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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 300x300, cigarettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11501375 No.11501375 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ approved cigarettes? I smoke Parliament and Marlboro 27s exclusively

>inb4 smoking will kill me

>> No.11501500

Dont worry op, I too know what it's like to make a shit thread no one will post in

>> No.11501505

rollies m8

but not that babbies first rolly amberleaf box that all the 16 year olds think is cool

get some nice papers and nice baccy

>> No.11501543
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you bumped it, m80

>> No.11501550

Jesus fucking christ, it doesn't matter. Its all cigarettes, there isn't usually much of a diffrence. Just smoke whatever you think feels best for you, its not like most people can identify the cigarette brand.

>> No.11501559
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Tell me, do you prefer some clothing brands over others?

>> No.11501561

Jesus fucking christ, it doesn't matter. Its all clothes, there isn't usually much of a diffrence. Just wear whatever you think feels best for you, its not like most people can identify the clothing brand.

>> No.11501586

Marlboro Ice Blast

>> No.11501601


menthols and fucking burst cigarettes are for girls and children

>> No.11501607
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>dying of lung cancer


>> No.11501608
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my nigga

I smoke pic related, a true gentleman's ciggie

joking of course, if you have ever had them you'd know why. 305s are a brand of cigarette exclusive to Florida. They are extremely cheap, like 3 dollars, and taste like a corpse. I think they were designed to kill black people.

>> No.11501614


>being healthy and not having an addiction to some form of drug


>> No.11501616

this is actually true

>> No.11501620

>this is what ciggers actually believe

>> No.11501626

There is something deeply cool about disregarding your health

>> No.11501631

>fit fag who doesnt enjoy the occasional cigarette in the right place at the right time or getting fucked up on a night out and having an amazing time

you are missing out

>> No.11501637


What ever you say cigarette nigger.

>> No.11501644

I learned I was missing out on so many good times

>> No.11501698
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Vape or die

>> No.11501702

Good advice anon

>> No.11501710

This is actually true. I do it in the form of forgetting to eat breakfast and lunch most days and then having my grillfriend tell me how unhealthy that is. It's pathetic but kinda cool

>> No.11501722

skipping meals isnt exactly edgy and cool lolz

eat your food skeleton

>> No.11501890
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Watch out.
The butthurt mod might delete your thread and give you a warning, when they allow racebait threads and people advertising their tumblrs and instagrams.

>> No.11501899

lol do you smoke? I'm a go ahead and say no.

>> No.11502026

But the box looks so kwel

>> No.11502093

Players superkings cos its cheap and i cant roll for shit

>> No.11502131

being fit or fat isn't /fa/

enjoy your meal fatso

>> No.11502144

Smoking does make you look more /fa/. I quit in October myself, but y'all have cognitive dissonance, acting like it doesn't tend to compliment most fashion

>> No.11502179

I'm not saying skipping meals is fa I'm saying being careless and disregarding your health (but not being fat) is fa......faggot

>> No.11502210

What bacci do you use m8?

I recently switched back to rollies after discovering Bank smooth aromatic blend. Shit tastes so good and is smooth as fuck, it's about $55 for a 50g pouch but I honestly think it's worth it for how good this shit tastes.

>> No.11502228

luckies or bali shag rollies

>> No.11502335

I heard they're made by prisoners. Either way they're awful. I suppose you could supplement decent cigarettes with 305's to save money though.

>> No.11502469

Thats pretty embarassing, sounds like you have bigger underlying problems

>> No.11502987
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These right here.

As a bonus, clove cigs are French as fuck, so you can act all highbrow and snooty in your fancypants fancy pants.

>> No.11503011

Are there any cigs that taste decent?

>> No.11503013
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>> No.11503065

>There is something deeply cool about disregarding your health

this meme needs to end before it takes off. fuck all this dumb shit.

>> No.11503400

you're on a fashion board my dude, i think we all have underlying problems

>> No.11503403


That looks ridiculously tryhard and fedora

>> No.11503406
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I mostly smoke Camel Crush. Probably dad-tier or some shit like that, but they taste good and you can have the occasional menthol with out having to buy a whole nother boxer.

