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/fa/ - Fashion

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11490989 No.11490989 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /fa/ get such a hard-on over CPs? I understand that you identity-less internet nerds need a default """high-end""" shoe to fall back on, but really

>toebox unproportional to rest of shoe
>mid joins toebox at an extremely awkward position
>distasteful branding. 1 step above a direct logo, but babies still not ready to drop logos altogether. (need to impress the other nerds)

Not to mention the terrible reputation they have with memery and internet culture. Why would anybody buy CPs and associate themselves publicly with this embarrassing meme?

>inb4 leather quality
>inb4 silhouette

CPs leather quality is on par with a 200$ sneaker. The silhouette is nothing new either.

>> No.11491017

who cares

>> No.11491028


>> No.11491050

>CPs leather quality is on par with a 200$ sneaker
thats why you buy them for $200 on grailed

>> No.11491053

the only thing really off about these is the price. the rest is


>> No.11491164

I have the choice to cop any CPs I want, which one should I take and should I even cop some?

>> No.11491168

No, you shouldn't.

>> No.11491176

Seriously? You can't admit that CPs have a heave memey atmosphere around them?

Imagine if you saw someone irl wearing CPs. You would instantly associate that person with online forums and such. Wearing CPs is like walking around with a badge that says "I browse internet fashion forums". Whether or not this is a bad thing is opinion, but that shouldn't be confused with the fact of the assumption.

You should take the money you were gonna spend on CPs and spend it on.... actually, nevermind. There's no hope left.

>> No.11491184

Yeah but the only people who know what common projects are, are other fashion forum readers. They are a respected shoe and it's not like you see them 24/7 besides you see Stans and White ones way more, if you have any other color of commons expect white it'll come across as someone with an interest in fashion white is just like you read a book called "how to fashion"

>> No.11491242

>wew--so glad i dint cop my achilles in the white colorway. gotta flex as someone with an interest in fashion

Sadly, I don't think the color of the shoe makes a significant impact on its reputation.

If you go to a runway show and ask around what people THERE think about CP, you will not like what you hear.

The only people who care about CP is teenage /r/streetwear-tier kids.

>> No.11491247

They have a "memey" atmosphere to you because you spend your whole fucking life on the internet.

No one gives a shit about your little online bitch fights and most people who don't feel threatened by r/mfa are going to see them as what they are, basic ass sneakers.

>> No.11491252


cuz im not poor

>> No.11491271

At the end of the day, people are going to buy what they like, or what they think think will make them look cool/hip/trendy
I personally agree with you and the other posters with the same opinion as you, the problem with things like this is it's just blinded fan boys vs everyone else.

>> No.11491280

OK, money bags crabs

look at franalations
dude is fucking clown

>> No.11491348

The thing is I have contacts that could get me some for 150$-175$ cad , is it still not worth it?

>> No.11491607

get them, for that price it is a very good buy.
dont listen to these people lmao
everything on /fa/ is negative, talking shit about every brand and clothing article and no one is coming with anything constructive. like in this thread, if you dont like CPs what should you get instead? i say go for cps cause they're clean, you cant go wrong with them

>> No.11492334

I still dont know which one to cop tho

>> No.11492467

I have offered nothing but construction. I opened this thread with multiple specific reasons as to why they're shit.

You probably just tuned it out because it wasn't what you wanted to hear.

Wanna know how I can tell you're underage?

>> No.11492477

>if you don't like CPs what should you get instead
>I still dont know which one to cop tho

This is the exact reason why CP is shit. It's fanbase is completely composed of people who cant think for themselves.

None of you people can think for yourselves. You have to be spoonfed and told by other internet nerds what to wear. It creates a feedback loop of memes and shit, which is why this board is in it's current state.

Why not offer something new to the board instead of posting about the same articles of clothing?

>> No.11492495

Tbh who gives a shit and why?

and me lol

>> No.11492500

you seem like the type of person who dresses solely for other people, or to impress people

AKA youre insecure and got offended at this post because you own a pair and cant admit to yourself that youre unoriginal because youre trying so hard to be special by reading "muh internet fashun"

>> No.11492511

Exactly. You are an /r/streetwear

>Childish manner of disapproval - "who gives a shit"
>Contradictions - "oh wait actually I do"

>> No.11492516

if all they are is basic ass sneakers then whats the point of paying over 50$ for them.

desu admitting ur a follower for spending 50$ on cp and the other 150$ on reputation

>> No.11492526

garment projects

>> No.11492530


>internet fashion

a few years ago every clothing brand had their models wearing CPAL in white, the ones that haven't made their own knock off by now still are.

