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File: 151 KB, 856x823, e47e927afaba4ddb9462cc594bf00806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11491620 No.11491620 [Reply] [Original]

Done a thousand times but wtc Long Sleeve BURZUM shirts?

>> No.11491631

gtfo cancer

>> No.11492052

>le 'some of you guys are alright dont go to church in norway tomorrow' man

>> No.11492182

it's fucking awesome. Dont' listen to those faggots >>11491631

>> No.11492191

buy it, it´s fashionable. anyone talking cancer here are just blind to how cancer they are.

>> No.11492242
File: 256 KB, 1006x1006, BLACK_1024x1024.jpg?v=1461598123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try ebay? I have one of these
BM tvh

>> No.11492320

if you dont actually listen to burzam or any black metal youre a fucking faggot and kys

>> No.11492781

Yeah bootleg is really the best you can hope for

>> No.11493681

buy from Ebay.
Be careful though, it's shit material and shit sizing that's inconsistent.

>> No.11493696

Seconding this. I take pride in asking people with metal shirts about the band they're wearing to see if they're posers or not.

>> No.11494178

I got an $11 one on ebay that fits me really well, can post pic if you want

>> No.11494196

please do

>> No.11494203

>"Oh cool you like Burzum, whats your fave album?"
>"Umm...I like...umm..the first one"


Fuck off normies, Burzum is for true European supremacists and pagans. I swear to Wōđanaz, I will fucking rek you if I see you IRL.

>> No.11494225

s/t >filosofem > hvis lyset > Det som

>> No.11494230

filosofem > hvis lyset > aske > det som > s/t/

>> No.11494338

Do people seriously wear BM stuff when they don't actually listen to it at all?

>> No.11494354

>being elitist about the most popular bm act next to immortal


and obv hlto is his best work and you think its hard to take 5 secs to google what album the artwork is from??? lmao you are so fucking lame

>> No.11494355

these fake metalfags are the fucking worst humans possible

this is like when you see a cute girl who pretends to like videogames and you start talking to her only to find out she watched her brother play mass effect once

>> No.11494759

OP here, second this

>> No.11494762

OP here. I don't where anything I don't know out of principle. I had my greasy black metal phase through high school and then ditched the look but kept the music.

>> No.11494765

Thank you for suggestions rather giuz
Would love to see a pic dude

>> No.11495055

Saw somewhere that these grails are usually just screenprinted by whoever has them
it's not too hard to do

>> No.11495059

I'd bet youd still try to kill me if i told you it was Belus

>> No.11496216
File: 197 KB, 834x555, 1387525797803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related: w2c shirt in pic?

>> No.11496430

looks like it something you would get at a viking museum or from one of the tourist vendors at Karl Johan in Oslo

>> No.11496621

get a drudkh tshirt poser

>> No.11497731

>black metal phase
>doesn't know where to get metal tees
>doesn't know about hells headbangers
>doesn't know about rockabilia