>> No.11503412

Clove cigs are awful tho

>> No.11503463

used to smoke exclusively menthol, but living in NY makes 10 dollar packs of newports too much. its just shitty rollies for me

>disgusting tobacco that makes you suffer is lowkey the most effay

>> No.11503837

B&H Golds patrician-race, sometimes Lucky Strike Red's.

>> No.11503869

fucking rollies are gross, you're doing a dirty enough habit you may as well have some self respect while you do it and save yourself the work and getting your fingers dirty desu ffs literally the only people I see smoking rollies are stoners or people with no money for decent fags.

>> No.11503909

By not smoking cigarettes?

Does the nicotine rush after a few drinks really make the night complete?

>> No.11503916


>getting your fingers dirty
its just dry tobacco, there is no dirt on it, dont be a pussy

also i actually prefer to smoke a rolly with some nice tobacco, i find cigarettes very harsh and they smoke too quickly due to chemicals in the paper to keep them from burning out, the smell off cigarettes its also much stronger than rollies i find

rollies are much more respectful, anyone can buy a pack of cigs, but you have to learn how to roll before you can enjoy a rolly. Bums and alcoholics buy cheap packs of cigs just the same as stoners and cheapskates buy cheap tobacco

dont diss what you dont know fucker

>> No.11503992

cigars are fat high-schooler tier in the smoking world

>> No.11504684

I smoke silk cut.

>> No.11504730

I like cigars occasionally. When coworkers get together to play golf or beach volleyball there'll usually be cigars. I have a box of Ramon Allones Specially Selected Cubans coming in this week.

>> No.11504786

Yellow American spirits. They burn slow so they are the perfect cigarette to smoke with a girl outside a bar.

>> No.11504800

you ever roll with good pipe tobacco? I find it to give off a rather pleasant aroma, compared to the tolerable or innocuous scent of RYO tobacco. And it certainly smells better than regular cigs.

>> No.11504807

i quit because it was making me shitty

>> No.11504894

Camel Blues or Kent Blues.

I usually go for the highest nicotine content.

>> No.11504915

These are try hard as fuck. More so than rollies even. I smoke either camel Turkish royals, Kamel reds, or rollies. Thinking of trying Winston reds for the old man look

>> No.11505248

Only to children

>> No.11506334
File: 34 KB, 604x425, zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in toronto atm what's the most popular here?

>> No.11506378


You can die of lung cancer without ever smoking. You could smoke and live to be 100. Life is a gamble, so you may as well do what you want instead of letting the opinions of others dictate how you live.

>> No.11507157
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Rothmans reds

>> No.11507472


>you can smoke and live to be 100
Doesn't mean you will. And what the fuck does living to 100 matter if all you can't talk and can only eat food through a fucking tube

>the opinions of others

you mean proven statistics and literal decades of research done by doctors and scientists which say that smoking is retarded

you're a dumb motherfucker aren't you

>> No.11507477

it's so weird that zyzz is dead, even 5 years later

>> No.11507523

What are some good brands of cigs for britbongs like me? I smoke amber leaf

>> No.11507781


It appears they you missed the entire point of my post, but I have no interest in dumbing it down for you.

>> No.11507803

why wouldn't you? cigar smokers have as much chance to get cancer as cigarette smokers

>> No.11507830

Amber leaf is the worst

Kill yourself

>> No.11507870
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Just a heads up to anyone perpetuating the "rollies are healthier" meme.

Tobacco sold for the purpose of rollies has up to 50 times, yes, FIFTY FUCKING TIMES the chemical preservatives and chemical taste enhancers you'd find in a normal cigarette.

It's done since while the tobacco in a normal cigarette is sealed and only exposed to air once, roll-up tobacco is exposed to the air fifty billion times in an hour, and would become dry and tasteless within a day without that chemical poutpourri inside of it.

So you either literally smoke buckets of tar with pre-mades, or you get 50 times the carginogens with rollies.

There's no winning with smoking.

>> No.11507917
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What if I grow my own tobacco plants

>> No.11507921

>tfw can feel myself becoming addicted
If I make sure I smoke less than 5 a week I'll be fine, r-right?

>> No.11507933

If it's daily or more you'll still be addicted
Only way to avoid a chemical addiction forming is giving your body time to completely flush out everything without giving it enough supply to make a build-up happen.

That means only smoking in the weekend or something, giving your body at least 7 days of ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKE, active or passive.