It's a well made, nice looking basic shoe that doesn't scream ostentatious or gaudy, it goes well with most fits and gives a clean appearance, the leather is also good quality and ages nicely. I'm sorry that someone didn't like your weird exchange student looking Balenciagas or your platform Ricks but it's an elegant shoe.

And to answer your qualms about it's design,I agree that the retros like in the OP are memey Stan Smith bandwagon bullshit, but the original achilles and their other shoes have a nice design that is well proportioned.

If you have qualms about the price, then just know that sneakers of this price point in general are not for you. If you need to save a lot of money to buy non essential items such as designer clothing then you simply don't have the realistic means to afford them and your money should be spent on improving your situation in such a manner that buying a $300/£250 is what buy a £40 is to the average person.

>> No.11492537

cop whichever one you like the most, or whichever is more versatile within your wardrobe.

just like buying anything.

>> No.11492542
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Speaking of meme shoes, I'm in Berlin for a few days-- anyone know where I can cop some GATs?

>> No.11492543

do you own a pair?

>> No.11492547
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I'll drop this here so people who can't think for themselves can be spoon fed some more

>> No.11492549


Black CPAM

>> No.11492558
File: 298 KB, 680x1024, model-walks-the-runway-at-the-moschino-spring-summer-2015-fashion-picture-id450726398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because models wear them, or companies are making knock-offs, doesn't particularly mean they are well designed or a good shoe.

Buying them BECAUSE models wear them is the same thing as buying them because some other nerd told you to

Fashion companies do not have the primary interest of making ""good"" clothes. They want to make money.

Pic related.

>> No.11492561

ha, figures. i was getting some intense fuccboi vibes just by reading your post i thought you were actually being serious for a second.

i should've known to disregard youre opinion from the start

>> No.11492588

>actually looking for an answer to your question and not just shit posting.

This applies to pretty much any popular expensive fashion item. people want to look a specific way and have the money to afford it, some are also just brand whores. this is not a hard concept to understand you fucking poor retard.

Just don't buy them

>> No.11492599


>Just because models wear them, or companies are making knock-offs, doesn't particularly mean they are well designed or a good shoe.

You're misreading the argument.

The notion that it's a meme internet shoe is a false one, as is evidenced by the proliferation of the design in the fashion industry and the widespread copying.

It's a good shoe because it is simple, well made, nice to look at and elegant. Someone who is looking for these qualities in a shoe can find them here, if you personally do not look for these qualities in a shoe as it does not fit your personal style, then so be it, it's still a very good choice for a variety of other styles.

Furthermore, if you suggest that the brand is obsolete because there are other alternatives offering similar designs then that's fine for you. some people have no problem buying the Zara (or insert other high street brand) knock off of whatever design it is that they like, or wearing a submariner style watch instead of an actual submariner. More power to them, they have made the choice to spring after a certain look but on their own terms. Other people would rather not do this and have the original, this does not make the original design or the people buying it any lesser.

>> No.11492608

I can't find a similar sneaker that has the
slim-ness to my liking.

>> No.11492613

mil-tec if you're broke
margielas if you're not

>> No.11492617


There is literally no logic here

Why would owning a pair make anything I said less valid? I held the same opinion before I bought them, hence buying them.



idk where you're getting that vibe, I'm not about that streetwear Kanye west bullshit.

So do you have any actual arguments or counterpoints or are you just gonna keep on spewing generic 4chan insults and inevitably call me autistic like some weirdo shut in that spends their life on here?

>> No.11492631

>uses the ugliest silhouettes of cps to make a point
fuck off faggot everyone know the ORIGINAL achilles silhouette is god tier

>> No.11492637

it's a basic ass white shoe shut the fuck up. stop being such a faggot in poverty. the only ones that are cancer to /fa/ are the idiots getting triggered over people liking what they don't like. fuck off.

>> No.11492652

bought one recently. pretty expensive and also very tight on the foot.. maybe because i need to break it yet. good shoe though

>> No.11492656

Nice dubs!

But it seems I did misread the argument. However, I have to stand by the fact that it is a "internet meme shoe".

My previous argument can be altered to suggest that just because they are used in the fashion industry, does not prove that they aren't a "internet meme shoe".

For example, look at how many cucks we see in WAYWT that dress poorly and have CPs. There is clearly a difference between his execution and the execution of a runway model, however the shoe does not gain reputation from runway, it gains reputation from civilians.

Look at Kanye West's line, it inspired many runways and looks (albeit inspired itself from some certain runways COUGH COUGH RAF COUGH) but that does not generalize the fact that it has a cult following of internet memes fuccbois and idiots.

