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11478313 No.11478313 [Reply] [Original]

How can vegans wear clothes properly? The only thing they can wear is clothing derived from cotton or silk.

>> No.11478321

wouldn't it be ok if you just bought all your leather secondhand? at least you wouldn't be supporting the leather industry

>> No.11478322


you almost had me

>> No.11478324

What? Silk isn't from animals, is it?

>> No.11478328

But you would be supporting the clothing industry, wherein the leather industry resides.

>> No.11478365


>> No.11478371

It's literally worm shit.

>> No.11478377


Oh shit, I just realized how fucking retarded I am. And I literally just remembered that even fucking spiders make silk.

>> No.11478397

>The only thing they can wear is clothing derived from cotton

because that's not 90% of clothing right...

Now the fact that many clothes are made in conditions worse than the animals they protest live in though, that should bear thinking about

>> No.11478404

do synthetics not real or somethiong?

>> No.11478406

cotton, viscose, linen, flax
bummer if you want warm clothes though, guess you'd have to go synthetic

>> No.11478423

Part of being vegan is working against the perpetual normalization of deceased animals being used as fashion accessories.

I'm vegan and I get complimented on my fits all of the time. Like another poster said, most clothing is made out of cotton anyway so it's really not a big deal.

If anyone tries to attack me for posting this, my reason for being vegan is that I don't believe in using or exploiting animals in any way. Nothing you say will ever change that.

>> No.11478426

posting in the stupidest thread on this shitty ass board. wtf happened.

>> No.11478439

>against exploiting animals
>buys sweatshop clothes


>> No.11478448

The adhesive holding together your sneakers, that's an animal product.

>> No.11478479

not even that guy, but you do stop doing all the good you can because bad stuff is still happening? that's idiotic, you do what you can. also there are definitely vegan clothes made in first world countries, it's just expensive af.
not in vegan sneakers

>> No.11478495

I thrift nearly all of my clothing. Stay ignorant.
My shoes are 100% vegan actually, nice try though. Regardless, veganism is about minimizing cruelty and exploitation. People like you think that because one minute, infinitesimal aspect of your life isn't vegan, that you need to give up completely and return to a life dedicated to blind hedonism. You are pathetic.

>> No.11478540

How do vegans feel about wool?

I'm pretty sure if those breeds of sheep do not get sheared they would probably die from sanitation-related complications.

>> No.11478587

Sheep have been selectively bred throughout the years to produce more wool. In some cases, if sheep are not sheared, they may die from certain complications. However, sheep are not currently sheared out of compassion or empathy for the animal, but rather for selfish capitalistic gain. The conventional understanding of sheep being humanely treated or even relieved with having their wool sheared couldn't be further from the truth. Sheep are subjected to horrible, tortuous conditions on mass producing ranches. I don't care about how your uncle Jim-bob treated his sheep on his farm in Kentucky, because in reality, this is the cruel fate of the vast majority of sheep around the world. PETA has a somewhat deservedly tarnished reputation, but the video they produced on the reality of sheep farming is horrifyingly eye opening. http://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/whats-wrong-with-wearing-wool/

>> No.11478594

>trusting any information PETA produces

>> No.11478625

Reality speaks for itself. The video was objectively presented. What is your point exactly? How does the association with PETA discredit concrete fact? Is it because you don't want to accept the reality that you are a crucial cog in the greatest mass murder plot ever known to this planet? Please elaborate because you clearly seem to know what you're talking about.

>> No.11478638

Animals are delicious.
But vegan girls are great in bed.

I am torn.

Anyway. The best thing to do is go DIY, I can't fathom any other way to be completely vegan and still look stylish, at best if you're a guy you're going to look like one of those greenpeace pamphlet guys.

>> No.11478667


>> No.11478670

>killing animals for food
yeah, just stop now

>> No.11478680

> not murder


>> No.11478773

murder (n)
-the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

>> No.11478776
File: 45 KB, 409x344, vegan btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


daily reminder most synthetics require animal products to produce

>> No.11478797

verb (used with object)
to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously.

l2real dictionary

>> No.11478799

That's a legal definition.

Under that definition, murder does not exist in a lawless state
Most definitions use 'person' instead of 'human' and society is moving towards granting rights to non-humans.

>If I can't be perfect, I'll be shit

>> No.11478803

Your argument is that other animals, cognizant, emotional, living beings, are merely toys for our manipulation. That any injustice against a human being, an animal by definition, is rendered moot when committed against any other species. This is really your argument in support of routinely killing, raping, and torturing billions of loving, feeling, thinking animals? It genuinely feels surreal that there are people in this world as sick and demented as you.

>> No.11478809

t. peta board member

>> No.11478820

Peta is a problematic organization but at least they're trying to advocate for defenseless beings subjected to the will of such an exploitative and gruesome species as humanity.

We must be the Devil in the eyes of animals.

