready-your-artwork-designs-32826752[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd honestly rather look like I was trendy and dated in the past than boring forever.

>> No.11508058

Id rather be myself than a dessesperate trend hopper

>> No.11508067

I'd rather be good looking than ugly sperglord hating everyone for following fashion trends, willing to tell us everything about true originality of being a unique sperg

>> No.11508074
File: 27 KB, 409x325, 5646516516486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I mean do you think any fashion trend becomes cringy after enough time has past? Obviously that can't be the case because we still think the 50s, 60s, 70s were alright. It's just this outrageously ugly haircut for white trash that was probably also regarded as trash in the era it came out in. They only wore it as some sort of statement.
>Look guys, I don't care if I look like a piece of shit, that's the whole point!

>> No.11508077

Words of truth. Also who says you are hopping on a trend just because it's popular? If it looks good to me I will do it

>> No.11508097
File: 9 KB, 299x224, swayze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show a real man with a mullet

>> No.11508116

Did you get mad m8? Get a brain and stop being a copy, and maybe then you will sucess in life

>> No.11508117


>Not hoping on the latest fad means being boring

>> No.11508190


>> No.11508213

please show me how to be successful with a manly mullet (the green one I mean, not that pathetic copy)
btw why would your sperginess make me mad?

>> No.11508284
File: 38 KB, 358x450, fjj3mx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until the kurt russell comes back?

>> No.11508319

p sick elder maxson cosplay tbqh

>> No.11508324

>tfw Teddy Boy hairstyles are just around the corner

Feels good to be ahead of the curve for once

>> No.11508329

you are the only one sperging here anon

>> No.11509415

manbuns are not trendy, people will always have long hair

>> No.11509431

left is a classic style and really nothing new. right is a gaudy trend.

>> No.11509449

replace 'white trash' with 'hipster'

>> No.11509506

of course current trends are going to look dated in the future. that's just how fashions work. you'd have to be autistic to think any particular style is genuinely timeless.

That said, there are obvious difference between the mullet and the undercut (or so-called classic hairstyles generally). The mullet, when it was popular, was seen as extremely contemporary, modern, almost futuristic, which is probably why today, now that it's antiquated, it seems a bit absurd. But the opposite is true of the undercut today -- people think of it as "classic," though sometimes with varying levels of distance and irony. Extreme and especially sincere examples of this aesthetic even today appear a bit hokey and affected, and this put-on character is probably what future generations will emphasize about it.

Also the mullet was widely embraced by the under classes, especially after it went out of fashion. I don't see the same happening to the undercut, or to big, ostentatious beards, or any of that bullshit. Almost anyone who wears that sort of thing has at least pretensions of upward mobility. For this reason I don't think it will ever seem quite as uncool as the mullet. Maybe a better comparison would be to the Seinfeld-esque clean white athletic sneakers of the 90's. They're no longer seen as cool by anyone, at least not without some half-ironic retro posture, but neither are they hopelessly uncool, like the mullet.

>> No.11509512

good post senpai

>> No.11509646

how does the manbun apply to this? men have always had long hair too

>> No.11509675

change left for manbun and you are set

>> No.11509689

2 years

>> No.11509699

hey, I have those jeans

>> No.11509706

Not trying to justify mullets but didn't a lot of ancient warriors and vikings have mullet like hair cuts? Mullets were probably around longer than undercuts which were a 20th century military thing iirc.

>> No.11509711


what kind of retardation does it take to fuck up a word that bad

>> No.11509720

i use neither, both are disgusting, i just let it grow natural and use it the way i feel like, faggot.

>> No.11510162

people like you are saving /fa/

(for your sake use your talents for good, i.e. somewhere other than this hole of death and depression)

>> No.11510178

Liquid Snake
Solid Snake

holy fucking shit.

>> No.11510193

What's a Teddy Boy? I googled it but I'm not seeing any specific kind of hair.