>> No.11492661

>underage b& poorfag assblasted his parents won't buy him a pair
Parents of /fa/: don't let your kids get this mad. Just buy them a pair of decent sneaks every so often so they don't feel so inadequate and upset

>> No.11492678

I'm 27 and rich off my daddy's inheritance.

>> No.11492690
File: 170 KB, 320x323, buggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling this hard for obvious bait

this board is hopeless

>> No.11492694


>> No.11492728
File: 42 KB, 500x333, london fashion week fw15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>For example, look at how many cucks we see in WAYWT that dress poorly and have CPs. There is clearly a difference between his execution and the execution of a runway model, however the shoe does not gain reputation from runway, it gains reputation from civilians.

I wouldn't take /fa/ as a reliable sample for anything due to how small a portion of the CP market it represents. The vast majority of fits in WAYWT threads are awful, this has nothing to do with the shoe itself, but to do with the fact that you're on 4chan, a website that is in general frequented by people who like anime and memes, boards like /fa/ are simply sub boards for the larger ones.

I live in London so CPs aren't exactly a crazy thing for me to witness, nor are they very common. By en large the people I see wearing them are dressed well, in a variety of styles, some of which are very similar to my own and are markedly different to what you see on the board. At the end of the day it's a clean basic sneaker, it doesn't represent anything in specific in terms of style (except of course a form of minimalism) and thus it can be and is styled in a variety of ways. The perception of them in the real world so to speak is different to the one that we have here. There exists a whole world of fashion and fashionable people outside of boards like /fa, sufu and all the other shit that's out there.

>> No.11492819

Did you read any of my other posts? I literally said the only thing really off about them is the price. This is why I only wear the so-called "alternatives" which are a fraction of the price at the same quality.

What's retarded is when people like you get so offended because you have some imaginary internet cred to defend.

You seem like the type of person who constantly feels the need to differentiate yourself from the "plebs" to support your fragile little ego. If you didn't feel threatened by some random fashion outgroup of internet nerds you wouldn't have anything to say about some basic ass leather sneakers.

>trying so hard to be special by reading "muh internet fashun"
>says the guy getting so offended by internet forum hype
Do you not see the irony of your post? You are the only one trying to be special here.

>> No.11492849

>you are
>no you are
>no you are
>you are


>> No.11492868

First day on 4chan, huh? The only way to respond to empty ad homs is with ad homs.

>> No.11492925

these threads always boil down to accusations that

>cp owners are dressed-by-internet fools who have a vested interest in justifying their purchase (wasted money)

>non cp owners are meme-obsessed bitters who have a vested interest in convincing themselves the shoes are not worth the price (don't have the money to waste)

somewhere in between this is the truth. all you can do is make decisions based on what you like and what you need and how the shoes (or other clothes) make you feel.

they are basic.
they are internet memes.
they are not poorly made.
they are overpriced (welcome to fashion).
no one in the real world will think twice about what shoes you have on your feet.
they are not status symbols.
if there's something about them you prefer to the alternatives, wear them.
if you prefer the alternatives, wear them.

>> No.11493162

amazing how many """rich""" people one meets on anonymous internet sites
dad pls go

>> No.11493175
File: 304 KB, 1014x1332, cps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of poor people in this thread I've noticed

>> No.11493182

get a load of richie rich up in this bitch, fellahs

>> No.11493191


>buying 2nd-hand shoes

>> No.11493209

Saw lots in a thrift shop near S Warschauer Straße, do some googling to find the ones near there and check em out.

>> No.11493211

I always wonder if this picture is bait or not, because buying shoes with the sole intention of impressing random strangers who happen to frequent the same website is about the most autistic thing one can do.

>> No.11493230

>I always wonder if this picture is bait or not

>> No.11494853

I have a pair and I love them. They are a basic shoe, you can't infer anything about a person wearing them... If you try to flex in them you're probably a poorfag or babbys first "designer piece".

Out of all my designer sneaks, my CPs garner the most compliments from normies granted I never tell them how much I paid

>> No.11495339

trendy army store near schlesisches tor (it's literally called that)
mauerpark on sundays

and a million other places

>> No.11495711

Frankly the fa obsession with sneakers in general is retarded to me. The fact that companies have managed to convince people that sneakers can be high end is miraculous to me.

>> No.11495714

Isn't that in turkberg?

>> No.11495861

they are fucking shit

literally nu-male the shoe

who even wears them lmao

>> No.11495884

god i just cant stop sucking all these cocks

they are delicious