>> No.11478826

I wear cotton. It's hard finding some things, belts, nice shoes, jackets etc but you make do with what's available

the only reason the sheep exist is becuase people make them for more wool, it's not the act of shearing itself so much as the entire industry its the same as the 'cows like to be milked' thing. Ok if you happened to have a cow that was pregnant and needed milking that in itself is not bad its that you breed cows, impregnate them kill their kids and thats why they need to be milked in the first place.

>> No.11478842



>> No.11478843
File: 10 KB, 345x248, water_footprint_tshirt_345x248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


daily reminder 1000 litres of water to grow the cotton for your shirt

>> No.11478859
File: 29 KB, 450x264, s1.reutersmedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


daily reminder its impossible to know the labour practises used to make textiles/clothing/ect

>> No.11478862
File: 47 KB, 1902x2179, evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for adding this. Not only should vegans be concerned with how unregulated animal agriculture affects livelihood and wellbeing of animals, but we should also be concerned with how it affects the planet and its resources as a whole. This is why many vegans thrift or go second hand for their clothing. Thank you for helping the cause.

>> No.11478873
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This is patently false. When you support local thrift stores not only do you know that you aren't directly contributing to the exploitation of workers, rather, you can know that often many thrift stores such as goodwill sponsor various welfare programs for their staff as well as in conjunction with other charitable organizations. In addition, there are countless vegan clothing suppliers with intensely transparent manufacturing standards that are readily accessible without delay. I suggest you spend less time and money at your local H&M and Zara outlets. Also, it sounds as if you're putting forth a narcissistic approach to this issue, and frankly, no one cares if aren't going to contribute anything meaningful.

>> No.11478891
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Sleeping now so I can wake up and see my qt + /fa/ vegan gf in the morning :')
I'd be happy to answer any more of your questions tomorrow!

>> No.11478926
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daily reminder "non profits" like goodwill pay millions of dollars to their executives

>> No.11478943

veganism is the most bourgeois thing ever

>> No.11479569
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>> No.11479582

Do you support animals exploiting other animals?

>> No.11479585

>feeling guilty for being at the top of the food chain.


>> No.11479629

250 lbs is a lot of beef. Good to know there's a shit ton of land out there, so I can have tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, AND beef.

Man I love me some good beef stew.

>> No.11479633

sup reddit

>> No.11479672

you realise that people in developing countries can't usually afford meat and that veganism is just their way of life anyway?

>> No.11480034


>> No.11480161

daily reminder that because your original argument was entirely baseless you're now trying to deflect into something else

>> No.11480169

This is a testament to how ignorant you are and how little you have to add about the subject
No but I accept that in some ecosystems it's in their nature. However, and this is a cemented scientific fact, human beings are HERBIVORES. We have evolved to be herbivores and many of the illnesses associated with consuming animal products are the result of an unnatural diet.
Try to fight a lion with your bare hands and see who comes out on top.
You can't attack my argument so you attack my character. This really is summer.

>> No.11480660

>this is a cemented scientific fact, human beings are HERBIVORES. We have evolved to be herbivores
>omnivore teeth
>omnivore bowels
>hurr durr herbivore

>Try to fight a lion with your bare hands and see who comes out on top.
Humans have evolved the brains to make weapons, why shouldn't I be allowed to use them? Being on top of the food chain isn't about sheer muscle power.

t. vegetarian

>> No.11481805

Hippos have the largest canines in the animal kingdom and they are herbivorous. Conflating the minuscule incisors that humans have to that of say, a lion, shows how little you know about this subject.

By your logic the weapon, not the human, is on top of the food chain. If you look at the food chain from a mechanical, physiological perspective, a natural, realistic perspective, then you would finally understand why humans are in actuality ranked so low.

t. you are welcome

>> No.11481851

>However, and this is a cemented scientific fact, human beings are HERBIVORES. We have evolved to be herbivores and many of the illnesses associated with consuming animal products are the result of an unnatural diet.

Yeah, like grains.

Hunter-gatherers had diets which primarily consisted of red meat for hundreds of thousands of years and never suffered from such illnesses. The vegan diet is far more unnatural than eating meat.

>> No.11482500
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daily reminder 95% of cotton is gmo crop

>> No.11482555

Your argument is fine if we were cavemen, but we aren't. We have alternate food sources now. Your Darwinian argument doesn't mean shit.

>> No.11482719

This is clearly bait but I'll still bite. The consumption of meat by an herbivore does not instantly alter the inherent mechanical, neurochemical, and biological makeup of an organism. Evolutionary ancestors of human beings, as well as our primate cousins, are almost exclusively herbivorous in their natural habitats. It is absolutely ludicrous to suggest that our hunter-gatherer ancestors who first began consuming meat during the iceage, sustaining life in an environment that was wholly unnatural to them, were not afflicted with similar diseases nearly exclusively known to meat eaters today.
>never suffered from such illnesses
Archaeology and woefully simple understanding of human evolutionary biology will succinctly and pitifully prove you wrong buddy. You are so desperately grasping for straws to sickly rationalize your alien and barbaric lifestyle. A meaningful dose of self-introspection would serve you well.