>> No.11507942

I usually only smoke with this girl, but she's been out of town and the cigs remind me of her, but I don't want to get addicted so I'll back down.

>> No.11507949

I smoked Camel and Caynes when I did. Marlboro Gold's were pretty good but bit too expensive for me. In an all tobacco is a meme.

>> No.11508374

amber leaf is for eastern europeans, council estate degenerates, and people who don't actually smoke

amber leaf blonde is a step up since the packaging is nice (I like the tiny pocket size packages the 12.5g comes in) although it tastes the same as regular just smoother. I stopped using it since it came with really thin papers which I don't like

american spirit is a meme but it tastes alright; supposedly organic not that it matters, if you care about that shit you might want to consider all the animal testing and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke first, given that I think only retarded tumblrinas smoke it

GV is for old people but it also tastes nice (tastes like raisins but it also makes you smell like raisins; thus the old person stigma)

at the moment I smoke drum, the packaging is modest and it's my favourite taste so far (tastes like barbecue). it's quite harsh tasting but in my opinion that's what cigarettes should taste like

my go-to straights are marlboro golds, but admittedly i've never really experimented with different brands besides bumming the occasional straight off of someone else

>> No.11508555

>My man
Winston reds are pretty nice when it comes to taste

>> No.11508749

Tried Winstons when I got tired of American Spirit menthols but couldn't get into them. Sticking with Turkish Royals for now.

>> No.11509257

anyone else here Belmont master race?

see up followed by next blues which are better than canadian classic silver (cc silvers)

>> No.11510158

I am at the La Jolla hilton enjoying a
My Father cigar. Feeling very relaxed

>> No.11510654

I think that's why I'm smoking.

>> No.11510736

Malboro Reds are like exactly $5 in Missouri

>> No.11510742
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>not smoking pipe tobacco

>> No.11510815

from someone that doesnt smoke, how do cigarettes differ and what generally makes a good one?

>> No.11510975


>> No.11510980

I hate pipe tobacco, specially flavored.

>> No.11510983

non additive rollies maybe? god you sound so tiresome

>> No.11511056


>> No.11511069

you get yellow fingers when you smoke rollies

>> No.11511504
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>designed to kill blacks
holy kek let it be

>> No.11511510

>muh racebaiting
niggers plz

>> No.11511516
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being fit is effay because you'll look a lot better in most outfits

>> No.11511524

it depends...
if you're enjoying a cigar with company and take an hour or two to smoke it i'd say it's totally aceeptable. on the other hand being a total fag about it and smoking shit cigars and trying to inhale and shit as well as smoking them in like 30 minutes is highschool tier

>> No.11512005

They taste different
>What makes a good one?

Pick your favorite tasting one

>> No.11512203

taste, harshness of the smoke (not directly correlated to nicotine), nicotine content, burn speed, structure (does it bend in half when you try to flick off the ash) to name a few

>> No.11512327
File: 48 KB, 172x225, Nat_Sherman_Naturals_Original_Cigarettes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nats. Theyre the same price as camels or some other crap at smoke shops, and they don't taste like gunpowder.

>> No.11513707

What do you guys think about Viceroy?

>> No.11513739

hello mac

>> No.11513889
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idk but i brought these marlboros today and the sliding lid pack is so cool i'm putting other cigs on it too

>> No.11513935

Yep love smoking, hate being addicted. Figured out addiction only takes hold when it's regular as your body adjusts to the new norm. If you binge and, let your body readjust it's much easier.

Learned that shit with amphs, fuck my brain, fuck big pharma, fuck society.

>> No.11513943

Ausfag moving to Canada. What do I smoke?

Also what is the shittiest imported tier baccy?
Dad used to smoke B&H when I was young in a third world country. Doesn't taste the same here, been looking for nostalgia's sake.

>> No.11513988

Them ports Boi

>> No.11514175

Camel Blues
Or if I wanna feel like shit and want to spend a couple dollars more Marlboro Reds

Got some Reds from a Vietnam War ration pack
Damn nice cigarette

>> No.11514188
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atm I have a pack of camel filterless T&D blend
they're spicy

>> No.11514237

Fuck California and having to be 21 to buy cigs. They didn't even have the decency to grandfather in people already 18+

>> No.11514289

fuck off